
孙天然 男 博导 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
电子邮件: trsun@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市双清路18号中科院生态环境研究中心
电子邮件: trsun@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市双清路18号中科院生态环境研究中心
2010-01--2013-08 丹麦科技大学 博士
2006-09--2009-06 山东师范大学 硕士
2002-09--2006-06 山东农业大学 学士
2006-09--2009-06 山东师范大学 硕士
2002-09--2006-06 山东农业大学 学士
2021-08~现在, 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 研究员
2018-02~2021-06,德国蒂宾根大学, 博士后研究人员
2014-04~2017-12,美国康奈尔大学, 博士后研究人员
2010-01~2013-08,丹麦科技大学, 博士
2006-09~2009-06,山东师范大学, 硕士
2002-09~2006-06,山东农业大学, 学士
2018-02~2021-06,德国蒂宾根大学, 博士后研究人员
2014-04~2017-12,美国康奈尔大学, 博士后研究人员
2010-01~2013-08,丹麦科技大学, 博士
2006-09~2009-06,山东师范大学, 硕士
2002-09~2006-06,山东农业大学, 学士
(1) Quantification of the Redox Properties of Microplastics and their Effect on Arsenite Oxidation, Fundamental Research, 2022, 第 3 作者
(2) Suppressing peatland methane production by electron snorkeling through pyrogenic carbon in controlled laboratory incubations, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2021, 第 1 作者
(3) A coupled function of biochar as geobattery and geoconductor leads to stimulation of microbial Fe(III) reduction and methanogenesis in a paddy soil enrichment culture, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2021, 第 2 作者
(4) Pyridinic- and Pyrrolic Nitrogen in Pyrogenic Carbon Improves Electron Shuttling during Microbial Fe(III) Reduction, ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 2021, 第 5 作者
(5) Electron Hopping Enables Rapid Electron Transfer between Quinone-/Hydroquinone-Containing Organic Molecules in Microbial Iron(III) Mineral Reduction, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 第 2 作者
(6) Aggregation-dependent electron transfer via redox-active biochar particles stimulate microbial ferrihydrite reduction, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2020, 第 2 作者
(7) AQDS and Redox-Active NOM Enables Microbial Fe(III)-Mineral Reduction at cm-Scales, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 第 4 作者
(8) Migration and transformation of Cu(II)-EDTA during electrodialysis accompanied by an electrochemical process with different compartment designs, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2019, 第 2 作者
(9) Simultaneous Quantification of Electron Transfer by Carbon Matrices and Functional Groups in Pyrogenic Carbon, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 11 作者
(10) Biochars induced modification of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil and its impact on mobility and bioaccumulation of arsenic and cadmium, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2018, 第 4 作者
(11) Rapid electron transfer by the carbon matrix in natural pyrogenic carbon, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 第 11 作者
(12) Electrochemically enhanced reduction of hexavalent chromium in contaminated clay: Kinetics, energy consumption, and application of pulse current, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2015,
(13) Electrodialytic soil remediation enhanced by low frequency pulse current ��� Overall chronopotentiometric measurement, CHEMOSPHERE, 2013,
(14) Effect of pulse current on acidification and removal of Cu, Cd, and As during suspended electrodialytic soil remediation, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2013,
(15) Effects of pulse current on energy consumption and removal of heavy metals during electrodialytic soil remediation, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2012,
(16) Electrodialytic remediation of suspended soil ��� Comparison of two different soil fractions, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2012,
(17) Pulse current enhanced electrodialytic soil remediation���Comparison of different pulse frequencies, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2012,
(18) Roles of abiotic losses, microbes, plant roots, and root exudates on phytoremediation of PAHs in a barren soil, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2010, 第 1 作者
(19) Application of bioassays to evaluate a copper contaminated soil before and after a pilot-scale electrokinetic remediation, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2009, 第 4 作者
(2) Suppressing peatland methane production by electron snorkeling through pyrogenic carbon in controlled laboratory incubations, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2021, 第 1 作者
(3) A coupled function of biochar as geobattery and geoconductor leads to stimulation of microbial Fe(III) reduction and methanogenesis in a paddy soil enrichment culture, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2021, 第 2 作者
(4) Pyridinic- and Pyrrolic Nitrogen in Pyrogenic Carbon Improves Electron Shuttling during Microbial Fe(III) Reduction, ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 2021, 第 5 作者
(5) Electron Hopping Enables Rapid Electron Transfer between Quinone-/Hydroquinone-Containing Organic Molecules in Microbial Iron(III) Mineral Reduction, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 第 2 作者
(6) Aggregation-dependent electron transfer via redox-active biochar particles stimulate microbial ferrihydrite reduction, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2020, 第 2 作者
(7) AQDS and Redox-Active NOM Enables Microbial Fe(III)-Mineral Reduction at cm-Scales, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 第 4 作者
(8) Migration and transformation of Cu(II)-EDTA during electrodialysis accompanied by an electrochemical process with different compartment designs, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2019, 第 2 作者
(9) Simultaneous Quantification of Electron Transfer by Carbon Matrices and Functional Groups in Pyrogenic Carbon, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 11 作者
(10) Biochars induced modification of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil and its impact on mobility and bioaccumulation of arsenic and cadmium, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2018, 第 4 作者
(11) Rapid electron transfer by the carbon matrix in natural pyrogenic carbon, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 第 11 作者
(12) Electrochemically enhanced reduction of hexavalent chromium in contaminated clay: Kinetics, energy consumption, and application of pulse current, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2015,
(13) Electrodialytic soil remediation enhanced by low frequency pulse current ��� Overall chronopotentiometric measurement, CHEMOSPHERE, 2013,
(14) Effect of pulse current on acidification and removal of Cu, Cd, and As during suspended electrodialytic soil remediation, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2013,
(15) Effects of pulse current on energy consumption and removal of heavy metals during electrodialytic soil remediation, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 2012,
(16) Electrodialytic remediation of suspended soil ��� Comparison of two different soil fractions, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2012,
(17) Pulse current enhanced electrodialytic soil remediation���Comparison of different pulse frequencies, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2012,
(18) Roles of abiotic losses, microbes, plant roots, and root exudates on phytoremediation of PAHs in a barren soil, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2010, 第 1 作者
(19) Application of bioassays to evaluate a copper contaminated soil before and after a pilot-scale electrokinetic remediation, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2009, 第 4 作者
( 1 ) 水资源回收原理与应用—第6章:能源经济中厌氧消化的升级—甲烷框架, Resource Recovery from Water: Principles and Application—Chapter 6: Upgrading anaerobic digestion within the energy economy – the methane platform, IWA Publishing, 2022-02, 第 3 作者
( 1 ) 酸性红壤障碍消减原理与技术, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2023-09--2028-08