电子邮件: cbchen@ips.ac.cn
通信地址: 中科院上海巴斯德研究所
邮政编码: 200031
我们课题组的主要研究方向是人类病原真菌与宿主互作分子机制研究,揭示真菌在共生 - 致病转换过程中的重要信号通路,阐明宿主识别、拮抗真菌侵袭的免疫反应新机制,发现介导宿主 - 病原相互作用动态变化的关键遗传网络。
1. 调控白色念珠菌共生-致病转换的重要信号通路
2. 真菌效应因子与宿主抗真菌免疫
3. 真菌突破宿主血脑屏障分子机制
4. 肠道与生殖道菌群如何影响真菌感染及宿主免疫
5. 新型抗真菌药物筛选及相关作用机制研究
6. 真菌耐药的表观遗传调控机制
- 2013年7月-至今 中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所,研究员,博士生导师,
- “****”获得者 (2014)
- 2011年7月-2013年6月 美国加州大学旧金山分校微生物和免疫学系,助理研究员 (UCSF, Assistant Specialist)
- 2005年7月-2011年 6月 美国加州大学旧金山分校, 博士后;从师生物化学家 Hiten D. Madhani 博士及真菌病理学家 Suzanne M. Noble 博士
- 2004年9月-2005年6月 美国内布拉斯加州立大学林肯分校植物病理系,研究助理(The University of Nebraska-Lincoln,Research Assistant)
2016-至今: 中国微生物学会分析微生物学专业委员会委员; 中国微生物学会真菌学专业委员会委员;中国真菌学杂志编委;Infectious Disease & Translational Medicine (IDTM)section editor
1. Gao, N., and Chen, C. (2016) Candida Infections: an update on host immune defenses andanti-fungal drugs. IDTM. Review.
2. Pande, K., Chen, C. and Noble, S. M. (2013) Passage through the mammalian gut triggers aphenotypic switch required for Candida albicans commensalism. Nature Genetics. 45(9):1088-91
3. Chen, C. and Noble, S. M. (2012) Post-transcriptional regulation of the Sef1 transcriptionfactor controls the virulence of Candida albicans in its mammalian host. PLOS Pathogens,8(11): e1002956.
4. Chen, C*., Pande, K*., French, S. D., Tuch, B. B. and Noble, S. M. (2011) A unique ironhomeostasis regulatory circuit with reciprocal roles in Candida albicans commensalism andpathogenesis. Cell Host & Microbe. 10(2): 118-35. (*equal contribution)
5. Dumesic, P., Natarajan, P., Chen, C., Drinnenberg, A., Schiller, B., Moresco, J., Thompson, J.,Yates, J., Bartel, D., and Madhani H. (2013) Stalled spliceosomes are a signal for RNAimediatedgenome defense. Cell: 152(5):957-968.
6. Liu, O. W., Chun, C. D., Chow, E. D., Chen, C., Madhani, H. D. and Noble, S. M. (2008)Systematic gene deletion and analysis of virulence in the human fungal pathogenCryptococcus neoformans. Cell 135(1): 174-188.
7. Chen, C. and Dickman, M. B. (2005) Proline suppresses apoptosis in the fungal pathogenColletotrichum trifolii. PNAS 102(9): 3459-3464
8. Deng Z., Ma S., Zhou H., Zang A., Fang Y., Li T., Shi H., Liu M., Du M., Taylor P., Zhu H.,Chen J., Meng G., Li F., Chen C., Zhang Y., Jia X., Lin X., Zhang X., Pearlman E., Li X.,Feng G., and Xiao H. (2015) Shp2 mediates C-type lectin receptor-induced Syk activation andanti-fungal Th17 responses. Nature Immunology. 16(6):642-52.
9. Xie X., Li F., Wang Y., Lin Z., Cheng X., Liu J., Chen C., and Pan L. (2015) Molecular basisof ubiquitin recognition by the autophagy receptor CALCOCO2. Autophagy. 11(10):1775-89.
10. Chen M., Xing Y., Lu A., Fang W., Sun B., Chen C., Liao W., and Meng G. (2015)Internalized Cryptococcus neoformans activates the canonical Caspase-1 and the noncanonicalCaspase-8 inflammasomes. J. Immunol. 195(10):4962-72.
11. Guo C, Chen M, Fa Z, Lu A, Fang W, Sun B, Chen C, Liao W, Meng G. (2014) AcapsularCryptococcus neoformans activates the NLRP3 inflammasome. Microbes Infect. 16(10):845-54.
12. Georgette, C., Chen, C., Shih, S., et al., (2011) A site specific acetylation mark on theessential RSC chromatin remodeling complexpromotes resistance to replication stress. PNAS108(26):10620-10625
13. Chen, C. and Dickman, M. B. (2005) cAMP blocks MAPK activation and sclerotialdevelopment via Rap-1 in a PKA-independent manner in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. MolecularMicrobiology 55(1): 299-311.
14. Chen, C., and Dickman, M. B. (2004) Dominant active Rac and dominant negative Rac revertthe dominant active Ras phenotype in Colletotrichum trifolii by distinct signaling pathways.Molecular Microbiolology 51: 1493-1507.
15. Chen, C., Ha, Y-S., Min, J-Y., Memmott, S. D., and Dickman, M. B.. (2006) Cdc42 isrequired for proper growth and development in the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum trifolii.Eukaryotic Cell 5(1): 155-166.
16. Scheffer, J., Chen, C., Heidrich, P., Dickman, M. B., and Tudzynski, P. (2005) A CDC42homologue in Claviceps purpurea is involved in vegetative differentiation and is essential forpathogenicity. Eukaryotic Cell 4(7): 1228-1238.
17. Chen, C., and Dickman, M. B. (2002) Colletotrichum trifolii TB3 kinase, a COT1 homolog, islight inducible and becomes localized in the nucleus during hyphal elongation. EukaryoticCell 1: 626-633.
18. Chen, C., Harel, A., Gorovoits, R., Yarden, O., and Dickman, M. B. (2004) MAPK regulationof sclerotial development in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is linked with pH and cAMP sensing.Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17: 404-413.
19. Kim, H.J., Chen, C., Kabbage, M. and Dickman, M.B. (2011) Identification andCharacterization of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum NADPH Oxidases. Applied and EnvironmentalMicrobiology 77(21):7721-9.
20. Chen, C., Wanduragala, S., Becker, D. F., and Dickman, M. B. (2006) A tomato QM-likeprotein protects Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells against oxidative stress by regulatingintracellular proline levels. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72(6): 4001-6.
Chen, C. (2016) 河南师范大学.“白色念珠菌感染及宿主抗真菌免疫应答机制”.河南新乡,11/16
Chen, C. (2016) 科学沙龙-单细胞真核生物的奥秘. “C. albicans gut infection and host immunity” . 上海,10/16
Chen, C. (2016) 第二届全国真菌感染与宿主免疫学术研讨会. “A precise pH modulation mechanism applied by Candida albicans to avoid host immune killing”. 宁波,9/16
Chen, C. (2016) 第九届中国模式真菌研讨会. “Mitochondrial complex I bridgesa connection between regulation of carbon flexibility and gastrointestinal commensalism in C. albicans” . 上海,06/16
Chen, C. (2016)第七届传染病防控基础研究与应用技术论坛. “A precise pH modulation mechanism applied by Candida albicans to avoid host immune killing”. 宁夏银川,06/16
Chen, C. (2016) 广州市第八人民医院. “胃肠道白色念珠菌感染与宿主免疫的相互作用”. 广州,04/16
Chen, C. (2016) East Meets West: Advances in gut microbiome effects on pathophysiology of human diseases, by American Physiological Society. “Gray phenotype: a novel fitness strategy forCandida albicanscommensalism in the GI tract”. 江苏扬州,03/16
Chen, C. (2015) 军事医学科学院流行病学研究所. “Immune interactions with Candida albicansin gastrointestinal tract: a two-way street”. 北京,12/15
Chen, C. (2015) 第12届海峡两岸真菌学学术研讨会. “Nmd5: an exportin acts to modulate Sef1level and prevent inappropriate Sfu1 expression in C. albicans”. 台湾台中市,11/15
Chen, C. (2015) 第八届中国模式真菌研讨会. “Carbon Source-dependent morphogenesisrequires a functional mitochondrial Complex I in Candida albicans”. 山东济南,06/13
Chen, C. (2015) 第六届传染病防控基础研究与应用技术论坛. “Host-Fungus Interplay:Pathogenesis and Host immune responses”. 吉林延吉,06/11
Chen, C. (2015) The 6th FEBS Advanced Lecture Course. “Nmd5: an exportin acts to modulateSef1 level and prevent inappropriate Sfu1 expression in C. albicans”. La Colle-sur-Loup,France,05/21
Chen, C. (2015) 中国科学院北京动物研究所. “From commensal to pathogen: Regulationcomplexity and dynamics in Candida albicans”. 北京,04/08
Chen, C. (2014) The 10th International Mycological Congress. “Post-transcriptional modification of iron-regulator Sef1 by a novel exportin”. Bangkok, Thailand,08/04
Chen, C. (2014) 第二军医大学药学院. “Post-transcriptional modification of iron-regulator Sef1by a novel exportin”. 上海,05/20
Chen, C. (2014) 福建农林大学. “Post-transcriptional modification of iron-regulator Sef1 by anovel exportin”. 福建福州,03/20
Chen, C. (2013) 中国微生物学会学术年会 (青年科学家论坛). “Iron regulation in the humanfungal pathogen Candida albicans”. 云南昆明,10/27
Chen, C. (2011) UCSF Microbial Pathogenesis Research Talk. “A unique iron homeostasisregulatory circuit with reciprocal roles in Candida albicans commensalism and pathogenesis”.UCSF, 02/2011
Chen, C. (2010) UCSF Microbial Pathogenesis Research Talk. “Histone variant H3.3 promotesmRNA accumulation by inhibiting RNAi in Cryptococcus neoformans”. UCSF, 03/2010
Chen, C. and Madhani, H.D. (2008) ICCC 7th International Conference on Cryptococcus &Cryptococcosis. “Expanding the molecular toolbox for Cryptococcus neoformans: tandem affinitytagging, biochemical complex purification, chromatin immunoprecipitation, tiling arrays andbeyond”. Nagasaki, Japan, 09/2008
Chen, C. (2005) Signal transduction pathways regulating fungal virulence and morphogenesis.The University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, 03/2005
Chen, C., and Dickman, M. B. (2005) The Redox Biology Center Retreat. “A Tomato QM- likeProtein Protects Yeast Cells From Oxidative Stress By Regulating Intracellular Proline Levels,”Nebraska City, NE, 04/2005
Chen, C., and Dickman, M. B. (2004) Plant Science Initiative Retreat. “cAMP blocks MAPKactivation and sclerotial development via Rap-1 in a PKA-independent manner in Sclerotiniasclerotiorum,” Niobrara, NE, 09/2004
Chen, C., and Dickman, M. B. (2003) 22nd Fungal Genetic Conference. “The pH- and ROSregulatedMAP kinase signal transduction pathway in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Asilomar, CA,03/2003
Chen, C., and Dickman, M. B. (2002) 1st Annual Microbiology Meeting. “Signal transductionpathways regulating growth and development of Colletotrichum trifolii,” Microbiology Initiative,University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 08/2002
何永明 硕士研究生 085238-生物工程
吴显伟 硕士研究生 071005-微生物学
毛音訸 博士研究生 071005-微生物学
王园园 博士研究生 071005-微生物学