程鹏  男  硕导  中国科学院广州地球化学研究所
电子邮件: chengp@gig.ac.cn
通信地址: 广东省广州市天河区科华街511号




2008-09--2013-06   中国科学院大学   博士
2004-09--2008-07   长江大学   学士


2024-01~现在, 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 研究员
2020-01~2023-12,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 副研究员
2013-07~2019-12,中国科学院广州地球化学研究所, 助理研究员/特聘副研究员
2008-09~2013-06,中国科学院大学, 博士
2004-09~2008-07,长江大学, 学士
2023-12-31-2027-12-31,成都理工大学学报自然科学版 编委, 编委
2022-04-01-2023-04-01,Guest Editor:Energies, Guest Editor
2021-06-01-2022-06-01,Guest Editor:Frontiers in Earth Science, Guest Editor


( 1 ) 一种深海底沉积物原位解析气监测与采集装置, 2023, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN116659984A

( 2 ) 一种海底天然气水合物原位监测装置及方法, 2023, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN116480333A

( 3 ) 一种具有无损处理的电镜样品前处理设备, 2023, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN116399891A

( 4 ) 一种原油原位热解及在线观测的实验装置, 2023, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN115711882A

( 5 ) 一种从油页岩中回收页岩油的装置, 2023, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN115651693A

( 6 ) 一种喷涂均匀的旋转式扫描电镜喷金装置, 2023, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN115646687A

( 7 ) 一种具有液态、气态管道防堵功能的页岩生排烃模拟装置, 2023, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN115575600A

( 8 ) 一种具有防迸溅功能的限位式产品薄膜表面喷涂结构, 2022, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN115430542A

( 9 ) 一种页岩气生成解析装置, 2020, 第 6 作者, 专利号: CN109100259B


(1) Identification of complex crude oil categories in ultra-deep petroleum systems based on a new fluorescence analysis method: An example from the southwestern Tabei Uplift, Tarim Basin, China, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2024, 第 1 作者
(2) 用显微镜和拉曼光谱研究四川盆地高科1井、五科1井、普光5井、普光3井高密度甲烷包裹体特征与天然气成因, Study on the characteristics of high-density methane inclusions and the origin of natural gas in well Gaoke 1,well Wuke 1,well Puguang 5,and well Puguang 3 in the Sichuan Basin by microscopy and laser Raman spectroscopy, 地球化学, 2023, 第 11 作者
(3) Evolutions of sedimentary facies and palaeoenvironment and their controls on the development of source rocks in continental margin basins: A case study from the Qiongdongnan Basin, south China sea, Petroleum Science, 2023, 
(4) Gas-in-place (GIP) variation and main controlling factors for the deep Wufeng-Longmaxi shales in the Luzhou area of the southern Sichuan Basin, China., Journal of Earth Science, 2023, 
(5) Evolution of the Pristane/Phytane Ratio with Maturity of Lacustrine Source Rocks: Implications of a Thermal Simulation Experiment, ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY, 2023, 第 1 作者
(6) 原油热裂解过程中的红外光谱演化特征及其主控因素, Infrared spectra evolution of crude oil under pyrolysis and its controlling factors, 石油与天然气地质, 2023, 第 2 作者
(7) Distribution and occurrence of pore water and retained oil in nanopores of marine-terrestrial transitional shales during oil generation and expulsion: Implications from a thermal simulation experiment on shale plug samples, MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2023, 第 2 作者  通讯作者
(8) Provenance and transport mechanism of gravity core sediments in the deep-water area of the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea, MARINE GEOLOGY, 2023, 第 4 作者  通讯作者
(9) Water-bearing characteristics and their effects on the nanopores of overmature coal-measure shales in the Wuxiang area of the Qinshui Basin, north China, Water-bearing characteristics and their effects on the nanopores of overmature coal-measure shales in the Wuxiang area of the Qinshui Basin, north China, FRONTIERS OF EARTH SCIENCE, 2023, 第 1 作者
(10) 通过沥青含量定量评估过成熟页岩排油效率:以丁页5井龙马溪组页岩为例, Quantitative evaluation of oil expulsion efficiency of overmature shale through bitumen content:Taking Longmaxi shale from well Dingye 5 as an example, 地球化学, 2023, 第 3 作者
(11) Influence of Thermal Maturity on the Time-Resolved Emission Spectrum (TRES) Fluorescence Lifetime Characteristics of Crude Oils: A Preliminary Study Based on a Thermal Simulation Experiment of Crude Oils, ENERGY & FUELS, 2023, 第 1 作者
(12) Technical Scheme and Application Prospects of Oil Shale In Situ Conversion: A Review of Current Status, ENERGIES, 2023, 第 3 作者  通讯作者
(13) Development model of shallow lithologic traps and natural gas accumulation mechanisms in marine deep-water areas: A case study in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea., Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2023, 
(14) Differences in the distribution and occurrence phases of pore water in various nanopores of marine-terrestrial transitional shales in the Yangquan area of the northeast Qinshui Basin, China, MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2022, 第 1 作者  通讯作者
(15) Methane Storage Capacity of Permian Shales with Type III Kerogen in the Lower Yangtze Area, Eastern China, ENERGIES, 2022, 第 3 作者
(16) The relationship between oil generation, expulsion and retention of lacustrine shales: Based on pyrolysis simulation experiments, JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2021, 第 3 作者
(17) Fluorescence lifetime evolution of crude oils during thermal cracking: Implications from pyrolysis experiments in a closed system, ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY, 2021, 第 1 作者
(18) Occurrence of Irreducible Water and Its Influences on Gas-Bearing Property of Gas Shales From Shallow Longmaxi Formation in the Xishui Area, Guizhou, Southern China, FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE, 2021, 第 4 作者
(19) Gas in place and its controlling factors of the shallow Longmaxi shale in the Xishui area, Guizhou, China, JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2020, 第 4 作者
(20) 样品粒径对高过成熟度页岩低压气体吸附实验结果的影响, The effect of particle size on low pressure gas adsorption experiments for high-maturity shale, 天然气地球科学, 2020, 第 4 作者
(21) Characteristics of molecular nitrogen generation from overmature black shales in South China: Preliminary implications from pyrolysis experiments, MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2020, 第 3 作者
(22) Thermal maturation as revealed by micro-Raman spectroscopy of mineral-organic aggregation (MOA) in marine shales with high and over maturities, Thermal maturation as revealed by micro-Raman spectroscopy of mineral-organic aggregation (MOA) in marine shales with high and over maturities, SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2020, 第 3 作者
(23) Influence of retained bitumen in oil-prone shales on the chemical and carbon isotopic compositions of natural gases: Implications from pyrolysis experiments, MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2019, 第 3 作者
(24) Fluorescence lifetimes of crude oils and oil inclusions: A preliminary study in the Western Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea, ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY, 2019, 第 1 作者
(25) Evolution of water content in organic-rich shales with increasing maturity and its controlling factors: Implications from a pyrolysis experiment on a water-saturated shale core sample, MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2019, 第 1 作者
(26) Formation and evolution of nanopores in shales and its impact on retained oil during oil generation and expulsion based on pyrolysis experiments, JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2019, 第 3 作者
(27) 同源不同成熟度天然气的混合对天然气碳同位素的影响, Effects of mixing of gas generated from the same source rock with different maturities on its carbon isotopic characteristics, 地球化学, 2018, 第 2 作者
(28) Water Content and Equilibrium Saturation and Their Influencing Factors of the Lower Paleozoic Overmature Organic-Rich Shales in the Upper Yangtze Region of Southern China, ENERGY & FUELS, 2018, 第 1 作者
(29) Study of genetic evolution of oil inclusion and density of surface oil by measurement of fluorescence lifetime of crude oil and oil inclusion, SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2017, 第 3 作者
(30) 页岩油储层评价指标体系, Evaluation index system of shale oil reservoirs, 地球化学, 2017, 第 4 作者
(31) Geochemical characterization and methane adsorption capacity of overmature organic-rich Lower Cambrian shales in northeast Guizhou region, southwest China, MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2017, 第 4 作者
(32) Water Distribution in Overmature Organic-Rich Shales: Implications from Water Adsorption Experiments, ENERGY & FUELS, 2017, 第 1 作者
(33) Geological models of gas in place of the Longmaxi shale in Southeast Chongqing, South China, MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY, 2016, 第 5 作者
(34) 应用原油和石油包裹体荧光寿命研究石油包裹体的成因演化和对应地面原油的密度, 中国科学:地球科学, 2016, 第 3 作者
(35) Gas generation of shale organic matter with different contents of residual oil based on a pyrolysis experiment, ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY, 2015, 第 3 作者
(36) 成熟度对陆相烃源岩可溶有机质Pr/Ph比值的影响, 沉积学报, 2014, 第 1 作者
(37) 很高成熟度富有机质页岩的含气性问题, 煤炭学报, 2013, 第 1 作者
(38) 琼海凸起不同电阻率油藏原油特征及成藏过程, 新疆石油地质, 2013, 第 1 作者
(39) 珠江口盆地西部油源与成藏研究, 2013, 第 1 作者
(40) Sample maturation calculated using Raman spectroscopic parameters for solid organics: Methodology and geological applications, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2013, 第 6 作者
(41) 固体有机质拉曼光谱参数计算样品热演化程度的方法与地质应用, 科学通报, 2013, 第 6 作者
(42) A complete series of C31���C34 25-norbenzohopanes in the Devonian and Jurassic bitumen sands, NW Sichuan Basin, ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY, 2012, 第 2 作者


( 1 ) 油气地球化学, 负责人, 国家任务, 2024-01--2026-12
( 2 ) 深层-超深层油气藏中石油包裹体的 光谱学特征及地质应用, 负责人, 地方任务, 2024-01--2026-12
( 3 ) 复合含油气系统中轻质油/凝析油来源和成因的荧光寿命研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2023-01--2026-12
( 4 ) 川南地区多期构造运动下高过成熟度页岩含气性研究, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2021-10--2022-12
( 5 ) 海陆过渡相页岩的生排油特征及其对页岩气生成和储集的影响, 负责人, 地方任务, 2021-01--2023-12
( 6 ) 塔里木盆地盐下超深层大型油气田形成机理与分布预测, 参与, 国家任务, 2020-01--2022-12
( 7 ) 湖相页岩生排油模式及其对页岩油赋存和富集的影响, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2020-01--2021-12
( 8 ) 储层记录与源识别、生烃充注过程重建, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2017-01--2021-12
(1)过成熟页岩的含水性特征及其对页岩气赋存和富集的影响   第18届全国有机地球化学学术会议   2023-09-22