Prof. Dr. Peng PENG
Professor of Precambrian Geology and Petrology
Email: pengpengwj@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
Telephone: 82998530
Address: 19 Beitucheng Xilu, Beijing
Postcode: 100029
Dr Peng Peng is a professor of Precambrian geology and petrology at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the director of the China-Brazil Joint Geoscience Research Center. He is currently also direcotr of the TIMS Lab and leader of the Precambrian geology group. His research concerns the Precambrian tectonics, particularly the Precambrian evolution of cratons, supercontinents and the Earth system, and the comparison of the Precambrian and modern tectonics.Currently, he is an editor/associate editor of Precambrian Research, Island Arc, Acta Petrologica Sinica, Geotectonica et Metallogenia, JMPS, Evolving Earth etc.
Research Areas
igneous petrology
mafic dyke swarms
volcanic associations
large igneous provinces
paleocontinental reconstruction
North China craton
BS of structure geology (Peking University)
Work Experience
University of Western Australia, Visiting Professor, 2013-2014
Teaching Experience
Evolution of Continental Crust
Field geology
Modern analytical geochemistry
Postdoc positions:
Seeking two outstanding candidates to fill two full-funded postdoctoral fellow positions on Precambrian paleogeographic reconstruction. Paleomagnetists, sedimentologists and Petrologists are most suitable.
Graduate students needed:
Seeking one MS student and one PhD student in each year. Foreign students are welcome.