
陈佑纬 男 硕导 中国科学院地球化学研究所
电子邮件: chenyouwei@mail.gyig.ac.cn
通信地址: 贵阳市观山湖区林城西路99号
电子邮件: chenyouwei@mail.gyig.ac.cn
通信地址: 贵阳市观山湖区林城西路99号
2005-09--2010-07 中国科学院地球化学研究所 地球化学博士学位2001-09--2005-07 南京大学 地球化学学士学位
2012-07~现在, 中国科学院地球化学研究所, 副研究员2010-07~2012-07,中国科学院地球化学研究所, 助理研究员2005-09~2010-07,中国科学院地球化学研究所, 地球化学博士学位2001-09~2005-07,南京大学, 地球化学学士学位
( 1 ) 探针片取样辅助设备, 2023, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN218271459U
(1) Formation of the Huayangchuan (Central China) carbonatite-associated REE-Nb-U polymetallic deposit constrained from monazite mineral chemistry and isotope systematics: HREE enrichment in late-stage monazite, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2023, 第 3 作者 通讯作者(2) A Quantity Chalcopyrite Reference Material for In Situ Sulfur Isotope Analysis, ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 2023, 第 1 作者(3) High spatial resolution and precision NanoSIMS for sulfur isotope analysis, JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY, 2022, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(4) Hydrothermal upgrading as an important tool for the REE mineralization in the Miaoya carbonatite-syenite complex, Central China, AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, 2021, 第 4 作者(5) Genesis of carbonatite and associated U���Nb���REE mineralization at Huayangchuan, central China: Insights from mineral paragenesis, chemical and Sr-Nd-C-O isotopic compositons of calcite, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2021, 第 2 作者 通讯作者(6) In situ low-U garnet U-Pb dating by LA-SF-ICP-MS and its application in constraining the origin of Anji skarn system combined with Ar-Ar dating and Pb isotopes, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2021, 第 7 作者(7) Several progresses in the study of uranium deposits in South China., ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2019, 第 3 作者(8) Ar-Ar dating of mafic dykes from the Xiazhuang uranium ore field in northern Guangdong, South China: A reevaluation of the role of mafic dyke in uranium mineralization., ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2019, 第 4 作者(9) 粤北下庄铀矿田基性岩脉 Ar-Ar 定年及其与铀成矿关系新认识, 岩石学报, 2019, 第 4 作者(10) In-situ mineral chemistry and chronology analyses of the pitchblende in the Shazijiang uranium deposit and their implications for mineralization., ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2019, 第 1 作者(11) Review on dating of uranium mineralization, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2019, 第 3 作者(12) 陕西华阳川铀铌矿床中铀矿物的年代学与矿物化学研究及其对铀成矿的启示, Chronology and mineral chemistry of the uranium minerals in Huayangchuan uranium-niobium deposit, Shaanxi Province and itsimplications for uranium mineralization, 地质学报, 2019, 第 2 作者(13) Crystal fractionation of contaminated melts and re-melting of newly underplated basaltic crust generated Late Triassic andesitic and dioritic intrusions in the southern Yidun Terrane, SW China, LITHOS, 2019, 第 3 作者(14) Genesis of the Guangshigou pegmatite-type uranium deposit in the North Qinling Orogenic Belt, China, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2019, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(15) REE Characteristics of a New Uranium Mineral from the Xianshi Uranium Deposit, South China, REE Characteristics of a New Uranium Mineral from the Xianshi Uranium Deposit, South China, 地质学报:英文版, 2018, 第 4 作者(16) REE Characteristics of a New Uranium Mineral from the Xianshi Uranium Deposit, South China, REE Characteristics of a New Uranium Mineral from the Xianshi Uranium Deposit, South China, 地质学报:英文版, 2018, 第 4 作者(17) REE Characteristics of a New Uranium Mineral from the Xianshi Uranium Deposit, South China, REE Characteristics of a New Uranium Mineral from the Xianshi Uranium Deposit, South China, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2018, 第 4 作者(18) Zircon U-Pb Ages and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Characteristics of the Huichizi Granitic Complex in the North Qinling Orogenic Belt and Their Geological Significance, JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE, 2018, 第 1 作者(19) Newly discovered uranium mineralization at similar to 2.0 Ma in the Menggongjie granite-hosted uranium deposit, South China, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2017, 第 6 作者(20) Geochronology and geochemistry of Eocene potassic felsic intrusions in the Nangqian basin, eastern Tibet: Tectonic and metallogenic implications, LITHOS, 2016, 第 4 作者(21) Tin partition behavior and implications for the Furong tin ore formation associated with peralkaline intrusive granite in Hunan Province, China, Tin partition behavior and implications for the Furong tin ore formation associated with peralkaline intrusive granite in Hunan Province,China, ACTA GEOCHIMICA, 2016, 第 5 作者(22) Chronology of the Longshan Au-Sb deposit in central Hunan Province: Constraints from pyrite Re-Os and zircon U-Th/He isotopic dating, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2016, 第 3 作者(23) Zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope of the felsic dykes in the Longshan Au-Sb deposit in Central Hunan Province and their geological significance, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2016, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(24) 北秦岭光石沟伟晶岩型铀矿床相关花岗岩的地球化学特征及其地质意义, 矿物学报, 2015, 第 1 作者(25) 北秦岭蓝田铀矿田产铀岩体的地球化学特征及其对成矿的制约, Geochemical Characteristics of Uranium-bearing Granite in Lantian Uranium Ore Field of North Qinling and Its Constraints on Uranium Mineralization, 西北地质, 2015, 第 1 作者(26) In-situ SIMS uraninite U���Pb dating and genesis of the Xianshi granite-hosted uranium deposit, South China, Ore Geology Reviews, 2015, 第 7 作者(27) Origin of Triassic granites in central Hunan Province, South China: constraints from zircon U���Pb ages and Hf and O isotopes, INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, 2015, 第 4 作者(28) 湖南瑶岗仙复式花岗岩岩石成因及与钨成矿关系, Petrogenesis of the Yaogangxian granites and implications for W mineralization, Hunan Province, 岩石学报, 2014, 第 4 作者(29) Petrogenesis of Late Cretaceous I-type granites in the southern Yidun Terrane: New constraints on the Late Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern Tibetan Plateau, LITHOS, 2014, 第 7 作者(30) Petrogenesis of the Yaogangxian granites and implications for W mineralization, Hunan Province, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2014, 第 4 作者(31) 矿床地球化学近十年若干研究进展, Some Advances in Ore Deposit Geochemistry in Last Decade, 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2014, 第 6 作者(32) Geochronology and geochemistry of Late Cretaceous igneous intrusions and Mo-Cu-(W) mineralization in the southern Yidun Arc, SW China: Implications for metallogenesis and geodynamic setting, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2014, 第 6 作者(33) 陕南光石沟伟晶岩型铀矿床黑云母矿物化学研究及其对铀成矿的启示, MINERAL CHEMISTRY OF BIOTITE AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR URANIUM MINERALIZATION IN GUANGSHIGOU PEGMATITE-TYPE URANIUM DEPOSIT,SOUTH SHAANXI PROVINCE, 矿物岩石, 2013, 第 1 作者(34) Element geochemistry, mineralogy, geochronology and zircon Hf isotope of the Luxi and Xiazhuang granites in Guangdong province, China: Implications for U mineralization, LITHOS, 2012, 第 1 作者(35) Molybdenite Re-Os and muscovite Ar-40/Ar-39 dating of the Xihuashan tungsten deposit, central Nanling district, South China, LITHOS, 2012, 第 7 作者(36) 云南金平铜厂斑岩铜钼矿区岩体锆石Ce^4+/Ce^3+比值及其对成矿的指示意义, Zircon Ce^4���/Ce^3��� Ratios of the Tongchang Intrusions in Jinping County, Yunnan Province: Implications for Mineralization, 矿物学报, 2012, 第 3 作者(37) 金在花岗质熔体中溶解度的初步实验研究, A Preliminary Experimental Study on the Solubility of Gold in Granitic Silicate Melts, 矿物学报, 2012, 第 4 作者(38) 湖南瑶岗仙石英脉型黑钨矿床成矿流体特征, CHARACTERISTICS OF ORE-FORMING FLUID IN YAOGANGXIAN QUARTZ-VEIN WOLFRAMITE DEPOSIT,HUNAN PROVINCE, 矿物岩石, 2011, 第 4 作者(39) Geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of the quartz syenite porphyry from Tongchang porphyry Cu (Mo-Au) deposit in Jinping County, Yunan Province, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2011, 第 6 作者(40) 云南金平铜厂斑岩Cu(Mo-Au)矿床含矿石英正长斑岩地球化学特征及成因机制探讨, Geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of the quartz syenite porphyry from Tongchang porphyry Cu(Mo-Au) deposit in Jinping County,Yunan Province, 岩石学报, 2011, 第 6 作者(41) 贵东岩体黑云母成分特征及其对铀成矿的制约, The Geochemical Characteristics of Biotites and their Constraints on Uranium Mineralization in Guidong Pluton, 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2010, 第 1 作者(42) An experimental study of tin partition between melt and aqueous fluid in F/Cl-coexisting magma, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2009, 第 6 作者(43) An experimental study of tin partition between melt and aqueous fluid in F/CI-coexisting magma, An experimental study of tin partition between melt and aqueous fluid in F/CI-coexisting magma, 中国科学通报:英文版, 2009, 第 6 作者(44) An experimental study of tin partition between melt and aqueous fluid in F/CI-coexisting magma, An experimental study of tin partition between melt and aqueous fluid in F/CI-coexisting magma, 中国科学通报:英文版, 2009, 第 6 作者(45) 氟氯共存体系锡在流/熔体相间分配的实验研究, 科学通报, 2009, 第 6 作者(46) 贵东复式岩体印支期产铀和非产铀花岗岩地球化学特征对比研究, COMPARISON OF GEOCHEMICAL CHARARCTERISTIC OF URANIUM-AND NON-URANIUM-BEARING INDOSINIAN GRANITES IN GUIDONG COMPOSITE PLUTON, 矿物岩石, 2009, 第 1 作者(47) 锡在流体和花岗质硅酸盐熔体间分配行为的实验研究, Experimental Study on the Tin Partition Between Granitic Silicate Melt and Coexisted Aqueous Fluid, 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2007, 第 6 作者(48) Formation of the Huayangchuan (Central China) carbonatite-associated REE-Nb-U polymetallic deposit constrained from monazite mineral chemistry and isotope systematics: HREE enrichment in late-stage monazite, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 第 3 作者 通讯作者
( 1 ) 铀矿物纳米离子探针高空间分辨率U-Pb定年研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2024-01--2027-12( 2 ) 低碳能源金属矿产(锂、稀土、钴、镍、铜)找矿增储与高效提取, 参与, 中国科学院计划, 2023-11--2028-10( 3 ) 中国北方中、新生代盆地砂岩铀矿成矿预测与增储示范, 参与, 国家任务, 2023-10--2027-09( 4 ) 富铀花岗岩中铀的赋存形式及其对铀成矿的制约-以南岭某些花岗岩为例, 负责人, 国家任务, 2015-01--2018-12( 5 ) 华南大规模低温成矿系统, 参与, 国家任务, 2014-01--2018-08( 6 ) 新疆叶城库喀阿孜铅锌(铜-钨)矿的成矿背景及矿床地球化学研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2013-01--2016-12( 7 ) 哀牢山-金沙江新生代富碱岩浆系统铜、金成矿作用, 参与, 国家任务, 2012-01--2016-12
(1)Simultaneous Determination of δ18O and volatile composition in apatite by NanoSIMS 第九届亚太地区激光剥蚀与微区分析研讨会 2024-05-25(2)High spatial resolution and precision sulfur isotope analysis by NanoSIMS 第八届亚太地区激光剥蚀与微区分析研讨会 2023-03-10(3)陕南光石沟伟晶岩型铀矿床矿物化学研究及其对铀成矿的启示 第六届全国成矿理论与找矿方法学术研讨会 陈佑纬 2013-11-16(4)陕南光石沟伟晶岩型铀矿床黑云母矿物化学研究及其对铀成矿的启示 第十一届全国矿床会议 陈佑纬 2012-10-19