张警吁 男 博导 中国科学院心理研究所
电子邮件: zhangjingyu@psych.ac.cn
通信地址: 林萃路16号
邮政编码: 100101
电子邮件: zhangjingyu@psych.ac.cn
通信地址: 林萃路16号
邮政编码: 100101
2005-09--2011-01 中国科学院心理研究所 博士2001-09--2005-07 北京大学 学士
2022-06~现在, 中国科学院心理研究所, 特聘研究员2019-07~现在, 中国科学院心理研究所, 青年特聘研究员2015-03~2015-05,中国科学院心理研究所, 副研究员2011-06~2014-06,中国科学院心理研究所, 助理研究员
[1] 张警吁, 汪慧云, 乔韩, 孙向红. 一种塔台管制员辅助决策系统的构建方法及装置. CN116029570A, 2023-04-28.[2] 张警吁, 盛猷宇, 石睿思, 孙向红. 一种用户评估方式确定方法、系统、设备及可读存储介质. CN115994717A, 2023-04-21.[3] 张警吁, 张蓉, 郑亚骅, 孙向红. 一种晕车防护方法、装置、设备及可读存储介质. CN115991129A, 2023-03-23.[4] 张警吁, 郑亚骅, 张蓉, 乔韩. 车辆显示增强方法、系统、设备及可读存储介质-. CN115503750A, 2022-11-23.[5] 张警吁, 石睿思, 董迪, 杨韫琪. 一种车辆状态的显示方法、装置、设备及可读存储介质. CN115617217A, 2022-11-23.[6] 张警吁, 盛猷宇, 万苓韵, 张芯铭. 一种驾驶辅助方法、系统、设备及可读存储介质. CN115489536A, 2022-11-18.
[1] Yahua Zheng, Kangrui Wu, Ruisi Shi, Xiaopeng Zhu, Jingyu Zhang. A Literature Review of Current Practices to Evaluate the Usability of External Human Machine Interface. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023)null. 2023, [2] Min Zheng, Jingyu Zhang. Developing an lnterpretable Driver Risk Assessment Model to lncrease Driver Awareness Using in-Vehicle Records. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023)null. 2023, [3] Lingyun Wan, Jingyu Zhang, Mengdi Liu. To leave or not to leave? Understanding Task Stickiness in Smartphone Activity Recommendations. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023)null. 2023, [4] Yuanming Song, Xiangling Zhuang, Jingyu Zhang. A Framework of Pedestrian-vehicle lnteraction Scenarios for eHMl Design and Evaluatior. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023)null. 2023, [5] Jie Cai, Xiaoning Sun, Jingyu Zhang, Xianghong Sun. Open people are more likely to trust their new team members under subliminal influence. Heliyon[J]. 2023, 9(4): e14948-, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14948.[6] 曹剑琴, 张警吁, 张亮, 王晓宇. 交互自然性的心理结构及其影响. 心理学报[J]. 2023, 55(1): 55-65, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7108617151.[7] Jie Cai, Rongxiu Wu, Jingyu Zhang, Xianghong Sun. The effect of subliminal priming on team trust: The mediating role of perceived trustworthiness. Frontiers in Psychology[J]. 2023, 14: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9998700/.[8] Xia Wang, Pengchun Tang, Youyu Sheng, Rong Zhang, Muchen Liu, Yi Chu, Xiaopeng Zhu, Jingyu Zhang. An Analysis of Typical Scenarios and Design Suggestions for the Application of V2X Technology. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023)null. 2023, [9] Yukun Zhu, Zhizi Liu, Youyu Sheng, Yi Ying, Jingyu Zhang. Visualizing the Improvement of the Autonomous System: Comparing Three Methods. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023)null. 2023, [10] Lingli Pi, Jiayi Hou, Fei Wang, Jingyu Zhang. Investigating factors that influence learning outcomes in K-12 online education: the role of teachers' presence skill and students' grade. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023)null. 2023, [11] Yan Shang, Xiaoyan Wei, Wenxuan Duan, Jingyu Zhang. The Structure of Users' Satisfaction with Body-Worn Cameras: a Study of 181 Chinese Police offcers. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2023)null. 2023, [12] Han Qiao, Jingyu Zhang. Enhancing global thinking can reduce the misconception of accumulation: A potential way to mitigate climate change. Environmental Science and Pollution Research[J]. 2023, 30: 58618-58629, [13] Sheng, Youyu, Dong, Di, He, Gang, Zhang, Jingyu. How Noise Can Influence Experience-Based Decision-Making under Different Types of the Provided Information. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH[J]. 2022, 19(16): http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191610445.[14] Guo, Zizheng, Chen, Zhenqi, Zhang, Jingyu, Guo, Qiaofeng, He, Chuanning, Zhao, Yongliang. Characteristics of Train-Pedestrian Collisions in Southwest China, 2011-2020. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH[J]. 2022, 19(10): http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19106104.[15] Xiuqi Zhu, Jingyu Zhang, Tongyang Liu, Gang He. An Initial Attempt to Build a Natural Sounds Library Based on Heuristic Evaluation. Human-Computer Interaction International Conference (HCII 2022)null. 2022, [16] Qin, Kuo, Zhang, Yijing, Zhang, Jingyu. A Study on the Influence of Personality on the Performance of Teleoperation Tasks in Different Situations. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (INCLUDING SUBSERIES LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LECTURE NOTES IN BIOINFORMATICS)null. 2022, 212-224, [17] Duan, Wenxuan, Shang, Yan, Zhang, Jingyu, Wang, Huiyun, Zou, Xiangying. Applying Hierarchical Task Analysis to Identify the Needs of Intelligent Equipment for Traffic Police in China. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (INCLUDING SUBSERIES LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LECTURE NOTES IN BIOINFORMATICS)null. 2022, 164-178, [18] Fu, Yao, Li, Ranran, Zhang, Jingyu, Guo, Zizheng, Feng, Guo. Social Exposure and Burnout During the Pandemic: An Investigation on Three Different Positions of Frontline Metro Staffs. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (INCLUDING SUBSERIES LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LECTURE NOTES IN BIOINFORMATICS)null. 2022, 179-188, [19] Wang, Xiaoyu, Zhang, Jingyu, Sun, Xianghong, Zhang, Liang. Stress mindset and mental health status among Chinese high school students: The mediating role of exam stress appraisals. PSYCH JOURNAL[J]. 2022, 11(6): 904-912, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pchj.563.[20] Han Qiao, Jingyu Zhang, Liang Zhang, Yazhe Li, Shayne Loft. Exploring the Peak-End Effects in Air Traffic Controllers' Mental Workload Ratings.. HUMAN FACTORS[J]. 2022, 64(8): 1292-1305, https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0018720821994355?journalCode=hfsa.[21] Jie Cai, Xiangyun Tang, Jingyu Zhang, Xianghong Sun. The impact of subliminal stimuli on interpersonal trust and team trust. PsyCh Journal[J]. 2022, 12(2): 230-237, [22] Cao, Jianqin, Lin, Li, Zhang, Jingyu, Zhang, Liang, Wang, Ya, Wang, Jifang. The development and validation of the perceived safety of intelligent connected vehicles scale. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION[J]. 2021, 154: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2021.106092.[23] wang ziyue, zhangjingyu, sunxianghong, guo zizheng. Applying Hierarchical Task Analysis to Improve the Safety of High-Speed Railway: how Dispatchers can better handle the Breakdown of Rail-Switch. HCIInull. 2021, 1-8, [24] QIAOHAN, ZHANGJINGYU, LIU MENGDI. Exploring People’s Hue Ranking Ability across the Color Ring: Taking the Categorization Effect into Consideration. COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE[J]. 2021, 1-5, [25] Han Qiao, Eh, Xiaotian, Jingyu Zhang. Proper Communication Style Promotes Team Workload Redistribution Through Backup Behavior Among Air Traffic Controllers. The International Symposium on Human Mental Workload - Models and Applications (H-WORKLOAD 2020)null. 2020, [26] Cai, Jie, Zhang, Jingyu, Sun, Xianghong. Influence of subliminal stimuli on interpersonal trust: A possible mechanism. PSYCH JOURNAL[J]. 2020, 9(5): 644-650, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pchj.364.[27] Huiyun Wang, Mo Wu, Jingyu Zhang. Analysis of Human Factors in Satellite Control Operation During Equipment Failure.. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction[J]. 2020, 1294: 627-632, [28] Wu, Mo, Zhang, Liang, Li, WenChin, Wan, Lingyun, Lu, Ning, Zhang, Jingyu. Human Performance Analysis of Processes for Retrieving Beidou Satellite Navigation System During Breakdown. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY[J]. 2020, 11: https://doaj.org/article/858138350a2240d7b283209b0e39aa1f.[29] Ying Kuang, Xiaotian E, Yazhe Li, Jingyu Zhang. How Job Satisfaction can influence Air Traffic Controllers’ backup providing behavior in parallel runway operation. HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS IN MANUFACTURING & SERVICE INDUSTRIES[J]. 2019, 30(1): 14-21, [30] Yu, Saisai, Zhang, Jingyu, Xiaotian, E. How Task Level Factors Influence Controllers’ Backup Behavior: The Mediating Role of Perceived Legitimacy and Anticipated Workload. ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE ERGONOMICS - 16TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, EPCE 2019, HELD AS PART OF THE 21ST HCI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, HCII 2019, PROCEEDINGSnull. 2019, 11571: 150-164, [31] Sun, Yanjin, Zhang, Jingyu, Qiao, Han, Sun, Xianghong, Qian, Ping, Song, Yang. Fixation Adjustment During the Landing Process and Its Relationship with Pilot Expertise and Landing Performance. ENGINEERINGPSYCHOLOGYANDCOGNITIVEERGONOMICS16THINTERNATIONALCONFERENCEEPCE2019HELDASPARTOFTHE21STHCIINTERNATIONALCONFERENCEHCII2019PROCEEDINGSnull. 2019, 11571: 308-320, [32] Ma, Shu, Wu, Changxu, Zhang, Jingyu, Zeng, Xianzhong, Zhao, Guozhen, Sun, Xianghong. Looking for an optimal pedal layout to improve the driving performance of patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. APPLIED ERGONOMICS[J]. 2019, 80: 43-49, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2019.04.015.[33] Zhang, Liang, Zhang, Jingyu, Lin, Li, Qiao, Han, Zou, Xiangying. A Survey on the Intention to Use a Fully-Automated Vehicle. HCI INTERNATIONAL 2019 - POSTERS - 21ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, HCII 2019, PROCEEDINGSnull. 2019, 1034: 421-426, [34] Zhang, Jingyu, E, Xiaotian, Du, Feng, Yang, Jiazhong, Loft, Shayne. The Difficulty to Break a Relational Complexity Network Can Predict Air Traffic Controllers' Mental Workload and Performance in Conflict Resolution. HUMAN FACTORS[J]. 2019, 63(2): 240-253, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0018720819880646.[35] 乔韩, 张警吁. 图形线索对存储流动问题理解的影响. 摘要集-第二十一届全国心理学学术会议null. 2018, 802-803, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1781233.[36] Lyu, Yongqiang, Zhang, Xiao, Luo, Xiaomin, Hu, Ziyue, Zhang, Jingyu, Shi, Yuanchun. Non-Invasive Measurement of Cognitive Load and Stress Based on the Reflected Stress-Induced Vascular Response Index. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED PERCEPTION[J]. 2018, 15(3): http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3185665.[37] Li, Yazhe, Xiaotian, E, Qiao, Han, Zou, Xiangying, Lv, Chunhui, Xiong, Lin, Sun, Xianghong, Zhang, Jingyu. Inter-sector backup behaviors in parallel approach ATC: The effect of job satisfaction. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (INCLUDING SUBSERIES LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LECTURE NOTES IN BIOINFORMATICS)null. 2018, 10906 LNAI: 147-157, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/2327831.[38] Qiao Han, Li Yazhe, Zhang Jingyu, E Xiaotian, Zou Xiangying, Jiang You, Xiong Lin, Sun Xianghong. The peak-end effects in controllers’ mental workload evaluation.. PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETINGnull. 2018, http://ir.psych.ac.cn/handle/311026/29172.[39] 张警吁, 张亮. 自然交互的认知机理与心理模型. 中国计算机学会通讯[J]. 2018, 14(5): 30-35, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/2483063.[40] 邹翔鹰, 吕春会, 张警吁. 群体身份对智能辅助系统信任的影响. 摘要集-第二十一届全国心理学学术会议null. 2018, 808-809, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1781234.[41] 张警吁. 预测空中交通管制员心理负荷的新途径:关联复杂性网络模型. 2017, [42] Jingyu Zhang. Do Type 2 diabetes paĕents have declined driving performance during non‐hypoglycemia? A preliminary simulated driving study. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2017 Annual Meeting. 2017, [43] E Xiaotian, Zhang Jingyu. Holistic thinking and air traffic controllers' decision making in conflict resolution. TRANSPORTATIONRESEARCHPARTFPSYCHOLOGYANDBEHAVIOUR[J]. 2017, 45: 110-121, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2016.11.007.[44] 吴丽芸, 张兴利, 施建农, 张警吁. 母亲对儿童消极情绪的回应在母亲对儿童的接纳和流动儿童共情关系中的中介作用. 中国全科医学[J]. 2016, 19(9): 1071-1075, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=668218513.[45] Zhang, Jingyu, Yang, Jiazhong, Wu, Changxu. From trees to forest: relational complexity network and workload of air traffic controllers. ERGONOMICS[J]. 2015, 58(8): 1320-1336, http://dx.doi.org/CM2JL.[46] Zhang Jingyu, Du Feng, Harris D. Relational Complexity Network and Air Traffic Controllers' Workload and Performance. ENGINEERING PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE ERGONOMICS, EPCE 2015null. 2015, 9174: 513-522, [47] Zhang, Jingyu, Wu, Changxu. The influence of dispositional mindfulness on safety behaviors: A dual process perspective. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION[J]. 2014, 70: 24-32, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2014.03.006.[48] Zhang, JY Zhang, Jingyu, Ren, JR Ren, Jinrui, Wu, CX Wu, Changxu. Modeling air traffic controllers decision making processes with relational complexity network. 2014 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (ITSC)null. 2014, 2663-2668, http://www.chinair.org.cn/handle/1471x/1668852.[49] Zhang, Jingyu, Ding, Weidong, Li, Yongjuan, Wu, Changxu, Li, YJ reprint author, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Psychol, A Datun Rd, Beijing , Peoples R China. Task complexity matters: The influence of trait mindfulness on task and safety performance of nuclear power plant operators. PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES[J]. 2013, 55(4): 433-439, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2013.04.004.[50] Zhang, Jingyu, Li, Yongjuan, Wu, Changxu, Wu, CX reprint author, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Psychol, Beijing , Peoples R China. The Influence of Individual and Team Cognitive Ability on Operators' Task and Safety Performance: A Multilevel Field Study in Nuclear Power Plants. PLOS ONE[J]. 2013, 8(12): http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0084528.[51] 张警吁. 团队心理负荷的测量、影响因素和边界条件:线性和非线性方法的综合应用. 2013, [52] Zhang, Jingyu, Mandl, Heinz, Wang, Erping, Wang, EP reprint author, Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Psychol, A Datun Rd, Beijing , Peoples R China. The effect of vertical-horizontal individualism-collectivism on acculturation and the moderating role of gender. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS[J]. 2011, 35(1): 124-134, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2010.09.004.[53] 张警吁. 为什么不能和爸爸妈妈结婚?. 父母必读[J]. 2011, 共1页-, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=39263032.[54] 张警吁, 王二平. 军事单位团队凝聚力的理论研究及应用. 心理科学进展[J]. 2006, 14(2): 199-203, http://www.chinair.org.cn/handle/1471x/1664793.
( 1 ) 团队心理负荷的测量、影响因素和边界条件, 负责人, 国家任务, 2014-01--2016-12( 2 ) 通行中主观时间价值对攻击性驾驶行为的影响, 负责人, 研究所自选, 2011-11--2014-10( 3 ) 极端环境下人类作业研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2013-07--2015-05( 4 ) 人机交互自然性的计算原理-云端融合的交互情境感知, 负责人, 国家任务, 2016-07--2020-06( 5 ) 预测空中交通管制员心理负荷的新途径:关联复杂性网络模型, 负责人, 国家任务, 2017-01--2020-12( 6 ) 关键岗位船员认知能力测试的理论分析, 负责人, 企业委托, 2015-11--2017-12( 7 ) 高原环境下关键心理功能的测评技术研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2018-10--2019-09( 8 ) 自动驾驶汽车心理安全感的测量及其影响因素研究, 负责人, 企业委托, 2018-08--2018-09( 9 ) 智能汽车使用者心理体验模型研究, 负责人, 企业委托, 2018-11--2019-01( 10 ) 信息密度, 负责人, 企业委托, 2019-02--2022-02( 11 ) 基于交通流时变特征和干预策略的管制员急性疲劳产生机制及预测方法研究, 参与, 国家任务, 2021-01--2024-12( 12 ) 某作业高效协同研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2020-08--2023-07( 13 ) 人类创造力的激发与评估(非涉密), 负责人, 国家任务, 2019-03--2020-08( 14 ) 空中交通管制员疲劳预警方法、技术研究与验证, 负责人, 企业委托, 2020-01--2021-12
(1)The peak-end effects in controllers’ mental workload evaluation 2018-10-01(2)Inter-sector Backup Behaviors in Parallel Approach ATC: The Effect of Job Satisfaction 2018-07-16
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