I am an associate professor at Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. My research interests are ecological modeling (especially species distribution models) and conservation biology. I like to dig out statistical questions while interpreting ecological patterns and processes.
At present, I am not recruiting graduate students.
Xinhai Li
Ph.D. Associate professor
Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1-5 Beichen West Road, Beijing 100101, China
Email: lixh@ioz.ac.cn
Phone (office): 86-10-64807898
Fax: 86-10-64807099
Research Areas
Ecological modelling
Wildlife survey (camera trapping, satellite telemetry, UAV)
Animal movement
Conservation planning
1986-1990, B.Sc., Department of Biology, Shandong University, Jinan, China
Work Experience
2008.02-2016.12, curator (information system), National Zoological Museum of China, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2012.10-2013.01, visiting scholar, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
2006.08-2008.07, Technical Director of the Blueprint Project, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) China Program, Beijing, China
2004.04-2006.04, Research Associate, University of New Brunswick, Saint John, NB, Canada
2003.08-2004.03, Research Associate, Ocean Sciences Centre, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, NL, Canada
2002.08-2003.07, Postdoctoral Fellow, Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, AB, Canada
2000.10-present, Associate Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
1999.12-2000.07, Visiting Scholar, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis, OR, USA
1997.09-2000.10, Assistant Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
1990.08-1992.07, Research Assistant, Qingdao Zoo, Qingdao, China
Teaching Experience
Fall 2006, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 70% responsibility
Fall 2007, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Fall 2008, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Fall 2009, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Spring 2011, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Spring 2012, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Spring 2013, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Spring 2014, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Spring 2015, Biological Statistics, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Spring 2016, Using R in Ecology and Evolution, 40h, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100% responsibility
Li, X.; Tian, H.; Piao, Z.; Wang, G.; Xiao, Z.; Sun, Y.; Gao, E.; Holyoak, M. cameratrapR: An R package for estimating animal density using camera trapping data. Ecological Informatics 2022, 69, 101597, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2022.101597.
Mi, C.; Li, X.; Huettmann, F.; Goroshko, O.; Guo, Y. Time and energy minimization strategy codetermine the loop migration of demoiselle cranes around the Himalayas. Integrative Zoology 2022, n/a, doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12632.
Li, X.; Ma, L.; Hu, D.; Ma, D.; Li, R.; Sun, Y.; Gao, E. Potential range shift of snow leopard in future climate change scenarios. Sustainability 2022, 14, 1115, doi:doi:10.3390/su14031115.
刘学聪; 李欣海. 常用的生物统计方法及其R语言实现. 应用昆虫学报 2021, 58, 220–232.
李欣海. 动物物种多样性的现状与分布. In 三江源国家公园生态系统现状、变化及管理, 赵新全, Ed. 科学出版社: 北京, 2021; pp. 77–90.
Zheng, Y.-x.; Wang, Y.; Dai, B.-y.; Li, Z.; Huo, Q.-r.; Cui, J.-x.; Liu, H.; Li, X.-h.; Hughes, A.C.; Zhang, A.-b. Flight mill experiments and computer simulations indicate islands recruit more capable flyers of moths. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2021, 9, doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.771719.
Wang, X.; Li, X.; Ren, X.; Jackson, M.V.; Fuller, R.A.; Melville, D.S.; Amano, T.; Ma, Z. Effects of anthropogenic landscapes on population maintenance of waterbirds. Conserv. Biol. 2021, n/a, doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13808.
Ma, L.; Li, X.; Zhai, T.; Zhang, Y.; Song, K.; Holyoak, M.; Sun, Y. Changes in the Habitat Preference of Crested Ibis (Nipponia nippon) during a Period of Rapid Population Increase. Animals 2021, 11, 2626.
Jin, Y.; Kong, W.; Yan, H.; Bao, G.; Liu, T.; Ma, Q.; Li, X.; Zou, H.; Zhang, M. Multi-scale spatial prediction of wild boar damage risk in Hunchun: a key tiger range in China. Animals 2021, 11, 1012.
赵序茅; 李欣海; 聂常虹. 基于大数据回溯新冠肺炎的扩散趋势及中国对疫情的控制研究. 中国科学院院刊 2020, 35, 248–255, doi:10.16418/j.issn.1000-3045.20200210002.
唐仁韬; 李欣海; 于江利; 冯琳; 高学军. 复合树脂与玻璃陶瓷微拉伸粘接强度的体外研究. 北京大学学报(医学版) 2020, 10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2020.04.030, 755–761, doi:10.19723/j.issn.1671-167X.2020.04.030.
Zhao, X.; Liu, X.; Li, X. Tracking the spread of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) based on big data. medRxiv 2020, doi:10.1101/2020.02.07.20021196.
Li, X.H.; Li, B.D.; Wang, G.M.; Zhan, X.J.; Holyoak, M. Deeply digging the interaction effect in multiple linear regressions using a fractional-power interaction term. MethodsX 2020, 7, 101067, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2020.101067.
Li, X.; Zhao, X.; Sun, Y. The lockdown of Hubei Province causing different transmission dynamics of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan and Beijing. medRxiv 2020, doi:10.1101/2020.02.09.20021477.
Li, X.; Zhao, X.; Lou, Y.; Sun, Y. Risk map of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China: proportionate control is needed. medRxiv 2020, doi:10.1101/2020.02.16.20023838.
Li, X.; Li, B.; Wang, G.; Zhan, X.; Holyoak, M. Deeply digging the interaction effect in multiple linear regressions using a fractional-power interaction term. MethodsX 2020, 7, 101067, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2020.101067.
李欣海; 郜二虎; 李百度; 詹祥江. 用物种分布模型和距离抽样估计三江源藏野驴、藏原羚和藏羚羊的数量. 中国科学: 生命科学 2019, 49, 151–162, doi:10.1360/N052018-00171.
李欣海. 国家公园体系规划与管理. In 国家公园的国际经验及借鉴, 万旭生, 李典谟, 宋增明, Eds. 科学出版社: 北京, 2019; pp. 1–319.
李欣海. 随机森林是特点鲜明的模型,不是万能的模型. 应用昆虫学报 2019, 56, 170–179, doi:10.7679/j.issn.2095-1353.2019.022.
Wan, X.; Jiang, G.; Yan, C.; He, F.; Wen, R.; Gu, J.; Li, X.; Ma, J.; Stenseth, N.C.; Zhang, Z. Historical records reveal the distinctive associations of human disturbance and extreme climate change with local extinction of mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2019, 116, 19001–19008, doi:10.1073/pnas.1818019116.
LI, N.; WANG, Z.; ZHANG, S.; YAN, C.; LI, X.; LU, C. Importance of bird traits for seed dispersal patterns of co-fruiting trees in a patchy forest. Integrative Zoology 2019, 14, 470-478, doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12374.
Li, N.; Wang, Z.; Xia, L.; Yan, F.; Xu, L.-q.; Qiao, Y.-j.; Li, X.-h.; An, S.-q.; Fang, S.-b. Effects of long-term coastal reclamation on suitable habitat and wintering population size of the endangered Red-crowned Crane, Grus japonensis. Hydrobiologia 2019, 827, 21-29, doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3341-x.
高吉喜; 周可新; 李欣海; 金宇 一种保护动物的生态红线划定方法. ZL201610728058.7, 2018.
Zhao, X.M.; Ren, B.P.; Paul , G.; Li, X.H.; Li, M. Impacts of human activities and climate change on the distribution of snub–nosed monkeys in China during the past 2000 Years. Diversity and Distribution 2018, 24, 92–102, doi:10.1111/ddi.12657.
Zhang, W.; Li, X.; Yu, L.; Si, Y. Multi-scale habitat selection by two declining East Asian waterfowl species at their core spring stopover area. Ecol. Indicators 2018, 87, 127–135, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.12.035.
Ye, L.; Qiu, S.; Li, X.; Jiang, Y.; Jing, C. Antimony exposure and speciation in human biomarkers near an active mining area in Hunan, China. Sci. Total Environ. 2018, 640-641, 1–8, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.267.
Li, N.; Wang, Z.; Li, X.; Li, Z. Bird functional traits affect seed dispersal patterns of China's endangered trees across different disturbed habitats. Avian Research 2018, 9, 13, doi:https://doi.org/10.1186/s40657-018-0105-x.
Cai, T.; Jon Fjelds, J.; Wu, Y.; Shao, S.; Chen, Y.; Quan, Q.; Li, X.; Song, G.; Qu, Y.; Qiao, G., et al. What makes the Sino-Himalayan mountains the diversity hotspots for pheasants. J. Biogeogr. 2018, 45, 640–651, doi:10.1111/jbi.13156.
Li, N., Bai, B., Li, X.-h., An, S.-q., Lu, C.-h., 2017. Dispersal of remnant endangered trees in a fragmented and disturbed forest by frugivorous birds.Journal of Biogeography130, 669-676.
Pan, S., Zhang, T., Rong, Z., Hu, L., Gu, Z., Wu, Q., Dong, S., Liu, Q., Lin, Z., Deutschova, L.,Li, X., Dixon, A., Bruford, M.W., Zhan, X., 2017. Population transcriptomes reveal synergistic responses of DNA polymorphism and RNA expression to extreme environments on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in a predatory bird.Molecular Ecology26, 2993-3010.
高吉喜,周可新,李欣海,金宇, 2017.一种保护动物的生态红线划定方法(专利).
柯娩娟,张守栋,马强,吴巍,薛文杰,汤臣栋,李欣海,马志军, 2017.基于形态特征判定五种鹬类性别的可靠.动物学杂志52, 555-564.
宋增明,李欣海,葛兴芳,万旭生, 2017.国家公园体系规划的国际经验及对中国的启示.中国园林33, 12-18.
Ning Li,Wen Yang,Shubo Fang,Xinhai Li,Zhanchen Liu,Xin Leng,Shuqing An,Dispersal of invasive Phytolacca americanaseeds by birds in an urban garden in China,Integrative Zoology,2017.1.22,12(1):26-31
Dixon A,Li X, Rahman M, Batbayar N, Zhan X. 2016. Characteristics of home range areas used by Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug) wintering on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Bird Conservation International:1-12.
Li X. H., Liu ST, Wu JJ. 2016a. Conservation planning at country borders: a case study on the Daurian steppe in China and Eastern Mongolia. International Journal of plant, animal and environmental sciences 6:161-176.
Li Y,Li X, Song Z, Ding C. 2016b. Determining the distribution loss of brown eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) using historical data and potential distribution estimates. Peerj 4.
Yan C, Xie Y,Li X, Holyoak M, Zhang Z. 2016. Species co-occurrence and phylogenetic structure of terrestrial vertebrates at regional scales. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25:455-463.
李欣海,于家捷,张鹏,朴正吉,肖治术. 2016.应用红外相机技术估计小型啮齿类物种的种群密度.生态学报36(8):2311-2318
Li, X. H., G. Jiang, H. Tian, L. Xu, C. Yan, Z. Wang, F. Wei, and Z. Zhang. 2015. Human impact and climate cooling caused range contraction of large mammals in China over the past two millennia. Ecography 38:74-82.
Li, S., X. Tan, N. Desneux, G. Benelli, J. Zhao,X. H. Li, F. Zhang, X. Gao, and S. Wang. 2015. Innate positive chemotaxis to pollen from crops and banker plants in predaceous biological control agents: towards new field lures? Scientific Reports 5.DOI:10.1038/srep12729
Li, N., S. B. Fang,X. H. Li, S. Q. An, and C. H. Lu. 2015. Differential contribution of frugivorous birds to dispersal patterns of the endangered Chinese yew (Taxus chinensis). Scientific Reports 5.DOI:10.1038/srep10045.
Li, N.,X. H. Li, S. Q. An, and C. H. Lu. 2015. Impact of multiple bird partners on the seed dispersal effectiveness of China’s relic trees. Scientific Reports 12. DOI: 10.1038/srep17489.
Wei, W., Y. Nie, Z. Zhang, Y. Hu, L. Yan, D. Qi,X. H. Li, and F. Wei. 2015. Hunting bamboo: Foraging patch selection and utilization by giant pandas and implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 186:260-267.
Li, R., M. Xu, M. H. G. Wong, S. Qiu,X. H. Li, D. Ehrenfeld, and D. Li. 2015. Climate change threatens giant panda protection in the 21st century. Biological Conservation 182:93-101.
Li, R., M. Xu, M. H. G. Wong, S. Qiu, Q. Sheng,X. H. Li, and Z. Song. 2015. Climate change-induced decline in bamboo habitats and species diversity: implications for giant panda conservation. Diversity and Distributions 21:379-391.
李欣海,朴正吉,武耀祥,周海成,张鹏,刘丙万,黄小群,肖治术. 2014.长白山森林动态监测样地鸟兽的红外相机初步监测.生物多样性22:810-812.
肖治术,李欣海, and姜广顺. 2014a.红外相机技术在我国野生动物监测研究中的应用.生物多样性22:683-684.
肖治术,李欣海,王学志,周岐海,权锐昌,申小莉,李晟. 2014b.探讨我国森林野生动物红外相机监测规范.生物多样性22:704-711.
肖治术,王学志,李欣海. 2014c.野生动物多样性监测图像数据管理系统CameraData介绍.生物多样性22:712-716.
Li, X. H., H. D. Tian, R. Q. Li, Z. M. Song, F. C. Zhang, M. Xu, and D. M. Li. 2013. Vulnerability of 208 endemic or endangered species in China to the effects of climate change. Regional Environmental Change13:843-852.
Li, X. H.and Y. Wang. 2013. Applying various algorithms for species distribution modeling. Integrative Zoology 8:124-135.
Li, X. H., W. J. Geng, H. D. Tian, and D. J. Lai. 2013. Was mandatory quarantine necessary in China for controlling the pandemic (H1N1) 2009? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10:4690-4700.
W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Taniyasu, L. W. Y. Yeung, P. K. S. Lam, J. Wang,X. H. Li, N Yamashita. Distribution and fate of perfluoroalkyl substances in municipal wastewater treatment plants in economically developed areas of China. Environmental Pollution 176, 10-17.
Jin, Q., H. Han, X. Hu,X. H. Li, C. Zhu, S. Y. Ho, R. D. Ward, and A. B. Zhang. 2013. Quantifying Species Diversity with a DNA Barcoding-Based Method: Tibetan Moth Species (Noctuidae) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. PloS One 8:e64428.
Li, X. H., H. D. Tian, M. Heiner, and D. M. Li. 2011. Global Occurrence and Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus of the Subtype H5N1. Avian Diseases 55:21-28.
Li, X. H., H. D. Tian, D. J. Lai, Z. B. Zhang. 2011. Validation of the Gravity Model in Predicting the Global Spread of Influenza. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 8:3134-3143.
Ruidong Wu, Shuang Zhang, Douglas W. Yu, Peng Zhao,Xinhai Li, Longzhu Wang, Qian Yu, Jian Ma, Ai Chen, Yongcheng Long. 2010. An analysis on ecological representation of nature reserves in China. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:383-389.
Michael Heiner, Jonathan Higgins,Xinhai Liand Barry Baker. Identifying freshwater conservation priorities in the Upper Yangtze River Basin. Freshwater Biology. 56:89-105.
Renqiang Li, Huidong Tian, andXinhai Li*. 2010. Climate change induced range shifts of Galliformes in China.Integrative Zoology. 2010; 1: 153-162.
Li, X. H., X. M. Liu, L. Xu, and Z. Z. Zhang. 2009. Spatial transmission of avian influenza (type H5) in birds. Integrative Zoology 4: 418-425.
Li, X. H., H. D. Tian, and D. M. Li.2009. Why the crested ibis declined in the middle twentieth century? Biodiversity and Conservation 18: 2165-2172.
Tian, H.D., Ji, R., Xie, B.Y.,Li, X. H., & Li, D. M. 2008. Using multi-temporal Landsat ETM+ data to monitor the plague of oriental migratory locust. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 29(6):1685-1692.
Heiner, M.,X. H. Li, R. D. Wu, and J. Higgins. 2008. Putting biodiversity on the map - an overview of the China Biodiversity Conservation Blueprint Project. Living Forests 14: 37-42
Li, X. H.,Matthew K. Litvak, and John E. Hughes Clarke. 2007. Overwintering habitat use of shortnose sturgeon: defining critical habitat using a novel underwater video survey and modeling approach.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences64: 1248-1257.
Li, X. H., D. M. Li, Z. J. Ma, and D. C. Schneider. 2006. Nest site use of crested ibis: dependence of a multifactor model on spatial scale. Landscape Ecology 21: 1207–1216.
Li, X. H., D. M. Li, Z. J. Ma, T. Q. Zhai, and H. Drummond. 2004. Ritualized aggression and unstable dominance in broods of the Crested Ibis. Wilson Bulletin, 116(2): 172–176.
Li, X. H., D. M. Li, Y. M. Li, Z. J. Ma, and T. Q. Zhai. 2002. Habitat evaluation for crested ibis: a GIS-based approach. Ecological Research 17 (5): 565-573.
李欣海,马志军,丁长青,翟天庆,李典谟。2002。朱鹮分布与栖息地内农民的关系。动物学报,48 (6) :725-732。
马志军,丁长青,李欣海等。朱鹮冬季觅食地的选择。动物学研究,2001, 22(1): 46-50。
Li, Y. M., Z.X. Gao,X. H. Li, S. Wang, and J. Niemela. 2000. Illegal wildlife trade in the Himalayan region of China. Biodiversity and Conservation 9:901-918.
李欣海,李典谟,丁长青,曹永汉,卢西荣,傅文凯,马志军,路宝忠和翟天庆。1999。朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)栖息地质量的初步评价。生物多样性,7(3):161-169
Li, X. H.and D. M. Li, 1998. The current state and the future of the crested ibis (Nipponia nippon): a case study by population viability analysis. Ecological Research 13: 333-343.
李欣海,李典谟,路宝忠和翟天庆,1996。朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群生存力分析。生物多样性,4(2):69-77.
R language
Machine learning