
胡芳芳 女 硕导 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所
电子邮件: huff@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
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电子邮件: huff@mail.iggcas.ac.cn
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2001-09--2006-07 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所 博士1993-09--1997-07 山东矿业学院 学士
2012-04~2013-04,澳大利亚国立大学, 访问学者2008-12~现在, 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 高级工程师2006-07~2008-12,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 工程师2001-09~2006-07,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 博士1997-09~2000-07,山东省地质工程勘察院, 助理工程师1993-09~1997-07,山东矿业学院, 学士
(1) 胶西北超深部大规模金成矿与资源探查, 特等奖, 部委级, 2016(2) 胶东玲珑金矿田东风矿区蚀变岩型金矿成矿规律与深部找矿预测, 一等奖, 部委级, 2014(3) 乳山东部地区成矿规律综合研究及成矿预测成果, 一等奖, 部委级, 2011(4) 中国东部中生代多阶段成矿的过程与背景, 一等奖, 部委级, 2010(5) 中国科学院院长优秀奖, 研究所(学校), 2005
(1) Genesis of the Hujiazhuang apatite-rich carbonatite complex in North China and its implication for the REE fertility of the carbonatite system, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2024, 第 9 作者(2) Iron and sulfur isotope fractionation during pyrite dissolution-reprecipitation revealed by in-situ isotopic analyses in the Muping gold deposit (Jiaodong, China), JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2022, 第 5 作者(3) 胶东金成矿系统的末端效应, Conditions and processes leading to large-scale gold deposition in the Jiaodong province, eastern China, 中国科学:地球科学, 2021, 第 6 作者(4) Conditions and processes leading to large-scale gold deposition in the Jiaodong province,eastern China, Conditions and processes leading to large-scale gold deposition in the Jiaodong province, eastern China, SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 2021, 第 6 作者(5) Extreme iron isotope variation of pyrite in the Muping gold deposit, Jiaodong: Implication for tracing metal origin, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2021, 第 3 作者(6) Contribution of Precambrian basements to the Mesozoic ore-fluid system: An illustration using the Majiayao gold deposit, Jiaodong, China, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2021, 第 5 作者(7) Infrared microthermometry of fluid inclusions in transparent to opaque minerals: challenges and new insights, MINERALIUM DEPOSITA, 2020, 第 4 作者(8) Ore-forming processes in the Xingjiashan W-Mo skarn deposit (Jiaodong, China): Insights from multi-generation scheelite and garnet geochemistry, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2020, 第 2 作者(9) Geochronological and sulfur isotopic evidence for the genesis of the post-magmatic, deeply sourced, and anomalously gold-rich Daliuhang orogenic deposit, Jiaodong, China, MINERALIUM DEPOSITA, 2020, 第 5 作者(10) Fluid evolution and gold precipitation in the Muping gold deposit (Jiaodong, China): Insights from in-situ trace elements and sulfur isotope of sulfides, JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 2020, 第 2 作者(11) Linking lithospheric thinning and magmatic evolution of late Jurassic to early cretaceous granitoids in the Jiaobei Terrane, southeastern North China Craton, LITHOS, 2019, 第 3 作者(12) Mesozoic felsic dikes in the Jiaobei Terrane, southeastern North China Craton: Constraints from zircon geochronology and geochemistry, and implications for gold metallogeny, JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 2019, 第 7 作者(13) Copper Sulfide Remobilization and Mineralization during Paleoproterozoic Retrograde Metamorphism in the Tongkuangyu Copper Deposit, North China Craton, MINERALS, 2019, 第 5 作者(14) The giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit, China: How did it come into being?, LIFE WITH ORE DEPOSITS ON EARTH, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH SGA BIENNIAL MEETING, 2019, VOLS 1-4, 2019, 第 3 作者(15) Hydrothermal fluid evolution of the Jintingling gold deposit in the Jiaodong peninsula, China: Constraints from U-Pb age, CL imaging, fluid inclusion and stable isotope, JOURNALOFASIANEARTHSCIENCES, 2018, 第 5 作者(16) LA-(MC)-ICPMS和(Nano)SIMS硫化物微量元素和硫同位素原位分析与矿床形成的精细过程, In-situ LA-(MC)-ICPMS and (Nano)SIMS trace elements and sulfur isotope analyses on sulfides and application to confine metallogenic process of ore deposit, 岩石学报, 2018, 第 6 作者(17) In-situ la-(mc)-icpms and (nano) sims trace elements and sulfur isotope analyses on sulfides and application to confine metallogenic process of ore deposit, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2018, 第 6 作者(18) Pyrite textures and compositions from the Zhuangzi Au deposit, southeastern North China Craton: implication for ore-forming processes, CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY, 2018, 第 6 作者(19) Fenitization in the giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit: Implication for REE mineralization, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2018, 第 4 作者(20) Migration and precipitation of rare earth elements in the hydrothermal fluids, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2018, 第 3 作者(21) Mesoproterozoic and Paleozoic hydrothermal metasomatism in the giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit: Constrains from trace elements and Sr-Nd isotope of fluorite and preliminary thermodynamic calculation, PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2018, 第 4 作者(22) Involvement of anomalously As-Au-rich fluids in the mineralization of the Heilan���gou gold deposit, Jiaodong, China: Evidence from trace element mapping and in-situ sulfur isotope composition, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2018, 第 3 作者(23) Decratonic gold mineralization: Evidence from the Shangzhuang gold deposit, eastern North China Craton, GONDWANA RESEARCH, 2018, 第 4 作者(24) Rapid exhumation of the northern Jiaobei Terrane, North China Craton in the Early Cretaceous: Insights from Al-in-hornblende barometry and U-Pb geochronology, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2018, 第 4 作者(25) 稀土元素在热液中的迁移与沉淀, Migration and precipitation of rare earth elements in the hydrothermal fluids, 岩石学报, 2018, 第 3 作者(26) Involvement of anomalously As-Au-rich fluids during the gold mineralizing process in the Heilan���gou deposit, Jiaodong, China: evidences from trace element mapping and in-situ sulfur isotope composition, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2018, (27) Metamorphic P-T-t evolution of Paleoproterozoic schist-hosted Cu deposits in the Zhongtiao Mountains, North China Craton: Retrograde ore formation during sluggish exhumation, PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2017, 第 5 作者(28) Geochronological framework of the Xiadian gold deposit in the Jiaodong province, China: Implications for the timing of gold mineralization, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2017, 第 5 作者(29) Gold mineralizing efficiency during hydrothermal alteration of the Mesozoic granitoids in the northwest Jiaodong Peninsula: Contrasting conditions between the Guojialing and Linglong plutons, CHEMIE DER ERDE-GEOCHEMISTRY, 2017, 第 4 作者(30) 胶东-朝鲜半岛中生代金成矿作用, Mesozoic gold mineralization in the Jiaodong and Korean peninsulas., 岩石学报, 2016, 第 4 作者(31) Mineralogy, chalcopyrite Re-Os geochronology and sulfur isotope of the Hujiayu Cu deposit in the Zhongtiao Mountains, North China Craton: implications for a Paleoproterozoic metamorphogenic copper mineralization, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2016, 第 5 作者(32) Geological and geochronological constraints on the genesis of the giant Tongkuangyu Cu deposit (Palaeoproterozoic), North China Craton, INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, 2016, 第 6 作者(33) Nature and evolution of the ore-forming fluids in the giant Dexing porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposit, Southeastern China, JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 2016, 第 3 作者(34) Fluid evolution and ore genesis of the giant Sanshandao gold deposit, Jiaodong gold province, China: constrains from geology, fluid inclusions and H-O-S-He-Ar isotopic compositions, JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 2016, 第 3 作者(35) Fan HR, Yang KF, Hu FF, Liu S, Wang KY. The giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit, China: Controversy and ore genesis., Geoscience Frontiers, 2016, (36) Geochronology, redox-state and origin of the ore-hosting porphyry in the Tongkuangyu Cu deposit, North China Craton: Implications for metallogenesis and tectonic evolution, PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2016, 第 5 作者(37) The giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit, China: Controversy and ore genesis, GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS, 2016, 第 3 作者(38) Mesozoic gold mineralization in the Jiaodong and Korean peninsulas, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2016, 第 4 作者(39) Exhaustive gold mineralizing processes of the Sanshandao gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China: Displayed by hydrothermal alteration modeling, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2016, 第 4 作者(40) The genesis of pegmatite-type molybdenum mineralization in Sanshandao, and their implications for molybdenum deposit in Jiaodong, East China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2015, 第 3 作者(41) Silicate melt inclusions in clinopyroxene phenocrysts from mafic dikes in the eastern North China Craton: constraints on melt evolution, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2015, 第 4 作者(42) 沉积岩型层状铜矿床研究进展, Research Progresses on Sediment-hosted Stratiform Copper Deposit, 地质论评, 2015, 第 3 作者(43) Genesis of two different types of gold mineralization in the Linglong gold field, China: Constrains from geology, fluid inclusions and stable isotope, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2015, 第 4 作者(44) Fluid inclusions of the Qibaoshan Cu-Au deposit, Shandong Province, China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2015, 第 3 作者(45) In situ chemical and Sr-Nd-O isotopic compositions of apatite from the Tongshi intrusive complex in the southern part of the North China Craton: Implications for petrogenesis and metallogeny, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2015, 第 3 作者(46) Geochronology of the Guilaizhuang gold deposit, Luxi Block, eastern North China Craton: Constraints from zircon U���Pb and fluorite-calcite Sm���Nd dating, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2015, 第 3 作者(47) Formation ages of the Jiangxian and Zhongtiao groups in the Zhongtiao Mountain region, North China Craton: Insights from SIMS U-Pb dating on zircons of intercalated plagioclase amphibolites, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2015, 第 5 作者(48) Fluid Inclusion and Carbon-Oxygen Isotope Studies of the Hujiayu Cu Deposit, Zhongtiao Mountains, China: Implications for Syn-metamorphic Copper Remobilization, ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION, 2015, 第 5 作者(49) Subduction-related metasomatism of the lithospheric mantle beneath the southeastern North China Craton: Evidence from mafic to intermediate dykes in the northern Sulu orogen, TECTONOPHYSICS, 2015, 第 4 作者(50) Depositional environment and tectonic implications of the Paleoproterozoic BIF in Changyi area, eastern North China Craton: Evidence from geochronology and geochemistry of the metamorphic wallrocks, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2014, 第 3 作者(51) Ore-forming Fluids and Ore Genesis in the World-class Mesozoic Gold Province, Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China, ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION, 2014, 第 4 作者(52) U-Pb zircon chronology, geochemistry and isotopes of the Changyi banded iron formation in the eastern Shandong Province: Constraints on BIF genesis and implications for Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the North China Craton, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2014, 第 4 作者(53) Reprint of "Depositional environment and tectonic implications of the Paleoproterozoic BIF in Changyi area, eastern North China Craton: Evidence from geochronology and geochemistry of the metamorphic wallrocks", ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2014, 第 3 作者(54) Fluid Evolution in the Sanshandao Gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, China, ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION, 2014, 第 3 作者(55) Gold mineralization in the Guilaizhuang deposit, southwestern Shandong Province, China: Insights from phase relations among sulfides, tellurides, selenides and oxides, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2014, 第 3 作者(56) Integrated U-Pb and Sm-Nd geochronology for a REE-rich carbonatite dyke at the giant Bayan Obo REE deposit, Northern China, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2014, 第 2 作者(57) Origin of the Yinshan epithermal-porphyry Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, southeastern China: insights from geochemistry, Sr-Nd and zircon U-Pb-Hf-O isotopes, INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, 2013, 第 4 作者(58) Crust-mantle interaction beneath the Luxi Block, eastern North China Craton: Evidence from coexisting mantle- and crust-derived enclaves in a quartz monzonite pluton, LITHOS, 2013, 第 4 作者(59) Fluid inclusions at different depths in the Sanshandao gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, China, GEOFLUIDS, 2013, (60) Evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the southeastern North China Craton: Constraints from mafic dikes in the Jiaobei terrain, GONDWANA RESEARCH, 2013, 第 5 作者(61) Hydrothermal alteration associated with Mesozoic granite-hosted gold mineralization at the Sanshandao deposit, Jiaodong Gold Province, China, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2013, 第 4 作者(62) 白云鄂博矿床研究若干问题的探讨, Addressing Some Problems on Research of the Bayan Obo Deposit, 地质学报, 2012, 第 4 作者(63) An evolving magma chamber within extending lithosphere: An integrated geochemical, isotopic and zircon U-Pb geochronological study of the Gushan granite, eastern North China Craton, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2012, 第 4 作者(64) Geological and geochemical characteristics of Paleoproterozoic Changyi banded iron formation deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula of eastern China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2012, 第 3 作者(65) Early Jurassic high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic rocks from the Tongshi intrusive complex, eastern North China Craton: Implication for crust-mantle interaction and post-collisional magmatism, LITHOS, 2012, 第 4 作者(66) Reactivation of the Archean lower crust: implications for zircon geochronology, elemental and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic geochemistry of late Mesozoic granitoids from northwestern Jiaodong Terrane, the North China Craton, LITHOS, 2012, 第 4 作者(67) 白云鄂博陆缘裂谷系沉积物源与超大型稀土矿床含矿白云岩的成因探讨, Sediment Source of Bayan Obo Marginal Rift and Genesis of Ore-Bearing Dolomite of the Giant REE Deposit, 地质学报, 2012, 第 3 作者(68) Remelting of Neoproterozoic relict volcanic arcs in the Middle Jurassic: implication for the formation of the Dexing porphyry copper deposit, Southeastern China, LITHOS, 2012, 第 4 作者(69) Comparative studies on fluid inclusion in different depths and ore genesis of the Sanshandao gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2011, 第 3 作者(70) Multiple crust-mantle interactions for the destruction of the North China Craton: Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic evidence from the Longbaoshan alkaline complex, LITHOS, 2011, 第 3 作者(71) 胶西北郭家岭花岗闪长岩侵位深度:来自角闪石温压计和流体包裹体的证据, Emplacement depth of the Guojialing granodiorites from the northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China: Evidences from hornblende thermobarometry and fluid inclusions., 岩石学报, 2011, 第 3 作者(72) 胶西北新城金矿成矿流体与矿床成因, Ore-forming fluids and genesis of Xincheng altered rock gold deposit innorthwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, 矿床地质, 2011, 第 3 作者(73) Ore-forming fluids, stable isotope and mineralizing age of the Hubazhuang gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula of eastern China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2011, 第 3 作者(74) Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes of the Mesozoic Dadian alkaline intrusive complex in the Sulu orogenic belt, eastern China: Implications for crust-mantle interaction, CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, 2011, 第 4 作者(75) 鲁西沂南铜井闪长质岩体锆石U-Pb年龄、元素及同位素地球化学特征, Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of elements and isotopes of the diorite from Tongjing, Yinan, western Shandong Province, 岩石矿物学杂志, 2011, 第 3 作者(76) 山东微山稀土矿矿床成因:来自云母Rb-Sr年龄、激光Nd同位素及流体包裹体的证据, Genesis of the Weishan REE deposit, Shandong Province: Evidences from Rb-Sr isochron age, LA-MC-ICPMS Nd isotopic compositions and fluid inclusions, 地球化学, 2011, 第 3 作者(77) The Qiyugou gold-bearing breccia pipes, Xiong'ershan region, central China: fluid-inclusion and stable-isotope evidence for an origin from magmatic fluids, INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW, 2011, 第 2 作者(78) SEM-EDS investigation of daughter minerals of fluid inclusions at the Dexing porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, Jiangxi Province, China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2011, 第 3 作者(79) 胶东大庄子金矿成矿流体及稳定同位素研究, Ore-forming fluid and stable isotope studies of Dazhuangzi gold deposit in Jiaodong Peninsula, 矿床地质, 2011, 第 3 作者(80) Emplacement depth of the Guojialing granodiorites from the northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China: Evidences from hornblende thermobarometry and fluid inclusions, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2011, 第 3 作者(81) Mesoproterozoic carbonatitic magmatism in the Bayan Obo deposit, Inner Mongolia, North China: Constraints for the mechanism of super accumulation of rare earth elements, ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, 2011, 第 4 作者(82) Mesoproterozoic mafic and carbonatitic dykes from the northern margin of the North China Craton: Implications for the final breakup of Columbia supercontinent, TECTONOPHYSICS, 2011, 第 4 作者(83) 胶西北留村金矿成矿流体特征与矿床成因, Ore-forming fluids and genesis of Liucun gold deposit in northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula, 矿床地质, 2011, 第 3 作者(84) 鲁西沂南金场夕卡岩型金铜矿床矿化时代与成矿流体研究, Geochronology and ore-forming fluids in the Jinchang skarn gold-copper deposit, Yinan County, western Shandong Province, 岩石学报, 2010, 第 1 作者(85) Bayan Obo Carbonatites: Texture Evidence from Polyphase Intrusive and Extrusive Carbonatites, ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION, 2010, 第 4 作者(86) Zircon geochronology of basement rocks from the Bayan Obo area, Inner Mongolia, and tectonic implications, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2010, 第 3 作者(87) 白云鄂博碳酸岩的方解石-白云石地质温度计, Calcite-dolomite geothermometry of Bayan Obo carbonatites, 岩石学报, 2010, 第 4 作者(88) Characteristics of ore-forming fluids and ore genesis in the Shicheng gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula of eastern China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2010, 第 3 作者(89) 胶东大庄子金矿床流体包裹体及稳定同位素研究, 矿床地质, 2010, 第 3 作者(90) Gold Ore-forming Fluids and Metallogeny in the Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China, SMART SCIENCE FOR EXPLORATION AND MINING, VOL 1 AND 2, 2010, 第 2 作者(91) Calcite-dolomite geothermometry of Bayan Obo carbonatites., ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2010, 第 4 作者(92) 单个流体包裹体LA-ICP-MS成分分析及在矿床学中的应用, An analysis of the individual fluid inclusion by LA-ICP-MS and its application to ore deposits, 矿床地质, 2010, 第 3 作者(93) Geochronology and ore-forming fluids in the Jinchang skarn gold-copper deposit, Yinan County, western Shandong Province, ACTAPETROLOGICASINICA, 2010, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(94) Intrusion sequence of carbonatite dykes and REE accumulation mechanism in Bayan Obo district, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2010, 第 3 作者(95) Geochronology framework of late Paleozoic dioritic-granitic plutons in the Bayan Obo area, Inner Mongolia, and tectonic significance., ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2009, 第 2 作者(96) Samarium-Neodymium and Rubidium-Strontium Isotopic Dating of Veined REE Mineralization for the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe Deposit, Northern China, RESOURCE GEOLOGY, 2009, 第 1 作者(97) Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic dating of veined REE mineralization for the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit, northern China, Resource Geology, 2009, (98) Ore-forming fluids and metallogenesis of the Qibaoshan Cu-Au deposit in the Wulian County, Shandong Province, China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2008, 第 3 作者(99) Fluid inclusions in the Sanjia lode gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula of eastern China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2008, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(100) 胶东三甲金矿床流体包裹体特征, Fluid inclusions in the Sanjia lode gold deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula of eastern China., 岩石学报, 2008, 第 1 作者(101) Fluid inclusions in the ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks and high pressure metamorphic veins at Taohang in the Sulu terrane, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2008, 第 3 作者(102) Ore-forming fluids of Saiwusu gold deposit, Inner Mongolia, China, ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2008, 第 3 作者(103) 苏鲁超高压变质带桃行榴辉岩及高压脉体中流体包裹体研究, Fluid inclusions in the ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks and high pressure metamorphic veins at Taohang in the Sulu terrane., 岩石学报, 2008, 第 3 作者(104) 白云鄂博巨型REE-Nb-Fe矿区矽卡岩化时代:单颗粒金云母Rb-Sr法定年, Skarnization age in the giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe ore district,Inner Mongolia,China:Rb-Sr isochrone dating on single-grain phlogopite, 岩石学报, 2007, (105) 胶东牟平邓格庄金矿床流体包裹体研究, Fluid inclusions in the Denggezhuang lode gold deposit at Muping, Jiaodong Peninsula, 岩石学报, 2007, (106) 白云鄂博超大型稀土-铌-铁矿床成矿过程中的流体不混溶作用, 矿床地质, 2006, 第 2 作者(107) Fluid evolution in the Rushan lode gold deposit of Jiaodong Peninsula, eastern China, JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 2006, 第 1 作者(108) 胶东乳山金矿蚀变岩中绢云母^40Ar/^39Ar年龄及其对金成矿事件的制约, The ^40Ar/^39Ar Dating Age of Sericite from Altered Rocks in the Rushan Lode Gold Deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula and Its Constraints on the Gold Mineralization, 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2006, 第 1 作者(109) 胶东乳山脉状金矿床成矿流体性质与演化, Nature and evolution of ore-forming fluids in the Rushan lode gold deposit ,Jiaodong Peninsula of eastern China, 岩石学报, 2005, (110) 苏鲁造山带超高压变质岩的差异性折返:流体包裹体证据, 科学通报, 2005, 第 3 作者(111) 胶东乳山含金石英脉型金矿的成矿年龄:热液锆石SHRIMP法U-Pb测定, 科学通报, 2004, 第 1 作者(112) Mineralizing age of the Rushan lode gold deposit in the Jiaodong Peninsula: SHRIMP U-Pb dating on hydrothermal zircon, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2004,
( 1 ) 胶东蓬莱矿集区金矿床精细成矿过程, 负责人, 国家任务, 2018-01--2021-12( 2 ) 岩石矿物微区石英测试关键技术联合研究项目, 负责人, 国家任务, 2017-09--2020-08( 3 ) 水/岩反应过程与巨量金沉淀机制, 负责人, 国家任务, 2016-07--2020-12( 4 ) 鲁西铜石地区岩浆-流体成矿系统研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2012-01--2015-12( 5 ) 华北前寒武纪优势矿产成矿系列与找矿预测, 负责人, 国家任务, 2012-01--2016-12( 6 ) 成矿物质来源与流体成矿机理研究, 负责人, 境内委托项目, 2011-05--2014-06
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