
隋倩雯 女 硕导 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
电子邮件: qwsui@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区双清路18号
电子邮件: qwsui@rcees.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区双清路18号
2009-09--2014-06 中国农业科学院 农业水土工程 工学博士
2005-09--2009-06 中国农业大学 农业建筑环境与能源工程 工学学士
2005-09--2009-06 中国农业大学 农业建筑环境与能源工程 工学学士
2021-01~现在, 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 副研究员
2017-08~2021-01,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 助理研究员
2014-07~2017-07,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 环境科学与工程 博士后
2009-09~2014-06,中国农业科学院, 农业水土工程 工学博士
2005-09~2009-06,中国农业大学, 农业建筑环境与能源工程 工学学士
2017-08~2021-01,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 助理研究员
2014-07~2017-07,中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 环境科学与工程 博士后
2009-09~2014-06,中国农业科学院, 农业水土工程 工学博士
2005-09~2009-06,中国农业大学, 农业建筑环境与能源工程 工学学士
2021-03-01-2026-07-22,全国畜牧业标准化技术委员会畜牧环境及废弃物利用标准化工作组, 委员
( 1 ) 基于自控的一体式自养脱氮耦合生物除磷的方法及装置, 2021, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN113184996A
( 2 ) 厌氧膜反应器-部分亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化组合装置及方法, 2021, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN109592785B
( 3 ) 基于悬链式曝气导流封闭式的厌氧池装置, 2021, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN112537846A
( 4 ) 实现序批/连续流的短程硝化厌氧氨氧化反应装置, 2021, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN212334747U
( 5 ) 连续流缺氧/好氧耦合厌氧氨氧化的污水处理装置, 2021, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN212269585U
( 6 ) 基于厌氧氨氧化生物脱氮反应装置的废水处理系统, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN211921026U
( 7 ) 一体式膜生物反应装置及废水处理系统, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN211921219U
( 8 ) 实现序批/连续流的短程硝化厌氧氨氧化反应装置和方法, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN111847641A
( 9 ) 基于一体式膜生物反应装置的废水处理系统, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN211712897U
( 10 ) 基于序批式膜生物反应的废水处理系统, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN211712879U
( 11 ) 厌氧膜生物-短程硝化反硝化的废水处理系统, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN211620274U
( 12 ) 电吸附-厌氧氨氧化处理无机氨氮废水的方法与装置, 2020, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN111675437A
( 13 ) 基于接种城市活性污泥快速启动CANON工艺的方法与装置, 2020, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN111661921A
( 14 ) 一体式短程硝化/厌氧氨氧化的快速原位启动方法与装置, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN111620442A
( 15 ) 基于厌氧氨氧化生物脱氮反应装置的废水处理系统及方法, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN111204869A
( 16 ) 基于一体式膜生物反应装置的废水处理系统及方法, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN111087134A
( 17 ) 一体式膜生物反应装置、废水处理系统及方法, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN111087132A
( 18 ) 连续流缺氧/好氧耦合厌氧氨氧化的污水处理装置和方法, 2020, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN111087074A
( 19 ) 厌氧膜生物-短程硝化反硝化的废水处理方法及系统, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN110902966A
( 20 ) 基于序批式膜生物反应的废水处理方法及废水处理系统, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN110902967A
( 21 ) 污水生物脱氮工艺中N 2 O削减的控制方法及系统, 2018, 第 7 作者, 专利号: CN108249572A
( 22 ) 一种有机废水的预处理方法, 2017, 第 6 作者, 专利号: CN107365010A
( 2 ) 厌氧膜反应器-部分亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化组合装置及方法, 2021, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN109592785B
( 3 ) 基于悬链式曝气导流封闭式的厌氧池装置, 2021, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN112537846A
( 4 ) 实现序批/连续流的短程硝化厌氧氨氧化反应装置, 2021, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN212334747U
( 5 ) 连续流缺氧/好氧耦合厌氧氨氧化的污水处理装置, 2021, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN212269585U
( 6 ) 基于厌氧氨氧化生物脱氮反应装置的废水处理系统, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN211921026U
( 7 ) 一体式膜生物反应装置及废水处理系统, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN211921219U
( 8 ) 实现序批/连续流的短程硝化厌氧氨氧化反应装置和方法, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN111847641A
( 9 ) 基于一体式膜生物反应装置的废水处理系统, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN211712897U
( 10 ) 基于序批式膜生物反应的废水处理系统, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN211712879U
( 11 ) 厌氧膜生物-短程硝化反硝化的废水处理系统, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN211620274U
( 12 ) 电吸附-厌氧氨氧化处理无机氨氮废水的方法与装置, 2020, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN111675437A
( 13 ) 基于接种城市活性污泥快速启动CANON工艺的方法与装置, 2020, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN111661921A
( 14 ) 一体式短程硝化/厌氧氨氧化的快速原位启动方法与装置, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN111620442A
( 15 ) 基于厌氧氨氧化生物脱氮反应装置的废水处理系统及方法, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN111204869A
( 16 ) 基于一体式膜生物反应装置的废水处理系统及方法, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN111087134A
( 17 ) 一体式膜生物反应装置、废水处理系统及方法, 2020, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN111087132A
( 18 ) 连续流缺氧/好氧耦合厌氧氨氧化的污水处理装置和方法, 2020, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN111087074A
( 19 ) 厌氧膜生物-短程硝化反硝化的废水处理方法及系统, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN110902966A
( 20 ) 基于序批式膜生物反应的废水处理方法及废水处理系统, 2020, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN110902967A
( 21 ) 污水生物脱氮工艺中N 2 O削减的控制方法及系统, 2018, 第 7 作者, 专利号: CN108249572A
( 22 ) 一种有机废水的预处理方法, 2017, 第 6 作者, 专利号: CN107365010A
(1) 猪场污水高氨氮负荷处理过程中温室气体的排放特征, 农业环境科学学报, 2024, 第 3 作者
(2) Molecular insight into the allocation of organic carbon to heterotrophic bacteria: Carbon metabolism and the involvement in nitrogen and phosphorus removal, Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 第 1 作者 通讯作者
(3) A single-stage membrane aerated biofilm reactor achieving the combination of partial nitritation/anammox and enhanced biological phosphorus removal, JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2024, 第 1 作者 通讯作者
(4) 膜曝气生物膜反应器耦合厌氧氨氧化工艺处理低C/N比生活污水, 环境科学学报, 2023, 第 2 作者
(5) 猪场废水高剂量次氯酸钠消毒下消毒副产物的赋存特征研究, 农业环境科学学报, 2023, 第 3 作者
(6) 膜曝气生物膜反应器处理生活污水N2O等温室气体的排放特性, 环境工程学报, 2023, 第 4 作者
(7) 接种污泥类型对厌氧铁氨氧化反应启动影响与微生物解析, Effect of inoculation sludge type on the start-up of Fe (���) reduction coupled to anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Feammox) process and the microbial analysis, 环境科学学报, 2023, 第 3 作者
(8) 猪粪中21种常见抗生素的同步提取检测方法研究及应用, Research and application of detection method of simultaneous extraction and detection of 21 common antibiotics from pig manure, 环境化学, 2022, 第 4 作者
(9) 进水浓度对厌氧氨氧化脱氮与微生物特性的影响, Effects of influent concentration on nitrogen removal and the microbial characteristics of anammox process, 环境科学学报, 2022, 第 2 作者
(10) 面向未来的污水处理厂关键技术研发与工程实践专栏序言, The R&D and practice of key technologies for sewage treatment plants facing the future, 环境科学学报, 2022, 第 8 作者
(11) 厌氧氨氧化处理猪场厌氧消化液的工程应用研究, Engineering Application of Anammox in Treatment of Anaerobic Digestion Liquor in Swine Farm, 中国给水排水, 2022, 第 3 作者
(12) Coupling anammox with denitrification in a full-scale combined biological nitrogen removal process for swine wastewater treatment, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 第 3 作者
(13) 中试膜生物反应器中猪场沼液部分亚硝化快速启动试验, Quick start-up test of partial nitrosation of pig farm anaerobic digestion liquid in pilot membrane bioreactor, 农业工程学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(14) Effect of proton pump inhibitor on microbial community, function, and kinetics in anaerobic digestion with ammonia stress, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 第 5 作者
(15) 厌氧氨氧化细菌富集培养过程微生物结构与功能解析, Evolution of microbial structures and functions during the enrichment of Anammox bacteria, 环境科学学报, 2021, 第 3 作者
(16) 羟胺对一体式部分亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺的原位恢复及运行稳定性的影响, Effects of dosing hydroxylamine on in-situ recovery and operational stability of the combined partial nitritation and anammox process (CPNA), 环境科学学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(17) Advanced nitrogen removal in a fixed-bed anaerobic ammonia oxidation reactor following an anoxic/oxic reactor: Nitrogen removal contributions and mechanisms, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 第 1 作者
(18) 畜禽粪污处理处置中危险生物因子赋存与控制研究进展, The fate and control of dangerous biological agents(DBAs)during the treatment and disposal of livestock manure:The State of Arts, 农业环境科学学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(19) Successful enrichment of anammox consortium in a single-stage reactor at full-scale: The difference in response of functional genes and transcriptional expressions, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2021, 第 1 作者
(20) 基于厌氧氨氧化的城镇生活污水深度脱氮工艺研究, Advanced nitrogen removal based on anammox process treating municipal wastewater, 环境科学学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(21) 温度对序批式膜生物反应器生物脱氮影响及微生物机制解析, Effects of temperature on biological nitrogen removal in batch membrane bioreactor and the microbial community mechanism, 环境工程学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(22) Comparison of an integrated short-cut biological nitrogen removal process with magnetic coagulation treating swine wastewater and food waste digestate, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 第 7 作者
(23) 一体式短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺启动过程的亚硝酸盐调控, Nitrite Regulation During Start-up of Combined Partial Nitritation and ANAMMOX Process, 环境科学, 2021, 第 3 作者
(24) Roles of hydroxylamine and hydrazine in the in-situ recovery of one-stage partial nitritation-anammox process: Characteristics and mechanisms, SCIENCEOFTHETOTALENVIRONMENT, 2020, 第 1 作者
(25) 低氨氮废水亚硝化的快速启动, Rapid start-up of nitritation process treating low-ammonia wastewater, 环境工程学报, 2020, 第 2 作者
(26) Is Anoxic Operation Effective to Control Nitrate Build-Up and Sludge Loss for the Combined Partial Nitritation and Anammox (CPNA) Process?, PROCESSES, 2020, 第 4 作者
(27) 部分亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化处理磁混凝生活污水, Partial nitritation-Anammox process treating magnetic coagulation domestic sewage., 中国环境科学, 2020, 第 2 作者
(28) Multiple strategies for maintaining stable partial nitritation of low-strength ammonia wastewater, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2020, 第 1 作者
(29) In situ startup of a full-scale combined partial nitritation and anammox process treating swine digestate by regulation of nitrite and dissolved oxygen, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 第 2 作者
(30) 以厌氧氨氧化为核心的城镇生活污水处理的研究, Research on urban domestic wastewater treatment with anaerobic ammonia oxidation as the core, 给水排水, 2020, 第 4 作者
(31) Relieving ammonia inhibition by zero-valent iron (ZVI) dosing to enhance methanogenesis in the high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure, WASTE MANAGEMENT, 2020, 第 2 作者
(32) Fates of intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes and microbial community structures in typical swine wastewater treatment processes, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2019, 第 1 作者
(33) Sludge bio-drying followed by land application could control the spread of antibiotic resistance genes, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2019, 第 2 作者
(35) Fate of microbial pollutants and evolution of antibiotic resistance in three types of soil amended with swine slurry, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2019, 第 1 作者
(36) Which animal type contributes the most to the emission of antibiotic resistance genes in large-scale swine farms in China?, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019, 第 4 作者
(37) The role of substrate types and substrate microbial community on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes during anaerobic digestion, CHEMOSPHERE, 2019, 第 4 作者
(38) Effects of endogenous inhibitors on the evolution of antibiotic resistance genes during high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 1 作者
(39) Does the biological treatment or membrane separation reduce the antibiotic resistance genes from swine wastewater through a sequencing-batch membrane bioreactor treatment process, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2018, 第 1 作者
(40) Impacts of zero valent iron, natural zeolite and Dnase on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes during thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic digestion of swine manure, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 2 作者
(41) Biochemical Conversion and Microbial Community in Response to Ternary pH Buffer System during Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Manure, ENERGIES, 2018, 第 3 作者
(42) Performance of a sequencing-batch membrane bioreactor (SMBR) with an automatic control strategy treating high-strength swine wastewater, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2018, 第 1 作者
(43) Deciphering the factors influencing the discrepant fate of antibiotic resistance genes in sludge and water phases during municipal wastewater treatment, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 5 作者
(44) Effects of endogenous inhibitors on the evolution of antibiotic resistance genes during high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 1 作者
(45) Formation and characteristics of a ternary pH buffer system for in-situ biogas upgrading in two-phase anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating starch wastewater, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 5 作者
(46) Deciphering the factors influencing the discrepant fate of antibiotic resistance genes in sludge and water phases during municipal wastewater treatment, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 5 作者
(47) Effects of graphene oxide on the performance, microbial community dynamics and antibiotic resistance genes reduction during anaerobic digestion of swine manure, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 5 作者
(48) Who contributes more to n2o emission during sludge bio-drying with two different aeration strategies, nitrifiers or denitrifiers?, APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 6 作者
(49) Effects of chlortetracycline and copper on tetracyclines and copper resistance genes and microbial community during swine manure anaerobic digestion, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 5 作者
(50) 猪场废水生物处理与土地利用过程抗生素抗性基因的转归研究, 2017, 第 1 作者
(51) Seasonal variation and removal efficiency of antibiotic resistance genes during wastewater treatment of swine farms, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2017, 第 1 作者
(52) Occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements in enterococci and genomic dna during anaerobic digestion of pharmaceutical waste sludge with different pretreatments, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 4 作者
(53) 实时控制序批式膜生物反应器处理养猪废水的短程硝化, Shortcut nitrification in a pilot-scale real-time control sequencing batch membrane bioreactor treating swine wastewater, 环境工程学报, 2017, 第 2 作者
(54) 耐盐复合菌剂强化生物工艺处理高盐废水的快速启动, Quick start of high saline wastewater biological treatment technology strengthened by composite salt-tolerant microbe, 环境工程学报, 2017, 第 2 作者
(55) Response of nitrite accumulation and microbial community to free ammonia and dissolved oxygen treatment of high ammonium wastewater, APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2016, 第 1 作者
(56) Distribution of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in anaerobic digestion and land application of swine wastewater, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2016, 第 1 作者
(57) Impacts of addition of natural zeolite or a nitrification inhibitor on antibiotic resistance genes during sludge composting, WATER RESEARCH, 2016, 第 3 作者
(58) 畜禽养殖废水生物处理与农田利用过程抗生素抗性基因的转归特征研究进展, 环境科学学报, 2016, 第 1 作者
(59) Effect of red mud addition on tetracycline and copper resistance genes and microbial community during the full scale swine manure composting, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 第 3 作者
(60) Sludge bio-drying: Effective to reduce both antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements, WATER RESEARCH, 2016, 第 2 作者
(61) Biogas-pH automation control strategy for optimizing organic loading rate of anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating high COD wastewater, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 第 3 作者
(62) 畜禽养殖过程抗生素使用与耐药病原菌及其抗性基因赋存的研究进展, Veterinary Antibiotics Use,Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistance Pathogen and Its Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Animal Production: An Overview, 生态毒理学报, 2015, 第 1 作者
(63) 我国集约化养猪废水污染现状与处理工艺研究进展, 2015, 第 1 作者
(2) Molecular insight into the allocation of organic carbon to heterotrophic bacteria: Carbon metabolism and the involvement in nitrogen and phosphorus removal, Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 第 1 作者 通讯作者
(3) A single-stage membrane aerated biofilm reactor achieving the combination of partial nitritation/anammox and enhanced biological phosphorus removal, JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 2024, 第 1 作者 通讯作者
(4) 膜曝气生物膜反应器耦合厌氧氨氧化工艺处理低C/N比生活污水, 环境科学学报, 2023, 第 2 作者
(5) 猪场废水高剂量次氯酸钠消毒下消毒副产物的赋存特征研究, 农业环境科学学报, 2023, 第 3 作者
(6) 膜曝气生物膜反应器处理生活污水N2O等温室气体的排放特性, 环境工程学报, 2023, 第 4 作者
(7) 接种污泥类型对厌氧铁氨氧化反应启动影响与微生物解析, Effect of inoculation sludge type on the start-up of Fe (���) reduction coupled to anaerobic ammonium oxidation (Feammox) process and the microbial analysis, 环境科学学报, 2023, 第 3 作者
(8) 猪粪中21种常见抗生素的同步提取检测方法研究及应用, Research and application of detection method of simultaneous extraction and detection of 21 common antibiotics from pig manure, 环境化学, 2022, 第 4 作者
(9) 进水浓度对厌氧氨氧化脱氮与微生物特性的影响, Effects of influent concentration on nitrogen removal and the microbial characteristics of anammox process, 环境科学学报, 2022, 第 2 作者
(10) 面向未来的污水处理厂关键技术研发与工程实践专栏序言, The R&D and practice of key technologies for sewage treatment plants facing the future, 环境科学学报, 2022, 第 8 作者
(11) 厌氧氨氧化处理猪场厌氧消化液的工程应用研究, Engineering Application of Anammox in Treatment of Anaerobic Digestion Liquor in Swine Farm, 中国给水排水, 2022, 第 3 作者
(12) Coupling anammox with denitrification in a full-scale combined biological nitrogen removal process for swine wastewater treatment, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 第 3 作者
(13) 中试膜生物反应器中猪场沼液部分亚硝化快速启动试验, Quick start-up test of partial nitrosation of pig farm anaerobic digestion liquid in pilot membrane bioreactor, 农业工程学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(14) Effect of proton pump inhibitor on microbial community, function, and kinetics in anaerobic digestion with ammonia stress, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 第 5 作者
(15) 厌氧氨氧化细菌富集培养过程微生物结构与功能解析, Evolution of microbial structures and functions during the enrichment of Anammox bacteria, 环境科学学报, 2021, 第 3 作者
(16) 羟胺对一体式部分亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺的原位恢复及运行稳定性的影响, Effects of dosing hydroxylamine on in-situ recovery and operational stability of the combined partial nitritation and anammox process (CPNA), 环境科学学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(17) Advanced nitrogen removal in a fixed-bed anaerobic ammonia oxidation reactor following an anoxic/oxic reactor: Nitrogen removal contributions and mechanisms, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 第 1 作者
(18) 畜禽粪污处理处置中危险生物因子赋存与控制研究进展, The fate and control of dangerous biological agents(DBAs)during the treatment and disposal of livestock manure:The State of Arts, 农业环境科学学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(19) Successful enrichment of anammox consortium in a single-stage reactor at full-scale: The difference in response of functional genes and transcriptional expressions, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2021, 第 1 作者
(20) 基于厌氧氨氧化的城镇生活污水深度脱氮工艺研究, Advanced nitrogen removal based on anammox process treating municipal wastewater, 环境科学学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(21) 温度对序批式膜生物反应器生物脱氮影响及微生物机制解析, Effects of temperature on biological nitrogen removal in batch membrane bioreactor and the microbial community mechanism, 环境工程学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(22) Comparison of an integrated short-cut biological nitrogen removal process with magnetic coagulation treating swine wastewater and food waste digestate, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 第 7 作者
(23) 一体式短程硝化-厌氧氨氧化工艺启动过程的亚硝酸盐调控, Nitrite Regulation During Start-up of Combined Partial Nitritation and ANAMMOX Process, 环境科学, 2021, 第 3 作者
(24) Roles of hydroxylamine and hydrazine in the in-situ recovery of one-stage partial nitritation-anammox process: Characteristics and mechanisms, SCIENCEOFTHETOTALENVIRONMENT, 2020, 第 1 作者
(25) 低氨氮废水亚硝化的快速启动, Rapid start-up of nitritation process treating low-ammonia wastewater, 环境工程学报, 2020, 第 2 作者
(26) Is Anoxic Operation Effective to Control Nitrate Build-Up and Sludge Loss for the Combined Partial Nitritation and Anammox (CPNA) Process?, PROCESSES, 2020, 第 4 作者
(27) 部分亚硝化-厌氧氨氧化处理磁混凝生活污水, Partial nitritation-Anammox process treating magnetic coagulation domestic sewage., 中国环境科学, 2020, 第 2 作者
(28) Multiple strategies for maintaining stable partial nitritation of low-strength ammonia wastewater, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2020, 第 1 作者
(29) In situ startup of a full-scale combined partial nitritation and anammox process treating swine digestate by regulation of nitrite and dissolved oxygen, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 第 2 作者
(30) 以厌氧氨氧化为核心的城镇生活污水处理的研究, Research on urban domestic wastewater treatment with anaerobic ammonia oxidation as the core, 给水排水, 2020, 第 4 作者
(31) Relieving ammonia inhibition by zero-valent iron (ZVI) dosing to enhance methanogenesis in the high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure, WASTE MANAGEMENT, 2020, 第 2 作者
(32) Fates of intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes and microbial community structures in typical swine wastewater treatment processes, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2019, 第 1 作者
(33) Sludge bio-drying followed by land application could control the spread of antibiotic resistance genes, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2019, 第 2 作者
(35) Fate of microbial pollutants and evolution of antibiotic resistance in three types of soil amended with swine slurry, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2019, 第 1 作者
(36) Which animal type contributes the most to the emission of antibiotic resistance genes in large-scale swine farms in China?, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019, 第 4 作者
(37) The role of substrate types and substrate microbial community on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes during anaerobic digestion, CHEMOSPHERE, 2019, 第 4 作者
(38) Effects of endogenous inhibitors on the evolution of antibiotic resistance genes during high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 1 作者
(39) Does the biological treatment or membrane separation reduce the antibiotic resistance genes from swine wastewater through a sequencing-batch membrane bioreactor treatment process, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, 2018, 第 1 作者
(40) Impacts of zero valent iron, natural zeolite and Dnase on the fate of antibiotic resistance genes during thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic digestion of swine manure, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 2 作者
(41) Biochemical Conversion and Microbial Community in Response to Ternary pH Buffer System during Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Manure, ENERGIES, 2018, 第 3 作者
(42) Performance of a sequencing-batch membrane bioreactor (SMBR) with an automatic control strategy treating high-strength swine wastewater, JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, 2018, 第 1 作者
(43) Deciphering the factors influencing the discrepant fate of antibiotic resistance genes in sludge and water phases during municipal wastewater treatment, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 5 作者
(44) Effects of endogenous inhibitors on the evolution of antibiotic resistance genes during high solid anaerobic digestion of swine manure, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 1 作者
(45) Formation and characteristics of a ternary pH buffer system for in-situ biogas upgrading in two-phase anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating starch wastewater, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 5 作者
(46) Deciphering the factors influencing the discrepant fate of antibiotic resistance genes in sludge and water phases during municipal wastewater treatment, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2018, 第 5 作者
(47) Effects of graphene oxide on the performance, microbial community dynamics and antibiotic resistance genes reduction during anaerobic digestion of swine manure, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 5 作者
(48) Who contributes more to n2o emission during sludge bio-drying with two different aeration strategies, nitrifiers or denitrifiers?, APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 6 作者
(49) Effects of chlortetracycline and copper on tetracyclines and copper resistance genes and microbial community during swine manure anaerobic digestion, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 5 作者
(50) 猪场废水生物处理与土地利用过程抗生素抗性基因的转归研究, 2017, 第 1 作者
(51) Seasonal variation and removal efficiency of antibiotic resistance genes during wastewater treatment of swine farms, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 2017, 第 1 作者
(52) Occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements in enterococci and genomic dna during anaerobic digestion of pharmaceutical waste sludge with different pretreatments, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 第 4 作者
(53) 实时控制序批式膜生物反应器处理养猪废水的短程硝化, Shortcut nitrification in a pilot-scale real-time control sequencing batch membrane bioreactor treating swine wastewater, 环境工程学报, 2017, 第 2 作者
(54) 耐盐复合菌剂强化生物工艺处理高盐废水的快速启动, Quick start of high saline wastewater biological treatment technology strengthened by composite salt-tolerant microbe, 环境工程学报, 2017, 第 2 作者
(55) Response of nitrite accumulation and microbial community to free ammonia and dissolved oxygen treatment of high ammonium wastewater, APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2016, 第 1 作者
(56) Distribution of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in anaerobic digestion and land application of swine wastewater, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 2016, 第 1 作者
(57) Impacts of addition of natural zeolite or a nitrification inhibitor on antibiotic resistance genes during sludge composting, WATER RESEARCH, 2016, 第 3 作者
(58) 畜禽养殖废水生物处理与农田利用过程抗生素抗性基因的转归特征研究进展, 环境科学学报, 2016, 第 1 作者
(59) Effect of red mud addition on tetracycline and copper resistance genes and microbial community during the full scale swine manure composting, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 第 3 作者
(60) Sludge bio-drying: Effective to reduce both antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements, WATER RESEARCH, 2016, 第 2 作者
(61) Biogas-pH automation control strategy for optimizing organic loading rate of anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating high COD wastewater, BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 第 3 作者
(62) 畜禽养殖过程抗生素使用与耐药病原菌及其抗性基因赋存的研究进展, Veterinary Antibiotics Use,Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistance Pathogen and Its Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Animal Production: An Overview, 生态毒理学报, 2015, 第 1 作者
(63) 我国集约化养猪废水污染现状与处理工艺研究进展, 2015, 第 1 作者
( 1 ) 畜禽养殖废水资源化利用及深度处理关键技术与装备研发, 参与, 地方任务, 2022-11--2025-10
( 2 ) 基于硝化菌群定向调控的城市污水自养脱氮过程机制, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-12--2025-11
( 3 ) 环北部湾污水处理厂水质保障与病原微生物靶向控制关键技术研究与示范, 参与, 地方任务, 2021-10--2024-09
( 2 ) 基于硝化菌群定向调控的城市污水自养脱氮过程机制, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-12--2025-11
( 3 ) 环北部湾污水处理厂水质保障与病原微生物靶向控制关键技术研究与示范, 参与, 地方任务, 2021-10--2024-09