Prof. Dieter H. Bimberg

Bimberg Chinese-German Center for Green Photonics

Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP)

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)




Scholarship opportunities for doctoral candidate

Doctoral candidate please send email to

and cc to

·          ANSO

·          UCAS

·          CGS


Open positions in Bimberg Center include:

·          Staff members at full professor, associate professor, and assistant professor levels

·          Postdoctoral fellows

·          PhD and MS students

·          Long-term and short-term visitors

·          Interns at all levels


The research directions of the Bimberg Center

·          long-wavelength quantum dot HIBBEE laser technology for next generation LIDAR

·          mode -locked quantum dot lasers for future Terabit/sec metropolitan area networks (MAN)

·          high bit rate and energy efficien t vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for optical computer interconnects

·          including in each case module development and based on own development s of quantum materials


Desired backgrounds include but not limited to:

·          photonic device modeling

·          epitaxial growth

·          nanostructure characterization

·          photonic device processing

·          ultrahigh speed/bit rate measurement techniques

·          high power semiconductor laser measurement techniques


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