杨上陆 男 博导 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所
电子邮件: yang_unitech@126.com
通信地址: 上海市嘉定区清河路390号
邮政编码: 201800
Ø超快激光精密制造技术 (激光打孔,切割);
Doctor of Philosophy
2010/4-2017/6 通用汽车全球研发中心
2017/6-至今 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所
2021-06-01-今,中国光学学会, 高级会员
2019-10-06-今,上海市焊接学会, 理事
2018-05-08-2020-12-29,中国焊接学会, 理事
2018-01-01-今,中国机械工程学会, 高级会员
[1] 王艳俊,杨上陆,李铭锋,一种用于异质材料电阻点焊的紧固件及焊接方法,CN202210238440.5,2024.02.09
[2] 林喆,陈峰,杜鹏,刘巧沐,杨上陆,一种激光吸收剂及其使用方法,CN201910973553.8,2024.03.08
[3] 陶武, 杨上陆, 徐伟, 李慧. 一种锌致液态金属裂纹形成条件的检测装置及方法. CN112505286B, 2023.08.11.
[4] 杨上陆, 陶武. 一种高强度钢激光拼焊部件制造方法. CN114762918B, 2023.07.25.
[5] 王艳俊, 杨上陆, 白瑾瑜, 陈双建. 用于铝工件胶接点焊的电极帽, CN219358251U, 2023.07.18.
[6] 许伟, 杨上陆, 陶武. 一种涂层钢的激光填粉焊接及热处理方法. CN114905149B, 2023.07.14.
[7] 王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种用于低熔点涂镀层钢工件的电阻点焊方法, CN114101883B, 2023.06.02.
[8] 杨上陆, 陶武, 姚斌, 钱红斌. 一种金属工件与热固性树脂基复合材料工件的焊接方法, CN112060598B, 2023.05.12.
[9] 陶武, 杨上陆. 一种薄板叠层组合激光焊接方法及装置. CN114799517B, 2023.05.09.
[10] 陶武, 杨上陆. 一种薄板叠层组合激光焊接方法及其纵截面焊缝轮廓形状.CN114603254B, 2023.04.11.
[11] 李铭锋, 杨上陆. 一种铝钢异种金属电阻点焊-激光复合点焊的方法, CN113333956B, 2023.04.11.
[12] 许伟, 杨上陆, 陶武. 一种用于涂层钢板激光拼焊的焊料及激光拼焊方法.CN113747994B, 2023.03.24.
[13] 李铭锋, 王艳俊, 陶武, 杨上陆. 一种轻金属与钢堆叠件的电阻点焊装置及其焊接方法. CN113857637B, 2023.03.14.
[14] 李铭锋, 王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种控制定向飞溅的焊接元件. CN218612202U, 2023.03.14.
[15] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 点焊接头及用于其的点焊电极帽CN218592043U, 2023.03.10.
[16] 王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种抑制铝合金电阻点焊熔核内部缺陷产生的方法, CN112570867B, 2023.02.14.
[17] 李铭锋, 杨上陆, 陶武, 王艳俊. 一种异种金属接头及其电阻焊方法. 2023.01.20, 中国, CN114211104B.
[18] 王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种用于热成型钢电阻点焊的电极帽. 2023.01.20, 中国, CN218341214U.
[19] 陶武, 杨上陆. 一种激光焊接装夹机构. 2022.11.08, 中国, CN217749938U.
[20] 李铭锋, 杨上陆, 陶武, 王艳俊. 一种焊接料片、输送系统、焊接装置及方法. 2022.09.27, 中国, CN114226943B.
[21] 李铭锋, 王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种轻金属与钢电阻点焊用的摆动式传送料片装置. 2022.08.30, 中国, CN217316356U.
[22] 李铭锋, 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊连接异种金属用的焊接元件. 2022.08.30, 中国, CN217316508U.
[23] 李铭锋, 杨上陆. 一种铝钢异种金属的焊接接头. 2022.01.28, 中国, CN215658527U.
[24] 李铭锋, 杨上陆. 一种用于铝钢异种金属焊接的电阻点焊电极. 2022.01.28, 中国, CN215658386U.
[25] 杨上陆, 王艳俊, 罗海文, 李硕硕. 一种高强度钢板的点焊接头及其制造方法. 2022.06.28, 中国, CN112222667B.
[26] 孙文昊, 杨上陆, 王艳俊, 陶武. 一种SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料的双光束激光填丝焊接方法. 2022.08.09, 中国, CN112222554B.
[27] 李铭锋, 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种拼合式焊接电极修磨刀具. 2021.03.02, 中国, CN212634656U.
[28] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊电极. 2022.01.28, 中国, CN215658390U.
[29] 王艳俊, 李铭锋, 杨上陆. 一种焊接电极的修磨刀片. 2021.05.04, 中国, CN213104529U.
[30] 王艳俊, 杨上陆. 一种自导向电极修磨装置. 2021.06.01, 中国, CN213319324U.
[31] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种用于电阻缝焊的电极轮. 2020.12.04, 中国, CN212070759U.
[32] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊外部辅助冷却装置. 2021.03.02, 中国, CN212634649U.
[33] 陶武, 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种激光电弧复合热源装置及其焊接方法. 2021.02.02, 中国, CN109848560B.
[34] 杨上陆, 陶武. 一种激光焊接方法. 2022.05.31, 中国, CN111715998B.
[35] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种由钢制的基体和预镀层构成的板材的激光焊接方法. 2022.03.08, 中国, CN111360406B.
[36] 杨上陆, 陶武. 异种金属的连结. 2021.11.23, 中国, CN109746573B.
[37] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊异种金属的方法. 2022.03.08,中国, CN110834139B.
[38] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种带有冷却系统的激光焊接装置及方法. 2022.06.28,中国, CN110834149B.
[39] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种镀层金属工件的激光焊接方法. 2021.07.06,中国, CN110369868B.
[40] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种电阻点焊电极帽. 2022.09.02,中国, CN110369848B.
[41] 杨上陆, 王艳俊. 一种自动化焊接装置. 2019.04.19, 中国, CN208758839U.
[42] 杨上陆, 陶武, P.诺沃列托, 潘宇, J.沃斯克. 利用螺旋路径的重叠金属工件的远程激光焊接. 2019.09.10, 中国, CN107717229B.
[43] 杨上陆, 陶武. 用于使用焊接路径的组合激光焊接金属工件的方法. 2021.07.20, 中国, CN110914014B.
[44] D·R·西格勒, 杨上陆, A·K·萨契戴夫. 异种金属工件的外部热辅助焊接. 2020.02.21, 中国, CN107303623B.
[45] 陶武, 杨上陆. 提高焊接表面品质的光滑方法. 2021.08.31, 中国, CN110582371B.
[46] 潘宇, 杨上陆, 陶武, P.诺维莱托. 用于使激光焊接接头表面平滑的方法. 2021.09.07, 中国, CN110325316B.
[47] 陶武, 杨上陆, 潘宇. 激光焊接包含表面氧化物涂层的轻金属工件的方法. 2022.05.17, 中国, CN110392620B.
[48] 杨上陆, W.陶. 通过振荡激光束焦点位置辅助的重叠金属工件的激光焊接. 2021.03.30, 中国, CN110023026B.
[49] 杨上陆, W.陶. 叠置的铝工件的激光点焊. 2020.11.10, 中国, CN109070271B.
[50] 杨上陆, W.陶. 叠置的金属工件的快速远程激光焊接. 2021.10.01, 中国, CN109219498B.
[51] 杨上陆, W.陶, J.张, J.A.沃尔斯克. 叠置的铝工件的激光点焊. 2020.03.20, 中国, CN108367391B.
[52] D·杨, D·R·西格勒, H-P.王. 铝合金工件中的侵入特征以改善铝钢点焊. 2018.11.13, 中国, CN105312755B.
[53] D.R.西勒, B.E.卡尔森, D.杨, H-P.王. 改进铝钢点焊的具有侵入结构特征的盖板, 2018.03.23, 中国, CN105312754B.
[54] D·R·西格勒, J·G·施罗思, B·E·卡尔逊, Y·姆亚斯尼科瓦, D·杨. 铝合金到钢的焊接工艺. 2017.10.24, 中国, CN104646814B.
[55] J.张, P-C.王, D.杨. 焊丝输送装置及方法. 2017.09.15, 中国, CN104797371B.
[56] B·E·卡尔逊, D·杨, D·R·西格勒, R·T·齐曼斯基, A·K·萨赫德夫. 使用可插入封盖电阻点焊钢和铝工件. 2017.05.03, 中国, CN104668757B.
[57] D.杨, M.J.卡拉古利斯, D.R.西勒. 电阻点焊薄规格钢. 2017.04.12, 中国, CN104227211B.
[58] D.杨, D.A.加特尼, B.E.卡尔森, J.王. 用于镀锌钢的激光边缘焊接的抑制激光引起的烟柱. 2017.01.04, 中国, CN104801854B.
[59] 杨上陆, 大卫.R.西格勒, 张婧. 使用预冷的电阻焊接方法. 2016.12.07, 中国, CN103990901B.
[60] D.杨. 焊接接头. 2016.09.14, 中国, CN103831531B.
[61] D. 杨, P-C. 王. 焊接方法和设备. 2015.10.28, 中国, CN102689119B.
[62] SHANGLU YANG, Yanjun WANG, Wu TAO. Feb. 06, 2024. Resistance spot welding electrode cap. US11890701B2.
[63] YANG,DAVID,WU TAO, Method for laser welding metal workpieces using a combination of weld paths. US11491580
[64] YANG, DAVID, SIGLER, DAVID R., CARLSON, BLAIR E, SCHROTH, JAMES G., KARAGOULIS, MICHAEL J. Electrode for resistance spot welding of dissimilar materials. 2021.08.10, US11084119B2.
[65] ENLOE, CHARLES, HORVATH, CURT D, YANG, DAVID, LU, QI, TAO, WU. Multilayer steel and method of reducing liquid metal embrittlement. 2019.06.25, US10329639B2.
[66] YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU, NOVELLETTO, PAOLO A., PAN, YU, WOLSKER, JUSTIN. Remote laser welding of overlapping metal workpieces using helical path(s). 2020.06.09, US10675713B2.
[67] YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU, LU, QI, CARLSON, BLAIR E. Method and apparatus for resistance spot welding overlapping steel workpieces. 2020.06.09, US10675701B2.
[68] YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Method for laser welding metal workpieces using a combination of weld paths. 2022.11.08, US11491580B2.
[69] SUN, LI, YANG, DAVID, XIONG, XIAOCHUAN. Apparatus and method for trimming a sheet metal edge. 2020.04.07, US10610961B2.
[70] SIGLER, DAVID R., YANG, DAVID S. Welding electrode for use in a resistance spot welding workpiece stack-ups that include an aluminum workpiece and a steel workpiece. 2020.08.25, US10751830B2.
[71] PAN, YU, YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU, NOVELLETTO, PAOLO. Method for smoothing the surface of a laser weld joint. 2022.02.01, US11235422B2.
[72] WANG, HUI-PING, PAN, YU, CARLSON, BLAIR E., SOLOMON, JOSHUA L., PAYNE, WILLIAM P., YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Method for laser welding steel workpieces. 2021.03.23, US10953497B2.
[73] YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Multi-beam laser spot welding of coated steels. 2021.10.19, US11148226B2.
[74] SIGLER, DAVID R., YANG, DAVID S., SACHDEV, ANIL K. External heat assisted welding of dissimilar metal workpieces. 2019.09.24, US10421148B2.
[75] YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU. Laser spot welding of overlapping aluminum workpieces. 2021.03.16, US10946479B2.
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[78] YANG, DAVID, TAO, WU, SUN, LI. Method of laser spot welding coated steels. 2021.08.03, US11077522B2.
[79] YANG, DAVID S., WOLSKER, JUSTIN ALLEN, ZHANG, JING, TAO, WU, GAO, DALONG. Laser welding overlapping metal workpieces. 2020.06.23, US10688595B2.
[80] ZHANG, JING, YANG, DAVID S., DENG, SHAWN. Joining of thermoplastic to metal with enhanced interfacial chemical bonding. 2020.02.25, US10569477B2.
[81] SIGLER, DAVID R., SCHROTH, JAMES G., CARLSON, BLAIR E., MYASNIKOVA, YELENA, YANG, DAVID. Aluminum alloy to steel welding process. 2021.09.21 US11123816B2.
[82] YANG, DAVID, CARLSON, BLAIR E., SIGLER, DAVID R. Cooling to control thermal stress and solidification for welding of dissimilar materials. 2019.04.09, US10252369B2.
[83] D. Yang, W. Tao. Laser welding of overlapping metal workpieces assisted by varying laser beam parameters. 2019.02.05, US10195689B2.
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[1] C Zhang, J. Tian, S. L. Yang, S. Mu, Effect of water-cooling assistance on fatigue behavior of laser welded QP980 steel, Journal of Materials Research and Technology,2024, 28:2060-2070
[2] Z. Tian, S. Chen, Y.J. Wang, X. Ye, W. Tao, S.L. Yang*, Study on the mechanism of Ni-26W-6Cr alloy solidification cracking: Effect of laser welding heat input, Materials Letters, 2024;357:135779
[3] J. Tian, W. Tao, S.L. Yang*, Fatigue properties of quenching and partitioning 980 steel laser welding joint obtained under rapid cooling condition, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2024, 1-11
[4] H.N. Liu, Y.J. Wang, J.Z. Zhang, Z.Q. Zhu, S.L. Yang*, Effect of laser spot offset on microstructure and properties of laser welded joint of medium Mn/DP980 dissimilar steel, Materials Letters, 2024;363:136331
[5] M.F. Li, Y.J. Wang, W. Tao, S.L.Yang, A novel strategy for realizing reliable welding of aluminum-steel, Welding Journal,2023; 102(12):293-312
[6] Y. J. Chen, J. Y Bai, S. J. Zu, Z. Lin, S. L. Yang*. Effect of interfacial thermal history on bonding mechanism of laser assisted joining of QP980-CFRTP with adjustable flat-top rectangular laser beam. Composite Structures. 2023; 323:117488.
[7] Z. Tian, S. J Chen*, Y. J Wang, W. Tao, X. X Ye, N. Li, W.J Ren, S.L Yang*, Laser welding of GH3539 alloy for molten salt reactor: Processing optimization, microstructure and mechanical properties. Materials Characterization. 2023; 205:11326.
[8] R. D Liu, Y. J Wang*, S. J Chen, D. Lv, X. X, S.L Yang*. Improving the performance of steel aluminum resistance spot welding joints based on steel coating design. Materials Characterization. 2023; 353:135291.
[9] Z. Tian, S. J Chen*, Y. J Wang, W. Tao, X. X Ye, W. J Ren, S. L Yang*. Dynamic laser welding hot cracking behavior and mechanism of new structural material Ni–28W–6Cr alloy for molten salt reactor. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023; 25:3022-3036.
[10] W. Xu, Z.G Jiang, J. Z Zhang, W. Tao, X. Z Zhang, S. L Yang*. Direct laser-filler wire welding of Al–Si coated 22MnB5 steel without removing the Al–Si coating. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023; 24:2265-2278.
[11] J.Y Chen, J.Y Bai, Q.A Yin, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Achieving excellent interfacial bonding of QP980 steel to CFRTP by laser joining via carbon fiber reinforced mechanical anchorage. Optics and Laser Technology. 2023; 161:109149.
[12] W. Xu, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Effect of oscillation frequency on the mechanical properties and failure behaviors of laser beam welded 22MnB5 weld. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023; 22:1436-1448.
[13] S.S Li, Y.J Wang, B. Hu. W. Tao, S.L Yang*, H.W Luo*. A shrinkage-based criterion for evaluating resistance spot weldability of alloyed steels. PNAS Nexus. 2022;1: 1-10.
[14] M.F Li, W. Tao, J.Z Zhang, Y.J Wang, S.L Yang*. Hybrid resistance-laser spot welding of aluminum to steel dissimilar materials: Microstructure and mechanical properties. Materials and Design. 2022; 221:111022.
[15] Y.J Wang, S.L Yang*. Effects of Electrode Combinations on RSW of 5182-O/AlSi10MnMg Aluminum. Welding Journal. 2022; 101:54-66.
[16] W. Xu, W. Tao, H.W Luo, S.L Yang*. Effect of welding speed on microstructure and mechanical behavior of laser welded Al-Si coated 22MnB5 steel. Optics and Laser Technology. 2022; 154:108344.
[17] W. Xu, S.L Yang*, W. Tao, G.T Zhang, S.S Li, H.W Luo. Effects of laser beam oscillation welding parameters on Al-Si coated 22MnB5 weld joint properties. Optics and Laser Technology. 2022; 149:107898.
[18] M.F Li, S.L Yang*, W. Tao, Y.J Wang. Joining aluminum to steel dissimilar metals using novel resistance spot welding process. Materials Letters. 2022; 318:132215.
[19] J.Y Bai, S.L Yang*, Z. Lin, Q.A Yin. Laser Joining of CFRTS and Steel by Interfacial Pressure Control. Welding Journal. 2022; 101:281-288.
[20] W. Xu, S.L Yang*, W. Tao, J.Z Zhang, H.W Luo. Effect of Al-Si Coating Removal State on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Welded 22MnB5 Steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2022; 3:07401.
[21] B. Chen, X. Jiang, J.Y Min*, C.C Sun, Y. Liu, S.L Yang, J.P Lin. Effect of surface topography on mechanical properties of steel-polycarbonate joints by laser direct joining. Welding in the World. 2022; 66:1811-1823.
[22] Y.Z Zhang, W. Xu*, G.T Zhang, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Mechanical Behavior and Failure Mechanism of Q&P980 Steel During in Situ Post-Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Resistance Spot Welding. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2022; 53:794-809.
[23] J.Z Tian, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Investigation on microhardness and fatigue life in spot welding of quenching and partitioning 1180 steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2022; 19:3145-3159.
[24] W. Zhang, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Mechanical properties and fracture behaviors in remote laser spot welding of quenching and partitioning 980 steel. Optics and Laser Technology. 2021; 140:107053.
[25] M.F Li, Y.J Wang, S.L Yang*, W. Tao. Improving mechanical properties and electrode life for joining aluminum alloys with innovatively designated Newton ring electrode. Journal of Manufacturing Process. 2021; 64:948-959.
[26] J.P Lin, J. Zhang, J.Y Min*, C.C Sun, S.L Yang*. Laser-assisted conduction joining of carbon fiber reinforced sheet molding compound to dual-phase steel by a polycarbonate interlayer. Optics and Laser Technology. 2021; 140:106561.
[27] W. Tao, S.L Yang*. Weld zone porosity elimination process in remote laser welding of AA5182-O aluminum alloy lap-joints. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2020; 286:116826.
[28] W. Zhang, S.L Yang*, Z Lin, W. Tao. Weld morphology and mechanical properties in laser spot welding of quenching and partitioning 980 steel. Journal of Manufacturing Process. 2020; 56:1136-1145.
[29] M.F Li, Y.J Wang, Z. Niu, S.L Yang*. Study on the Weld-Bonding Process Optimization and Mechanical Performance of Aluminum Alloy Joints. Automotive Innovation. 2020; 3:221-230.
[30] Y.J Wang, W. Tao, S.L Yang*. A Method for Improving Joint Strength of Resistance Spot Welds of AA 5182-O Aluminum Alloy. Journal of Manufacturing Process. 2019; 45:661-669.
[31] S.S Li, S.L Yang*, Q. Lu, H.W Luo*, W. Tao. A Novel Shim-Assisted Resistance Spot Welding Process to Improve Weldability of Medium-Mn Transformation-Induced Plasticity Steel. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B.2019; 50:1-9.
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孙文昊 硕士研究生 085202-光学工程
李铭锋 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
许伟 博士研究生 080300-光学工程
陈佳雨 硕士研究生 080300-光学工程