Telephone: 85225208
Address: 成都市人民南路四段九号
Postcode: 610041
B.E. in Computer Sci. & Tech., Tsinghua University, 1987.09 to 1992.07
M.S. in Image Processing, Sichuan University, 1998.08 to 2001.07
Ph.D. In Artificial Intelligence, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001.09 to 2005.07
Work Experience
Department Manager, Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001.8 to 2007.7;
Vice General Manager, Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007.8 to 2014.12;
Professor, Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004.11 to present;
Teaching Experience
Supervisor of Ph.D. Students, Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006.10 to present;
Honors & Distinctions
2011.07 Outstanding experts in Sichuan Province
2012.02 Advanced individual of innovation culture construction in Chinese Academy of Sciences
2.Shuai Chen, Bin Chen, Y D He. Super-Resolution Employing an Efficient Nonlocal Prior[C].International Conference on Information Science and Cloud Computing, Guangzhou, China,2013
3.Xuezhuan Zhao, Bin Chen, Yuan Zhang, Lian He, Qingkai Gong, Background Modeling And Subtraction Based On The Clustering of Gray Intervals, International Conference on Power Electronics Engineering and Computer Technology (PEECT 2012)
4.Xiaogang Sun, Bin Chen, Liang Zhang, On-line Print-defect Detecting in an Incremental Subspace Learning Framework, International Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Industrial Engineering, 2010, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7820, 78200C-78200C-6
5.X.G. Sun, Liang Zhang,Bin Chen,On-line Print-defect Detecting in an Incremental Subspace Learning Framework,SENSOR REVIEW,Volume 31(2), 138-143,SCI:000289810100008,EI:20111913968539
6.Ke Jia Xu, Bin Chen, Li Zeng. On-line defect detecting method based on kernel method[J]. Key Engineering Materials, 2011, 474-476, 858 (SCI)
7.Kejia Xu, Zhiying Tan, Bin Chen. Reweighting Recognition Using Kernel Method [C]. Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Computer Research and Development(ICCRD). 2011, 411-415
8.Li Zeng, Bin Chen, Linping Du, Kejia Xu. Manifold based kernel optimization for KPCA[C], ICCSN 2011, 69 – 72
9.Zhang Yuan, Sun Xiaogang, Zhang Liang, Chen Bin, A Feature based Defect Detection Method, IEEE Inter.Conf.on Computer and Electrical Engineering,2010
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