徐骥  男  博导  中国科学院过程工程研究所
电子邮件: xuji@ipe.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区中关村北二条1号 过程工程研究所
邮政编码: 100190




2006-09--2012-05   过程工程研究所   博士学位
2002-09--2006-07   西安交通大学   学士


2023-07~2024-03,中国科学院过程工程研究所, 研究员
2015-07~2023-07,过程工程研究所, 副研究员
2012-09~2015-07,过程工程研究所, 助理研究员
2006-09~2012-05,过程工程研究所, 博士学位
2002-09~2006-07,西安交通大学, 学士


discrete element methods - theory and practise


(1) 5. 颗粒协会自然科学一等奖, 一等奖, 其他, 2020
(2) 首届中国科学院超级计算应用奖, 一等奖, 部委级, 2013


(1) The critical role of scale resolution in CFD simulation of gas-solid flows: A heat transfer study using CFD-DEM-IBM method, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2023, 第 3 作者
(2) CFD-DEM-IBM simulation of particle drying processes in gas-fluidized beds, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2022, 第 3 作者
(3) 多尺度离散模拟在钢铁行业技术研发中的应用, Multiscale discrete particle simulation for iron and steel industry: progress and prospect, 过程工程学报, 2022, 第 1 作者
(4) Atomistic simulation toward real-scale microprocessor circuits, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 2022, 第 7 作者
(5) Numerical simulation of commercial MTO fluidized bed reactor with a coarse-grained discrete particle method-EMMS-DPM, Powder Technology, 2022, 第 4 作者  通讯作者
(6) Assessment of kinetic theory for gas-solid flows using discrete particle method, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2022, 第 3 作者
(7) Nonequilibrium characteristics and spatiotemporal long-range correlations in dense gas-solid suspensions, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, 2021, 第 2 作者
(8) Scale-up effect of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in continuously operated multiple-chamber fluidized beds, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2021, 第 2 作者
(9) 连续操作密相流化床颗粒停留时间分布特性模拟放大研究, Simulation of scale-up effect of particle residence time distributioncharacteristics in continuously operated dense-phase fluidized beds, 化工学报, 2021, 第 2 作者
(10) Direct comparison of CFD-DEM simulation and experimental measurement of Geldart A particles in a micro-fluidized bed, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2021, 第 3 作者
(11) DEM simulation of standpipes under the negative pressure gradient, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2021, 第 3 作者
(12) CFD intensification of coal beneficiation process in gas-solid fluidized beds, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION, 2020, 第 3 作者
(13) Long-time simulation of catalytic MTO reaction in a fluidized bed reactor with a coarse-grained discrete particle method ��� EMMS-DPM, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2020, 第 2 作者  通讯作者
(14) Three-dimensional simulation of gas-solid flow in a fluidised bed with flexible ribbon particles, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW, 2020, 第 3 作者
(15) Long-time coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulation of residence time distribution of polydisperse particles in a continuously operated multiple-chamber fluidized bed, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2020, 第 2 作者
(16) 竖冷设备结构的离散元法模拟优化, Structure optimization of the vertically arranged cooler based on the simulation with discrete element method, 过程工程学报, 2020, 
(17) A CFD-DEM-IBM method for Cartesian grid simulation of gas-solid flow in complex geometries, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2020, 第 2 作者
(18) 烧结矿竖冷炉内物料的偏析, Segregation of sinter particles in sinter shaft cooler, 钢铁, 2020, 第 3 作者
(19) A computational fluid dynamics-discrete element-immersed boundary method for Cartesian grid simulation of heat transfer in compressible gas-solid flow with complex geometries, PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 2020, 第 2 作者
(20) Analysis of flexible ribbon particle residence time distribution in a fluidised bed riser using three-dimensional CFD-DEM simulation, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 第 6 作者
(21) Molecular dynamics simulations of surfactant adsorption at oil/water interface under shear flow, PARTICUOLOGY, 2019, 第 4 作者
(22) Experimental and Eulerian-Lagrangian-Lagrangian study of binary gas-solid flow containing particles of significantly different sizes, RENEWABLE ENERGY, 2019, 第 5 作者
(23) Virtual process engineering on a three-dimensional circulating fluidized bed with Multiscale parallel computation, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 2019, 
(24) Molecular dynamics simulations of surfactant adsorption at oil/water interface under shear flow, Molecular dynamics simulations of surfactant adsorption at oil/water interface under shear flow, 颗粒学报英文版, 2019, 第 4 作者
(26) 蛋白质体系分子动力学模拟的前沿进展--从介科学角度重新审视, Frontiers of molecular dynamics simulations of protein systems-- reexamine from the mesoscience perspective, 过程工程学报, 2018, 第 2 作者
(27) Quantifying growth and breakage of agglomerates in fluid-particle flow using discrete particle method, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 第 6 作者
(28) Discrete simulation of granular and particle-fluid flows: from fundamental study to engineering application, REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2017, 第 3 作者
(29) Sampling conformational space of intrinsically disordered proteins in explicit solvent: Comparison between well-tempered ensemble approach and solute tempering method, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING, 2017, 第 2 作者  通讯作者
(30) 螺旋输送器中颗粒混合过程的模拟, 化工学报, 2017, 第 2 作者
(31) Compromise in competition between free energy and binding effect of intrinsically disordered protein p53 C-terminal domain, MOLECULAR SIMULATION, 2017, 第 2 作者  通讯作者
(32) Simulations of flow induced structural transition of the beta-switch region of glycoprotein Ib alpha, BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 2016, 第 2 作者  通讯作者
(33) Numerical analysis of enhanced mixing in a Gallay tote blender, Numerical analysis of enhanced mixing in a Gallay tote blender, 中国颗粒学报:英文版, 2016, 第 3 作者
(34) Simulations of flow induced structural transition of the ��-switch region of glycoprotein Ib��, BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, 2016, 第 2 作者
(35) Computer virtual experiment on fluidized beds using a coarse-grained discrete particle method-EMMS-DPM, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2016, 第 2 作者
(36) Numerical simulation of stirred tanks using a hybrid immersed-boundary method, CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2016, 第 2 作者
(37) Molecular dynamics simulation overcoming the finite size effects of thermal conductivity of bulk silicon and silicon nanowires, MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2016, 第 2 作者
(38) 驱动蛋白结构与运动机制, 中国生物化学与分子生物学报, 2016, 第 3 作者
(39) 基于EMMS范式的离散模拟及其化工应用, Discrete simulation based on EMMS paradigm and its applications in chemical engineering, 化工学报, 2016, 第 1 作者
(40) GPU-based discrete element simulation on flow regions of flat bottomed cylindrical hopper, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 第 2 作者
(41) Numerical analysis of enhanced mixing in a Gallay tote blender, PARTICUOLOGY, 2016, 第 3 作者
(42) 纳米材料制备及物性测量的虚拟过程工程初探, Explorations to the virtual process engineering offabrication and property measurement of nanomaterials, 计算机与应用化学, 2016, 第 3 作者
(43) Competition of Major Forces Dominating the Structures of Porphyrin Assembly, CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 2016, 第 5 作者  通讯作者
(44) Numerical investigation of granular flow similarity in rotating drums, PARTICUOLOGY, 2015, 第 2 作者
(45) Engineering molecular dynamics simulation in chemical engineering, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2015, 
(46) Engineering molecular dynamics simulation in chemical engineering (vol 121, pg 200, 2015), CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2015, 第 1 作者
(47) Multiscale Discrete Supercomputing - A Game Changer for Process Simulation?, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 第 4 作者
(48) The principle of compromise in competition: exploring stability condition of protein folding, SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2015, 第 1 作者
(49) Erratum to: "Engineering molecular dynamics simulation in chemical engineering" Chem. Eng. Sci. 121 (2015) 200���216, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2015, 第 1 作者
(50) Numerical investigation of granular flow similarity in rotating drums, Numerical investigation of granular flow similarity in rotating drums, 中国颗粒学报:英文版, 2015, 第 2 作者
(51) Enhanced axial mixing of rotating drums with alternately arranged baffles, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 第 3 作者
(52) EMMS-based discrete particle method (EMMS-DPM) for simulation of gas-solid flows, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2014, 
(53) GPU-accelerated adaptive particle splitting and merging in SPH, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2013, 第 3 作者
(54) Petascale molecular dynamics simulation of crystalline silicon on Tianhe-IA, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS, 2013, 第 2 作者
(55) Efficient GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics simulation of solid covalent crystals, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2013, 第 2 作者
(56) Petascale molecular dynamics simulation of crystalline silicon on Tianhe-1A, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS, 2013, 第 2 作者
(57) Multiscale simulations of protein folding: application to formation of secondary structures, JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS, 2013, 第 1 作者
(58) GPU-based discrete element simulation on a tote blender for performance improvement, POWDER TECHNOLOGY, 2013, 第 2 作者
(59) Large-scale DNS of gas-solid flows on Mole-8.5, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2012, 
(60) Efficient parallel implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method on large clusters of graphic processing units, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2012, 第 3 作者
(61) Efficient 3D DNS of gas-solid flows on Fermi GPGPU, COMPUTERS & FLUIDS, 2012, 第 3 作者
(62) Key factors in chaperonin-assisted protein folding, PARTICUOLOGY, 2012, 第 3 作者
(63) Key factors in chaperonin-assisted protein folding, Key factors in chaperonin-assisted protein folding, 中国颗粒学报:英文版, 2012, 第 3 作者
(64) Application of the Mole-8.5 supercomputer:Probing the whole influenza virion at the atomic level, Application of the Mole-8.5 supercomputer:Probing the whole influenza virion at the atomic level, 中国科学通报:英文版, 2011, 第 1 作者
(65) Meso-scale oriented simulation towards virtual process engineering (VPE)-The EMMS Paradigm, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 2011, 第 29 作者
(66) Application of the Mole-8.5 supercomputer: Probing the whole influenza virion at the atomic level, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2011, 第 1 作者
(67) GPU加速的并行粒子模拟在线可视化, In-situ visualization for GPU-accelerated parallel particle simulation, 计算机与应用化学, 2011, 第 2 作者
(68) Quasi-real-time simulation of rotating drum using discrete element method with parallel GPU computing, Quasi-real-time simulation of rotating drum using discrete element method with parallel GPU computing, 中国颗粒学报:英文版, 2011, 第 1 作者
(69) Particle-Mesh Ewald(PME)算法的GPU加速, Implementation of Particle-Mesh Ewald(PME) on Graphics Processing Units, 计算物理, 2010, 第 1 作者
(70) 从多尺度到介尺度——复杂化工过程模拟的新挑战, From multi-scale to meso-scale:new challenges for simulation of complex processes in chemical engineering, 化工学报, 2010, 第 4 作者
(71) Molecular dynamics simulation of macromolecules using graphics processing unit, MOLECULAR SIMULATION, 2010, 第 1 作者
(72) 耦合Nvidia/AMD两类GPU的格子玻尔兹曼模拟, Lattice Boltzmann simulation on Nvidia and AMD GPUs, 科学通报, 2009, 第 5 作者
(73) Explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations of chaperonin-assisted rhodanese folding, Explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations of chaperonin-assisted rhodanese folding, 中国颗粒学报:英文版, 2009, 第 3 作者
(74) Explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations of chaperonin-assisted rhodanese folding, PARTICUOLOGY, 2009, 第 3 作者
Multi-scale Continuum-Particle Simulation on CPU–GPU Hybrid Supercomputer, Springer, 2013-01, 第 2 作者


( 1 ) 等级孔材料的过程耦合与机制, 参与, 国家任务, 2023-01--2027-12
( 2 ) ADRUF数字孪生系统, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2023-01--2025-12
( 3 ) 工业流化床催化反应器传递与反应机制及粗粒化离散颗粒模拟研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-01--2024-12
( 4 ) 电石渣多级旋流杂质快速分离关键装备模拟优化, 参与, 国家任务, 2020-11--2023-10
( 5 ) 4号高炉布料制度定量化技术研究, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2019-08--2021-05
( 6 ) 多相反应系统中的介尺度机制及调控, 参与, 国家任务, 2019-01--2021-12
( 7 ) 面向多相系统介尺度模拟的科研信息化应用, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2018-01--2019-12
( 8 ) 热加工过程烟草在制品受热状态计算分析及软件开发, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2017-10--2018-08
( 9 ) 大规模数据高效分析技术的并行化技术研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2017-07--2021-06
( 10 ) 烧结机竖式冷却回收显热技术模拟研究, 参与, 境内委托项目, 2017-06--2018-12
(1)High Performance Simulation of Discrete Particle Systems with Multi-scale Parallel Computation   2019-07-28
(2)Long-Time Simulation of MTO Reactors with EMMS-Based Discrete Particle Method   2019-05-28
(3)面向虚拟过程工程的循环流化床 CFD-DEM GPU 加速模拟   2017年中国化工学会年会   2017-10-14
(4)Two-level parallelization of CPU-GPU hybrid    2016-04-03