电子邮件: huangjie@itpcas.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市朝阳区林萃路16号院3号楼中科院青藏所
2001-09--2005-06 兰州大学资源环境学院 理学学士
2013-08~2023-02,中国科学院青藏高原研究所, 副研究员
2011-07~2013-07,中国科学院青藏高原研究所, 博士后
1. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Feng, X., Tang, W., Ram, K., Guo, J., Zhang, Q., Sharma, C.M., Li, C., Tripathee, L., Wang, F., 2023. Northward extent of atmospheric mercury transboundary transport to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau region. Geophysical Research Letters 50, e2022GL100948.
2. Huang, J*., Kang, S., Yin, R., Lin, M., Guo, J., Ram, K., Li, C., Sharma, C., Tripathee, L., Sun, S., Wang, F., 2020. Decoupling natural and anthropogenic mercury and lead transport from South Asia to the Himalayas. Environmental Science & Technology 54, 5429-5436.
3. Huang, J*., Kang, S., Ma, M., Guo, J., Cong, Z., Dong, Z., Yin, R., Xu, J., Tripathee, L., Ram, K., Wang, F., 2019. Accumulation of atmospheric mercury in glacier cryoconite over western China. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 6632-6639.
4. Huang, J*., Kang, S*., Tang, W., He, M., Guo, J., Zhang, Q., Yin, X., Tripathee, L., 2022. Contrasting changes in long-term wet mercury deposition and socioeconomic development in the largest city of Tibet. Science of the Total Environment 804, 150124.
5. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Tian, L., Guo, J., Zhang, Q., Cong, Z., Sillanp, M., Sun, S., Tripathee, L., 2016. Influence of long-range transboundary transport on atmospheric water vapor mercury collected at the largest city of Tibet. Science of the Total Environment 566-567, 1215-1222.
6. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Wang, S., Wang, L., Zhang, Q., Guo, J., Wang, K., Zhang, G., Tripathee, L., 2013. Wet deposition of mercury at Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet. Science of the Total Environment 447, 123-132.
7. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Guo, J., Zhang, Q., Jenkins, M., Zhang, G., Wang, K., 2012. Seasonal variations, speciation and possible sources of mercury in the snowpack of Zhadang glacier, Mt. Nyainqêntanglha, southern Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment 429, 223-230.
8. Huang, J*., Kang, S., Yin, R., Guo, J., Lepak, R., Mika, S., Tripathee, L., Sun, S., 2020. Mercury isotopes in frozen soils reveal transboundary atmospheric mercury deposition over the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Pollution 256, 113432.
9. Huang, J*., Kang, S., Yin, R., Ram, K., Liu, X., Lu, H., Guo, J., Chen, S., Tripathee, L., 2020. Desert dust as a significant carrier of atmospheric mercury. Environmental Pollution 267, 115442.
10. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Guo, J., Zhang, Q., Cong, Z., Sillanpa, M., Zhang, G., Sun, S., Tripathee, L., 2016. Atmospheric particulate mercury in Lhasa city, Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Environment 142, 433-441.
11. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Zhang, Q., Guo, J., Sillanpa, M., Wang, Y., Sun, S., Sun, X., Tripathee, L., 2015. Characterizations of wet mercury deposition on a remote high-elevation site in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Pollution 206, 518-526.
12. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Guo, J., Sillanpa, M., Zhang, Q., Qin, X., Du, W., Tripathee, L., 2014. Mercury distribution and variation on a high-elevation mountain glacier on the northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Environment 96, 27-36.
13. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Zhang, Q., Guo, J., Chen, P., Zhang, G., Tripathee, L., 2013. Atmospheric deposition of trace elements recorded in snow from the Mt. Nyainqêntanglha region, southern Tibetan Plateau. Chemosphere 92, 871-881.
14. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Zhang, Q., Jenkins, M., Guo, J., Zhang, G., Wang, K., 2012. Spatial distribution and magnification processes of mercury in snow from high-elevation glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Environment 46, 140-146.
15. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Zhang, Q., Yan, H., Guo, J., Jenkins, M.G., Zhang, G., Wang, K., 2012. Wet deposition of mercury at a remote site in the Tibetan Plateau: Concentrations, speciation, and fluxes. Atmospheric Environment, 62, 540-550.
16. Huang, J., Kang, S*., Shen, C., Cong, Z., Liu, K., Wang, W., Liu, L., 2010. Seasonal variations and sources of ambient fossil and biogenic-derived carbonaceous aerosols based on 14C measurements in Lhasa, Tibet. Atmospheric Research 96, 553-559.
17. Huang J., Kang S*., Shen C., Cong Z., Liu K., Wang W., Liu L., 2010. Concentration and seasonal variation of 10Be in surface aerosols of Lhasa, Tibet. Chinese Science Bulletin 55, 2572-2578.
18. Sun, R., Sun, G., Kwon, S.Y., Feng, X., Kang, S., Zhang, Q., Huang, J.*, Yin, R.*, 2020. Mercury biogeochemistry over the Tibetan Plateau: An overview. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 1-26.
19. Tripathee, L., Guo, J*., Kang, S., Paudyal, R., Huang, J*., Sharma, C.M., Zhang, Q., Chen, P., Ghimire, P.S., Sigdel, M., 2019. Spatial and temporal distribution of total mercury in atmospheric wet precipitation at four sites from the Nepal-Himalayas. Science of the Total Environment 655, 1207-1217.
20. Liu, X*., Tang, W., Chen, H., Guo, J., Tripathee, L., Huang, J*., 2022. Observational study of ground-level ozone in the desert atmosphere. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1-6.
21. 唐文君, 黄杰*, 康世昌, 马明, 张强弓, 郭军明, 孙学军. 2022. 冰冻圈甲基汞研究进展. 冰川冻土 44(1) 80-93.
22. 康世昌, 黄杰, 张强弓. 2010. 雪冰中汞的研究进展. 地球科学进展 25, 783-793.
( 2 ) 青藏高原大气水汽汞的时空格局及其影响机理研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2020-01--2023-12
( 3 ) 跨境污染物调查与环境安全, 参与, 国家任务, 2019-01--2023-12
( 4 ) 中国科学院青年创新促进会项目, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2018-01--2021-12
( 5 ) 大气污染物现代组成和本底特征, 参与, 国家任务, 2018-01--2022-12
( 6 ) 南亚大气污染物跨境传输及其对青藏高原冰冻圈环境的影响, 参与, 国家任务, 2017-01--2021-12
( 7 ) 青藏高原冰芯重建大气汞沉降历史的时空差异及其影响机理研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2016-01--2019-12
唐文君 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学
张仪 硕士研究生 070501-自然地理学