胡庆培 男 研究员/博导 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
电子邮件: qingpeihu@amss.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区中关村东路55号思源楼204
邮政编码: 100190
2003.06--2007.07 新加坡国立大学 博士
1999.09--2003.03 北京航空航天大学 硕士
1995.09--1999.07 北京航空航天大学 学士
2024.04-至今 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员;
2023.04-2024.03 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院系统科学研究所,研究员;
2022.12-至今 中科院数学院系统所统计科学研究室,主任;
2020.07-至今 中科院数学院质量与数据科学卓越团队,负责人;
2017.01-至今 中科院数学院与航天五院可靠性技术联合实验室,副主任;
2018.01-至今 中科院数学院质量与数据科学研究中心,常务副主任;
2015.03-2024.03 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,副研究员;
中国现场统计研究会 理事/副秘书长
北京应用统计学会 理事
全国工业统计学教学研究会 理事
中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会 理事
中国运筹学会可靠性分会 常务理事
中国系统工程学会系统可靠性工程专业委员会 常务理事
中国现场统计研究会可靠性工程分会 常务理事/副理事长
中国电子学会可靠性分会 委员/副秘书长
全国电工电子产品可靠性与维修性标准化技术委员会 委员
《系统科学与数学》 编委
《Quality Technology & Quantitative Management》 副编辑
《IISE Transactions》 副编辑
《Quality and Reliability Engineering International》 编委
于丹,李赵辉,胡庆培,多批次成败型试验下产品贮存期评估的Buehler方法[P]. 北京:CN106251044B, 2016-7-21. (已授权)
于丹,徐建宇,胡庆培. 一种部件级信息多样性条件下的系统可靠性评估方法[P]. 北京:CN107862126A, 2018-03-30. (已授权)
于丹,李赵辉,胡庆培. 系统级产品可靠性综合评估置信推断方法[P]. 北京:CN106169124A, 2016-11-30. (已授权)
孙丽,武志忠,胡庆培,于丹,冯士伟,张金保,陈小娟,付明睿,张辰, 忽敏学, 张俊. 一种半球轴承动压马达的可靠性验证方法[P]. 北京:CN104062585A, 2014-09-24. (已授权)
ICRMS2022最佳论文奖:Qifang Liu, Qingpei Hu, Dan Yu (2022). Photovoltaic system degradation modeling under dynamic environmental profiles, Hong Kong, China
IISE Transactions (美国工业系统工程学会旗舰期刊) 2020年度最佳论文提名奖: Li, Z. H., Yu, D., Liu, J. and Hu, Q.P. (2020), “Higher-order normal approximation approach for highly reliable system assessment.” IISE Transactions, 52 (5), 555-567
IISE Transactions (美国工业系统工程学会旗舰期刊) 2020年第5期 Featured Article: Li, Z. H., Yu, D., Liu, J. and Hu, Q.P. (2020), “Higher-order normal approximation approach for highly reliable system assessment.” IISE Transactions, 52 (5), 555-567
IRC-SEMS2019最佳学生论文奖:Wang, C. J., Hu, Q. P., and Yu, D. (2019). "Assessment of Reliability for Accelerated Degradation Testing with Random Initial Degradation." The 7th International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science. Nanjing, pp. 1-6. (导师)
全国可靠性物理年会优秀论文奖:李赞,王奉明,王成杰,胡庆培,于丹,"基于寿命延迟退化过程的可靠性评估及检测优化设计",全国可靠性物理年会 NRPS2019,桂林
QR2MSE2018最佳论文奖:Li, D.M., Q. P. Hu, and D. Yu, Likelihood based Statistical Inference Approach for Mt/G/Inf Queueing Systems Under Incomplete Observations, in 2018 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, Qingdao.
IRC-SEMS2018最佳学生论文奖:Li, D.M., Q. P. Hu, and D. Yu, Likelihood based Statistical Inference Approach for Mt/G/Inf Queueing Systems Under Incomplete Observations, in the 6th International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science. 2018. (导师)
ICRMS2016最佳论文奖:Li, Z., Q.P. Hu and D. Yu (2016). A Normal Approximation Approach with Higher Order for System Reliability Assessment. 11th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS) Hangzhou, China.
IISE Transactions (美国工业系统工程学会旗舰期刊) 2016年第3期Featured Article:Wang, L., Q.P. Hu and J. Liu (2016). Software reliability growth modeling and analysis with dual fault detection and correction processes. IIE Transactions 48(4): 359-370. (SCI)
PRDC2006最佳学生论文奖:Hu, Q. P, Xie, M., and Ng, S. H. (2006). "Early Software Reliability Prediction with ANN Models" 12th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC'06). Riverside, 210-220.
Zheyi Fan, Wenyu Wang, Szu Hui Ng, Qingpei Hu, 2024, Minimizing UCB: a Better Local Search Strategy in Local Bayesian Optimization, NeurIPS2024 (accepted)
Pei-ran Ye, Xiong-bo Yan, Zhe Ning, Jun Hu, Wei Wei, Xiao-shan Jiang, Ru-yi Jin, Yun-hua Sun, Qing-pei Hu, Yu-sheng Wang, Mu-jin Li, (2024), Reliability studies of the custom-designed front-end and ADC chips used for JUNO large photomultipliers electronics. Radiat Detect Technol Methods 8, 1239–1245
Yixiao Ruan, Zan Li, Zhaohui Li*, Dennis K. J. Lin, Qingpei Hu, Dan Yu, (2024), “Novel Subsampling Strategies for Heavily Censored Reliability Data”, Statistics and Its Interface (Accepted)
陈思懿,曹智胜,胡庆培,谢旻,(2024), "加速退化试验可靠性评估的两步法与一步法比较研究", 系统工程理论与实践 (录用)
Q.F. Liu, J. Lu, H.K. Ng, Q.P. Hu*, D. Yu, (2024) "Multivariate t degradation processes for dependent multivariate degradation data", IEEE Transactions on Reliability (Online)
S.Y. Chen, Z.T. Lu*, Q.P. Hu, M. Xie, D. Yu, (2023) "Bayesian Analysis of Lifetime Delayed Degradation Process for Destructive/Nondestructive Inspection", IEEE Transactions on Reliability (Online)
Q.F. Liu, Q.P. Hu*, J.F. Zhou, D. Yu, H.D. Mo, (2023), "Remaining Useful Life Prediction of PV Systems Under Dynamic Environmental Profiles", IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 13(4), 590-602
Z. Li, H. K. T. Ng*, D. Yu and Q.P. Hu, (2023), "Optimal Acceptance Sampling Testing Plan With Pivotal Quantity for Log-Location-Scale Distributions," IEEE Transactions on Reliability (Online)
Wang, C.J., Liu J., Yang, Q.Y., Hu, Q.P.*, Yu, D. (2023), "Recoverability Effects on Reliability Assessment for Accelerated Degradation Testing", IISE Transactions, 55(7), 698-710
Fan, Z.Y., Li, Z.H.*, Hu, Q.P.* (2022), "Robust Bayesian Regression via Hard Threshold", NeurIPS2022, 1-24
Li, Z., Hu, Q.P.*, Yang, Q.Y., Yu, D. (2021), “Statistical Analysis and Optimal Inspection Planning for Lifetime Delayed Gamma Degradation Process”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 1-16
Li, Z., Wang, F.M., Wang, C.J., Hu, Q.P.*, Yu, D. (2021), “Reliability Modeling and Evaluation of Lifetime Delayed Degradation Process with Nondestructive Testing,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 208, 1-11
Li, Z. H., Yu, D., Liu, J. and Hu, Q.P.* (2020), “Higher-order normal approximation approach for highly reliable system assessment.” IISE Transactions, 52 (5), 555-567. (Featured Article / Best Paper Nomination for IISE Transactions 2020)
Li, D. M., Hu, Q.P.*, Wang, L. J. , and Yu, D. (2019), “Statistical Inference for Mt/G/Infinity Queueing Systems Under Incomplete Observations.”, European Journal of Operational Research, 279, 882-901
Ye, Z. S., Hu, Q. P.*, and Yu, D. (2019). "Strategic allocation of test units in an accelerated degradation test plan." Journal of Quality Technology, 51(1), 64-80.
Sheng, Z., Hu, Q. P.*, Liu, J., and Yu, D. (2019). "Residual life prediction for complex systems with multi-phase degradation by ARMA-filtered hidden Markov model." Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 16(1), 19-35.
Wang, L., Hu, Q. P.*, and Liu, J. (2016). "Software reliability growth modeling and analysis with dual fault detection and correction processes." IIE Transactions, 48(4), 359-370. (Featured Article)
Hu, Q. P.*, Xie, M., Ng, S. H., and Levitin, G. (2007). "Robust recurrent neural network modeling for software fault detection and correction prediction." Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 92(3), 332-340.
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