
Andrew Teschendorff 男 博导 中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所
电子邮件: andrew@sinh.ac.cn
通信地址: 上海市岳阳路320号
电子邮件: andrew@sinh.ac.cn
通信地址: 上海市岳阳路320号
1996-09--2000-07 剑桥大学 理论物理学,博士1995-09--1996-07 剑桥大学 应用数学, 硕士1990-09--1995-07 爱丁堡大学 数学物理学, 学士
2020-04~现在, 中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所, 计算系统基因组学课题组PI2013-09~2020-03,中国科学院-马普学会计算生物学伙伴研究所, 计算系统基因组学课题组PI2008-09~2013-08,University College London, UCL Cancer Institute, Principal Research Associate in Statistical Cancer Genomics (2008-2013). Newton Advanced Fellow (2015–2018).2003-09~2008-08,University of Cambridge, Department of Oncology, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biology2001-08~2003-08,University of Warwick, Mathematics Institute, Research Assistant in Mathematical Ecology2000-08~2001-07,British Telecom Labs, Complexity Research, Member of the Complexity Research Group headed by Dr Sverrir Olafsson.1996-09~2000-07,剑桥大学, 理论物理学,博士1995-09~1996-07,剑桥大学, 应用数学, 硕士1990-09~1995-07,爱丁堡大学, 数学物理学, 学士
2021-12-31-今,Associate Editor for Epigenomes, Associate Editor
2019-12-31-今,Associate Editor for Epigenetics, Associate Editor
2018-12-31-2022-12-31,Associate Editor for Royal Society Open Science, Associate Editor
2017-12-31-今,Associate Editor for Genome Biology, Associate Editor
2017-12-31-今,Associate Editor for Clinical Epigenetics, Associate Editor
2015-12-31-2020-12-31,Associate Editor for Epigenomics, Associate Editor
2014-12-31-2018-12-31,Associate Editor for Scientific Reports, Associate Editor
2013-12-31-2018-12-31,Associate Editor for BMC Systems Biology, Associate Editor
2019-12-31-今,Associate Editor for Epigenetics, Associate Editor
2018-12-31-2022-12-31,Associate Editor for Royal Society Open Science, Associate Editor
2017-12-31-今,Associate Editor for Genome Biology, Associate Editor
2017-12-31-今,Associate Editor for Clinical Epigenetics, Associate Editor
2015-12-31-2020-12-31,Associate Editor for Epigenomics, Associate Editor
2014-12-31-2018-12-31,Associate Editor for Scientific Reports, Associate Editor
2013-12-31-2018-12-31,Associate Editor for BMC Systems Biology, Associate Editor
(1) Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher, 其他, 2023(2) CAS Excellent Teachers Award, 研究所(学校), 2019
(1) Quantifying the stochastic component of epigenetic aging, Nature Aging, 2024, (2) A meta-analysis of immune-cell fractions at high resolution reveals novel associations with common phenotypes and health outcomes, Genome Medicine, 2023, (3) Insights into the role of long non-coding RNAs in DNA methylation mediated transcriptional regulation, FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES, 2022, (4) Cell-type heterogeneity: Why we should adjust for it in epigenome and biomarker studies, CLINICAL EPIGENETICS, 2022, (5) Novel epigenetic network biomarkers for early detection of esophageal cancer, CLINICAL EPIGENETICS, 2022, (6) Distance covariance entropy reveals primed states and bifurcation dynamics in single-cell RNA-Seq data, ISCIENCE, 2022, (7) Making sense of the ageing methylome, NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS, 2022, (8) Database Resources of the National Genomics Data Center, China National Center for Bioinformation in 2022, Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, (9) Clinical outcomes, Kadish-INSICA staging and therapeutic targeting of somatostatin receptor 2 in olfactory neuroblastoma, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2022, (10) Computational Identification of Preneoplastic Cells Displaying High Stemness and Risk of Cancer Progression, CANCER RESEARCH, 2022, (11) Integrative analysis of 3604 GWAS reveals multiple novel cell type-specific regulatory associations, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2022, (12) A comparison of epithelial cell content of oral samples estimated using cytology and DNA methylation, EPIGENETICS, 2022, (13) Inference of age-associated transcription factor regulatory activity changes in single cells, Nature aging, 2022, 第 4 作者 通讯作者(14) dbDEMC 3.0:Functional Exploration of Differentially Expressed miRNAs in Cancers of Human and Model Organisms, dbDEMC 3.0: Functional Exploration of Differentially Expressed miRNAs in Cancers of Human and Model Organisms, GENOMICS PROTEOMICS & BIOINFORMATICS, 2022, (15) A pan-tissue DNA methylation atlas enables in silico decomposition of human tissue methylomes at cell-type resolution, NATURE METHODS, 2022, (16) Ultra-fast scalable estimation of single-cell differentiation potency from scRNA-Seq data, BIOINFORMATICS, 2021, (17) Pan-cancer characterization of long non-coding RNA and DNA methylation mediated transcriptional dysregulation, EBIOMEDICINE, 2021, (18) Statistical mechanics meets single-cell biology, NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS, 2021, (19) EPISCORE: cell type deconvolution of bulk tissue DNA methylomes from single-cell RNA-Seq data, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2020, (20) A comparison of epigenetic mitotic-like clocks for cancer risk prediction, GENOME MEDICINE, 2020, (21) EpiDISH web server: Epigenetic Dissection of Intra-Sample-Heterogeneity with online GUI, BIOINFORMATICS, 2020, (22) Quantifying Waddington's epigenetic landscape: a comparison of single-cell potency measures, BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS, 2020, (23) A cell-type deconvolution meta-analysis of whole blood EWAS reveals lineage-specific smoking-associated DNA methylation changes, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2020, (24) Improved detection of tumor suppressor events in single-cell RNA-Seq data, NPJ GENOMIC MEDICINE, 2020, (25) Detection of epigenetic field defects using a weighted epigenetic distance-based method, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2019, (26) eFORGE v2.0: updated analysis of cell type-specific signal in epigenomic data, BIOINFORMATICS, 2019, (27) ebGSEA: an improved Gene Set Enrichment Analysis method for Epigenome-Wide-Association Studies, BIOINFORMATICS, 2019, (28) Appraising the causal relevance of DNA methylation for risk of lung cancer, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2019, (29) Single-cell landscape in mammary epithelium reveals bipotent-like cells associated with breast cancer risk and outcome, COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY, 2019, (30) Avoiding common pitfalls in machine learning omic data science, NATURE MATERIALS, 2019, (31) Accounting for differential variability in detecting differentially methylated regions, BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS, 2019, (32) DNA methylation aging clocks: challenges and recommendations, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2019, (33) Statistical and integrative system-level analysis of DNA methylation data, NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS, 2018, (34) A novel cell-type deconvolution algorithm reveals substantial contamination by immune cells in saliva, buccal and cervix, EPIGENOMICS, 2018, (35) Psychosocial adversity and socioeconomic position during childhood and epigenetic age: analysis of two prospective cohort studies, HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS, 2018, (36) DNA Methylation Patterns in Normal Tissue Correlate more Strongly with Breast Cancer Status than Copy-Number Variants, EBIOMEDICINE, 2018, (37) Tumor origin detection with tissue-specific miRNA and DNA methylation markers, BIOINFORMATICS, 2018, (38) Roadmap for investigating epigenome deregulation and environmental origins of cancer, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2018, (39) Epigenome-based cancer risk prediction: rationale, opportunities and challenges, NATURE REVIEWS CLINICAL ONCOLOGY, 2018, (40) Identification of differentially methylated cell-types in Epigenome-Wide Association Studies, NATURE METHODS, 2018, (41) Cell and tissue type independent age-associated DNA methylation changes are not rare but common, AGING (ALBANY NY), 2018, (42) Epigenetic clocks galore: a new improved clock predicts age-acceleration in Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome patients, AGING (ALBANY NY), 2018, (43) Tensorial blind source separation for improved analysis of multi-omic data, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2018, (44) ChAMP: updated methylation analysis pipeline for Illumina BeadChips, BIOINFORMATICS, 2017, (45) A comparison of reference-based algorithms for correcting cell-type heterogeneity in Epigenome-Wide Association Studies, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2017, (46) Epigenetic and genetic deregulation in cancer target distinct signaling pathway domains, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2017, (47) Are objective measures of physical capability related to accelerated epigenetic age? Findings from a British birth cohort, BMJ OPEN, 2017, (48) Cell-type deconvolution in epigenome-wide association studies: a review and recommendations, EPIGENOMICS, 2017, (49) Single-cell entropy for accurate estimation of differentiation potency from a cell's transcriptome, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, (50) dbDEMC 2.0: updated database of differentially expressed miRNAs in human cancers, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2017, (51) Correcting for cell-type heterogeneity in epigenome-wide association studies: revisiting previous analyses, NATURE METHODS, 2017, (52) Systems-epigenomics inference of transcription factor activity implicates aryl-hydrocarbon-receptor inactivation as a key event in lung cancer development, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2017, (53) The potential of circulating tumor DNA methylation analysis for the early detection and management of ovarian cancer, GENOME MEDICINE, 2017, (54) Aberrant regulation of RANKL/OPG in women at high risk of developing breast cancer, ONCOTARGET, 2017, (55) DNA methylome analysis reveals distinct epigenetic patterns of ascending aortic dissection and bicuspid aortic valve, CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH, 2017, (56) DNA methylation outliers in normal breast tissue identify field defects that are enriched in cancer, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2016, (57) Epigenetic drift, epigenetic clocks and cancer risk, EPIGENOMICS, 2016, (58) eFORGE: A Tool for Identifying Cell Type-Specific Signal in Epigenomic Data, CELL REPORTS, 2016, (59) The lncRNA HOTAIR impacts on mesenchymal stem cells via triple helix formation, NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2016, (60) Tissue-independent and tissue-specific patterns of DNA methylation alteration in cancer, EPIGENETICS & CHROMATIN, 2016, (61) Stochastic epigenetic outliers can define field defects in cancer, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2016, (62) Erratum to: The integrative epigenomic-transcriptomic landscape of ER positive breast cancer, CLINICAL EPIGENETICS, 2016, (63) Menopause accelerates biological aging, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2016, (64) The multi-omic landscape of transcription factor inactivation in cancer, GENOME MEDICINE, 2016, (65) Increased DNA methylation variability in type 1 diabetes across three immune effector cell types, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2016, (66) Correlation of an epigenetic mitotic clock with cancer risk, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2016, (67) Epigenetic dysregulation and poorer prognosis in DAXX-deficient pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours, ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER, 2015, (68) An integrative pan-cancer wide analysis of epigenetic enzymes reveals universal patterns of epigenetic deregulation in cancer., Genome Biol, 2015, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(69) Denoising perturbation signatures reveal an actionable AKT-signaling gene module underlying a poor clinical outcome in endocrine-treated ER+ breast cancer, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2015, (70) Smoking-associated DNA methylation changes in buccal cells correlate with DNA methylation changes in epithelial cancer., JAMA Oncol, 2015, 第 1 作者(71) beta-catenin is central to DUX4-driven network rewiring in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE, 2015, (72) The integrative epigenomic-transcriptomic landscape of ER positive breast cancer, CLINICAL EPIGENETICS, 2015, (73) Glioblastoma Stem Cells Respond to Differentiation Cues but Fail to Undergo Commitment and Terminal Cell-Cycle Arrest, STEM CELL REPORTS, 2015, (74) Variational Bayesian Matrix Factorization for Bounded Support Data, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, 2015, (75) An integrative pan-cancer-wide analysis of epigenetic enzymes reveals universal patterns of epigenomic deregulation in cancer, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2015, (76) Correlation of Smoking-Associated DNA Methylation Changes in Buccal Cells With DNA Methylation Changes in Epithelial Cancer, JAMA ONCOLOGY, 2015, (77) The integrative epigenomic-transcriptomic landscape of ER positive breast cancer, 2015, (78) HOTAIR and its surrogate DNA methylation signature indicate carboplatin resistance in ovarian cancer, GENOME MEDICINE, 2015, (79) An Integrative Multi-scale Analysis of the Dynamic DNA Methylation Landscape in Aging, PLOS GENETICS, 2015, (80) Increased signaling entropy in cancer requires the scale-free property of proteininteraction networks, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2015, (81) Intra-Tumour Signalling Entropy Determines Clinical Outcome in Breast and Lung Cancer, PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 2015, (82) Denoising perturbation signatures reveals an actionable AKT signalling gene module underlying a poor clinical outcome in endocrine treated ER+ breast cancer., Genome Biol, 2015, 第 1 作者(83) Increased signalling entropy in cancer requires the scale-free property of protein interaction networks., Sci Rep, 2015, 第 1 作者(84) Expression profiling of nuclear receptors in breast cancer identifies TLX as a mediator of growth and invasion in triple-negative breast cancer, ONCOTARGET, 2015, (85) Intra-tumour molecular entropy determines clinical outcome in breast and lung cancer., PLoS Comput. Biol., 2015, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(86) Comparisons of Non-Gaussian Statistical Models in DNA Methylation Analysis, MDPI, 2014, (87) Data integration in the era of omics: current and future challenges, BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, 2014, (88) Using high-density DNA methylation arrays to profile copy number alterations, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2014, (89) JAK2-Centered Interactome Hotspot Identified by an Integrative Network Algorithm in Acute Stanford Type A Aortic Dissection, PLOS ONE, 2014, (90) Genome-wide age-related changes in DNA methylation and gene expression in human PBMCs, AGE, 2014, (91) A BRCA1 -mutation associated DNA methylation signature in blood cells predicts sporadic breast cancer incidence and survival, GENOME MEDICINE, 2014, (92) The Dynamics of DNA Methylation Covariation Patterns in Carcinogenesis, PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 2014, (93) ChAMP: 450k Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline, BIOINFORMATICS, 2014, (94) Biomedical Data Integration, Modeling, and Simulation in the Era of Big Data and Translational Medicine, BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, 2014, (95) A systems-level integrative framework for genome-wide DNA methylation and gene expression data identifies differential gene expression modules under epigenetic control, BIOINFORMATICS, 2014, (96) Comparisons of Non-Gaussian Statistical Models in DNA Methylation Analysis, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, 2014, (97) Signalling entropy: A novel network-theoretical framework for systems analysis and interpretation of functional omic data, METHODS, 2014, (98) The distinctive topology of age-associated epigenetic drift in the human interactome., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 2013, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(99) Distinctive topology of age-associated epigenetic drift in the human interactome, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2013, (100) A Beta-Mixture Quantile Normalisation method for correcting probe design bias in Illumina Infinium 450k DNA methylation data., Bioinformatics, 2013, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(101) An evaluation of analysis pipelines for DNA methylation profiling using the Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip platform, EPIGENETICS, 2013, (102) Age-associated epigenetic drift: implications, and a case of epigenetic thrift?, HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS, 2013, (103) Epigenetic aging: insights from network biology, AGING (ALBANY NY), 2013, (104) An integrative network algorithm identifies age-associated differential methylation interactome hotspots targeting stem-cell differentiation pathways, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2013, (105) Identification and functional validation of HPV-mediated hypermethylation in head & neck squamous cell carcinoma., Genome Medicine, 2013, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(106) A variational Bayes Beta Mixture Model for improved clustering and feature selection in DNA methylation studies., Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2013, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(107) Cellular network entropy as the energy potential in Waddington's differentiation landscape, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2013, (108) A VARIATIONAL BAYES BETA MIXTURE MODEL FOR FEATURE SELECTION IN DNA METHYLATION STUDIES, JOURNAL OF BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 2013, (109) Corruption of the Intra-Gene DNA Methylation Architecture Is a Hallmark of Cancer, PLOS ONE, 2013, (110) Role of DNA Methylation and Epigenetic Silencing of HAND2 in Endometrial Cancer Development, PLOS MEDICINE, 2013, (111) Network transfer entropy and metric space for causality inference, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2013, (112) A beta-mixture quantile normalization method for correcting probe design bias in Illumina Infinium 450 k DNA methylation data, BIOINFORMATICS, 2013, (113) Meta-analysis of IDH-mutant cancers identifies EBF1 as an interaction partner for TET2, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2013, (114) Identification and functional validation of HPV-mediated hypermethylation in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, GENOME MEDICINE, 2013, (115) Epigenetics makes its mark on women-specific cancers���an opportunity to redefine oncological approaches?, GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY, 2013, (116) An integrative network algorithm identifies age-associated differential DNA methylation interactome hotspots tar- geting stem cell differentiation pathways., Sci Rep, 2013, 第 1 作者 通讯作者(117) Epigenetic variability in cells of normal cytology is associated with the risk of future morphological transformation, GENOME MEDICINE, 2012, (118) Differential network entropy reveals cancer system hallmarks, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2012, (119) A functional methylome map of ulcerative colitis, GENOME RESEARCH, 2012, (120) A comparison of feature selection and classification methods in DNA methylation studies using the Illumina Infinium platform, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2012, (121) The Dynamics and Prognostic Potential of DNA Methylation Changes at Stem Cell Gene Loci in Women's Cancer, PLOS GENETICS, 2012, (122) Approximate entropy of network parameters, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2012, (123) Phenotypic and functional characterisation of the luminal cell hierarchy of the mammary gland, BREAST CANCER RESEARCH, 2012, (124) Comments on: Interpretation of genome-wide infinium methylation data from ligated DNA in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded paired tumor and normal tissue, BMC RESEARCH NOTES,5,1(2012-11-13), 2012, (125) Differential oestrogen receptor binding is associated with clinical outcome in breast cancer, NATURE, 2012, (126) Differential variability improves the identification of cancer risk markers in DNA methylation studies profiling precursor cancer lesions, BIOINFORMATICS, 2012, (127) Comparative methylome analysis of benign and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, GENOME RESEARCH, 2011, (128) DART: Denoising Algorithm based on Relevance network Topology improves molecular pathway activity inference, BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2011, (129) Independent surrogate variable analysis to deconvolve confounding factors in large-scale microarray profiling studies, BIOINFORMATICS, 2011, (130) Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis for diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus, BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS, 2010, (131) Common germ-line polymorphism of C1QA and breast cancer survival, BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2010, (132) Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis of archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChip, METHODS, 2010, (133) Age-dependent DNA methylation of genes that are suppressed in stem cells is a hallmark of cancer, GENOME RESEARCH, 2010, (134) Prognostic gene network modules in breast cancer hold promise, BREAST CANCER RESEARCH : BCR, 2010, (135) Improved prognostic classification of breast cancer defined by antagonistic activation patterns of immune response pathway modules, BMC CANCER, 2010, (136) Genomic architecture characterizes tumor progression paths and fate in breast cancer patients, SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, 2010, (137) Fine scale mapping of the breast cancer 16q12 locus, HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS, 2010, (138) Increased entropy of signal transduction in the cancer metastasis phenotype, BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY, 2010, (139) Genomic gain of 5p15 leads to over-expression of Misu (NSUN2) in breast cancer, CANCER LETTERS, 2010, (140) Integrated Genetic and Epigenetic Analysis Identifies Haplotype-Specific Methylation in the FTO Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity Susceptibility Locus, PLOS ONE, 2010, (141) An Epigenetic Signature in Peripheral Blood Predicts Active Ovarian Cancer, PLOS ONE, 2009, (142) Common germline polymorphisms in COMT, CYP19A1, ESR1, PGR, SULT1E1 and STS and survival after a diagnosis of breast cancer, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER, 2009, (143) The breast cancer somatic 'muta-ome': tackling the complexity, BREAST CANCER RESEARCH : BCR, 2009, (144) Mutational evolution in a lobular breast tumour profiled at single nucleotide resolution, NATURE, 2009, (145) Effects of common germline genetic variation in cell cycle control genes on breast cancer survival: results from a population-based cohort, BREAST CANCER RESEARCH, 2008, (146) A robust classifier of high predictive value to identify good prognosis patients in ER-negative breast cancer, BREAST CANCER RESEARCH, 2008, (147) ESR1 gene amplification in breast cancer: a common phenomenon?, NATURE GENETICS, 2008, (148) Allele-Specific Up-Regulation of FGFR2 Increases Susceptibility to Breast Cancer, PLOS BIOLOGY, 2008, (149) A comprehensive analysis of prognostic signatures reveals the high predictive capacity of the Proliferation, Immune response and RNA splicing modules in breast cancer, BREAST CANCER RESEARCH, 2008, (150) Critical evaluation of HPV16 gene copy number quantification by SYBR green PCR, BMC BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2008, (151) Using array-comparative genomic hybridization to define molecular portraits of primary breast cancers, ONCOGENE, 2007, (152) Elucidating the Altered Transcriptional Programs in Breast Cancer using Independent Component Analysis, PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 2007, (153) BEX2 is overexpressed in a subset of primary breast cancers and mediates nerve growth factor/nuclear factor-kappa B inhibition of apoptosis in breast cancer cell lines, CANCER RESEARCH, 2007, (154) An immune response gene expression module identifies a good prognosis subtype in estrogen receptor negative breast cancer, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2007, (155) MicroRNA expression profiling of human breast cancer identifies new markers of tumor subtype, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2007, (156) A gene-expression signature to predict survival in breast cancer across independent data sets, ONCOGENE, 2007, (157) Co-amplification of 8p 12 and 1 1q 13 in breast cancers is not the result of a single genomic event, GENES CHROMOSOMES & CANCER, 2007, (158) High-resolution aCGH and expression profiling identifies a novel genomic subtype of ER negative breast cancer, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2007, (159) Distribution of breakpoints on chromosome 18 in breast, colorectal, and pancreatic carcinoma cell lines, CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS, 2006, (160) Interferon-beta treatment of cervical keratinocytes naturally infected with human papillomavirus 16 episomes promotes rapid reduction in episome numbers and emergence of latent integrants, CARCINOGENESIS, 2006, (161) PACK: Profile Analysis using Clustering and Kurtosis to find molecular classifiers in cancer, BIOINFORMATICS, 2006, (162) Differential expression of selected histone modifier genes in human solid cancers, BMC GENOMICS, 2006, (163) A consensus prognostic gene expression classifier for ER positive breast cancer, GENOME BIOLOGY, 2006, (164) A 1Mb minimal amplicon at 8p11-12 in breast cancer identifies new candidate oncogenes, ONCOGENE, 2005, (165) A variational Bayesian mixture modelling framework for cluster analysis of gene-expression data, BIOINFORMATICS, 2005,
( 1 ) 开发新型可预测生物年龄和疾病风险的表观遗传和转录组分子时钟, 负责人, 国家任务, 2024-01--2027-12( 2 ) 利用单细胞RNA测序数据改进肿瘤干细胞和肿瘤标志物识别的新型方法, 负责人, 国家任务, 2022-01--2025-12( 3 ) 利用单细胞RNA测序组织图谱来实现基于参考的高分辨率组织样本细胞类型去卷积研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2020-01--2023-12( 4 ) 表观基因组关联分析新型细胞类型去卷积算法研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2018-01--2021-12( 5 ) 癌症系统表观基因组学新型生物信息统计算法研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2016-01--2019-12
(1)Towards predictive models of cancer risk at single-cell resolution 2023-12-08(2)The role of epigenomics, stochasticity and entropy in cancer development 2023-04-17(3)Epigenetic clocks, aging and cancer 2023-03-20(4)Single Cell Cancer System-omics 2022-11-27(5)Cell-type deconvolution of solid-tissue DNA methylomes at cell-type resolution 2022-11-17(6)Computational dissection of cell-type heterogeneity and applications to cancer diagnosis and risk prediction 2022-11-09(7)Computational Dissection of Cell Type Heterogeneity in Single Cell and Bulk Tissue Populations 2022-08-20(8)Network Science approaches to single-cell RNA-Seq data 2022-07-18(9)A single-cell systems-omics strategy for cancer risk prediction 2022-07-01(10)Single-cell entropy identifies preneoplastic cells of high stemness and cancer risk 2022-06-15(11)Single-cell entropy identifies preneoplastic cells of high stemness and cancer risk 2022-06-15(12)Tackling the cell-type heterogeneity challenge in epigenome studies 2022-06-09(13) Tackling the cell-type heterogeneity challenge in epigenome studies 2022-06-08