王晶晶 女 硕导 中国科学院国家空间科学中心
电子邮件: wangjingjing@nssc.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京海淀区中关村南二条一号空间中心九章大厦A1107
电子邮件: wangjingjing@nssc.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京海淀区中关村南二条一号空间中心九章大厦A1107
2008-09--2013-01 中国科学院国家空间科学中心 硕士、博士学位2004-09--2008-06 北京大学 学士学位
2024-01~现在, 中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 研究员2019-01~2024-01,中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 副研究员2018-10~2019-10,美国斯坦福大学, 访问学者2013-01~2018-12,中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 助理研究员2008-09~2013-01,中国科学院国家空间科学中心, 硕士、博士学位2004-09~2008-06,北京大学, 学士学位
( 1 ) 日冕物质抛射空间环境事件相似推荐方法及系统, 2022, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN113392582B
(1) Two-stage Hierarchical Framework for Solar Flare Prediction, THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 2023, 第 5 作者(2) Upstream Solar Wind Prediction up to Mars by an Operational Solar Wind Prediction System, SPACE WEATHER-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 2023, 第 11 作者(3) Deep neural networks of solar flare forecasting for complex active regions, FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, 2023, 第 4 作者(4) A selective up-sampling method applied upon unbalanced data for flare prediction: potential to improve model performance, FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, 2023, 第 11 作者(5) A machine learning-based model for the next 3-day geomagnetic index (Kp) forecast, FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, 2023, 第 11 作者(6) A Strong-flare Prediction Model Developed Using a Machine-learning Algorithm Based on the Video Data Sets of the Solar Magnetic Field of Active Regions, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, 2023, 第 11 作者(7) Impacts of CMEs on Earth Based on Logistic Regression and Recommendation Algorithm, Impacts of CMEs on Earth Based on Logistic Regression and Recommendation Algorithm, 空间科学与技术(英文), 2022, 第 2 作者(8) Ensemble Numerical Simulations of Realistic SEP Events and the Inspiration for Space Weather Awareness, Ensemble Numerical Simulations of Realistic SEP Events and the Inspiration for Space Weather Awareness, RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 2022, 第 4 作者(9) Precursor identification for strong flares based on anomaly detection algorithm, FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, 2022, 第 1 作者(10) Knowledge-Informed Deep Neural Networks for Solar Flare Forecasting, SPACE WEATHER-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 2022, 第 6 作者(11) Analyzing deflection of multiple Solar Coronal Mass Ejections from the same active region, Advances in Space Research, 2022, 第 1 作者(12) Predicting the CME arrival time based on the recommendation algorithm, Predicting the CME arrival time based on the recommendation algorithm, RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 2021, 第 5 作者(13) The Deflection of Coronal Mass Ejections by the Ambient Coronal Magnetic Field Configuration, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, 2020, 第 11 作者(14) 基于MapReduce的CME参数识别模型并行计算技术, Parallel Computing Technology for CME Parameter Detection Model Based on MapReduce, 空间科学学报, 2020, 第 4 作者(15) Development of New Capabilities Using Machine Learning for Space Weather Prediction, Development of New Capabilities Using Machine Learning for Space Weather Prediction, 空间科学学报, 2020, 第 6 作者(16) Solar Flare Predictive Features Derived from Polarity Inversion Line Masks in Active Regions Using an Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 2020, (17) Space Weather Related to Solar Eruptions With the ASO-S Mission, FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS, 2020, 第 19 作者(18) Parameters Derived from the SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Field Data: Potential to Improve Machine-learning-based Solar Flare Prediction Models, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 2019, 第 11 作者(19) 2 AU以内的“渐进型”太阳高能粒子事件模拟, 深空探测学报, 2019, (20) Prediction model for solar energetic proton events: analysis and verification, SPACE WEATHER-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 2019, 第 11 作者(21) Prediction Models for Solar Energetic Proton Events: Analysis and Verification, Space Weather, 2019, 第 11 作者(22) Relationship of Halo CMEs and Solar Proton Events, CHINESE ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 2019, 第 5 作者(23) The mid-term forecast method of f-10.7 based on extreme ultraviolet images, ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMY, 2019, (24) Quantitative Prediction of High-Energy Electron Integral Flux at Geostationary Orbit Based on Deep Learning, SPACE WEATHER-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 2018, 第 4 作者(25) 全晕CME与太阳质子事件的关系, 空间科学学报, 2018, 第 5 作者(26) An operational solar wind prediction system transitioning fundamental science to operations, JOURNAL OF SPACE WEATHER AND SPACE CLIMATE, 2018, 第 11 作者(27) The Significance of the Influence of the CME Deflection in Interplanetary Space on the CME Arrival at Earth, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 2017, 第 5 作者(28) Statistical analysis and verification of 3-hourly geomagnetic activity probability predictions, SPACE WEATHER-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 2015, 第 11 作者(29) Statistical analysis and verification of 3-hourly geomagnetic activity probability predictions, SPACE WEATHER-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, 2015, 第 11 作者(30) 结合实地观测和STEREO/HI图像观测分析2010年CME事件, Analysis of CME events in 2010 combined with in-situ and STEREO/HI observations, 地球物理学报, 2013, 第 1 作者(31) 对自相似扩展(SSE)模型的改进和研究, Modification and study of self-similar expansion (SSE) model, 地球物理学报, 2013, 第 1 作者(32) 利用多卫星观测CIR事件演变的统计分析, Statistical Analysis of Multi-spacecraft Observations on CIR Evolution, 空间科学学报, 2012, 第 1 作者(33) 利用多卫星观测CIR事件演变的统计分析, 2011, 第 1 作者
( 1 ) 国家人才支持计划, 负责人, 其他, 2024-01--2026-12( 2 ) 太阳质子事件预报技术研究, 负责人, 其他, 2023-12--2025-11( 3 ) 太阳爆发活动预报研究, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2023-09--2028-08( 4 ) 中国科学院青年创新促进会, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2021-03--2025-12( 5 ) 基于活动区光球磁特征参数图像的太阳耀斑预报建模研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-01--2024-12( 6 ) 太阳全球爆发、行星际太阳风和高能粒子, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2021-01--2025-12