
杨上陆  男  博导  中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所
电子邮件: yang_unitech@126.com
通信地址: 上海市嘉定区清河路390号
邮政编码: 201800




Ø超快激光精密制造技术 (激光打孔,切割);







2009-05--2010-04   美国南方卫理公会大学   博士后
2005-01--2009-05   美国南方卫理公会大学   博士研究生



Doctor of Philosophy


2010/4-2017/6    通用汽车全球研发中心

2017/6-至今         中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所  

2017-08~现在, 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所, 研究员
2010-04~现在, 通用汽车全球研发中心, Senior Researcher
2023-05-10-2028-05-09,上海市焊接学会青年委员会主任委员, 主任委员
2021-06-01-今,中国光学学会, 高级会员
2019-10-06-今,上海市焊接学会, 理事
2018-05-08-2020-12-29,中国焊接学会, 理事
2018-01-01-今,中国机械工程学会, 高级会员


[1]     王艳俊,杨上陆,李铭锋,一种用于异质材料电阻点焊的紧固件及焊接方法,CN202210238440.5,2024.02.09

[2]     林喆,陈峰,杜鹏,刘巧沐,杨上陆,一种激光吸收剂及其使用方法,CN201910973553.8,2024.03.08

[3]     陶武, 杨上陆, 徐伟, 李慧. 一种锌致液态金属裂纹形成条件的检测装置及方法. CN112505286B, 2023.08.11.

[4]     杨上陆, 陶武. 一种高强度钢激光拼焊部件制造方法. CN114762918B, 2023.07.25.

[5]     王艳俊, 杨上陆, 白瑾瑜, 陈双建. 用于铝工件胶接点焊的电极帽, CN219358251U, 2023.07.18.

[6]     许伟, 杨上陆, 陶武. 一种涂层钢的激光填粉焊接及热处理方法. CN114905149B, 2023.07.14.

[7]     王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种用于低熔点涂镀层钢工件的电阻点焊方法, CN114101883B, 2023.06.02.

[8]     杨上陆, 陶武, 姚斌, 钱红斌. 一种金属工件与热固性树脂基复合材料工件的焊接方法, CN112060598B, 2023.05.12.

[9]     陶武, 杨上陆. 一种薄板叠层组合激光焊接方法及装置. CN114799517B, 2023.05.09.

[10]  陶武, 杨上陆. 一种薄板叠层组合激光焊接方法及其纵截面焊缝轮廓形状.CN114603254B, 2023.04.11.

[11]  李铭锋, 杨上陆. 一种铝钢异种金属电阻点焊-激光复合点焊的方法, CN113333956B, 2023.04.11.

[12]  许伟, 杨上陆, 陶武. 一种用于涂层钢板激光拼焊的焊料及激光拼焊方法.CN113747994B, 2023.03.24.

[13]  李铭锋, 王艳俊, 陶武, 杨上陆. 一种轻金属与钢堆叠件的电阻点焊装置及其焊接方法. CN113857637B, 2023.03.14.

[14]  李铭锋, 王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种控制定向飞溅的焊接元件. CN218612202U, 2023.03.14.

[15]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 点焊接头及用于其的点焊电极帽CN218592043U, 2023.03.10.

[16]  王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种抑制铝合金电阻点焊熔核内部缺陷产生的方法, CN112570867B, 2023.02.14.

[17]          李铭锋, 杨上陆, 陶武, 王艳俊. 一种异种金属接头及其电阻焊方法. 2023.01.20, 中国, CN114211104B.

[18]          王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种用于热成型钢电阻点焊的电极帽. 2023.01.20, 中国, CN218341214U.

[19]  陶武, 杨上陆. 一种激光焊接装夹机构. 2022.11.08, 中国, CN217749938U.

[20]  李铭锋, 杨上陆, 陶武, 王艳俊. 一种焊接料片、输送系统、焊接装置及方法. 2022.09.27, 中国, CN114226943B.

[21]  李铭锋, 王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种轻金属与钢电阻点焊用的摆动式传送料片装置. 2022.08.30, 中国, CN217316356U.

[22]  李铭锋, 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊连接异种金属用的焊接元件. 2022.08.30, 中国, CN217316508U.

[23]  李铭锋, 杨上陆. 一种铝钢异种金属的焊接接头. 2022.01.28, 中国, CN215658527U.

[24]  李铭锋, 杨上陆. 一种用于铝钢异种金属焊接的电阻点焊电极. 2022.01.28, 中国, CN215658386U.

[25]  杨上陆, 王艳俊, 罗海文, 李硕硕. 一种高强度钢板的点焊接头及其制造方法. 2022.06.28, 中国, CN112222667B.

[26]  孙文昊, 杨上陆, 王艳俊, 陶武. 一种SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料的双光束激光填丝焊接方法. 2022.08.09, 中国, CN112222554B.

[27]  李铭锋, 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种拼合式焊接电极修磨刀具. 2021.03.02, 中国, CN212634656U.

[28]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊电极. 2022.01.28, 中国, CN215658390U.

[29]  王艳俊, 李铭锋, 杨上陆. 一种焊接电极的修磨刀片. 2021.05.04, 中国, CN213104529U.

[30]  王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种自导向电极修磨装置. 2021.06.01, 中国, CN213319324U.

[31]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种用于电阻缝焊的电极轮. 2020.12.04, 中国, CN212070759U.

[32]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊外部辅助冷却装置. 2021.03.02, 中国, CN212634649U.

[33]  陶武, 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种激光电弧复合热源装置及其焊接方法. 2021.02.02, 中国, CN109848560B.

[34]  杨上陆, 陶武. 一种激光焊接方法. 2022.05.31, 中国, CN111715998B.

[35]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种由钢制的基体和预镀层构成的板材的激光焊接方法. 2022.03.08, 中国, CN111360406B.

[36]  杨上陆, 陶武. 异种金属的连结. 2021.11.23, 中国, CN109746573B.

[37]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊异种金属的方法. 2022.03.08,中国, CN110834139B.

[38]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种带有冷却系统的激光焊接装置及方法. 2022.06.28,中国, CN110834149B.

[39]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种镀层金属工件的激光焊接方法. 2021.07.06,中国, CN110369868B.

[40]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊电极帽. 2022.09.02,中国, CN110369848B.

[41]  杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种自动化焊接装置. 2019.04.19, 中国, CN208758839U.

[42]  杨上陆, 陶武, P.诺沃列托, 潘宇, J.沃斯克. 利用螺旋路径的重叠金属工件的远程激光焊接. 2019.09.10, 中国, CN107717229B.

[43]  杨上陆, 陶武. 用于使用焊接路径的组合激光焊接金属工件的方法. 2021.07.20, 中国, CN110914014B.

[44]  D·R·西格勒, 杨上陆, A·K·萨契戴夫. 异种金属工件的外部热辅助焊接. 2020.02.21, 中国, CN107303623B.

[45]  陶武, 杨上陆. 提高焊接表面品质的光滑方法. 2021.08.31, 中国, CN110582371B.

[46]  潘宇, 杨上陆, 陶武, P.诺维莱托. 用于使激光焊接接头表面平滑的方法. 2021.09.07, 中国, CN110325316B.

[47]  陶武, 杨上陆, 潘宇. 激光焊接包含表面氧化物涂层的轻金属工件的方法. 2022.05.17, 中国, CN110392620B.

[48]  杨上陆, W.. 通过振荡激光束焦点位置辅助的重叠金属工件的激光焊接. 2021.03.30, 中国, CN110023026B.

[49]  杨上陆, W.. 叠置的铝工件的激光点焊. 2020.11.10, 中国, CN109070271B.

[50]  杨上陆, W.. 叠置的金属工件的快速远程激光焊接. 2021.10.01, 中国, CN109219498B.

[51]  杨上陆, W., J., J.A.沃尔斯克. 叠置的铝工件的激光点焊. 2020.03.20, 中国, CN108367391B.

[52]  , D·R·西格勒, H-P.. 铝合金工件中的侵入特征以改善铝钢点焊. 2018.11.13, 中国, CN105312755B.

[53]  D.R.西勒, B.E.卡尔森, D., H-P.. 改进铝钢点焊的具有侵入结构特征的盖板, 2018.03.23, 中国, CN105312754B.

[54]  D·R·西格勒, J·G·施罗思, B·E·卡尔逊, Y·姆亚斯尼科瓦, . 铝合金到钢的焊接工艺. 2017.10.24, 中国, CN104646814B.

[55]  J., P-C., D.. 焊丝输送装置及方法. 2017.09.15, 中国, CN104797371B.

[56]  B·E·卡尔逊, , D·R·西格勒, R·T·齐曼斯基, A·K·萨赫德夫. 使用可插入封盖电阻点焊钢和铝工件. 2017.05.03, 中国, CN104668757B.

[57]  D., M.J.卡拉古利斯, D.R.西勒. 电阻点焊薄规格钢. 2017.04.12, 中国, CN104227211B.

[58]  D., D.A.加特尼, B.E.卡尔森, J.. 用于镀锌钢的激光边缘焊接的抑制激光引起的烟柱. 2017.01.04, 中国, CN104801854B.

[59]  杨上陆, 大卫.R.西格勒, 张婧. 使用预冷的电阻焊接方法. 2016.12.07, 中国, CN103990901B.

[60]  D.. 焊接接头. 2016.09.14, 中国, CN103831531B.

[61]  D. , P-C. . 焊接方法和设备. 2015.10.28, 中国, CN102689119B.

[62]  SHANGLU YANG, Yanjun WANG, Wu TAO. Feb. 06, 2024. Resistance spot welding electrode cap. US11890701B2.

[63]  YANG,DAVID,WU TAO, Method for laser welding metal workpieces using a combination of weld paths. US11491580

[64]  YANG, DAVID, SIGLER, DAVID R., CARLSON, BLAIR E, SCHROTH, JAMES G., KARAGOULIS, MICHAEL J. Electrode for resistance spot welding of dissimilar materials. 2021.08.10, US11084119B2.

[65]  ENLOE, CHARLES, HORVATH, CURT D, YANG, DAVID, LU, QI, TAO, WU. Multilayer steel and method of reducing liquid metal embrittlement. 2019.06.25, US10329639B2.

[66]  YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU, NOVELLETTO, PAOLO A., PAN, YU, WOLSKER, JUSTIN. Remote laser welding of overlapping metal workpieces using helical path(s). 2020.06.09, US10675713B2.

[67]  YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU, LU, QI, CARLSON, BLAIR E. Method and apparatus for resistance spot welding overlapping steel workpieces. 2020.06.09, US10675701B2.

[68]  YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Method for laser welding metal workpieces using a combination of weld paths. 2022.11.08, US11491580B2.

[69]  SUN, LI, YANG, DAVID, XIONG, XIAOCHUAN. Apparatus and method for trimming a sheet metal edge. 2020.04.07, US10610961B2.

[70]  SIGLER, DAVID R., YANG, DAVID S. Welding electrode for use in a resistance spot welding workpiece stack-ups that include an aluminum workpiece and a steel workpiece. 2020.08.25, US10751830B2.

[71]  PAN, YU, YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU, NOVELLETTO, PAOLO. Method for smoothing the surface of a laser weld joint. 2022.02.01, US11235422B2.

[72]  WANG, HUI-PING, PAN, YU, CARLSON, BLAIR E., SOLOMON, JOSHUA L., PAYNE, WILLIAM P., YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Method for laser welding steel workpieces. 2021.03.23, US10953497B2.

[73]  YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Multi-beam laser spot welding of coated steels. 2021.10.19, US11148226B2.

[74]  SIGLER, DAVID R., YANG, DAVID S., SACHDEV, ANIL K. External heat assisted welding of dissimilar metal workpieces. 2019.09.24, US10421148B2.

[75]  YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Laser spot welding of overlapping aluminum workpieces. 2021.03.16, US10946479B2.

[76]  SIGLER, DAVID R., CARLSON, BLAIR E., SCHROTH, JAMES G., YANG, DAVID S., SACHDEV, ANIL K. Resistance spot welding steel and aluminum workpieces with electrode having insert. 2020.06.16, US10682723B2.

[77]  YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Remote laser welding of overlapping metal workpieces at fast speeds. 2021.03.23, US10953494B2.

[78]  YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU, SUN, LI. Method of laser spot welding coated steels. 2021.08.03, US11077522B2.

[79]  YANG, DAVID S., WOLSKER, JUSTIN ALLEN, ZHANG, JING, TAO, WU, GAO, DALONG. Laser welding overlapping metal workpieces. 2020.06.23, US10688595B2.

[80]  ZHANG, JING, YANG, DAVID S., DENG, SHAWN. Joining of thermoplastic to metal with enhanced interfacial chemical bonding. 2020.02.25, US10569477B2.

[81]  SIGLER, DAVID R., SCHROTH, JAMES G., CARLSON, BLAIR E., MYASNIKOVA, YELENA, YANG, DAVID. Aluminum alloy to steel welding process. 2021.09.21 US11123816B2.

[82]  YANG, DAVID, CARLSON, BLAIR E., SIGLER, DAVID R. Cooling to control thermal stress and solidification for welding of dissimilar materials. 2019.04.09, US10252369B2.

[83]  D. Yang, W. Tao. Laser welding of overlapping metal workpieces assisted by varying laser beam parameters. 2019.02.05, US10195689B2.

[84]  B.E. Carlson, D. Yang, D.R. Sigler, R.T. Szymanski, A.K. Sachdev. Resistance spot welding steel and aluminum workpieces using insertable cover. 2018.08.28, US10058949B2.

[85]  D. Yang, D.R. Sigler, B.E. Carlson, J.G. Schroth, M.J. Karagoulis. Electrode for resistance spot welding of dissimilar metals. 2018.07.03, US10010966B2.

[86]  D. Yang, M.J. Karagoulis, D.R. Sigler. Resistance spot welding thin gauge steels. 2017.08.22, US9737956B2.

[87]  D. Yang. Welding a joint. 2017.03.07, US9586282B2.

[88]  B.E. Carlson, P-C Wang, D. Yang. Crack avoidance in resistance spot welding materials. 2016.05.10, US9333588B2.

[89]  D. Yang, P-C. Wang. Welding method and apparatus. 2013.07.09, US8481883B2.

[90]  P.C. Wang, D. Yang, J. Wang, B.E. Carlson. Method and apparatus for joining multiple components. 2013.09.10, US8528187B2.

[91]  W.W. Cai, T.B. Stoughton, D. Yang, X. Zhao. Beam welding of a multi-sheet work stack having a reduced thickness feature. 2013.09.17, US8535395B2.


(1) 2023 AWS 2023 - A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award, 一等奖, 其他, 2023
(2) 2023 Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis Finalists, 一等奖, 其他, 2023
(3) 2023年度中国光学产业十大技术, 特等奖, 其他, 2023
(4) 科技部颠覆性技术大赛优胜奖, 特等奖, 其他, 2022
(5) 中关村论坛100项新技术和新产品, 一等奖, 其他, 2022
(6) Laser Focus World Innovators Awards-Bronze-level Award, 三等奖, 国家级, 2020
(7) Laser Focus World Innovators Awards : Platinum level Honoree, 特等奖, 其他, 2018
(8) R&D 100 Awards Winner, 一等奖, 其他, 2016
(9) Individual Excellence, 特等奖, 其他, 2014


[1]    C Zhang, J. Tian, S. L. Yang, S. Mu, Effect of water-cooling assistance on fatigue behavior of laser welded QP980 steel, Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024, 28:2060-2070

[2]    Z. Tian, S. Chen, Y.J. Wang, X. Ye, W. Tao, S.L. Yang*, Study on the mechanism of Ni-26W-6Cr alloy solidification cracking: Effect of laser welding heat input, Materials Letters, 2024;357:135779

[3]    J. Tian, W. Tao, S.L. Yang*, Fatigue properties of quenching and partitioning 980 steel laser welding joint obtained under rapid cooling condition, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2024, 1-11

[4]    H.N. Liu, Y.J. Wang, J.Z. Zhang, Z.Q. Zhu, S.L. Yang*, Effect of laser spot offset on microstructure and properties of laser welded joint of medium Mn/DP980 dissimilar steel, Materials Letters, 2024363136331

[5]    M.F. Li, Y.J. Wang, W. Tao, S.L.Yang, A novel strategy for realizing reliable welding of aluminum-steel, Welding Journal,2023; 102(12):293-312

[6]    Y. J. Chen, J. Y Bai, S. J. Zu, Z. Lin, S. L. Yang*. Effect of interfacial thermal history on bonding mechanism of laser assisted joining of QP980-CFRTP with adjustable flat-top rectangular laser beam. Composite Structures. 2023; 323:117488.

[7]    Z. Tian, S. J Chen*, Y. J Wang, W. Tao, X. X Ye, N. Li, W.J Ren, S.L Yang*, Laser welding of GH3539 alloy for molten salt reactor: Processing optimization, microstructure and mechanical properties. Materials Characterization. 2023; 205:11326.

[8]    R. D Liu, Y. J Wang*, S. J Chen, D. Lv, X. X, S.L Yang*. Improving the performance of steel aluminum resistance spot welding joints based on steel coating design. Materials Characterization. 2023; 353:135291.

[9]    Z. Tian, S. J Chen*, Y. J Wang, W. Tao, X. X Ye, W. J Ren, S. L Yang*. Dynamic laser welding hot cracking behavior and mechanism of new structural material Ni–28W–6Cr alloy for molten salt reactor. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023; 25:3022-3036.

[10] W. Xu, Z.G Jiang, J. Z Zhang, W. Tao, X. Z Zhang, S. L Yang*. Direct laser-filler wire welding of Al–Si coated 22MnB5 steel without removing the Al–Si coating. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023; 24:2265-2278.

[11] J.Y Chen, J.Y Bai, Q.A Yin, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Achieving excellent interfacial bonding of QP980 steel to CFRTP by laser joining via carbon fiber reinforced mechanical anchorage. Optics and Laser Technology. 2023; 161:109149.

[12] W. Xu, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Effect of oscillation frequency on the mechanical properties and failure behaviors of laser beam welded 22MnB5 weld. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023; 22:1436-1448.

[13] S.S Li, Y.J Wang, B. Hu. W. Tao, S.L Yang*, H.W Luo*. A shrinkage-based criterion for evaluating resistance spot weldability of alloyed steels. PNAS Nexus. 2022;1: 1-10.

[14]  M.F Li, W. Tao, J.Z Zhang, Y.J Wang, S.L Yang*. Hybrid resistance-laser spot welding of aluminum to steel dissimilar materials: Microstructure and mechanical properties. Materials and Design. 2022; 221:111022.

[15] Y.J Wang, S.L Yang*. Effects of Electrode Combinations on RSW of 5182-O/AlSi10MnMg Aluminum. Welding Journal. 2022; 101:54-66.

[16] W. Xu, W. Tao, H.W Luo, S.L Yang*. Effect of welding speed on microstructure and mechanical behavior of laser welded Al-Si coated 22MnB5 steel. Optics and Laser Technology. 2022; 154:108344.

[17] W. Xu, S.L Yang*, W. Tao, G.T Zhang, S.S Li, H.W Luo. Effects of laser beam oscillation welding parameters on Al-Si coated 22MnB5 weld joint properties. Optics and Laser Technology. 2022; 149:107898.

[18] M.F Li, S.L Yang*, W. Tao, Y.J Wang. Joining aluminum to steel dissimilar metals using novel resistance spot welding process. Materials Letters. 2022; 318:132215.

[19] J.Y Bai, S.L Yang*, Z. Lin, Q.A Yin. Laser Joining of CFRTS and Steel by Interfacial Pressure Control. Welding Journal. 2022; 101:281-288.

[20] W. Xu, S.L Yang*, W. Tao, J.Z Zhang, H.W Luo. Effect of Al-Si Coating Removal State on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded 22MnB5 Steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2022; 3:07401.

[21] B. Chen, X. Jiang, J.Y Min*, C.C Sun, Y. Liu, S.L Yang, J.P Lin. Effect of surface topography on mechanical properties of steel-polycarbonate joints by laser direct joining. Welding in the World. 2022; 66:1811-1823.

[22] Y.Z Zhang, W. Xu*, G.T Zhang, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Mechanical Behavior and Failure Mechanism of Q&P980 Steel During in Situ Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Resistance Spot Welding. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2022; 53:794-809.

[23] J.Z Tian, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Investigation on microhardness and fatigue life in spot welding of quenching and partitioning 1180 steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2022; 19:3145-3159.

[24] W. Zhang, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Mechanical properties and fracture behaviors in remote laser spot welding of quenching and partitioning 980 steel. Optics and Laser Technology. 2021; 140:107053.

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( 1 ) 汽车轻量化材料焊接机理与新方法, 负责人, 其他国际合作项目, 2017-08--2020-07
( 2 ) 新能源汽车用铝合金激光焊接 关键技术及工艺, 负责人, 地方任务, 2019-01--2021-12
( 3 ) 新碳钢侧墙结构激光填丝焊焊接工艺研究技术服务, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2018-09--2019-05
( 4 ) 汽车车身用镀锌钢板激光焊接, 负责人, 地方任务, 2018-06--2019-06
( 5 ) 铝合金车身电阻点焊工艺开发及服役性能研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2019-05--2022-04
( 6 ) 汽车用轻量化材料焊接和连接应用基础研究和新方法的开发, 负责人, 其他国际合作项目, 2018-01--2022-02
( 7 ) 激光淬火模具钢技术路线与转化, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2018-06--2019-06
( 8 ) 铝合金电阻点焊评估, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2018-10--2019-08
( 9 ) 双层壁叶片异形气膜孔制孔技术工艺攻关, 参与, 境内委托项目, 2019-12--2020-12
( 10 ) 热压成形钢PHS2000焊接工艺与质量评估, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2019-11--2020-12
( 11 ) 异向材料焊接机理, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2022-08--2023-09
( 12 ) 先进激光制造技术开发及产业化, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2023-08--2027-08
( 13 ) 汽车用高强钢激光拼焊关键技术及产业化, 负责人, 地方任务, 2022-08--2023-12



孙文昊  硕士研究生  085202-光学工程  

李铭锋  博士研究生  080300-光学工程  

许伟  博士研究生  080300-光学工程  

陈佳雨  硕士研究生  080300-光学工程