Prof. Bing Miao

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Email: bmiao AT ucas DOT ac DOT cn


I am a theoretical physicist working on statistical physics and soft matter/polymer physics.  I am especially interested in fluctuation-related physics.

(1) Statistical thermodynamics/dynamics of fluctuating systems

(2) Equilibrium/Non-equilibrium fluctuation-induced effective forces

(3) Path integral methods

My Blog on Physics

Workshop at Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (KITS):

Soft Matter Out of Equilibrium: from driven to active systems (May 19 - 25, 2019, Beijing)

Workshop Video List


Ph.D. in Theoretical Polymer Physics, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2006). 


2023. 09, Adjunct Professor, Physics Department, Lanzhou University.

2019. 09, Visiting Professor, Condensed Matter Theory Group, LOMA, University of Bordeaux, France.

                Hoster: Prof. David S. Dean

2019. 03, Visiting Professor, Theoretical Physics Department, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany.

                Hoster: Prof. Siegfried Dietrich

2011. 03 - Present, Professor, College of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2008. 10 - 2011. 02, Postdoc holding a full research assistant position, Analytical Theory Group, Theory Department, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany. 

                               Supervisor: Prof. Thomas A. Vilgis

2008. 01 - 2008. 09, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Physics, University of Guelph, Canada. 

                               Supervisor: Prof. Robert A. Wickham

2006. 05 - 2007. 12, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Physics, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada.

                               Supervisor: Prof. Robert A. Wickham


Courses in graduate student level:

Mathematical Methods, Statistical Thermodynamics, Soft Matter Theory



1. "Selected Topics on Theory of Polymer Physics", In Chinese, Dadong Yan, Xinghua Zhang, Bing Miao, Science Press (2021).

Selected Papaers

Statistical Mechanics/Path Integral/Stochastic Dynamics/Casimir Force

1. "Emergence of Newtonian Deterministic Causality from Stochastic Motions in Continuous Space and Time", Bing Miao, Hong Qian, Yong-Shi Wu, arXiv:2406.02405

2. "Correlation decoupling of Casimir interaction in an electrolyte driven by external electric fields", Guangle Du, David S. Dean, Bing Miao, Rudolf Podgornik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 238002 (2024)arXiv:2404.06028

3. "On Thermodynamic Information", Bing Miao, Hong Qian, Yong-Shi Wu, arXiv:2312.03454

4. "Path Integrals for higher derivative actions", David S. Dean, Bing Miao, Rudolf Podgornik, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 505003 (2019)arXiv: 1906.08626


5. "Thermal Casimir interactions for higher derivative field Lagrangians: generalized Brazovskii models", David S. Dean, Bing Miao, Rudolf Podgornik, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 355005 (2020)arXiv:2002.09822


6.  "Casimir force", Bing Miao, Acta Physica Sinica, 69 (8), 080505 (2020). Invited. 


Polyelectrolyte Physics

1. "Size Effect of Multivalent Counterions on Polyelectrolyte Brushes in Different Polar Solvents", Hong-Ge Tan, Li-De Guo, Han-Yang Qian, Li-Xiang Liu, Qing-Hai Hao, Bing Miao, Macromolecules 56 (23), 9312 (2023). 

2. "Surface Morphologies of Planar Ring Polyelectrolyte Brushes induced by Trivalent Salts", Qing-Hai Hao, Jie Cheng, Li-Xiang Liu, Hong-Ge Tan, Tong Wei, Li-Yan Liu, Bing Miao, Macromolecules 53 (16), 7187 (2020). 

3. "Morphological Response of a Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brush to Solvent Quality and Electrostatic Interaction Strength", Qing-Hai Hao, Gang Xia, Bing Miao, Hong-Ge Tan, Xiao-Hui Niu, Li-Yan LiuMacromolecules, 51, 8513 (2018). 

4. "Confinement Effects on Phase Separation of a Polyelectrolyte Solution", Jie Fu, Bing Miao, Dadong Yan, Polymer110, 49 (2017). Feng Xinde Polymer Prize (The Best Paper Nomination).

5. "Curvature elasticity of a grafted polyelectrolyte brush", Zhen Lei, Bing Miao, Shuang Yang, Er-Qiang Chen, Phys. Rev. E91, 062602 (2015).

6. "Configurational fluctuation effects on counterion condensation for a polyelectrolyte chain", Bing Miao, Thomas A. Vilgis, Macromol. Theory Simul.21, 582 (2012).

Interface Physics

1. "Nonequilibrium Dynamic Phase Diagram for Transmembrane Transport of Active Particles", Haixiao Wan, Duo Xu, Wei Wang, Yanfang Cheng, Xiaobin Dai, Xueqing Jin, Lijuan Gao, Xuanyu Zhang, Bing Miao, Qiang He, Li-Tang Yan, ACS Nano, 18, 24024 (2024).

2. "Polymeric Microparticles Generated via Confinement-Free Fluid Instability", Jianing Song, Wenluan Zhang, Dehui Wang, Yue Fan, Chenglin Zhang, Dapeng Wang, Longquan Chen, Bing Miao, Jiaxi Cui, Xu Deng, Advanced Materials, 33, 2007154 (2021). 

3. "How Implementation of Entropy in Driving Structural Ordering of Nanoparticles Relates to Assembly Kinetics: Insight into Reaction-Induced Interfacial Assembly of Janus Nanoparticles", Ye Yang, Pengyu Chen, Yufei Cao, Zihan Huang, Guolong Zhu, Ziyang Xu, Xiaobin Dai, Shi Chen, Bing Miao, Li-Tang YanLangmuir, 34, 9477 (2018).

4. "Diffusion and Directionality of Charged Nanoparticles on Lipid Bilayer Membrane", Pengyu Chen, Zihan Huang, Junshi Liang, Tianqi Cui, Xinghua Zhang, Bing Miao, Li-Tang Yan, ACS Nano, 10 (12), 11541 (2016). 

5.  "Scaling of Polymer Dynamics at an Oil–Water Interface in Regimes Dominated by Viscous Drag and Desorption-Mediated Flights", Dapeng Wang, Renfeng Hu, Joshua N. Mabry, Bing Miao, David T. Wu, Kaloian Koynov, Daniel K. Schwartz, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137 (38), 12312 (2015). 

Stat. Mech. of Chain/Structure Factor/Non-Gaussian

1. "Optimal Reactivity and Improved Self-Healing Capability of Structurally-Dynamic Polymers Grafted on Janus Nanoparticles Governed by Chain Stiffness and Spatial Organization", Guoxi Xu, Zihan Huang, Pengyu Chen, Tianqi Cui, Xinghua Zhang, Bing Miao, Li-Tang Yan, Small, 13, 1603155 (2017).  Front Cover

2. "Microphase separation of short wormlike diblock copolymers with a finite interaction range", Ying Jiang, Xinghua Zhang, Bing Miao, Dadong Yan, Jeff Z. Y. Chen, Soft Matter, 12, 2481 (2016). 

3. “Structure factor of a Gaussian chain confined between two parallel plates”, Yi Liao, Bing Miao, J. Chem. Phys.142, 164903 (2015). 

4.  "The structure factor of a wormlike chain and the random-phase-approximation solution for the spinodal line of a diblock copolymer melt", Xinghua Zhang, Ying Jiang, Bing Miao, Yunlin Chen, Dadong Yan, Jeff Z. Y. Chen, Soft Matter10 (29), 5405 (2014). 

5. “Effect of finite-extensibility on the equilibrium chain size”, Bing Miao, Thomas A. Vilgis, Stefanie Poggendorf, Gabriele Sadowski, Macromol. Theory Simul.19, 414 (2010). 

Phase Transition Theory/Renormalized Field Theory

1. "On the structure of statistical field theory of polymers", Bing Miao, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 27, 1361009(2013). 

2. “Fluctuation effects and the stability of the Fddd network phase in diblock copolymer melts”, Bing Miao, Robert A. Wickham, J. Chem. Phys.128, 054902 (2008). Selected at Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Volume 17, Issue 7 (2008).

3. “The nature of phase transitions of symmetric diblock copolymer melts under confinement”, Bing Miao, Dadong Yan, Robert A. Wickham, An-Chang Shi, Polymer48, 4278 (2007). 

4. “Effects of confinement on the order-disorder transition in diblock copolymer melts”, Bing Miao, Dadong Yan, Charles C. Han, An-Chang Shi, J. Chem. Phys.124, 144902 (2006). Selected at Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Volume 13, Issue 16 (2006).

5. “Conformation-assisted fluctuation of density and kinetics of nucleation in polymer melts”, Hongge Tan, Bing Miao, Dadong Yan, J. Chem. Phys.119, 2886 (2003). 


Invited Presentations

 45. Path Integrals for Higher Derivative Actions, 2023. 11, The 12th Workshop on Statistical Mechanics of Complex Systems, South China Normal University, Guangzhou.

44. Fluctuation and Effective Force, 2023. 10, International Workshop on Thermalization and Fluctuation Relations, Xiamen Univeristy.

43. Functional Determinant in 1D Field Theory, 2023. 05, The 7th International Conference on Quantum Information, Spacetime, and Topological Matter, Shanxi Datong Univerisity.

42. Path Integral and Casimir Force for Higher Derivative Acitons, 2022. 10, BIMSA, Beijing.

41. Thermal Casimir Force for Higher Derivative Actions, 2022. 08, The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15), Korea.

40. Casimir Force in Statistical Physics, 2022. 08,  School of Physics, Ningxia University.

39. Casimir Force and Path Integral, 2021. 08, The 6th National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Changchun, Jilin University.

38.  Thermal Casimir Force, 2021. 07, Soft Condensed Matter Symposium, Shanghai Jiaotong University.

37. Theory of Phase Separations in Polyelectrolyte Systems, 2019. 12, Pacific Polymer Conference, Singapore.

36. Casimir Forces and Path Integrals for Higher Derivative Actions, 2019. 10, School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University.

35. Fluctuation-related physics of polymers, 2019. 10, National Polymer Conference, Xi'an.

34. Thermal Casimir Forces within Gaussian Field Theory, 2019. 08, Theoretical Physics Forum, Lanzhou University.

33. Recent Progress on Casimir Physics, 2019. 08, Soft Matter Research Center, Beihang.

32. Casimir Forces in Gaussian Fluctuating Media, 2019. 07, The 5th National Conference on Statistical Physics and Complex Systems, Hefei, USTC.

31. Phase Separations of Polyelectrolytes, 2019. 07, The 15th China-Korea Bilateral Symposium on Polymer Materials, Enshi.

30. Casimir Forces in Ising and Brazovskii Fluctuation Media within a Gaussian Model, 2019. 06, The Tenth Alexander Friedmann Inernational Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology and Fourth Symposium on the Casimir Effect, St. Petersburg, Russia.

29. Casimir Forces in Gaussian Fluctuating Media, 2019. 06, Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China, Jilin University.

28. Fluctuations in Polymer Physics, 2019. 03, Theory Group Seminar,  Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart.

27. Phase Separation Theory of Polyelectrolytes, 2019. 01,Peng Huanwu Young Scientists' Forum on Theoretical Physics,  Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


26. Casimir Effects in Soft Matter,2019. 01,The 2nd Symposium on Computational Methods in Statistical Physics,  Dali University.

25. Theory of Phase Separations in Polyelectrolyte Systems, 2018. 12, Symposium on Charged Macromolecular Systems, Donghua University, Shanghai.


24. Phase Separations in Polyelectrolyte Systems,2018. 11,International Conference on Soft Matter Science and Technolog,Sichuan University.


23.  Phase Separations in Polyelectrolyte Systems,2018. 10,International Symposium on Polymer Science and Engineering,Peking University.


22.  Phase Separation Theory of Polyelectrolytes, 2018. 09,CPS Autumn Meeting,Dalian University of Technology.


21. Statistical Physics of Polymers,2018. 08,College of Materials Science, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology。


20. Field Theory of Polymers, 2018. 06, Advanced Institute of Engineering Science for Intelligent Manufacturing, Guangzhou University.


19. Correlation Functions,2018. 04,Soft Matter Center, Beihang University.


18. Theoretical Study on Phase Transitions in Polymers,2018. 04,Soft Matter Center, Soochow University.


17. Orders and Fluctuations in Polymer Systems, 2017. 11,Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University.

16. EMN Meeting on Polymer 2016, 2016/01/12-2016/01/15, Hong Kong.

15. Phase separations in polyelectroyte solutions: effect of chain flexibility, at the Soft Matter Workshop, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China, August, 2015. 

14. Phase separations in polyelectroyte solutions: effect of chain rigidity, at the Theory Group, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, July, 2015. 

13. Pole distribution and structuring in a polymer system, at the Beijing University of Chemical Technology, July, 2014. 

12. The poles of scattering function and the structuring for a polymer system, at the Seminar of Theory and Simulation in Macromolecular Systems, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS, June, 2014. 

11. Microphase separation under confinement: A field-theoretic study, at the Fritz Haber Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December, 2012. 

10. Some field theoretic methods in polymer physics, at the Zhou Pei-Yuan Center for Applied Mathematics, Tsinghua University, August, 2012.

9. Some progresses on the study of phase behavior in polyelectrolyte solutions, at the Seminar of Theory and Simulation in Macromolecular Systems, Nanjing University, May, 2012. 

8. Theoretical methods in polymer physics, Series Lectures at the Soft Matter Group, University of Science and Technology of China, June, 2011.

7. Theoretical study on structure phase transitions in polymer systems, at the Seminar of Advanced Polymer Materials, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, April, 2011. 

Contributed Conference Presentations
6. "Phase separation of a polyelectrolyte solution under confinements", Bing Miao, the 13th Pacific Polymer Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2013.

5. “Field-theoretic methods in polymer physics”, Bing Miao, the 17th Conference for Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics, Lanzhou, 2012.

4. “Effect of finite-extensibility on the equilibrium chain size”, Bing Miao, Thomas A. Vilgis, Stefanie Poggendorf, and Gabriele Sadowski, DPG Spring Meeting, Regensburg, 2010.

3. “Morphologies of a diblock copolymer melt confined in a spherical nanopore”, Bing Miao, Janine Tulkens, Weihua Li, and Robert A. Wickham, International Symposium on Polymer Physics, Xiamen, 2008.

2. “Morphologies of a diblock copolymer melt confined in a spherical nanopore”, Bing Miao, Janine Tulkens, Weihua Li, and Robert A. Wickham, APS March Meeting, New Orleans, 2008.

1. “Fluctuation effects and stability of the Fddd network phase in diblcock copolymer melts”, Bing Miao and Robert A. Wickham, APS March Meeting, Denver, 2007.


With Leticia and Jorge, at Hangzhou, 2024. 08.

With Hong, at Beijing, 2024. 08.

With David and Rudi, at Beijing, 2024. 04.

Conference on Active Matter, 2024. 01, Wenzhou.

Workshop on Thermalization and Fluctuation Relatioins, 2023. 10, Xiamen Univ.

With Hong, at Beijing, 2023. 08.

With David, at Bordeaux, France.

Bordeaux, France.

With David, at Mutianyu Great Wall, Beijing.

With Rudi, St. Petersburg, 2019. 06.

St. Petersburg, 2019. 06.

The Fourth Symposium on Casimir Effect, 2019. 06, St. Petersburg.

Group Photo of Kavli-ITS workshop on non-Equilibrium fluctuations, 2019. 05, Beijing.

With Rudi and David, 2019. 05, Qingdao.

With Rudi and David, 2019. 03, Huairou.

Schloss Ringberg Conference, Max Planck Society, 2019, 03, Bavarian Alps.

With MPI-IS Theoretical Physics Group, 2019. 03, Stuttgart.

Polyelectrolyte Symposium at Donghua University, 2018. 12, Shanghai.

With J. Zinn-Justin during his series lectures on RG, 2017. 11,  ITP-Cas, Beijing.


Les Houches School of Theoretical Physics, 2009. 07, France.