陈玉福  男  博导  数学科学学院
电子邮件: yfchen@ucas.ac.cn
通信地址: 石景山区玉泉路十九号(甲)
邮政编码: 100049




应用数学 硕士/博士 研究生 



1999-09--2001-06   数学与系统科学研究院   博士后
1996-09--1999-09   大连理工大学   博士生

-- 博士研究生 ,大连理工大学,应用数学专业,计算机代数方向

-- 博士  大连理工大学,应用数学专业,计算机代数方向,1999年获博士学位


2001.7-                中国科学院研究生院,教授

2001-07~现在, 中国科学院研究生院, 教授
1982-01~1999-08,渤海大学, 讲师、副教授






计算机代数讲义   高教出版社,2009年。

计算机代数,   科学出版社,2020年。

高等代数,    高等教育出版社,2021年.

(1) 动力系统中心焦点的判定方法, A Method to Distinguishing Between the Center and the Focus, 系统科学与数学, 2017, 第 2 作者
(2) 判断有理系数多项式方程是否具有实数解的初等方法, 中国科学院大学学报, 2016, 第 1 作者
(3) 有限域上一类方程组的解数公式, The number of solutions to a class of equation systems over finite fields, 中国科学. 数学, 2016, 第 2 作者
(4) Group analysis and nonlinear self-adjointness for a generalized breaking soliton equation. Reports on Mathematical Physics, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 2015, 第 1 作者
(5) 有限域上某些方程的解数公式, The number of solutions of some equations over finite fields, JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITY OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2015, 第 2 作者
(6) Conservation laws of the generalized short pulse equation, CHINESE PHYSICS B, 2015, 第 2 作者
(7) Hamming约束集的计数问题, The cardinalities of some certain Hamming constraint sets, JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITY OF CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2015, 第 2 作者
(8) Constructing 2m-variables Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity based on polar decompositon of F*, J.of Foundations of Computer Science, 2014, 第 1 作者
(9) Constructing 2m-variables Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity based on polar decomposition of F*, I.J.of Foudational Computer Science., 2014, 第 1 作者
(10) Symplectic algorithm for solving Hamiltonian systems of the water-vave problem under ong-wave approximation, J.of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013, 第 1 作者
(11) 求解长波近似水波问题Hamilton系统的辛算法, Journal of Computational Physics, 2013, 第 1 作者
(12) Comparison of approximate symmetry and approximate homotopy symmetry to the Cahn-Hilliard equation, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2013, 第 3 作者
(13) 单摆震动的辛算法模拟, Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013, 第 1 作者
(14) Parametrization of rational developable surface using the mu-basis, J.of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012, 第 1 作者
(15) Classification and approximate solutions to perturbed diffusion-convetion equations, Applied Mathematics and Comptation, 2012, 第 1 作者
(16) Finding the topology of implicitly defined two algebraic plane curves, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY, 2012, 第 2 作者
(17) A compatative study of approximate symmetry and approximate homotopy to a class of perturbed nonlinear wave equations, Nonlinea Analysis, 2011, 第 1 作者
(18) Second-order approximate symmetry clasification and optimal system of a class of perturbed nonlinear wave equations, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 2011, 第 1 作者
(19) A co-homology method for computing compact semi-algebraic sets, J.of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2010, 
(20) Classical and nonclassical symmetries analysis for initial value problems, PHYSICS LETTERS A, 2010, 第 2 作者
(22) A new method to obtain approximate symmetry of nonlinear evolution equation from perturbations, A new method to obtain approximate symmetry of nonlinear evolution equation from perturbations, 中国物理:英文版, 2009, 第 3 作者
(23) Conservation Laws of a Class of Combined Equations, Conservation Laws of a Class of Combined Equations, 理论物理通讯:英文版, 2009, 第 3 作者
(24) Classification and Approximate Solutions to a Class of Perturbed Nonlinear Wave Equations, COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS, 2009, 第 2 作者
(25) Lifting algorithms for Groebner basis computation of invariant ideals, , J. Graduate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009, 
(26) Symmetry Classifications For A Class of Combined Equations, 2008, 
(27) Pseudo-differential Operators and Generalized Lax Equations in Symbolic Computation, Pseudo-differential Operators and Generalized Lax Equations in Symbolic Computation, 理论物理通讯:英文版, 2008, 第 2 作者
(28) A decoherent limit of fault-tolerant quantum computation driven by coherent fields, QUANTUM OPTICS, OPTICAL DATA STORAGE, AND ADVANCED MICROLITHOGRAPHY, 2008, 第 2 作者
(29) 求解Hamilton约束的新算法, A NEW ALGORITHM FOR SOLVING HAMILTONIAN CONSTRAINS, 系统科学与数学, 2008, 第 2 作者
(30) Mixed moving finite element method, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, 2008, 第 2 作者
(31) On two approaches of finding exact solusions of nonlinear evolution equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 第 1 作者
(32) Border Bases of Positive Dimensional Symblic-Numeric computation, Proc. of the 2007 International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric computation, 2007, 第 1 作者
(33) 有限元中的补偿算法, 数值分析与计算机应用, 2007, 第 1 作者



与 IDG公司合作,承担项目:高速骨干网关键技术研究,团队提出了”信息路由交换软件“,获得两项专利;


参加2000年在圣彼得堡举办的“计算机与数学及其应用”研讨会,并做报告:Involutive Directions and New          Involutive Divisions;

参加国际会议"International Workshop on Symbolic - Numeric Computation",并做报告:Border Bases of Positive  Dimensional Polinomial Ideals;

高访 The University of Western Ontario,  并做学术交流活动。

两次参加在中国举办的国际会议"International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation";


( 1 ) 微分动力系统的数值与符号混合计算, 负责人, 国家任务, 2013-01--2016-12





孟晓辉  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

贾屹峰  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

陈波  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

雍雪林  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

赵圣捷  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

尹军伟  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

吴杰  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

张智勇  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

陈晓华  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

高犇  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

刘成保  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

郑嘉  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

王成龙  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

宋佳  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

王蒙  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

郭嘉宾  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

郅俊海  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

郭来刚  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  

郭美君  硕士研究生  070104-应用数学  

张晓晶  博士研究生  070104-应用数学  


[1]  Xiaojing Zhang, Yufu Chen: A strongly Consistent Difference Scheme for 3D Nonlinear Navier-Stokes Equations. J. Syst Sci Complex, Vol.33, 2020.

[2]  Laigang Guo, Pei Yu, Yufu Chen: Identifying weak focus and center in a convection model. Applied Mathematics letters, 2020.

[3]  Laigang Guo, Pei Yu, Yufu Chen: Bifurcation analysis on a class of three dimentional quadratic system with twelve limit cycles. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019.

[4]  Laigang Guo,Pei Yu, Yufu Chen: Twelve limit cycles in 3D quadratic vector fields with Z3 symmetry. I.J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2018

[5]  Yusen Wu, Laigang Guo, Yufu Chen: Hopf Bifurcation of Z2-Equivariant Generalized Liénard Systems. Int.J.of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol.28(6), 2018, pp. 128-142

[6]  Laigang Guo, Pei Yu, Yufu Chen: Bifurcation analysis on a class of Z2-equivariant cubic switching systems showing eighteen limit cycles. J. of Differential Equations, Vol.266(2), 2019, pp.1121-1244,

[7]  Laigang Guo, Yufu Chen: System stability analysis via a perturbation technique. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, Vol.57, 2018,

pp. 111-124. Sci.

[8]  Guo Laigang, Chen Yufu: Study on stability of systems with forced term. J. of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol.34(3),2017, pp. 23-30.

[9]  ZHI Junhai, CHEN Yufu, A method to distinguishing between the center and the focus. J.Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis. 2017

[10]         Song Jia, Chen Yufu, 有限域上一类方程的解数公式,中国科学:数学,Vol.46(12), 2016, pp. 1815-1825.

[11]         Wang Meng, Chen Yufu, 判断有理系数多项式方程是否存在实数解的初等方法,J. of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol.33(1),2016, pp. 23-30.

[12]         Zhang Zhi-Yong, Zhang Wan-Min, Chen Yu-Fu: A new mothod to find series solutions of a nonlinear wave equation. Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol.57(2016),pp.20-24.

[13]         Zhang Zhi-Yong, Chen Yu-Fu, Determination of approximate nonlinear self-adjointness and approximate conservation law. IMA J.of Applied Mathematics. Vol.80(3), (2015)pp.728-746.

[14]         Song Jia, Chen Yufu, The cardilalities of some certain Hamming constraint sets. J. of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol.32(6),2015, pp. 721-727.

[15]         Song Jia, Chen Yufu The number of solutions of some equations over finite fields. J. of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol.32(5),2015, pp. 577-584.

[16]         Zheng Jia, Wu Baofeng, Zeros of compositions of the trace function and some special classes of polylnomials over a finite field. J. of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol.32(1),2015, pp. 9-12.

[17]         Zhiyong Zhang, Yufu Chen, Group Analysis and Nonlinear Self-Adjointness for a Generalized Breaking Soliton Equation. Reports on Mathematical Physics, Vol.75, 2015, pp.85-100

[18]         Zhang Zhi-Yong, Chen Yu-fu, Conservation laws of the generalized short pulse equation, Cin.Phys.B. Vol.24(2),(2015) 020-021, 1-4.

[19]         王成龙,陈玉福,有限域上多项式方程组的三角列算法,J. of University of Chinese Academy  of Sciences. Vol.31(6), 2014, pp. 721-730

[20]         JIA ZHENG, BAOFENG WU,YUFU CHEN,ZHUOJUN LIU, Constructing 2m-variables Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity based on polar decomposition of F*. I. J. of Foundations of Computer Science. Vol.25, No.05,2014, pp. 537-551.

[21]         Gao,Ben; Zhang,Zhiyong; Chen,Yufu: Type II hidden symmetry and nonlinear self-adjointness of Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equation. Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, Vol.19(1), 2014,pp 29-36. Sci.

[22]         LIU Cheng-Bao, CHEN Yu-Fu, Symplectic algorithm for solving Hamiltonian systems of the water-vave problem under long-wvae approximation, J. of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol.30(5),2013, pp. 577-584.

[23]         Zhi-Yong Zhang, Xue-Lin Yong, Yu-Fu Chen, Comparison of approximate symmetry and approximate homotopic symmetry of the Cahn-Hilliard equation. J.of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 237(2013), pp.197-207.

[24]         Zhi-Yong Zhang, Xue-Lin Yong, Yu-Fu Chen, Classification and approximate solutions to perturbed diffusion-convection equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219(2012), pp. 1120-1124.

[25]         LIU Cheng-Bao, CHEN Yu-Fu, Simulation of oscillation of simple pendulum by symplectic algorithm, J. of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Vol.29(6), 2012, pp. 721-730.

[26]         Ben GAO, Yufu CHEN, Finding the topology of implicitly defined two algebraic plane curves. J. of Systems Science & Complexity, No.2, 2012, pp.363-374.

[27]         Chen Xiaohua, Chen Yufu, Parametrization of rational developable surface using the mu-basis, J. of Graduate University of Chinese Academy  of Sciences. Vol.29(3), 2012, pp. 289-293.

[28]         Zhiyong Zhang, Gao Ben, Chen Yufu, Second order approximate symmetry classification and optimal system of a class of perturbed nonlinear wave equations. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat. 16(2011), 2709-2719.

[29]         Zhiyong Zhang, Yufu Chen, A comparative study of approximate symmetry  and approximate homotopic symmetry to a class of perturbed nonlinear wave equations. Nonlinear Analysis, 74(2011), 4300~4318.

[30]         Gao Ben|Chen, Yufu| Zhang, Zhiyong, A cohomology method for computing compact semi-algebraic sets, J.of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 27(6), 838~845, 2010.

[31]         Zhang,Zhiyong|Chen, Yufu, Classical and non-classical symmetries analysis for initial value problems. Physics Letters A, 374(9), 1117~1121, 2010.

[32]         Yong,Xuelin; Zen,Xin; Zhang,Zhiyong; Chen,Yufu: Symbolic computation of Jacobi elliptic function solutions to nonlinear differential-difference equation. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol.57(7)(2009),pp 1107-1114.

[33]         Zhiyong Zhang, Yufu Chen, Conservation laws of a class of combined equations, Commun.Theor. Phys. 51(1),2009,35-38. (SCI)

[34]         Zhiyong Zhang, Yufu Chen, A new method to obtain approximate symmetry of nonlinear evolution equation from perturbations, Chin. phys. 18(7), 2009, 2629-2633. (SCI)

[35]         Zhiyong Zhang, Yufu Chen, Xuelin Yong, Classification and Approximate Solutions to a Class of Perturbed Nonlinear Wave Equations, Commun.Theor. Phys.52(5),2009,769-772. (SCI)

[36]         WU Jie, CHEN Yu-Fu, Lifting algorithms for Groebner basis computation of invariant ideals, J. Graduate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 26(6), 2009, 731-744.

[37]         JIA Yi-Feng and CHEN Yu-Fu: Pseudo-Differential Operators and Generalized Lax Equations in Symbolic Computation. Commun. Theor. Phys. 49(5), 1139~1144, 2008.

[38]         ZHANG Zhiyong, YONG Xuelin, CHEN Yufu: Symmetry Classifications For A Class of Combined Equations. J.Sys. Sci. & Math. Scis. 28(8), 2008, 905~914.

[39]         Li Yang and Yufu Chen: A Decoherent Limit of Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation Driven by Coherent Fields. Proc. Of SPIE, Vol. 6827, 1~6. (ISTP)2008.

[40]         贾屹峰,陈玉福:求解Hamilton约束的新算法。系统科学与数学,284),2008

[41]         Zhao Shengjie, Chen Yufu: Mixed moving finite element method. Applied Mathmatics and Computation, 196,381~391, 2008.

[42]         赵圣杰,陈玉福:有限元中的补偿算法。数值分析与计算机应用,281381492007

[43]         Yong Xuelin, Chen Yufu: On two approaches of finding exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations. Applied Matematics and Computation,194(1), 74~84, 2007.

[44]         Yufu Chen , Meng Xiaohui: Boder Bases of Positive Dimensional Polynomial Ideals. Proc. of the 2007 Intenational Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric computation, Edited by: Jan Verschelde & Stephen M. Watt, London, 65~71, 2007, ACM.

[45]         Yong Xuelin, Chen Yufu: Direct reductions of a partial differential systems. Applied Matematics and Computation, 183(2), 942~945, 2006.

[46]         Meng xiaohui , Chen Yufu: On completely integrable system of linear PDEs with involutive characteristic set method. J. of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 26(4), 440~455, 2006.

[47]         MENG Xiao-Hui, CHEN Yu-Fu: Analysis of the Involutive Characteristic Set Method for Algebraic PDE Systems. J. of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 23(1), 7~22, 2006.

[48]         JIA Yi-feng, CHEN Yu-fu and XU Zhi-qiang: Applications of Wu Elimination Method to Constrained Dynamics. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 27(10), 1399~1408, 2006.

[49]         贾屹峰,陈玉福:吴消元法在LagrangeHamilton方程中的应用.应用数学和力学,2710),122612342006

[50]         JIA Yi-Feng, CHEN Yu-Fu, XU Zhi-Qiang: The Application of Wu’s Method and Characteristic Set in  Lagrange Systems. J. of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 23(6), 721~728, 2006.

[51]         CHEN Yufu, GAO Xiaoshan: Involutive characteristic sets of algebraic partial differential equation systems, Science inChinaseries A, 46(4), 469~487, 2003.

[52]         陈玉福,高小山:微分多项式系统的对合特征集,中国科学(A辑),第33卷,第2期,2003年,97113

[53]         Yu-Fu Chen and Xiao-Shan Gao: Involutive direction and new involutive divisions. Computers & Mathematics with applications, 41, 945~956, 2001.

[54]         Chen Yufu, Zhang Hongqing: Nonlocal symmetries and nonlocal recursion operators. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 21(1), 103~108, 2001.

[55]         陈玉福:广义特征集与多变量维数多项式。锦州师范学院学报(自然科学版),222),7102001

[56]         陈玉福:非减次矩阵的一个充要条件。哈尔滨师范大学自然科学学报,153),39421999

[57]         陈玉福,张鸿庆:微分方程递归算子的一种推广。应用数学与力学,2011),199911431148

[58]         Chen Yufu, Zhang Hongqing: A generalization of Recursion Operators of Differential Equations. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 20(11), 1230~1236, 1999.

[59]         ZHANG Hong-qing, CHEN Yu-fu : A method of reduction over-determined differential equations. J. of Dalian University of Technology. Vol.39, No. 2, 1999, 137~143.