Dr. Chun-Feng Yang, Male, Wuhan Botanical Garden, Email: cfyang@wbgcas.cn
Research Areas
Plant Reproductive Ecology, Plant Conservation Biology, Pollination Ecology
I got my Doctor degree in Wuhan University.
Work Experience
Before 2009, I worked in Wuhan University and then, moved to Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Teaching Experience
Plant Biology, Evolution and Ecology
Yang C-F, Wang Q-F*. 2015. Nectarless flower with deep corolla tube: long pistil length provides arena for male competition? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 179: 526–532.
Jin X-F, Ye Z-M, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*. 2015. Relationship of stigma behaviors and breeding system in three Mazus (Phrymaceae) species with bilobed stigma. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 53: 259–265.
Wang H, Tie S, Yu D, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2014. Change of floral orientation within an inflorescence affects pollinator behavior and pollination efficiency in a bee-pollinated plant, Corydalis sheareri. PLoS ONE 9: e95381. (
Wang H, Xiao C-L, Gituru RW, Xiong Z, Yu D, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2014. Change of floral orientation affects pollinator diversity and their relative importance in an alpine plant with generalized pollination system, Geranium refractum (Geraniaceae). Plant Ecology 215: 1211–1219.
Li X-X, Wang H, Gituru RW, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2014. Pollen packaging and dispensing: Adaption of patterns of anther dehiscence and flowering traits to pollination in three Epimedium species. Plant Biology 16: 227–233.
Ye Z-M, Dai W-K, Jin X-F, Gituru RW, Wang Q-F*, Yang C-F*. 2014. Competition and facilitation among plants for pollination: Can pollinator abundance shift the plant-plant interactions? Plant Ecology 215: 3–13.
Yang C-F, Wang Q-F*, Guo Y-H. 2013. Pollination in a patchy-distributed lousewort is facilitated by presence of a co-flowering plant due to enhancement of quantity and quality of pollinator visits. Annals of Botany 112: 1751-1758.
Li X-X, Zou-Y, Xiao C-L, Gituru RW, Guo Y-H*, Yang C-F*. 2013. The differential contributions of herkogamy and dichogamy as mechanisms of avoiding self-interference in four self-incompatible Epimedium species. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1949-1958.
Yang C-F, Li J, Gituru RW, Wang Q-F*, Guo Y-H. 2013. Asymmetric pollen–pistil interactions contribute to maintaining floral colour polymorphism in a clonal aquatic plant (Butomus umbellatus L.). Aquatic Botany 106: 29-34.
Li J, Wang Q-F*, Gituru RW, Yang C-F*, Guo Y-H. 2012. Reversible anther opening enhances male fitness in a dichogamous aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus L., the flowering rush. Aquatic Botany 99: 27-33.
Zhang Y-W, Zhao J-M, Yang C-F, Gituru RW. 2011. Behavioural differences between male and female carpenter bees in nectar robbing and its effect on reproductive success in Glechoma longituba (Lamiaceae). Plant Biology 13: 25-32.
Zhang X-L, Gituru RW, Yang C-F*, Guo Y-H*. 2010. Exposure to water increased pollen longevity of pondweed (Potamogeton spp.) indicates different mechanisms ensuring pollination success of angiosperms in aquatic habitat. Evolutionary Ecology 24: 939-953.
Du Z-Y, Yang C-F, Chen J-M, Guo Y-H. 2010. The identification of hybrids in the broad-leaved Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae) in China using nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences data. Plant Systematics and Evolution 287: 57-63.
Du Z-Y, Yang C-F, Chen J-M, Guo Y-H. 2010. Using DNA-based techniques to identify the hybrids among the linear-leaved Potamogeton plants collected in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 48: 265-270.
Zhang X-L, Gituru RW, Yang C-F*, Guo Y-H*. 2009. Variations of floral traits among different life forms illustrate the evolution of pollination systems in Potamogeton species from China. Aquatic Botany 90: 124-128.
Zhang Y-W, Yang C-F, Zhao J-M, Guo Y-H. 2009. Selective nectar robbing in a gynodioecious plant (Glechoma longituba) enhances female advantage. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 527-535.
Du Z-Y, Yang C-F, Chen J-M, Guo Y-H. 2009. Nuclear and chloroplast sequences data support the origin of Potamogeton intortusifolius in China as a hybrid between P. perfoliatus and P. wrightii. Aquatic Botany 91: 47-50.
Shi W, Yang C-F*, Chen J-M*, Guo Y-H. 2008. Genetic variation among wild and cultivated populations of the Chinese medicinal plant Coptis chinensis (Ranunculaceae). Plant Biology 10: 485–491.
Han Y, Dai C, Yang C-F*, Wang Q-F*, Motley TJ. 2008. Anther appendages of Incarvillea trigger a pollen-dispensing mechanism. Annals of Botany 102: 473-479.
Zhang Y-W, Yang C-F, Gituru RW, Guo Y-H. 2008. Within-season adjustment of sex expression in females and hermaphrodites of the clonal gynodioecious herb Glechoma longituba (Lamiaceae). Ecological Research 23: 873-881. (5年IF1.64)
Yang C-F, Gituru RW, Guo Y-H. 2007. Reproductive isolation of two sympatric louseworts, Pedicularis rhinanthoides and P. longiflora (Orobanchaceae): How does the same pollinator type avoid interspecific pollen transfer? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90: 37-48.
Yang C-F, Guo Y-H. 2007. Pollen-ovule ratio and gamete investment in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49: 238-245.
Yang C-F, Sun S-G, Guo Y-H. 2005. Resource limitation and pollen source (self and outcross) affecting seed production in two louseworts, Pedicularis siphonantha and P. longiflora (Orobanchaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 147: 83–89.
Yang C-F, Guo Y-H. 2005. Floral evolution: beyond traditional viewpoint of pollinator mediated floral design. Chinese Science Bulletin 50: 2413-2417.
Yang C-F, Guo Y-H. 2004. Pollen size-number trade-off and pollen-pistil relationships in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 247: 177-185.
Yang S-X, Yang C-F, Zhang T, Wang Q-F. 2004. A mechanism facilitates pollination due to stigma behavior in Campsis radicans (Bignoniaceae). Acta Botanica Sinica 46: 1071-1074.
Yang C-F, Guo Y-H, Gituru RW, Sun S-G. 2002. Variation in stigma morphology: How does it contribute to pollination adaptation in Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae)? Plant Systematics and Evolution 236: 89-98.
Research Interests
I interested in working on the interactions between flowering plants and their pollinators at both levels of population and community.
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