Jinfang Zhi (只 金芳)
Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese academy of Sciences
Bei-Yi-Tiao No.2 Zhongguancun haidian, District, Beijing, China
Tel: +86-10-8254-3537 Mobile Phone:13601006574
E-mail: Zhi-mail@mail.ipc.ac.cn
Research Areas
1. Photocatalytical Material synthesis, applications, characterized and standardization
2. Photocatalytical and Electro-assisted Wastewater treatment technology
3. Electrochemical biosensor for the environmental detection technology, etc.
1992-1995 Ph.D in Applied Chemistry, Tokyo University (東京大学), Japan
1984-1987 MS in Organic Chemistry, Nankai University(南開大学), China
1980-1984 B.Sc. in Organic Chemistry, Nankai University (南開大学), China
Professional Appointments
2003- Lab Director of Optoelectric Functional Interface Materials;
Professor of Applied Chemistry in Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry (TIPC), Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), China(中国科学院理化技术研究所)
2000-2003 Domestic Research Fellow of Japan Science and technology (JST), Japan
1995-1999 Engineer in Research & Development group of NIPPON MEKTRON(日本メクトロン), (NOK group) Co. Japan
1987-1991 Assistant Professor, in Chemistry Department, Nankai University, China
Teaching Experience
Lecturer,“Photo-biological” for he graduated student of Chinese academy of Science,2017
Lecturer, “Photofunction materials” for the graduated student of Chinese academy of Science, 2009
Lecturer, Organic Chemistry, Nankai University, 1988.
Main publication
1. Luo Daibing, Wu LiangZhuan., Zhi JinFang*, “Fabrication of Boron-Doped Diamond nanorods Forest Electrodes and Their Application in Nonenzymetric Amperometric Glucose Biosensing”, ACS NANO, 2009, 3 (8), 2121-2128.
2. Bo Guan, Fei Zou, JinFang Zhi*, “Nanodiamond as the pH-Responsive Vehicle for an Anticancer Drug”, Small, 2010, 6 (14),1514-1519.
3. Yanli Zhou, Ruhai Tian, Jinfang Zhi*,Amperometric biosensor based on tyrosinase immobilized on a boron-doped diamond electrode. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2007, 22, 822-828.
4. Yanli Zhou, Jinfang Zhi*, Yousheng Zou, Wenjun Zhang and Shuit-Tong Lee*, “Direct Electrochemistry and Electrocatalytic Activity of Cytochrome C Covalently Immobilized on a Boron-Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Electrode”, Anal. Chem., 2008, 80, 4141-4146.
5. Jianwen Zhao, Liangzhuan Wu, Jinfang Zhi,* “Fabrication of micropatterned ZnO/SiO2 core/shell nanorod arrays on a nanocrystalline diamond film and their application to DNA hybridization detection” J. Mater. Chem., 2008, 21, 2459 -2465.
6. Yuan Yu,Jinfang Zhi,*Diamond nanowires: fabrication, structure, properties, and applications,Angewandte Chemie, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201310803 and 10.1002/ange.201310803
Total: 85 papers
Book Chapters
1.Ruhai Tian, Jinfang Zhi, “Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology,The Applications of Nanoparticles in Electrochemistry” pp 1349-1376, Nova Science Publisher, ISBN: 978-1-60692-079-4,Pages: 1597 pp
2.Ruhai Tian, Jinfang Zhi, “Nanoparticles: New research” ,Binding: Hardcover, Pub. Date: 2008 , ISBN: 978-1-60456-704-54th Quarter, Nova Science Publisher
3.Yanli Zhou, Jinfang Zhi, “Amperometric Biosensors Based on Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes” Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-61470-591-8, Pub. Date: 2011.
4. Yuan Yu, Jinfang ZHI, “Novel Aspects of Diamond: From Growth to Applications” Springer
Total 22 patents.
Enaction Standards: ( Photocatalysis materials detection)
Organizing and Enacting 5 National standards and 1 ISO standard:
GB/T 30706-2014, GB/T23761-2009, GB/T23762-2009, GB/T23763-2009 ,GB/T23764-2009
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