中国科学院大气物理研究所 研究员 博导
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2022.01-至今, 中国科学院大气物理研究所,研究员,博导
张金强,宣越健,庞黎,徐群,万晓伟,刘明远,朱庆春. 2014. 臭氧探空检测仪,发明专利号:ZL201310136204.3. 授权公告日:2014年11月5日.
宣越健,张金强,庞黎,徐群,万晓伟,刘明远,朱庆春. 2014. 双池臭氧探空传感器,发明专利号:ZL201310136191.X. 授权公告日:2014年9月24日.
刘明远,宣越健,徐群,庞黎,张金强,万晓伟 朱庆春. 2015. 大气臭氧探空仪信号检测电路,发明专利号:ZL201310228315.7. 授权公告日:2015年2月25日.
张金强,朱庆春,徐明,李欣,宣越健,夏祥鳌,胡小旭,闫加俊. 2018. 太阳辐射通量垂直廓线探测仪,发明专利号:ZL201710423855.9. 授权公告日:2018年6月12日.
张金强,胡小旭,李欣,宣越健,夏祥鳌,朱庆春. 2018. 一种大气要素探测仪及大气要素探测系统,ZL201721169062.0. 授权公告日:2018年4月27日.
张金强,宣越健. 2019. 微型紫外吸收大气臭氧传感器,ZL201822109147.0. 授权公告日:2019年10月25日.
张金强,宣越健,贾盛洁,毕登辉. 2019. 基于高空气球飞行平台的多路大气温度测量装置,ZL201821870333.X. 授权公告日:2019年6月18日.
张金强,宣越健,贾盛洁,毕登辉. 2019. 用于分析高空气球平台大气温度测量受辐射影响的装置,ZL201822275785.X. 授权公告日:2019年8月23日
张金强,邵文政,陈洪滨,金卫平,宣越健,朱科平,顾春涛,曾闰平,龚毅,邹春根,周建中. 2020. 基于高空气球飞行平台的全天候下投气象探空设备,ZL201920971762.4. 授权公告日:2020年1月14日.
张金强,邵文政,陈洪滨,金卫平,宣越健,朱科平,顾春涛,曾闰平,龚毅,邹春根,周建中. 2020. 可回收复用的升降双程有效测量的气象探空装置,ZL201920971729.1. 授权公告日:2020年1月14日.
张金强,顾春涛,陈洪滨,金卫平,宣越健,朱科平,邵文政,曾闰平,龚毅,邹春根,周建中. 2020. 气象探空仪高空下投的控制释放装置,ZL 201920972234.0. 授权公告日:2020年4月17日.
宣越健,张金强,郑向东,邢毅,潘毅,林伟立,刘明远,庞黎. 2022.“双池电化学大气臭氧探空系统”获“十三五”以来气象科技成果评价“良好”奖,[2022]199.
宣越健,张金强,郑向东,邢毅,潘毅,林伟立,刘明远,庞黎. 2022.“双池电化学大气臭氧探空系统”获“气象科学技术成果登记证书”,[2022]0217.
张金强,陈洪滨. 2023. 基于气象探空数据识别云垂直边界及其逆温特征软件V1.0,软件著作权登记号:2023SR0783757, 授权公告日:2023年7月3日.
张金强,宣越健. 2023. 国产双池电化学型臭氧探空观测数据处理软件V1.0, 软件著作权登记号:2023SR0823199,授权公告日:2023年7月7日.
张金强,曾芸枢. 2023. 聚类分析国产臭氧探空观测对流层臭氧软件V1.0,软件著作权登记号:2023SR0906537,授权公告日:2023年8月8日.
张金强,陈洪滨,朱彦良,宣越健,施红蓉. 2023. 下投探空提取大气垂直速度软件V1.0,软件著作权登记号:2023SR0903253,授权公告日:2023年8月8日.
张金强,孙竹玲,宣越健,刘明远. 2023. 国产臭氧探空仪地基检测软件V1.0,软件著作权登记号:2023SR0908442,授权公告日:2023年8月9日.
张金强. 2023. 气象探空数据分析对流层顶特征软件V1.0,软件著作权登记号:2023SR0909317,授权公告日:2023年8月9日.
张金强,宣越健,贾盛洁,毕登辉. 2023. 基于高空气球飞行平台的多路大气温度测量装置,发明专利号:ZL 2018 1 1346942.X,授权公告日:2023年8月25日.
张金强,宣越健,贾盛洁,毕登辉. 2023. 用于分析高空气球平台大气温度测量受辐射影响的装置,发明专利号:ZL2018 1 1637828.2,授权公告日:2023年9月26日.
张金强,邵文政,陈洪滨,金卫平,宣越健,朱科平,顾春涛,曾闰平,龚毅,邹春根,周建中. 2023. 基于高空气球飞行平台的全天候下投气象探空设备,发明专利号:ZL201910560081.3,授权公告日:2023年11月03日.
张金强,顾春涛,陈洪滨,金卫平,宣越健,朱科平,邵文政,曾闰平,龚毅,邹春根,周建中. 2023. 气象探空仪高空下投的控制释放装置,发明专利号:ZL201910560078.1,授权公告日:2023年11月14日.
张金强,邵文政,陈洪滨,金卫平,宣越健,朱科平,顾春涛,曾闰平,龚毅,邹春根,周建中. 2023. 可回收复用的升降双程有效测量的气象探空装置,发明专利号:ZL201910560069.2,授权公告日:2023年11月20日。
张金强. 臭氧探空与卫星观测臭氧对比分析软件V1.0, 软件著作权登记号:2024SR1172601, 授权公告日:2024年8月13日.
Zhang J., Ye C., Xuan Y., Bai Z., Lin W., Li D., Ran L., Jiao B., Ma Y., Ma W., Yao N., Zeng Y., Lv D., Zhu T.*, 2024. The Earth Summit Mission-2022: Successful ozone soundings contribute to source identification in the north Mt. Qomolangma region. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 136(2024), 412-421.
Zhang J.*, Xuan Y., Bian J., Vömel H., Zeng Y., Bai Z., Li D., Chen H., 2024. Comparison between ozonesonde measurements and satellite retrievals over Beijing,China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 17 (2024), 100378.
杨宇辉,张金强*,陈洪滨,陈红岩,何文英,潘继东,南卫东. 2024. 渤海湾海陆风环流及臭氧特征分析. 气象研究与应用, 45(2), 8-15.
齐冰,徐晓飞,靳军莉,杨欣洁,牛彧文,张金强*. 2024. 杭州地区大气臭氧浓度垂直分布研究. 中国环境科学, 44(9), 4754-4764.
Li Y., Mou X., Kang J., Zhu S., Fan Y., Fan H.,Wei, X., Chen D., Ren S., Jia S., Li J., Li N., Ran L., Zhou K., Zhang J.*, 2024. The development of a hailstone disdrometer and its preliminary observation in Aksu, Xinjiang. Atmosphere 15, 823.
Zang Z., Liu J., Tarasick D., Moeini O., Bian J., Zhang J., Thompson A.M., Van Malderen R., Smit H.G.J., Stauffer R.M., Johnson B.J., and Kollonige D.E., 2024. The improved Trajectory-mapped Ozonesonde dataset for the Stratosphere and Troposphere (TOST): update, validation and applications. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 13889–13912.
Liao Z., Gao M., Zhang J., Sun J., Quan J., Jia X., Pan Y., Fan S., 2024. Mixing-layer-height-referenced ozone vertical distribution in the lower troposphere of Chinese megacities: stratification, classification, and meteorological and photochemical mechanisms. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 3541–3557.
Zeng Y., Zhang J.*, Li D.*, Liao Z., Bian J., Bai Z., Shi H., Xuan Y., Yao Z., Chen H., 2023. Vertical distribution of tropospheric ozone and its sources of precursors over Beijing: Results from ∼ 20 years of ozonesonde measurements based on clustering analysis. Atmospheric Research, 284(2023), 106610.
Zeng Y., Zhang, J.*, Li Y., Liu S., Chen H., 2023. Wavelet Analysis of Ozone Driving Factors Based on ~20 Years of Ozonesonde Measurements in Beijing. Atmosphere, 14, 1733.
Liao Z., Pan Y., Ma P., Jia X., Cheng Z., Wang Q., Dou Y., Zhao X., Zhang J.*, Quan J.*, 2023. Meteorological and chemical controls on surface ozone diurnal variability in Beijing: A clustering-based perspective. Atmospheric Environment, 295(2023), 119566.
Xu H., Guo J., Tong B., Zhang J., Chen T., Guo X., Zhang J., Chen, W., 2023. Characterizing the near-global cloud vertical structures over land using high-resolution radiosonde measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 15011–15038.
Shi H., Yang D., Wang W., Fu D., Gao L., Zhang J., Hu B., Shan Y., Zhang Y., Bian Y., Chen H., Xia X., 2023. First estimation of high-resolution solar photovoltaic resource maps over China with Fengyun-4A satellite and machine learning. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 184(2023), 113549.
夏祥鳌,田玉芳,武云飞,杨静,吉东生,张金强,张仁健,王普才,陈洪滨,郄秀书,吕达仁,2023. 从边界层到中高层大气的气候环境综合探测与科学研究. 中国科学院院刊, 38(7): 1077-1087.
张华,刘煜,王在志,张金强,谢冰 等,2023. 云辐射与降水. 气象出版社, ISBN: 9787502979270.
Yang Z., Li D., Luo J., Tian W., Bai Z., Li Q., Zhang J., Wang H., Zheng X., Vömel H., Wienhold F., Peter T., Hurst D., Bian J., 2023. Determination of cirrus occurrence and distribution characteristics over the Tibetan Plateau based on the SWOP campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD037682.
Liu, M. Q., X. H. Fan, X. A. Xia, J. Zhang, and J. Li, 2023. Value-added products derived from 15 years of high-quality surface solar radiation measurements at Xianghe, a suburban site in the North China Plain. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 40(6), 1132-114.
Ji X., Liu C., Wang Y., Hu Q., Lin H., Zhao F., Xing C., Tang G., Zhang J., Wagner T., 2023. Ozone profiles without blind area retrieved from MAX-DOAS measurements and comprehensive validation with multi-platform observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 284(2023), 113339.
Ma Y., W. Ma, H. Dai, L. Zhang, F. Sun, J. Zhang, N. Yao, J. He, Z. Bai, Y. Xuan, Y. Zhang, Y. Yuan, C. Yang, W. Sun, P. Zhao, M. Ding, K. Zhu, J. Hu, B. Bazhuga, B. Juepingcuo, Z. Ma, R. Qingnima, S. Langwangdui, Y. Zong, H. Wen, 2023. Scientific expedition and research on Mt. Qomolangma helps reveal the synergy between westerly winds and monsoon and the resulting climatic and environmental effects. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 40(2), 187−193.
Zhang J.*, 2022. Tropopause characteristics based on long-term ARM radiosonde data: A fine-scale comparison at the extratropical SGP site and Arctic NSA site. Atmosphere, 13, 965.
Hong J., Wang W., Bai Z., Bian J., Tao M., Konopka P., Ploeger F., Müller R., Wang H., Zhang J., Zhao S., Zhu J. 2022. The Long-Term Trends and Interannual Variability in Surface Ozone Levels in Beijing from 1995 to 2020. Remote Sens., 14, 5726.
孙宇婷,郑向东,卞建春,张金强,白志宣. 2022. 夏季青藏高原北部对流层臭氧垂直分布的观测研究. 气象学报,80(5),806–818.
Liu, M., J. Zhang, H. Shi, D. Fu, and X. Xia, 2022. Data-driven estimation of cloud effects on surface irradiance at Xianghe, a suburban site in North China Plain. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 39(12), 2213−2223.
Du, Y., H. Shi, J. Zhang*, X. Xia, Z. Yao, D. Fu, B. Hu, C. Huang, 2022. Evaluation of MERRA-2 hourly surface solar radiation across China. Solar Energy, 234(2022), 103–110.
Ma, D., J. Bian, D. Li, Z. Bai, Q. Li, J. Zhang, H. Wang, X. Zheng, D. F. Hurst, H. Vömel, 2022. Mixing characteristics within the tropopause transition layer over the Asian summer monsoon region based on ozone and water vapor sounding data. Atmospheric Research, 271(2022), 106093
Liu, H., X. Han, G. Tang, J. Zhang, X. Xia, M. Zhang, L. Meng, 2022. Model analysis of vertical exchange of boundary layer ozone and its impact on surface air quality over the North China Plain. Science of the Total Environment, 821 (2022), 153436.
Liu, S., Zong, X., Qiao, C., Lyu, D., Zhang, W., Zhang, J., Liu, H., Duan, M. 2022. Retrieval of Stratospheric Ozone Profiles from Limb Scattering Measurements of the Backward Limb Spectrometer on Chinese Space Laboratory Tiangong-2: Preliminary Results. Remote Sens., 14, 4771.
Zhang, J.*, D. Li, J. Bian, Y. Xuan, H. Chen, Z. Bai, X. Wan, X. Zheng, X. Xia and D. Lü, 2021: Long-term ozone variability in the vertical structure and integrated column over the North China Plain: Results based on ozonesonde and Dobson measurements during 2001-2019, Environmental Research Letters, 16 (2021) 074053.
Zhang, J., D. Li, J. Bian, and Z. Bai, 2021: Deep stratospheric intrusion and Russian wildfire induce enhanced tropospheric ozone pollution over the northern Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Research, 105662.
Zhang, J.*, H. Chen, Y. Du, W. Shao, R. Zeng, K. Zhu, Y. Liu, and Y. Xuan., 2021: Stratospheric balloon-based dropsonde technology: Development and preliminary assessment over the Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 14 (2021) 100039.
Shi, H., J. Zhang*, B. Zhao, X. Xia, B. Hu, H. Chen, J. Wei, M. Liu, Y. Bian, D. Fu, Y. GU and K. Liou, 2021: Surface brightening in eastern and central China since the implementation of the Clean Air Action in 2013: causes and implications. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091105.
Tang, G., Y. Liu, J. Zhang*, B. Liu, Q. Li, J. Sun, Y. Wang, Y. Xuan, Y. Li, J. Pan, X. Li, and Y. Wang, 2021: Bypassing the NOx titration trap in ozone pollution control in Beijing. Atmospheric Research, 249 (2021), 105333.
Zhang, J.*, Shi H., Chen Q., Zong X., Li J., Han X., Bi Y. and Xia X., 2020: Radiation profiles from the surface up to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (2020), 104001.
Zhang, J., Wu X., Bian J., Xia X., Bai Z., Liu Y., Cai Z., Huo J. and Lü D., 2020: Aerosol variations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (2020), 094068.
Zhang, J.*, 2020: Cloud-top temperature inversion derived from long-term radiosonde measurements at the ARM TWP and NSA sites. Atmospheric Research, 246(2020).
Zhang, J.*, Xia X. and Wu X., 2020: First in situ UV profile across the UTLS accompanied by ozone measurement over the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 98 (2020), 71–76.
Zhang, J.*, Xia X., Shi H., Zong X. and Li J., 2020: Radiation and aerosol measurements over the Tibetan Plateau during the Asian summer monsoon period. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 11 (2020), 1543–1551.
Zhang, J., Zheng Y., Li Z., Xia X. and Chen H., 2020: A 17-year climatology of temperature inversions above clouds over the ARM SGP site: The roles of cloud radiative effects. Atmospheric Research, 237 (2020), 104810.
Zhang, J.*, Zhu J. and Xia X., 2020: Properties of summer radiation and aerosols at Xinzhou, a suburban site on the North China Plain. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 13(6), 493–499.
Zhang, J., X. Wu, S. Liu, Z. Bai, X. Xia, B. Chen, X. Zong, and J. Bian, 2019: In situ measurements and backward-trajectory analysis of high-concentration, fine-mode aerosols in the UTLS over the Tibetan Plateau. Environ. Res. Lett., 14, 124068.
Zhang, J.*, X. Xia, X. Zong, X. Fan, H. Chen, and J. Li, 2019: Dust Properties and Radiative Impacts at a Suburban Site during 2004–2017 in the North China Plain. Remote Sens., 11, 1842.
Zhang, J., H. Chen, Y. Zhu, H. Shi, Y. Zheng, X. Xia, Y. Teng, F. Wang, X. Han, J. Li, and Y. Xuan, 2019: A novel method for estimating the vertical velocity of air with a descending radiosonde system. Remote Sens., 11, 1538.
Zhang, J.*, Y. Liu, H. Chen, Z. Cai, Z. Bai, L. Ran, T. Luo, J. Yang, Y. Wang, Y. Xuan, Y. Huang, X. Wu, J. Bian, and D. Lu, 2019: A multi-location joint field observation of the stratosphere and troposphere over the Tibetan Plateau. Earth and Planetary Physics, 3(2), 87–92.
窦鑫, 张金强*, 朱彬, 郑向东, 夏祥鳌, 陈洪滨, 2019: 香河地基观测臭氧柱总量数据分析及臭氧变化趋势研究. 气候与环境研究, 24(2): 143−151.
Zhang, J., X. Xia, and H. Chen, 2017: A comparison of cloud layers from ground and satellite active remote sensing at the Southern Great Plains ARM site. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 34(3), 347–359.
Zhang, J.*, and H. Chen, 2017: Macrophysical properties of specific cloud types from radiosonde and surface active remote sensing measurements over the ARM Southern Great Plains site. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 10:1, 29-35.
张金强*, 王振会, 陈洪滨, 施红蓉, 2017: 地基与星载仪器观测大气臭氧总量分析. 气候与环境研究, 22(2): 177−190.
Zhang, J., J. Chen, X. Xia, H. Che, X. Fan, Y. Xie, Z. Han, H, Chen, D. Lu, 2016: Heavy aerosol loading over the Bohai Bay as revealed by ground and satellite remote sensing. Atmos. Environ., 124, 252–261.
Zhang, J.*, Li, J., Xia, X., Chen, H., Ling, C, 2016: Cloud properties under different synoptic circulations: Comparison of radiosonde and ground-based active remote sensing measurements. Atmosphere, 7, 154.
Zhang, J., H. Chen, X. Xia, and W. Wang, 2016: Dynamic and thermodynamic features of low and middle clouds derived from Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program mobile facility radiosonde data at Shouxian. China. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 33(1), 21–33.
张金强*, 2016: 地基探测与NCEP GFS模式预报云量在ARM SGP站点对比. 气象与环境科学, 39(1): 12–18.
张银量, 宣越健, 张金强*, 陈洪滨, 万晓伟, 2016: 东亚3个站点臭氧层顶和对流层顶关系研究. 成都信息工程大学学报, 31(1): 116–122.
张金强*, 宣越健, 刘明远, 万晓伟, 白志宣, 2015: 大气臭氧探空仪: 技术指标及对比分析. 气象科技进展, 5(4), 35–44.
Zhang, J., Z. Li, H. Chen, H. Yoo, and M. Cribb, 2014: Cloud Vertical Distribution from Radiosonde, Remote Sensing, and Model Simulations. Climate Dynamics, 43(3-4), 1129–1140.
Zhang, J.*, Y. Xuan, X. Yan, M. Liu, H. Tian, X. Xia, L. Pang, and X. Zheng, 2014: Development and preliminary evaluation of a double-cell ozonesonde, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 31(4), 938–947.
Zhang, J.*, Y. Xuan, X. Xia, M. Liu, X. Yan, L. Pang, Z. Bai, and X. WAN, 2014: Performance evaluation of a self-developed ozonesonde and its application in an intensive observational campaign, Atmos. Oceanic. Sci. Lett., 7(3), 175-179.
张金强*, 宣越健, 刘明远, 孙竹玲, 庞黎, 2014: 臭氧探空仪电化学反应池检测设备研制与应用. 气象科技, 42(3), 397–401.
Zhang, J., Z. Li, H. Chen, and M. Cribb. 2013: Validation of a radiosonde-based cloud layer detection method against a ground-based remote sensing method at multiple ARM sites. J. Geophys. Res., 118(2), 846–858.
Zhang, J., H. Chen, J. Bian, Y. Xuan, Y. Duan, and M. Cribb, 2012: Development of cloud detection methods using CFH, GTS1, and RS80 radiosondes. Adv. Atmos. Sci., 29(2), 236–248.
Zhang, J., H. Chen, Z. Li, X. Fan, L. Peng, Y. Yu, and M. Cribb, 2010: Analysis of cloud layer structure in Shouxian, China using RS92 radiosonde aided by 95 GHz cloud radar. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D00K30.
Li, C., Y. Su, X. Lv, H. Xia, H. Shi, X. Yang, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, 2012: Controllable anchoring of gold nanoparticles to polypyrrole nanofibers by hydrogen bonding and their application in nonenzymatic glucose sensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 38(1), 402–406.
朱彦良, 凌超, 陈洪滨, 张金强, 彭亮, 余予, 2012: 两种再分析资料与RS92 探空资料的比较分析. 气候与环境研究,17(3), 381−391.
Fan, J., L. Leung, D. Rosenfeld, Q. Chen, Z. Li, J. Zhang, and H. Yan, 2013: Microphysical effects determine macrophysical response for aerosol impacts on deep convective clouds. P. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 110(48), E4581-E4590.
Chen, H., Y. Zhu, J. Zhang, and Y. Xuan, 2013: Vertical air motions derived from a descending radiosonde using a lightweight hard ball as the parachute. Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 6, 8107−8127
Tang, G., J. Zhang, X. Zhu, T. Song, C. Münkel, B. Hu, K. Schäfer, Z. Liu, J. Zhang, L. Wang, J. Xin, P. Suppan, and Y. Wang, 2016: Mixing layer height and its implications for air pollution over Beijing, China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 2459−2475.
Zhu, J., X. Xia, H. Che, J. Wang, J. Zhang, and Y. Duan, 2016: Study of aerosol optical properties at Kunming in southwest China and long-range transport of biomass burning aerosols from North Burma. Atmos. Res., 169, 237−247.
Xia, X., H. Che, J. Zhu, H. Chen, Z. Cong, X. Deng, X. Fan, Y. Fu, P. Goloub, H. Jiang, Q. Liu, B. Mai, P. Wang, Y. Wu, J. Zhang, R. Zhang, and X. Zhang, 2016: Ground-based remote sensing of aerosol climatology in China: Aerosol optical properties, direct radiative effect and its parameterization. Atmos. Environ., 124, 243−251.
张华,谢冰,刘煜,汪方,王在志,张金强,李剑东,胡斯勒图,尚华哲,陈勇航,宣越建, 2017: 东亚地区云对地球辐射收支和降水变化的影响研究. 中国基础科学, 5, 18−22.
Liu, Q., W. Ding, L. Xie, J. Zhang, J. Zhu, X. Xia, D. Liu, R. Yuan, Y. Fu, 2017: Aerosol properties over an urban site in central East China derived from ground sun-photometer measurements. Science China Earth Sciences, 60, 297–314.
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1. 国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器设备研制专项,分布式三维大气电场探测系统,任务负责人,2014.01-2018.12
2. 中科院战略性先导专项A类子课题,平流层长航时飞行原位及下投观测,负责人,2018.01-2022.12
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,中国地区云垂直结构及其热动力特征的探空研究,负责人, 2019.01-2022.1
4. 工信部自然灾害防治技术装备工程化攻关专项项目,港口大雾大风复合雷达,任务负责人,2021.4-2024.4
刘梦琪 博士研究生 070602-大气物理学与大气环境