Chunfeng DUAN Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
Telephone: 0411-84379590
Address: No. 457 Zhongshan Road, Dalian
Postcode: 116023
Research Areas
sample preparation,Chemiluminescence, fluorescence, optical fiber sensor
2000.9 - 2004.6, University of Science and Technology of China, B. S.
2004.9 - 2009.6, University of Science and Technology of China, Ph. D
1. Chunfeng Duan, Jiamin Li, Yuanhao Zhang, Kun Ding, Xuhui Geng, Yafeng Guan*, Portable instruments for on-site analysis of environmental samples. Trands in Analytical Chemsitry, 2022, 154, 116653.
2. Nan Wang, Chunfeng Duan, Shenghong Li, Xuhui Geng, Kun Ding, Yafeng Guan*, Aqueous extraction followed by dispersive solid phase extraction with in situ derivatization for the determination of aflatoxins in traditional Chinese medicines. Journal of Chromatography A, 2020, 1618, 460894.
3. Yuxuan Li1, Ting Deng1, Chunfeng Duan*, Lanxiu Ni, Nan Wang, Yafeng Gaun*, Dispersive matrix solid-phase extraction method coupled with high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for ultrasensitive quantification of endogenous brassinosteroids in munute plants and its application for geographical distribution. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(10), 3037-3045.
4. Ting Deng, Dapeng Wu, Chunfeng Duan, Xiaohui Yan, Yan Du, Jun Zou, Yafeng Guan*, Spatial profiling of gibberellins in a single leaf based on microscale matrix solid-phase dispersion and precolumn derivatization coupled with ultraperformance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analtical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 9537-9543.
5. Ting Deng, Dapeng Wu, Chunfeng Duan, Yafeng Guan*, Ultrasenstive quantification of endogenous brassinosteroids in milligram fresh plant with a quaternary ammonium derivatization reagent by pipette-tip solid-phase extraction coupled with ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Jouranl of Chromatography A, 2016, 1456, 105-112.
6. Chunfeng Duan, Zheng Shen, Dapeng Wu, Yafeng Guan*, Recent developments in solid-phase microextraction for on-site sampling and sample preparation. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 30(10), 1568-1574.
7. Chunfeng Duan, Hua Cui. Time-tunable autocatalytic chemiluminescence initiated by Pt nanoparticles and ethanol. Chemical Communications, 2009, (18), 2574-2576.
8. Chunfeng Duan, Hua Cui, Zhifeng Zhang, Bo Liu, Jizhao Guo, Wei Wang. Size-dependent inhibition and enhancement by gold nanoparticles of luminol-ferricyanide chemiluminescence. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007, 111(12), 4561-4566.
9. Chunfeng Duan, Yuqi Yu, Hua Cui. Gold nanoparticle-based immunoassay by non-stripping chemiluminescence detection. Analyst, 2008, 133(9), 1250-1255.
10. Chunfeng Duan, Guangming Liu, Zhifeng Zhang, Hua Cui. Oscillating chemiluminescence in rhodamine B-induced Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction catalyzed by Ce(IV). Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(11), 1901-1907.
11. Ting Deng, Dapeng Wu, Chunfeng Duan, Xiaohui Yan, Yan Du, Jun Zou, and Yafeng Guan*, Spatial Profiling of Gibberellins in a Single Leaf Based on Microscale Matrix Solid-Phase Dispersion and Precolumn Derivatization Coupled with Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 9537−9543
Research Interests
Sample preparation technology such as solid phase microextraction, matrix solid phase dispersion;
Chemiluminescence and fluorescence analysis methods;
Analytical methods and devices for environmental and plant samples