
LIU Qian Male Physics Department

Email: liuqian AT
​Address: 19A Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District,  Beijing 

Postcode: 100049

Research Areas

My interest lies in the experimental particle physics to understand the origin of the world by the experimental probe to the fundamental structure and their interactions of particles.


• PhD of Physics. Institution of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China. Jul. 2007.
• Master of Experimental Physics. Institution of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China. Jul. 2004.
• Bachelor of Physics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China. Jul. 2002.


Since 2002 BESIII experiment, IHEP, Beijing, China 
• Successfully built Time of Flight (TOF) monitoring system. Lead a group to install the monitoring sys-tem which is using laser diode as light source and 512 optical fibers distributing the light pulse to the TOF counters. Developed software for DAQ and data analysis.
• Working on Beam Energy Measurement experiment.
• Measured the Psi(2S) decays into γKKπ.
• Checked and calibrated BESIII TOF detector. After calibration, the average time resolution of BESIII TOF is 90 ps.
• Designed and joined the long-term test of BESIII Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) detector. 
• Beam test (aging test) for RPC using the beam of Beijing Electron/Position Collider (BEPC). Did the simulation to choose a proper test method, built a DAQ system and developed a software to analyze the data.
• Designed and built the cosmic-ray stand for RPC using multilayer ALEPH stream tube and developed associated electronics. Measure the efficiency map of all BESIII RPC detectors.
• Worked for Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) chamber cosmic-ray test for LHC CMS group.
• Join the gas electron multiplier (GEM) detector R&D.
• Measured the branching fraction of Psi(2S) decays to Tau pairs.


  • "Rayleigh scattering of linear alkylbenzene in large liquid scintillator detectors",  Rev. Sci. Instr. 2015, 86: 073310. 

  • "Densities, isobaric thermal expansion coefficients and isothermal compressibilities of linear alkylbenzene",  The Phys. Scr. 2015, 90: 055701. 
  • "Rayleigh scattering and depolarization ratio in linear alkylbenzene", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A. 2015, 795: 284.
  • "Spectroscopic study of light scattering in linear alkylbenzene for liquid scintillator neutrino detectors", The Eur. Phys. J. C. 2015, 75: 545.
  • "Study of Thick Gaseous Electron Multipliers Gain Stability and Some Influencing Factors", Chin. Phys. Letter. V31,No.03, 032901,2014.
  • "Ion Transportation Study for Thick Gas Electron Multipliers", Chin. Phys. Letter V31, No.12, 122901, 2014.
  • "A successful application of thinner-THGEMs", JINST 8, C11008, 2013.
  • "A study of thinner-THGEM, with some applications", JINST 7, C06001, 2012.
  • "Measurements of the Mass and Width of the ηusing the decay ψ(3686)γ ηc" Phys. Rev. Lett. 2012108:222002.
  • "BES3 time-of-flight monitoring system", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A. 2008, 593: 255.
  • "Quality control and database on resistive plate chambers for the BES experiment", Chin. Phys. C. V32, No.03, 2008.
  • "Test of BES RPC in the avalanche mode", Chin. Phys. C. V32, No.05, 2008.
  • "Cosmic ray test results on resistive plate chamber for the BESIII experiments", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A. 2007, 577:552.
  • "The Design and Mass Production on Resistive Plate Chambers for the BESIII Experiment", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A. 2007, 580:1250.
  • "Improved measurement of ψ(2S) decays into tau+tau-", Phys. Rev. D 2006, 74:112003.
  • "Cosmic ray test station for BESIII RPC", High Energy Physics & Nuclear Physics 2006, 30(4):4, 327.
  • "A new surface treatment for the prototype RPCs", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A. 2005, 540:102.