
卢佳禹 男 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所
电子邮件: lujiayu037@163.com
通信地址: 辽宁省沈阳市沈河区文化路72号
邮政编码: 110016
电子邮件: lujiayu037@163.com
通信地址: 辽宁省沈阳市沈河区文化路72号
邮政编码: 110016
2018-03--2019-03 悉尼大学 联合培养博士生
2012-09--2019-06 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 理学博士学位
2008-09--2012-07 山西大学 理学学士学位
2012-09--2019-06 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 理学博士学位
2008-09--2012-07 山西大学 理学学士学位
2023-12~现在, 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 副研究员
2019-07~2023-11,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 助理研究员
2018-03~2019-03,悉尼大学, 联合培养博士生
2012-09~2019-06,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 理学博士学位
2008-09~2012-07,山西大学, 理学学士学位
2019-07~2023-11,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 助理研究员
2018-03~2019-03,悉尼大学, 联合培养博士生
2012-09~2019-06,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 理学博士学位
2008-09~2012-07,山西大学, 理学学士学位
(1) 沈阳市高级人才, 市地级, 2021
(2) 中国科学院地奥奖学金, 一等奖, 院级, 2019
(3) 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所优秀研究生, 研究所(学校), 2014
(2) 中国科学院地奥奖学金, 一等奖, 院级, 2019
(3) 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所优秀研究生, 研究所(学校), 2014
(1) Divergent responses of leaf mineral nutrient concentrations among plant families and functional groups to nitrogen addition and irrigation in a semi-arid grassland, PLANT AND SOIL, 2023, 第 6 作者
(2) Linking plant traits to rhizosphere priming effects across six grassland species with and without nitrogen fertilization, SOIL BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 2023, 第 1 作者
(3) Elevated CO2 and nitrogen interactively affect the rhizosphere priming effect of Cunninghamia lanceolata, SOIL BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 2023, 第 2 作者
(4) Functional structure mediates the responses of productivity to addition of three nitrogen compounds in a meadow steppe, OECOLOGIA, 2023, 第 6 作者
(5) Belowground Carbon Efficiency for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Acquisition Varies Between Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens and Depends on Phosphorus Fertilization, FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2022, 第 1 作者
(6) Carbon efficiency for nutrient acquisition (CENA) by plants: role of nutrient availability and microbial symbionts, PLANT AND SOIL, 2022, 第 2 作者
(7) Rhizosphere Effects along an Altitudinal Gradient of the Changbai Mountain, China, FORESTS, 2022, 第 2 作者
(8) Priming effects of surface soil organic carbon decreased with warming: a global meta-analysis, PLANT AND SOIL, 2022, 第 3 作者
(9) Rhizosphere priming effect of four non-woody perennials after leaf senescence and before shoot regrowth, GEODERMA, 2022, 第 1 作者
(10) Potential gross nitrogen mineralization and its linkage with microbial respiration along a forest transect in eastern China, APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 2022, 第 4 作者
(11) Coupled of carbon and nitrogen mineralization in rhizosphere soils along a temperate forest altitudinal gradient, PLANT AND SOIL, 2022, 第 2 作者
(12) Contrasting microbial mechanisms of soil priming effects induced by crop residues depend on nitrogen availability and temperature, APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 2021, 第 2 作者
(13) Rhizosphere priming is tightly associated with root-driven aggregate turnover, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2020, 第 4 作者
(14) Rhizosphere priming effects of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens depend on phosphorus fertilization and biological nitrogen fixation, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2020, 第 1 作者
(15) Changes in soil C:N:P stoichiometry along an aridity gradient in drylands of northern China, GEODERMA, 2020, 第 7 作者
(16) Roots of non-woody perennials accelerated long-term soil organic matter decomposition through biological and physical mechanisms, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2019, 第 1 作者
(17) Rhizosphere priming of grassland species under different water and nitrogen conditions: a mechanistic hypothesis of C-N interactions, PLANT AND SOIL, 2018, 第 1 作者
(2) Linking plant traits to rhizosphere priming effects across six grassland species with and without nitrogen fertilization, SOIL BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 2023, 第 1 作者
(3) Elevated CO2 and nitrogen interactively affect the rhizosphere priming effect of Cunninghamia lanceolata, SOIL BIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, 2023, 第 2 作者
(4) Functional structure mediates the responses of productivity to addition of three nitrogen compounds in a meadow steppe, OECOLOGIA, 2023, 第 6 作者
(5) Belowground Carbon Efficiency for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Acquisition Varies Between Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens and Depends on Phosphorus Fertilization, FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2022, 第 1 作者
(6) Carbon efficiency for nutrient acquisition (CENA) by plants: role of nutrient availability and microbial symbionts, PLANT AND SOIL, 2022, 第 2 作者
(7) Rhizosphere Effects along an Altitudinal Gradient of the Changbai Mountain, China, FORESTS, 2022, 第 2 作者
(8) Priming effects of surface soil organic carbon decreased with warming: a global meta-analysis, PLANT AND SOIL, 2022, 第 3 作者
(9) Rhizosphere priming effect of four non-woody perennials after leaf senescence and before shoot regrowth, GEODERMA, 2022, 第 1 作者
(10) Potential gross nitrogen mineralization and its linkage with microbial respiration along a forest transect in eastern China, APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 2022, 第 4 作者
(11) Coupled of carbon and nitrogen mineralization in rhizosphere soils along a temperate forest altitudinal gradient, PLANT AND SOIL, 2022, 第 2 作者
(12) Contrasting microbial mechanisms of soil priming effects induced by crop residues depend on nitrogen availability and temperature, APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 2021, 第 2 作者
(13) Rhizosphere priming is tightly associated with root-driven aggregate turnover, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2020, 第 4 作者
(14) Rhizosphere priming effects of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens depend on phosphorus fertilization and biological nitrogen fixation, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2020, 第 1 作者
(15) Changes in soil C:N:P stoichiometry along an aridity gradient in drylands of northern China, GEODERMA, 2020, 第 7 作者
(16) Roots of non-woody perennials accelerated long-term soil organic matter decomposition through biological and physical mechanisms, SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 2019, 第 1 作者
(17) Rhizosphere priming of grassland species under different water and nitrogen conditions: a mechanistic hypothesis of C-N interactions, PLANT AND SOIL, 2018, 第 1 作者
( 1 ) 辽河平原中部贫瘠黑土区土壤保育与水分养分高效利用技术模式构建与示范, 负责人, 国家任务, 2023-12--2028-11
( 2 ) 杉阔混交林生产力提升的地下生态学机理, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-12--2024-11
( 3 ) 稻秸全量原位还田技术应用与示范, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2021-09--2026-08
( 2 ) 杉阔混交林生产力提升的地下生态学机理, 负责人, 国家任务, 2021-12--2024-11
( 3 ) 稻秸全量原位还田技术应用与示范, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2021-09--2026-08
(1)多年生草本植物生长季和非生长季的根际激发效应 第二十届中国青年土壤科学工作者暨第十五届中国青年植物营养与肥料科学工作者学术会议 2022-07-22
(2)碳-氮-磷相互作用调节根际激发效应 第四届草地生态与适应性管理学术研讨会 2020-12-05
(3)植物获取养分和水分的地下碳利用效率 第六届全国稳定同位素生态学学术研讨会暨中国生态学会稳定同位素生态专业委员会2019年学术年会 2019-09-23
(4)Root activities of non-woody perennials accelerated long-term soil organic matter decomposition through biological and physical mechanisms 2018-12-04
(2)碳-氮-磷相互作用调节根际激发效应 第四届草地生态与适应性管理学术研讨会 2020-12-05
(3)植物获取养分和水分的地下碳利用效率 第六届全国稳定同位素生态学学术研讨会暨中国生态学会稳定同位素生态专业委员会2019年学术年会 2019-09-23
(4)Root activities of non-woody perennials accelerated long-term soil organic matter decomposition through biological and physical mechanisms 2018-12-04