
徐琳 男 硕导 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
电子邮件: linxu@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区双清路18号
电子邮件: linxu@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区双清路18号
2010-09--2013-06 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 博士
2007-09--2010-06 南开大学 硕士
2003-09--2007-06 山东大学 学士
2007-09--2010-06 南开大学 硕士
2003-09--2007-06 山东大学 学士
2023-12~现在, 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 研究员
2019-02~2023-12,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 副研究员
2013-07~2019-01,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 助理研究员
2019-02~2023-12,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 副研究员
2013-07~2019-01,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 助理研究员
[1] 展学旺, 李彭辉, 徐琳. 顶空固相微萃取/气相色谱-质谱联用测定尿液中8种苯系物和17种挥发性卤代烃. 分析化学[J]. 2023, 第 3 作者51(6): 1033-1049,
[2] 孙宏雨, 李栋学, 徐琳, 邱春生, 王少坡, 刘楠楠, 孙力平. 生物体内环形挥发性甲基硅氧烷的分布、行为及效应研究进展. 环境化学[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者41(1): 193-204, http://hjhx.rcees.ac.cn/article/doi/10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2020100502.
[3] Zhang, Jie, Liu, Nannan, Ren, Juntao, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Vinylmethylsiloxanes in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant and Biosolid-Amended Soils: Their Distribution and Backbone/Vinyl Branch Degradation. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2022, 第 4 作者 通讯作者 56(15): 10691-10698,
[4] Xu, Lin, Xu, Shihe, Huang, Zichun, Xiang, Xiaoling, Cai, Yaqi. Cyclic Phenylmethylsiloxane Oligomers in Municipal Landfills and Their Elimination Mechanisms in Leachate Treatment Processes. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2021, 第 1 作者55(6): 3756-3764, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c07940.
[5] Zhi, Liqin, Sun, Hongyu, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Distribution and Elimination of Trifluoropropylmethylsiloxane Oligomers in Both Biosolid-Amended Soils and Earthworms. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2021, 第 3 作者 通讯作者 55(2): 985-993, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c05443.
[6] Liu, Nannan, Sun, Hongyu, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Methylsiloxanes in petroleum refinery facility: Their sources, emissions, environmental distributions and occupational exposure. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2021, 第 3 作者 通讯作者 152: https://doaj.org/article/39505fae572b477e903d8d3b6f664422.
[7] Yang, Yongliang, Niu, Hongyun, Xu, Lin, Zhang, Hui, Cai, Yaqi. Triazine functionalized fully conjugated covalent organic framework for efficient photocatalysis. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL[J]. 2020, 第 3 作者269: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.118799.
[8] Xu, Lin, Huang, Zichun, Zhang, Qiaoli, Xiang, Xiaoling, Zhang, Shengxiao, Cai, Yaqi. Methylsiloxanes and Their Brominated Products in One e-Waste Recycling Area in China: Emission, Environmental Distribution, and Elimination. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2020, 第 1 作者54(7): 4267-4274, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000526418000058.
[9] Yang, Yongliang, Niu, Hongyun, Zhao, Weijia, Xu, Lin, Zhang, Hui, Cai, Yaqi. Ultrafine Pd nanoparticles loaded benzothiazole-linked covalent organic framework for efficient photocatalytic C-C cross-coupling reactions. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2020, 第 4 作者10(49): 29402-29407, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000560694000041.
[10] Huang, Zichun, Xiang, Xiaoling, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Phenylmethylsiloxanes and trifluoropropylmethylsiloxanes in municipal sludges from wastewater treatment plants in China: Their distribution, degradation and risk assessment. WATER RESEARCH[J]. 2020, 第 3 作者 通讯作者 185: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116224.
[11] 曲垚, 徐琳, 蔡亚岐, 智丽琴, 张春晖. 山东某污水处理厂中环型和线型甲基硅氧烷的行为归趋. 环境化学[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者38(2): 422-432, http://hjhx.rcees.ac.cn/article/doi/10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018041802.
[12] Zhi, Liqin, Xu, Lin, He, Xudan, Zhang, Chunhui, Cai, Yaqi. Distribution of methylsiloxanes in benthic mollusks from the Chinese Bohai Sea. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者76: 199-207, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=6100134721.
[13] Xu, Lin, Xu, Shihe, Zhang, Qiaoli, Zhang, Shengxiao, Tian, Yong, Zhao, Zongshan, Cai, Yaqi. Chlorinated-Methylsiloxanes in Shengli Oilfield: Their Generation in Oil-Production Wastewater Treatment Plant and Presence in the Surrounding Soils. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 1 作者53(7): 3558-3567,
[14] 任君焘, 徐琳. 山东东营地区畜禽粪便中抗生素残留研究. 黑龙江畜牧兽医[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者56-59, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFDLAST2019&filename=HLJX201906015&v=MzI1NTkxRnJDVVI3dWZZK2RyRnk3Z1ZyL0FMU0hCZHJHNEg5ak1xWTlFWVlSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQzcVRyV00=.
[15] 张春晖, 刘宗, 杨博, 李彩璇, 史亚利, 徐琳, 蔡亚岐, 孟晓飞, 吴笑宇, 李锁阳, 潘毅, 颜正. 钛基改性DSA电极氧化法去除水中全氟化合物. 环境科学学报[J]. 2019, 第 6 作者39(10): 3418-3426, https://doi.org/10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2019.0265.
[16] Zhi, Liqin, Xu, Lin, Qu, Yao, Zhang, Chunhui, Cao, Dong, Cai, Yaqi. Identification and Elimination of Fluorinated Methylsiloxanes in Environmental Matrices near a Manufacturing Plant in Eastern China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者52(21): 12235-12243, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/40963.
[17] Xu, Lin, Xu, Shihe, Zhang, Qiaoli, Xu, Qiang, Zhang, Shengxiao, Cai, Yaqi. Sources and Fate of Cyclic Phenylmethylsiloxanes in One Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant and Biosolids-Amended Soil. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 1 作者52(17): 9835-9844, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41044.
[18] Zhi, Liqin, Xu, Lin, He, Xudan, Zhang, Chunhui, Cai, Yaqi. Occurrence and profiles of methylsiloxanes and their hydrolysis product in aqueous matrices from the Daqing oilfield in China. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者631-632: 879-886, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41003.
[19] Liu, Nannan, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Methyl siloxanes in barbershops and residence indoor dust and the implication for human exposures. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者618: 1324-1330, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/40981.
[20] Xu, Lin, Zhi, Liqin, Cai, Yaqi. Methylsiloxanes in children silicone-containing products from China: Profiles, leaching, and children exposure. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2017, 第 1 作者101: 165-172, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39362.
[21] Xu, Lin, Shi, Yali, Li, Chuangxiu, Song, Xiaowei, Qin, Zhanfen, Cao, Dong, Cai, Yaqi. Discovery of a Novel Polyfluoroalkyl Benzenesulfonic Acid around Oilfields in Northern China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2017, 第 1 作者51(24): 14173-14181, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39297.
[22] Xu, Lin, Xu, Shihe, Zhi, Liqin, He, Xudan, Zhang, Chunhui, Cai, Yaqi. Methylsiloxanes Release from One Landfill through Yearly Cycle and Their Removal Mechanisms (Especially Hydroxylation) In Leachates. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2017, 第 1 作者51(21): 12337-12346, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39363.
[23] 何旭丹, 蔡亚岐, 徐琳, 智丽琴. 大庆油田地表水中甲基硅氧烷的污染水平及分布特征研究. 中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第二十六分会:环境化学. 2016, 第 3 作者1, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39938.
[24] Shi, Yali, Vestergren, Robin, Xu, Lin, Zhou, Zhen, Li, Chuangxiu, Liang, Yong, Cai, Yaqi. Human Exposure and Elimination Kinetics of Chlorinated Polyfluoroalkyl Ether Sulfonic Acids (Cl-PFESAs). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2016, 第 3 作者50(5): 2396-2404, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b05849.
[25] 何旭丹, 徐琳, 张春晖, 蔡亚岐. 台州电子垃圾拆解地土壤中甲基硅氧烷的污染特征. 环境化学[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者35(11): 2287-2294, http://hjhx.rcees.ac.cn/article/doi/10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.11.2016040602.
[26] Xu, Lin, Shi, Yali, Liu, Nannan, Cai, Yaqi. Methyl siloxanes in environmental matrices and human plasma/fat from both general industries and residential areas in China. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2015, 第 1 作者505(1): 454-463, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.10.039.
[27] Yali Shi, Xu, Shihe, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Distribution, Elimination, and Rearrangement of Cyclic Volatile Methylsiloxanes in Oil-Contaminated Soil of the Shengli Oilfield, China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2015, 第 3 作者49(19): 11527-11535, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/32559.
[28] Shi, Yali, Vestergren, Robin, Zhou, Zhen, Song, Xiaowei, Xu, Lin, Liang, Yong, Cai, Yaqi. Tissue Distribution and Whole Body Burden of the Chlorinated Polyfluoroalkyl Ether Sulfonic Acid F-53B in Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius): Evidence for a Highly Bioaccumulative Contaminant of Emerging Concern. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2015, 第 5 作者49(24): 14156-14165, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b04299.
[29] Shi, Yali, Vestergren, Robin, Xu, Lin, Song, Xiaowei, Niu, Xiameng, Zhang, Chunhui, Cai, Yaqi. Characterizing direct emissions of perfluoroalkyl substances from ongoing fluoropolymer production sources: A spatial trend study of Xiaoqing River, China. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION[J]. 2015, 第 3 作者206(1): 104-112, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2015.06.035.
[30] 徐琳, 史亚利, 刘楠楠, 蔡亚岐. 我国普通人群血液和脂肪中甲基硅氧烷分布研究. 第八届全国分析毒理学大会暨中国毒理学会分析毒理专业委员会第五届会员代表大会. 2014, 第 1 作者http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/24945.
[31] Liu, Nannan, Shi, Yali, Li, Wenhui, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Concentrations and distribution of synthetic musks and siloxanes in sewage sludge of wastewater treatment plants in China. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2014, 第 4 作者476(1): 65-72, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.12.124.
[32] Xu, Lin, Shi, Yali, Cai, Yaqi. Occurrence and fate of volatile siloxanes in a municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant of Beijing, China. WATER RESEARCH[J]. 2013, 第 1 作者47(2): 715-724, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2012.10.046.
[33] Zhou, Zhen, Liang, Yong, Shi, Yali, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Occurrence and Transport of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs), Including Short-Chain PFAAs in Tangxun Lake, China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2013, 第 4 作者47(16): 9249-9257, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/844394.
[34] Liu, Nannan, Shi, Yali, Xu, Lin, Li, Wenhui, Cai, Yaqi. Occupational exposure to synthetic musks in barbershops, compared with the common exposure in the dormitories and households. CHEMOSPHERE[J]. 2013, 第 3 作者93(9): 1804-1810, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.06.027.
[35] Zhou, Zhen, Shi, Yali, Li, Wenhui, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Perfluorinated Compounds in Surface Water and Organisms from Baiyangdian Lake in North China: Source Profiles, Bioaccumulation and Potential Risk. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES & ECOLOGY; TOXICOLOGY[J]. 2012, 第 4 作者89(3): 519-524, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/901208.
[36] 徐琳, 史亚利, 蔡亚岐. 天津地区甲基硅氧烷的污染水平及分布特征研究. 中国化学会第28届学术年会. 2012, 第 1 作者http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/32058.
[37] 徐琳, 史亚利, 蔡亚岐. 顶空固相微萃取/气相色谱-质谱联用测定水中6种挥发性硅氧烷. 分析测试学报[J]. 2012, 第 1 作者31(9): 1115-1119, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=43423790.
[38] 徐琳, 史亚利, 蔡亚岐. 职业暴露人群血清中甲基硅氧烷的负荷水平研究. 第七次全国分析毒理学大会暨第四届分析毒理专业委员会第二次会议. 2012, 第 1 作者http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/32081.
[2] 孙宏雨, 李栋学, 徐琳, 邱春生, 王少坡, 刘楠楠, 孙力平. 生物体内环形挥发性甲基硅氧烷的分布、行为及效应研究进展. 环境化学[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者41(1): 193-204, http://hjhx.rcees.ac.cn/article/doi/10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2020100502.
[3] Zhang, Jie, Liu, Nannan, Ren, Juntao, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Vinylmethylsiloxanes in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant and Biosolid-Amended Soils: Their Distribution and Backbone/Vinyl Branch Degradation. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2022, 第 4 作者 通讯作者 56(15): 10691-10698,
[4] Xu, Lin, Xu, Shihe, Huang, Zichun, Xiang, Xiaoling, Cai, Yaqi. Cyclic Phenylmethylsiloxane Oligomers in Municipal Landfills and Their Elimination Mechanisms in Leachate Treatment Processes. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2021, 第 1 作者55(6): 3756-3764, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c07940.
[5] Zhi, Liqin, Sun, Hongyu, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Distribution and Elimination of Trifluoropropylmethylsiloxane Oligomers in Both Biosolid-Amended Soils and Earthworms. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2021, 第 3 作者 通讯作者 55(2): 985-993, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c05443.
[6] Liu, Nannan, Sun, Hongyu, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Methylsiloxanes in petroleum refinery facility: Their sources, emissions, environmental distributions and occupational exposure. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2021, 第 3 作者 通讯作者 152: https://doaj.org/article/39505fae572b477e903d8d3b6f664422.
[7] Yang, Yongliang, Niu, Hongyun, Xu, Lin, Zhang, Hui, Cai, Yaqi. Triazine functionalized fully conjugated covalent organic framework for efficient photocatalysis. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL[J]. 2020, 第 3 作者269: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2020.118799.
[8] Xu, Lin, Huang, Zichun, Zhang, Qiaoli, Xiang, Xiaoling, Zhang, Shengxiao, Cai, Yaqi. Methylsiloxanes and Their Brominated Products in One e-Waste Recycling Area in China: Emission, Environmental Distribution, and Elimination. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2020, 第 1 作者54(7): 4267-4274, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000526418000058.
[9] Yang, Yongliang, Niu, Hongyun, Zhao, Weijia, Xu, Lin, Zhang, Hui, Cai, Yaqi. Ultrafine Pd nanoparticles loaded benzothiazole-linked covalent organic framework for efficient photocatalytic C-C cross-coupling reactions. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2020, 第 4 作者10(49): 29402-29407, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000560694000041.
[10] Huang, Zichun, Xiang, Xiaoling, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Phenylmethylsiloxanes and trifluoropropylmethylsiloxanes in municipal sludges from wastewater treatment plants in China: Their distribution, degradation and risk assessment. WATER RESEARCH[J]. 2020, 第 3 作者 通讯作者 185: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116224.
[11] 曲垚, 徐琳, 蔡亚岐, 智丽琴, 张春晖. 山东某污水处理厂中环型和线型甲基硅氧烷的行为归趋. 环境化学[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者38(2): 422-432, http://hjhx.rcees.ac.cn/article/doi/10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018041802.
[12] Zhi, Liqin, Xu, Lin, He, Xudan, Zhang, Chunhui, Cai, Yaqi. Distribution of methylsiloxanes in benthic mollusks from the Chinese Bohai Sea. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者76: 199-207, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=6100134721.
[13] Xu, Lin, Xu, Shihe, Zhang, Qiaoli, Zhang, Shengxiao, Tian, Yong, Zhao, Zongshan, Cai, Yaqi. Chlorinated-Methylsiloxanes in Shengli Oilfield: Their Generation in Oil-Production Wastewater Treatment Plant and Presence in the Surrounding Soils. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 1 作者53(7): 3558-3567,
[14] 任君焘, 徐琳. 山东东营地区畜禽粪便中抗生素残留研究. 黑龙江畜牧兽医[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者56-59, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFD&dbname=CJFDLAST2019&filename=HLJX201906015&v=MzI1NTkxRnJDVVI3dWZZK2RyRnk3Z1ZyL0FMU0hCZHJHNEg5ak1xWTlFWVlSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQzcVRyV00=.
[15] 张春晖, 刘宗, 杨博, 李彩璇, 史亚利, 徐琳, 蔡亚岐, 孟晓飞, 吴笑宇, 李锁阳, 潘毅, 颜正. 钛基改性DSA电极氧化法去除水中全氟化合物. 环境科学学报[J]. 2019, 第 6 作者39(10): 3418-3426, https://doi.org/10.13671/j.hjkxxb.2019.0265.
[16] Zhi, Liqin, Xu, Lin, Qu, Yao, Zhang, Chunhui, Cao, Dong, Cai, Yaqi. Identification and Elimination of Fluorinated Methylsiloxanes in Environmental Matrices near a Manufacturing Plant in Eastern China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者52(21): 12235-12243, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/40963.
[17] Xu, Lin, Xu, Shihe, Zhang, Qiaoli, Xu, Qiang, Zhang, Shengxiao, Cai, Yaqi. Sources and Fate of Cyclic Phenylmethylsiloxanes in One Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant and Biosolids-Amended Soil. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 1 作者52(17): 9835-9844, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41044.
[18] Zhi, Liqin, Xu, Lin, He, Xudan, Zhang, Chunhui, Cai, Yaqi. Occurrence and profiles of methylsiloxanes and their hydrolysis product in aqueous matrices from the Daqing oilfield in China. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者631-632: 879-886, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41003.
[19] Liu, Nannan, Xu, Lin, Cai, Yaqi. Methyl siloxanes in barbershops and residence indoor dust and the implication for human exposures. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者618: 1324-1330, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/40981.
[20] Xu, Lin, Zhi, Liqin, Cai, Yaqi. Methylsiloxanes in children silicone-containing products from China: Profiles, leaching, and children exposure. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL[J]. 2017, 第 1 作者101: 165-172, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39362.
[21] Xu, Lin, Shi, Yali, Li, Chuangxiu, Song, Xiaowei, Qin, Zhanfen, Cao, Dong, Cai, Yaqi. Discovery of a Novel Polyfluoroalkyl Benzenesulfonic Acid around Oilfields in Northern China. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2017, 第 1 作者51(24): 14173-14181, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39297.
[22] Xu, Lin, Xu, Shihe, Zhi, Liqin, He, Xudan, Zhang, Chunhui, Cai, Yaqi. Methylsiloxanes Release from One Landfill through Yearly Cycle and Their Removal Mechanisms (Especially Hydroxylation) In Leachates. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2017, 第 1 作者51(21): 12337-12346, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39363.
[23] 何旭丹, 蔡亚岐, 徐琳, 智丽琴. 大庆油田地表水中甲基硅氧烷的污染水平及分布特征研究. 中国化学会第30届学术年会摘要集-第二十六分会:环境化学. 2016, 第 3 作者1, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39938.
[24] Shi, Yali, Vestergren, Robin, Xu, Lin, Zhou, Zhen, Li, Chuangxiu, Liang, Yong, Cai, Yaqi. Human Exposure and Elimination Kinetics of Chlorinated Polyfluoroalkyl Ether Sulfonic Acids (Cl-PFESAs). ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2016, 第 3 作者50(5): 2396-2404, http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.5b05849.
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