Chen Baozhang, Professor, PhD Tutor
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS
Email: baozhang.chen@igsnrr.ac.cn
Telephone: 010-64889574
Address: A11, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100101
Research Areas
Research Interests: the interactions between atmosphere, biosphere, and human dimension in the context of climate changes.
Research approach involves the coordinated use of numerical models, remote sensing/GIS and field measurements to understand these interactions.
2008.09—2012.04 University of British Columbia,PhD
1996.09—1999.07 China University of Mining and Technology,PhD
1985.09—1988.07 Tongji University,Master
1981.09—1985.07 Changchun College of Geology(Jilin University),Bachelor
2009.06-:Professor,State Key Laboratory of Resources and Enviromental Information System,IGSNRR,CAS
2007.09-2009.06:Professor,Kwantlan Polytechnic University, Canada
2006.10-2008.06:Research Associate,British Columbia University
2004.09-2006.10:Research Associate,University of Toronto
2001.04-2004.09:Postdoctor,University of Toronto
Work Experience
Dr. Chen has been fascinated by the interactions between atmosphere, biosphere, and human dimension in the context of climate changes. His research approach involves the coordinated use of numerical models, remote sensing/GIS and field measurements to understand these interactions. He conducts research and teaching in the complex biophysical, ecohydrological, and/or bio-geochemical interactions between the land surface and the lower atmosphere at micro- and mesoscales, using multivariate non-invasive direct measurement techniques and remote sensing, modelling the spatio-temporal variability of land surface properties (e.g. vegetation, soils, soil moisture, albedo). He has been recently focusing on the development and refinement of CAS ESMAS 1.0 (Chinese Academy Sciences, Earth System Modeling and Assimilation System), key components of which including a land surface model (DLM: Dynamic Land Model), a simple 1-D atmospheric transportation model (VDS), and a carbon assimilation system (CarbonTraker-China, CAS). DLM is an updated version of EASS (Chen et al. 2007: “Remote sensing-based ecosystem-atmosphere simulation Scheme (EASS) ---- model formulation and test with multiple-year data”, Ecological Modeling), including an improved coupled nitrogen-carbon dynamics module and a vegetation dynamic model with a state-of-arts phenology module. DLM has been coupled to CESM 1.0.3 by replacing the original photosynthesis and energy flux modules with EASS-based formulations and optimizing the parameters.
74. Kayiranga A, Baozhang Chen*, Trisurat Y, Ndayisaba F, Sun S, Tuankrua V, et al. Water use efficiency based multi‐scale assessment of eco‐hydrological resilience to ecosystem shifts over the continent of Africa during 1992‐2015. J Geophys Res Biogeosciences n.d.:e2020JG005749.(中科院分区:二区,IF=3.621)
73. Guo L, Baozhang Chen*, Zhang H, Zhang Y. A new approach combining a simplified FLEXPART model and a Bayesian-RAT method for forecasting PM 10 and PM 2.5. Environ Sci Pollut Res 2020;27:2165–83.(中科院分区:三区,IF=3.00)
72. Ge M, Baozhang Chen*;Characteristics of δD and δ18O of Reclaimed Mine Soil Water Profile and Its Source Water Bodies in a Coal Mining Subsidence Area with High Groundwater Level—A Case Study from the Longdong Coal Mining Subsidence Area in Jiangsu Province, China. Water 2020;12:274. (中科院分区:三区,IF=2.544)
71. Usoltsev, V.A.; Baozhang Chen*; Shobairi, S.O.R.; Tsepordey, I.S.; Chasovskikh, V.P.; Anees, S.A. Patterns for Populus spp. Stand Biomass in Gradients of Winter Temperature and Precipitation of Eurasia. Forests 2020, 11, 906. (中科院分区:二区,IF=2.453)
70. Fei Wang, Baozhang Chen*, Xiaofeng Lina, Huifang Zhang, Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator for determining the end date of the vegetation growing season, Ecological Indicators, 109, 2020(2), 105755. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
69. Lifeng Guo, Baozhang Chen*, Huifang Zhang & Yanhu Zhang, A new approach combining a simplified FLEXPART model and a Bayesian-RAT method for forecasting PM10 and PM2.5, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019 (11), DOI 10.1007/s11356-019-06605-w. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
68. Yawen Kong, Baozhang Chen* and Simon Measho, Spatio-Temporal Consistency Evaluation of XCO2 Retrievals from GOSAT and OCO-2 Based on TCCON and Model Data for Joint Utilization in Carbon Cycle Research, Atmosphere 2019, 10, 354; doi:10.3390/atmos10070354. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
67. Guangyu Wang, Oliver Z. Ma, Liguo Wang, Anil Shrestha, Baozhang Chen, Feng Mi, Shirong Liu, Xiaomin Guo, Sarah Eshpeter, John L. Innes . Local perceptions of the conversion of cropland to forestland program in Jiangxi, Shaanxi, and Sichuan, China, Journal of Forest Research,2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11676-018-0870-8, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-018-0870-8
66. Oliver Z. Ma, Guangyu Wang, Guibin Wang, Liguo Wang, Baozhang Chen, Feng Mi, Anil Shrestha, Sarah Eshpeter, Yong Pang, Shirong Liu, Xiaomin Guo & John L. Innes, (2019) Technical efficiency analysis of the conversion of cropland to forestland program in Jiangxi, Shaanxi, and Sichuan, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2019.1620379
65. Huiyu Jin, Baozhang Chen*, Shaobo Sun, Huifang Zhang, Simon Measho, Xiaofeng Lin and Lifeng Guo, Spatially Explicit Modeling of Coupled Water and Carbon Processes Using a Distributed Ecohydrological Model in the Upper Heihe Watershed, China, Water, 2019, 11(6), 1242; https://doi.org/10.3390/w11061242 (registering DOI) - 13 June 2019. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
64. Xiaofeng Lin Baozhang Chen*, Huifang Zhang, Fei Wang, Jing Chen, Lifeng Guo and Yawen Kong,Effects of the Temporal Aggregation and Meteorological Conditions on the Parameter Robustness of OCO-2 SIF-Based and LUE-Based GPP Models for Croplands,Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(11), 1328; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18967.27042. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
63. Lu L, Chen B*, Guo L, et al. A regional data assimilation system for estimating CO surface flux from atmospheric mixing ratio observations—a case study of Xuzhou, China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019(2),DOI:10.1007/s11356-019-04246-7. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
62. Xu G, Chen B*. Generating a series of land covers by assimilating the existing land cover maps[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2019, 147: 206-214. 中科院JCR期刊分区一区
61. Measho S, Chen B*, Trisurat Y, et al. Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics as a Response to Climate Variability and Drought Patterns in the Semiarid Region, Eritrea[J]. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11(6): 724. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
60. Li L, Chen B*, Zhang Y, et al. Retrieval of Daily PM2. 5 Concentrations Using Nonlinear Methods: A Case Study of the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region, China [J]. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(12): 2006. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
59. Lijiang Lu, Baozhang Chen*, Lifeng Guo, Huifang Zhang, Yanpeng Li. A regional data assimilation system for estimating CO surface flux from atmospheric mixing ratio observations—a case study of Xuzhou, China [J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019: 1-10. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
58. Shaobo Sun, Zhaoliang Songa, Xiuchen Wub, Tiejun Wang, Yuntao Wu, Wenli Du,Tao Ched, Chunlin Huangd, Xuejun Zhang, Bo Ping, Xiaofeng Line, Pan Lie, Yaoxian Yange, Baozhang Chen*. Spatio-temporal variations in water use efficiency and its drivers in China over the last three decades, Ecological Indicators, 2018, 94(3): 292-304. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
57. Lifeng Guo, Baozhang Chen*, Huifang Zhang, Guang Xu, Lijiang Lu, Xiaofeng Lin, Yawen Kong, Fei Wang,Yanpeng Li. Improving PM2.5 Forecasting and Emission Estimation Based on the Bayesian Optimization Method and the Coupled FLEXPART-WRF Model, Atmosphere 2018, 9(11), 428; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9110428. 中科院JCR期刊分区四区
56. Xue Wang, Kun Tan, Baozhang Chen & Peijun Du (2017), Assessing the Spatiotemporal Variation and Impact Factors of Net Primary Productivity in China, Scientific RepoRts, 2017, 7:44415, DOI: 10.1038/srep44415. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
55. Yang D, Zhang H, Liu Y, Chen B. Monitoring Carbon Dioxide from Space:Retrieval Algorithm and Flux Inversion Based on GOSAT Data and Using CarbonTracker-China[J]. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2017, 34(8):965-976. 中科院JCR期刊分区四区
54. KONG Yawen, ZHANG Xiuzhi, SHENG Lifang, CHEN Baozhang, Validation and application of multi-source altimeter wave data in China’s offshore areas,Acta Oceanol. Sin., 2016, Vol. 35, No. 11, P. 86–96.
53. Shaobo Sun, Baozhang Chen*, Quanqin Shao, Jing Chen, Jiyuan Liu, Xuejun Zhang, Huifang Zhang, Xiaofeng Lin, Modeling evapotranspiration over China’s landmass from 1979-2012 using multi-land surface models: Evaluations and analyses, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2017, 18(4) ,DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0212.1,1185-120. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
52. Xiaofeng Lin, Baozhang Chen*, Jing Chen, Huifang Zhang, Shaobo Sun, Guang Xu, Lifeng Guo, Mengyu Ge, Junfeng Qu, Lijuan Li, Yawen Kong, Season al fluctuations of photosynthetic parameters for light use efficiency models and the impacts on gross primary production estimation, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017.01.19, 236: 22-35,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
51. Shaobo Sun, Baozhang Chen*, Jing Chen, Mingliang Che, Huifang Zhang, Comparison of remotely-sensed and modeled soil moisture using CLM4.0 with in situ measurements in the central Tibetan Plateau area, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2016.09.01, DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2016.06.005,129: 31-44. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
50. Shaobo Sun, Baozhang Chen*, Mengyu Ge, Junfeng Qu, Tao Che, Huifang Zhang, Xiaofeng Lin, Dawn Che, Zhou Ziyuan, Lifeng Guo, Bingyang Wang, Improvin g soil organic carbon parameterization of land surface model for cold regions in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China, Ecological Modelling, 2016.06.24, 33 0: 1-15. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
49. Baozhang Chen*, Guang Xu, Nicholas C. Coops, Philippe Ciais, Ranga B. Myneni, Satellite-observed changes in terrestrial vegetation growth trends across the Asia-Pacific region associated with land cover and climate from 1982 to 2011, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2016.05.19, 9(11): 1055-1076. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
48. Xiang Zhang, Baozhang Chen*, Hongdong Fan, Jilei Huang, Hui Zhao, Soi l Moisture Retrieval over a Semiarid Area by Means of PCA Dimensionality Reduction, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2016.04.08, 42(2): 136-144. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
47. Fei Jiang, Jing M. Chen, Lingxi Zhou, Weimin Ju, Huifang Zhang, Toshinobu Machida, Philippe Ciais, Wouter Peters, Hengmao Wang, Baozhang Chen, Lixin Liu, Chunhua Zhang, Hidekazu Matsueda, Yousuke Sawa, A comprehensive estimate of recent carbon sinks in China using both top-down and bottom-up approaches, Scientific Reports, 2016.02.29, 6. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
46 Xiang Zhang, Baozhang Chen*, Hongdong Fan, Jilei Huang, Hui Zhao, Th e Potential Use of Multi-Band SAR Data for Soil Moisture Retrieval over Bare Agricultural Areas: Heber, China, Remote Sensing, 2015.12.23, 8(1): 7-20. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
45. Xianming Dou, Baozhang Chen*, T. Andrew Black, Rachhpal S. Jassal, Mingliang Che, Impact of Nitrogen Fertilization on Forest Carbon Sequestration and Water Loss in a Chronosequence of Three Douglas-Fir Stands in the Pacific Northwest, Forests, 2015.06.01, 6(6): 1897-1921
44. Colin J Ferster, JA Tony Trofymow, Nicholas C Coops, Baozhang Chen, Thomas Andrew Black, Comparison of carbon-stock changes, eddy covariance carbon fluxes and model estimates in coastal Douglas-fir stands in British Columbia, Forest Ecosystems, 2015.05.07, 2(1): 13. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
43. Huifang Zhang, Baozhang Chen*, Guang Xu, Jianwu Yan, Mingliang Che, Jing Chen, Shifeng Fang, Xiaofeng Lin, Shaobo Sun, Comparing simulated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration with GOSAT retrievals, Science Bulletin, 2015.02.01, 60(3): 380-386. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
42. Janwu Yan, Jiyuan Liu, Baozhang Chen*, Min Feng, Shifeng Fang, Guang Xu, Huifang Zhang, Dawn Che, Wei Liang, Yunfeng Hu, W. H. Kuang, Huimin Wang, Changes in the Land Surface Energy Budget in Eastern China over the Past Three Decades: Contributions of Land-Cover Change and Climate Change, Journal of Climate, 2014.12.01, 27(24): 9233-9252. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
41. Baozhang Chen*, Huifang Zhang, Nicholas C. Coops, Dongjie Fu, Douglas E. J. Worthy, Guang Xu, T. Andy Black, Assessing scalar concentration footprint climatology and land surface impacts on tall-tower CO2 concentration measurements in the boreal forest of central Saskatchewan, Canada, Theoretical and applied climatology, 2014.10.15, 118(1-2): 115-132. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
40. Mingliang Che, Baozhang Chen*, Huifang Zhang, Shifeng Fang, Guang Xu, Xiaofeng Lin, Yuchen Wang, A New Equation for Deriving Vegetation Phenophase from Time Series of Leaf Area Index (LAI) Data, Remote Sensing, 2014.06.17, 6(6): 5650-5670. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
39. Guang Xu, Hairong Zhang , Baozhang Chen*, Huifang Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Jing Chen, Mingliang Che, Xiaofeng Lin, Xianming Dou, A Bayesian Based Method to Generate a Synergetic Land-Cover Map from Existing Land-Cover Products, Remote Sensing, 2014.06.16, 6(6): 5589-5613. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
38. H.F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen*, I. T. van der Laan-Luijkx, T. Machida, H. Matsueda, Y. Sawa, Y. Fukuyama, C. Labuschagne, R. Langenfelds, M. van der Schoot, G. Xu, J. W. Yan, L. X. Zhou, P. P. Tans, W. Peters, Estimating Asian terrestrial carbon fluxes from CONTRAIL aircraft and surface CO2 observations for the period 2006-2010, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2014.06.11, 14(11): 5807-5824,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
37. Mingliang Che, Baozhang Chen*, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Xianming Dou, Tianmo Zhou, Huifang Zhang, Jianwu Yan, Guang Xu, Hongwei Zhao, Spatial and temporal variations in the end date of the vegetationgrowing season throughout the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2011, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2014.06.01, 189-190: 81-90,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
36. Jing Chen, Huifang Zhang*, Zirui Liu, Mingliang Che, Baozhang Chen*, Evaluating parameter adjustment in MODIS gross primary production algorithm based on eddy covariance tower measurements, Remote Sensing, 2014.04.14, 6(4): 3321-3348. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
35. Guang Xu, Huifang Zhang*, Baozhang Chen*, Hairong Zhang, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Jianwu Yan, Yonghong Zheng, Zaichun Zhu, Ranga B. Myneni, Changes in Vegetation Growth Dynamics and Relations with Climate over China's Landmass from 1982 to 2011, Remote Sensing, 2014.04.01, 6(4): 3263-3283. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
34. Baozhang Chen*, Guang Xu, Nicholas C. Coops, Philippe Ciais, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Ranga B. Myneni, Tongli Wang, Judi Krzyzanowski, Qinglin Li, Lin Cao, Ying Liu, Changes in vegetation photosynthetic activity trends across the Asia-Pacific region over the last three decades, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014.03.25, 144: 28-41,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
33. H. F. Zhang, Baozhang Chen*, I. T. van der Laan−Luijkx, G. Xu, J. W. Yan, L. X. Zhou, Y. Fukuyama, P. P. Tans, W. Peters, Net terrestrial CO2 exchange over China during 2001-2010 estimated with an ensemble data assimilation system for atmospheric CO2, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2014.03.20, 119(6): 3500-3515. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
32. Dongjie Fu, Baozhang Chen*, Huifang Zhang, Juan Wang, T. Andy Black, Brian Amiro, Gil Bohrer, Paul Bolstad, Richard Coulter, Faiz Rahmani, Allison Dunn, McCaughey Harry, Tilden Meyers, Shashi Verma, Estimating landscape net ecosystem exchange at high spatial–temporal resolution based on Landsat data, an improved upscaling model framework, and eddy covariance flux measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014.02.05, 141: 90-104,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
31. Jing Chen, Baozhang Chen*, T. Andrew Black, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Gerard Kiely, Takashi Hirano, Georg Wohlfahrt, Comparison of terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates using the mass transfer and Penman-Monteith equations in land surface models, Journal of Geophysical Research, 2013.12.13, 118(4): 1715-1731. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
30. Dongjie Fu, Baozhang Chen*, Juan Wang, Xiaolin Zhu, Thomas Hilker, An Improved Image Fusion Approach Based on Enhanced Spatial and Temporal the Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model, Remote Sensing, 2013.12.01, 5(12): 6346-6360. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
29. Jianwu Yan, Baozhang Chen*, Min Feng, John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang, Shifeng Fang, Guang Xu, Huifang Zhang, Dongjie Fu, Huimin Wang, Guirui Yu, Xiaomin Sun, Research on Land Surface Thermal-Hydrologic Exchange in Southern China under Future Climate and Land Cover Scenarios, Advances in Meteorology, 2013.01.01, 2013: 1-12
28. Baozhang Chen*, Nicholas C. Coops, Dongjie Fu, Hank A. Margoli, Brian .Amiro, Alan G. Barr, T. Andrew Black, M. Altaf Arain, Charles P.-A. Bourque, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Peter M. Lafleur, J. Harry McCaughey, Steven C. Wofsy, Characterizing spatial representativeness of flux tower eddy-covariance measurements across the Canadian Carbon Program Network using remote sensing and footprint analysis, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012.06.03, 124: 742-755,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
27. Wang Z., Grant R.F., Arain M.A., Chen B.N., Coops N.C., Hember R, KurzW.A., Price D.T., Stinson G., Trofymow J.A., Yeluripati J., Baozhang Chen, Eval uating weather effects on interannual variation in net ecosystem productivity of a coastal temperate forest landscape: A model intercomparison, Ecological Modelling, 2011.07.11, 222(17): 3236-3249. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
26. Ferster C.J., Trofymow J.A., Coops N.C., Baozhang Chen, Black A.T., Gougeon A.F., Determination of ecosystem carbon-stock distributions in the flux footprint of an eddy-covariance tower in a coastal forest in British Columbia, Canadian journal of forest research, 2011.07.05, 41(7): 1380-1393
25. Christian Brümmer, T. Andrew Black, Rachhpal S. Jassal, Nicholas J.Grant, David L. Spittlehouse, Baozhang Chen, Zoran Nesic, Brian D. Amiro, M. Altaf Arain, Alan G. Barr, Charles P.-A. Bourque, Carole Coursolle, Allison L. Dunn, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Elyn R. Humphreys, Peter M. Lafleur, Hank A. Margolis, J. Harry McCaughey, Steven C. Wofsy, How climate and vegetation type influence evapotranspiration and water use efficiency in Canadian forest, peatland and grassland ecosystems, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2011.05.14, 153: 14-30,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
24. Baozhang Chen*, Nicholas C. Coops, T. Andy Black, Rachhpal S. Jassal, Jing M. Chen, Mark Johnson, Modeling to discern nitrogen fertilization impacts on carbon sequestration in a Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forest in the first post-fertilization year, Global Change Biology, 2011.03.01, 17(3): 14 42-1460,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
23. Baozhang Chen*, Nicholas C. Coops, Dongjie Fu, Hank A. Margolis, Brian D. Amiro, Alan G. Barr, T. Andrew Black, M. Altaf Arain, Charles P.-A. Bourque, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Peter M. Lafleur, J. Harry McCaughey, Steven C. Wofsy, Assessing eddy-covariance flux tower location bias across the Fluxnet-Canada Research Network based on remote sensing and footprint modelling, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2011.01.15, 151(1): 87-100 ,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
22. Baozhang Chen*, Quansheng Ge, Dongjie Fu, Guirui Yu, Xiaomin Sun, Shaoqiang Wang, Huimin Wang, A data-model fusion approach for upscaling gross ecosystem productivity to the landscape scale based on remote sensing and flux footprint modelling, Biogeosciences, 2010.09.27, 7(9): 2943-2958. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
21. Praveena Krishnan, T. Andrew Black, Rachhpal S. Jassal, Baozhang Chen, Zoran Nesic, Interannual variability of the carbon balance of three different-aged Douglas-fir stands in the Pacific Northwest, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2009.11.24, 114(G4): 355-355. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
20. Baozhang Chen*, Coops N.C., Understanding of Coupled Terrestrial Carbon, Nitrogen and Water Dynamics-An Overview, Sensors, 2009.11.01, 9(11): 8624-8657.
19. Eva van Gorsel, Nicolas Delpierre, Ray Leuning, Andy Black, J. William Munger, Steven Wofsy, Marc Aubinet, Christian Feigenwinter, Jason Beringer, Damien Bonal, Baozhang Chen, Jiquan Chen, Robert Clement, Kenneth J. Davis, Ankur R. Desai, Danilo Dragoni, Sophia Etzold, Thomas Grünwald, Lianhong Gu, Bernhard Heinesch, Lucy R. Hutyra, Wilma W.P. Jans, Werner Kutsch, B.E. Law, Monique Y. Leclerc, Ivan Mammarella, Leonardo Montagnani, Asko Noormets, Corinna Rebmann, Sonia Wharton, Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2009.08.04, 149(11): 1919-1930,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
18. Baozhang Chen*, T.A. Black, N.C. Coops, P. Krishnan, R. Jassal, C. Bruemmer, Z. Nesic, Seasonal controls on interannual variability in carbon dioxide exchange of a near‐end‐of rotation Douglas‐fir stand in the Pacific Northwest, 1997–2006, Global Change Biology, 2009.08.01, 15(8): 1962-1981,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
17. Baozhang Chen*, T.A. Black, N.C. Coops, T. Hilker, T. Trofymow, K. Morgenstern, Assessing tower flux footprint climatology and scaling between remotely sensed and eddy covariance measurements, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2009.02.01, 130(2): 137-167. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
16. Jassal R. S., T. A. Black, Baozhang Chen, R. Roy, Z. Nesic, D.L. Spittlehouse, A.J. Trofymow, N2O emissions and carbon sequestration in a nitrogen‐fertilized Douglas fir stand, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2008.12.01, 113(G4): 373-381. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
15. Thomas Hilker, Nicholas C. Coops, Forrest G. Hall, T. Andrew Black, Baozhang Chen, Praveena Krishnan, Michael A. Wulder, Piers J. Sellers, Elizabeth M. Middleton, Karl F. Huemmrich, A modeling approach for upscaling gross ecosystem production to the landscape scale using remote sensing data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2008.09.01, 113(G3): 212-221. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
14. Baozhang Chen*, Jing M. Chen, Gang Mo, T. Andrew Black, Comparison of regional carbon flux estimates from CO2 concentration measurements and remote sensing based footprint integration, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2008.06.01, 22(2): 148-161,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
13. Baozhang Chen*, Jing M. Chen, Weimin Ju, Remote sensing-based ecosystem–atmosphere simulation scheme (EASS)—Model formulation and test with multiple-year data, Ecological Modelling, 2007.12.16, 209(2): 277-300. 中科院JCR期刊分区三区
12. Baozhang Chen*, J. M. Chen, Diurnal, seasonal and interannual variability of carbon isotope discrimination at the canopy level in response to environmental factors in a boreal forest ecosystem, Plant, cell & environment, 2007.10.01, 30(10): 1223-1239,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
11. Jing M. Chen, Baozhang Chen, Pieter Tans, Deriving daily carbon fluxes from hourly CO2 mixing ratios measured on the WLEF tall tower: An upscaling methodology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2007.05.01, 112(G1): 393-398. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
10. Baozhang Chen*, Jing M. Chen, Gang Mo, Chiu-Wai Yuen, Hank Margolis, Kaz Higuchi, Douglas Chan, Modeling and scaling coupled energy, water, and carbon fluxes based on remote sensing: an application to Canada’s landmass, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2007.04.01, 8(2): 123-143. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
9. Weimin Ju, Jing M. Chen, T. Andrew Black, Alan G. Barr, Jane Liu, Baozhang Chen, Modelling multi-year coupled carbon and water fluxes in a boreal aspen forest, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2006.11.30, 140(1): 136-151,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
8. Baozhang Chen*, J. M. Chen, L. Huang, P. P. Tans, Simulating dynamics of δ13C of CO2 in the planetary boundary layer over a boreal forest region: Covariation between surface fluxes and atmospheric mixing, Tellus B, 2006.11.01 58(5): 537-549. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
7. Baozhang Chen*, J. M. Chen, L. Huang, P. P. Tans, Modeling dynamics of stable carbon isotopic exchange between a boreal forest ecosystem and the atmosphere, Global Change Biology, 2006.10.01, 12(10): 1842-1867,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
6. Jing M. Chen, Baozhang Chen, Kaz Higuchi, Jane Liu, Douglas Chan, Douglas Worthy, Pieter Tans, Andy Black, Boreal ecosystems sequestered more carbon in warmer years, Geophysical research letters, 2006.05.01, 33(10): 229-237. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
5. Kaz Higuchi, Alexander Shashkov, Douglas Chan, Nobuko Saigusa, S. Murayama, S. Yamamoto, Hiroaki Kondo, Jing M. Chen, Jane Liu, Baozhang Chen, Simulations of Seasonal and Inter-annual Variability of gross primary productivity at Takayama with BEPS Ecosystem Model, Agricultural and forest meteorology, 2005.12.15, 134(1) : 143-150,中科院JCR期刊分区一区
4. Baozhang Chen*, J. M. Chen, D. E. J. Worthy, Interannual variability in the atmospheric CO2 rectification over a boreal forest region, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2005.08.27, 110(D16): 2227-2252. 中科院JCR期刊分区二区
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