
高迎新 男 博导 中国科学院生态环境研究中心
电子邮件: gyx@rcees.ac.cn
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电子邮件: gyx@rcees.ac.cn
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-- 研究生
-- 博士
[1] Wenli Fan, Guangxi Sun, Qi Wang, Fan Yang, Yingxin Gao, Min Yang. Identifying the critical activated carbon properties affecting the adsorption of effluent organic matter from bio-treated coking wastewater. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2023, 871: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161968.
[2] Lijie Zang, Yi Wan, Haifeng Zhang, Yu Zhang, Yingxin Gao, Yupeng He, Jianying Hu, Yuehui Kang, Dong Cao, Min Yang. Characterization of non-volatile organic contaminants in coking wastewater using non-target screening: Dominance of nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen-containing compounds in biological effluents. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2022, 837: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155768.
[3] Gao Yingxin. Oil/Water Interfacial Destabilization of Floated Oily Sludge Based on the Catalytic Decomposition of H2O2 Induced by Interfacial-Active Complexes. ES&T engineering. 2021, [4] Ding, Ran, Zhang, Dandan, Gao, Yingxin, Chen, Xing, Yang, Min. Characteristics of refractory organics in industrial wastewater treated using a Fenton-coagulation process. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2021, 42(22): 3432-3440, [5] 郭进, 水远敏, 万佩佩, 李伟成, 高迎新, 戚伟康. 微电场-零价铁-UBF提高有机硫对位酯生产废水同步产甲烷反硝化效能. 环境工程学报[J]. 2020, 14(8): 2186-2192, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7102808818.
[6] Saber, Ayman N, Zhang, Haifeng, CervantesAviles, Pabel, Islam, Ashraful, Gao, Yingxin, An, Wei, Yang, Min. Emerging concerns of VOCs and SVOCs in coking wastewater treatment processes: Distribution profile, emission characteristics, and health risk assessment. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION[J]. 2020, 265(PT A): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114960.
[7] 张恒, 李淑敏, 刘媛, 于建伟, 高迎新, 宋金成, 虞彤, 杨敏. 微波强化Fenton技术对焦化废水生化出水的深度处理. 环境工程学报[J]. 2020, 14(6): 1495-1502, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7102237744.
[8] Wang, Chunyan, Wu, Hanyang, Wu, Jiang, Zhu, Bin, Fan, Wenli, Lu, Tingjie, Gao, Yingxin, Qi, Weikang, Niu, Qigui. Promoted biodegradation of para-ester wastewater by electrostimulated ZVI assisting novel UBF/ceramic membrane MBR and microbial community. JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS[J]. 2020, 113: 285-292, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2020.08.025.
[9] 李红岩, 郑蓓, 李春甫, 陈星, 高迎新, 郑佳乐. 化学絮凝-分光光度法用于焦化废水中氰化物的检测. 中国给水排水[J]. 2020, 36(6): 118-122, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7101710904.
[10] 陈东, 高迎新, 李枫, 杨敏. 落地油泥土壤性质对超声除油效果的影响. 环境工程学报[J]. 2020, 14(2): 545-551, https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFQ&dbname=CJFDLAST2020&filename=HJJZ202002033&v=MDkyNzZyV00xRnJDVVI3cWVaK2RxRkNybFZMN0JMU2ZCZExHNEhOSE1yWTlHWjRSOGVYMUx1eFlTN0RoMVQzcVQ=.
[11] 王文菊, 陈蕊, 隋艳荣, 李伟成, 袁海明, 高迎新. 新型纳米平板陶瓷膜在纸箱生产废水回用中的工程应用. 水处理技术[J]. 2020, 46(2): 137-139, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7101130675.
[12] Sun, Guangxi, Zhang, Yu, Gao, Yingxin, Han, Xiaogang, Yang, Min. Removal of hard COD from biological effluent of coking wastewater using synchronized oxidation-adsorption technology: Performance, mechanism, and full-scale application. WATER RESEARCH[J]. 2020, 173: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000523569000061.
[13] Han, Xiaogang, Lu, Hongbo, Gao, Yingxin, Chen, Xing, Yang, Min. The role of in situ Fenton coagulation on the removal of benzoic acid. CHEMOSPHERE[J]. 2020, 238: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124632.
[14] He, Shilong, Tan, Xicheng, Hu, Xin, Gao, Yingxin. Effect of ultrasound on oil recovery from crude oil containing sludge. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2019, 40(11): 1401-1407, [15] 韩小刚, 韩立辉, 陈星, 高迎新, 杨敏. AO/OAO/Fenton两级生物法处理工业园区内焦化废水. 中国给水排水[J]. 2019, 53-57, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=71838083504849574850484953.
[16] Wenzhe Song, Yu Zhang, Jianwei Yu, Yingxin Gao, Teruki Naitoc, Gaku Oinumac, Yasutaka Inanagac, Min Yang. Rapid removal of polyacrylamide from wastewater by plasma in the gas–liquid interface. 环境科学学报:英文版[J]. 2019, 1-7, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2019.03.015.
[17] Song, Wenzhe, Zhang, Yu, Yu, Jianwei, Gao, Yingxin, Naitoc, Teruki, Oinumac, Gaku, Inanagac, Yasutaka, Yang, Min. Rapid removal of polyacrylamide from wastewater by plasma in the gas-liquid interface. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES[J]. 2019, 83: 1-7, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2019.03.015.
[18] Chen, Dong, Gao, Yingxin, Sun, Dejun, Li, Yujiang, Li, Feng, Yang, Min. Changes of flooding reagents' properties under simulated high temperature/pressure conditions in oil reservoirs and their impact on emulsion stability. RSC ADVANCES[J]. 2019, 9(28): 16044-16048, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000472461300039.
[19] Li, Weicheng, Niu, Qigui, Wu, Jiang, Luan, Xiao, Qi, Weikang, Zhang, Yu, Li, YuYou, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min. Enhanced anaerobic performance and SMD process in treatment of sulfate and organic S-rich TMBA manufacturing wastewater by micro-electric field-zero valent iron-UASB. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS[J]. 2019, 379: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.05.088.
[20] Ding, Ran, Wang, Yanming, Chen, Xing, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min. Extended Fenton's process: toward improving biodegradability of drilling wastewater. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2019, 79(9): 1790-1797, http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wst.2019.179.
[21] Fan, Niansi, Wang, Runfang, Qi, Rong, Gao, Yingxin, Rossetti, Simona, Tandoi, Valter, Yang, Min. Control strategy for filamentous sludge bulking: Bench-scale test and full-scale application. CHEMOSPHERE[J]. 2018, 210: 709-716, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41124.
[22] 陈星, 丁然, 高迎新, 孙钰林. 工业园区废水深度处理的活性炭吸附-混凝技术中试研究. 给水排水[J]. 2018, 44(1): 85-90, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=674250699.
[23] 张昱, 沈云鹏, 何庆生, 李先如, 王军, 曲久辉, 高迎新, 刘德民, 王爱杰, 汪华林, 张乐华, 王慧芳, 周齐. 第二届高浓度难降解废水处理创新技术论坛开幕. 水工业市场[J]. 2018, 21-24, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=6100156152.
[24] Awad, Mohammed, Tian, Zhe, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min, Zhang, Yu. Pretreatment of spiramycin fermentation residue using hyperthermophilic digestion: quick startup and performance. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2018, 78(9): 1823-1832, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41170.
[25] Chen, Yi, He, Shilong, Zhou, Mengmeng, Pan, Tingting, Xu, Yujia, Gao, Yingxin, Wang, Hengkang. Feasibility assessment of up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket treatment of sulfamethoxazole pharmaceutical wastewater. FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING[J]. 2018, 12(5): 41-52, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41144.
[26] Gao, YingXin, Ding, Ran, Chen, Xing, Gong, ZhaoBo, Zhang, Yu, Yang, Min. Ultrasonic washing for oily sludge treatment in pilot scale. ULTRASONICS[J]. 2018, 90: 1-4, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41194.
[27] Chen, Dong, Li, Feng, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min. Pilot Performance of Chemical Demulsifier on the Demulsification of Produced Water from Polymer/Surfactant Flooding in the Xinjiang Oilfield. WATER[J]. 2018, 10(12): http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41168.
[28] Joshi, Dev Raj, Zhang, Yu, Zhang, Hong, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min. Characteristics of microbial community functional structure of a biological coking wastewater treatment system. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES[J]. 2018, 63: 105-115, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/41114.
[29] 于勇, 丁然, 田秉晖, 高迎新, 张昱, 杨敏, 宫兆波. 生物处理组合工艺用于制革废水处理. 环境工程学报[J]. 2017, 11(6): 3375-3380, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/38100.
[30] 袁海明, 田军, 李伟成, 李志良, 单明娥, 高迎新. 厌氧复合床处理有机硫染料中间体-对位酯生产废水. 广州化工[J]. 2017, 45(22): 120-122+147, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=673932039.
[31] Yi, Qizhen, Zhang, Yu, Gao, Yingxin, Tian, Zhe, Yang, Min. Anaerobic treatment of antibiotic production wastewater pretreated with enhanced hydrolysis: Simultaneous reduction of COD and ARGs. WATER RESEARCH[J]. 2017, 110: 211-217, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39474.
[32] He, Shilong, Chen, Yi, Wang, Haibo, Yang, Wan, Gao, Yingxin, Zhao, Yun. Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol by Means of Fenton Oxidation Processes: Mechanism and Kinetics. WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION[J]. 2017, 228(8): [33] Song, Wenzhe, Zhang, Yu, Gao, Yingxin, Chen, Dong, Yang, Min. Cleavage of the main carbon chain backbone of high molecular weight polyacrylamide by aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment. CHEMOSPHERE[J]. 2017, 189: 277-283, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39482.
[34] Zhang, Bo, Sun, Jiwei, Wang, Qin, Fan, Niansi, Ni, Jialing, Li, Weicheng, Gao, Yingxin, Li, YuYou, Xu, Changyou. Electro-Fenton oxidation of coking wastewater: optimization using the combination of central composite design and convex optimization method. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2017, 38(19): 2456-2464, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39498.
[35] Fan, Niansi, Qi, Rong, Rossetti, Simona, Tandoi, Valter, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min. Factors affecting the growth of Microthrix parvicella: Batch tests using bulking sludge as seed sludge. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2017, 609: 1192-1199, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39508.
[36] Wang, Chunyan, Ding, Ran, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min, Zhang, Yu. Performance and Yeast Tracking in A Full-Scale Oil-Containing Paromomycin Production Wastewater Treatment System Using Yeast. WATER[J]. 2017, 9(4): http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39542.
[37] 陈宏, 邓征宇, 宫兆波, 余关龙, 陈伟, 陈东, 高迎新. 化学驱油田采出水处理技术的研究进展. 环境科学与技术[J]. 2017, 40(5): 95-101, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/38084.
[38] 宋玉琼, 高迎新, 李跃辉, 丁然, 韩立辉, 杨敏. 厌氧-接触氧化工艺处理光伏线切废水工程设计与运行. 给水排水[J]. 2016, 42(1): 72-75, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=667648991.
[39] Yi, Qizhen, Gao, Yingxin, Zhang, Hong, Zhang, Haifeng, Zhang, Yu, Yang, Min. Establishment of a pretreatment method for tetracycline production wastewater using enhanced hydrolysis. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL[J]. 2016, 300: 139-145, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/36181.
[40] 苗西亮, 吴江, 刘予宇, 倪嘉苓, 戚伟康, 李伟成, 李玉友, 高迎新. 3,4,5-三甲氧基苯甲醛生产废水的厌氧可生化性及UASB 处理. 环境工程学报[J]. 2016, 10(7): 3457-3461, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/36625.
[41] Gao Yingxin. Synthetic lepidocrocite for phosphorous removal from reclaimed water:optimization using convex optimization method and successive adsorption in fixed bed column. Environmental Technology. 2016, [42] 李伟成, 张红, 戚伟康, 牛启桂, 刘予宇, 李玉友, 高迎新. 对乙酰氨基苯磺酰氯生产废水的UASB处理及硫酸盐的影响. 环境工程学报[J]. 2016, 10(1): 110-114, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/36634.
[43] Gao Yingxin. Performanceandmicrobialcommunitycompositioninalong-termsequentialanaerobic-aerobicbioreactoroperationtreatingcokingwastewate. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016, [44] 陈宏, 谢姝, 林莉莉, 张蕾蕾, 焦思明, 王鑫, 高迎新. 二元驱采出水乳化稳定性的影响因素研究. 油田化学[J]. 2015, 32(3): 396-400, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/33232.
[45] Li, Wei Cheng, Chen, Hong, Jin, Yong, Zhang, Hong, Niu, Qigui, Qi, Weikang, Zhang, Yanlong, Li, YuYou, Gao, Yingxin. Treatment of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde and Di-bromo-aldehyde manufacturing wastewater by the coupled Fenton pretreatment and UASB reactor with emphasis on optimization and chemicals analysis. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2015, 142: 40-47, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2014.12.013.
[46] Li, Weicheng, Niu, Qigui, Zhang, Hong, Tian, Zhe, Zhang, Yu, Gao, Yingxin, Li, YuYou, Nishimura, Osamu, Yang, Min. UASB treatment of chemical synthesis-based pharmaceutical wastewater containing rich organic sulfur compounds and sulfate and associated microbial characteristics. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL[J]. 2015, 260: 55-63, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2014.08.085.
[47] Liu, Ruyin, Gao, Yingxin, Ji, Yifeng, Zhang, Yu, Yang, Min. Characteristics of hydrocarbon hydroxylase genes in a thermophilic aerobic biological system treating oily produced wastewater. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2015, 71(1): 123-130, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/32735.
[48] 陈宏, 谢姝, 王雨, 屈静, 焦思明, 王鑫, 高迎新. 破乳剂对模拟油田二元复合驱采出水的作用机理. 环境工程学报[J]. 2015, 9(6): 2540-2546, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/33268.
[49] Li, Wei cheng, Wang, Chunyan, Tian, Zhe, Zhang, Hong, Gao, Yingxin, Zhang, Yu, Yang, Min, Li, YuYou, Nishimura, Osamu. Anaerobic treatment of p-acetamidobenzene sulfonyl chloride (p-ASC)-containing wastewater in the presence or absence of ethanol in a UASB reactor. INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION[J]. 2015, 98: 81-88, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2014.09.002.
[50] 苏延辉, 王秀平, 刘敏, 王永军, 高波, 高迎新. 海上S油田含聚油泥超声波洗脱除油实验研究. 应用化工[J]. 2014, 43(10): 1928-1929, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=663028329.
[51] 李伟成, 田哲, 戚伟康, 牛启桂, 刘予宇, 李玉友, 高迎新. 制药废水的厌氧生化性评价及UASB处理. 环境工程学报[J]. 2014, 5156-5160, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=72747490504849524950484953.
[52] 穆剑, 匡丽, 高迎新, 张丹丹. 采油废水厌氧处理系统的微生物群落特征. 环境工程学报[J]. 2014, 1(3): 807-814, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/936980.
[53] Liu, Miaomiao, Ding, Ran, Zhang, Yu, Gao, Yingxin, Tian, Zhe, Zhang, Tong, Yang, Min. Abundance and distribution of Macrolide-Lincosamide-Streptogramin resistance genes in an anaerobic-aerobic system treating spiramycin production wastewater. WATER RESEARCH[J]. 2014, 63(1): 33-41, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2014.05.045.
[54] Liu, Miaomiao, Zhang, Yu, Ding, Ran, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min. Response of activated sludge to the treatment of oxytetracycline production waste stream. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY[J]. 2013, 97(19): 8805-8812, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/844528.
[55] 李良杰, 高迎新, 李伟成. 两种煤化工废水的产甲烷抑制性. 化工环保[J]. 2013, 33(6): 477-480, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=47942966.
[56] Wang, Beili, Wan, Yi, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min, Hu, Jianying. Determination and Characterization of Oxy-Naphthenic Acids in Oilfield Wastewater. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2013, 47(16): 9545-9554, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000323471700067.
[57] 周宁玉, 高迎新, 安伟, 杨敏. 旋流分离器油水分离效率的模拟研究. 环境工程学报[J]. 2012, 6(9): 2953-2957, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=43155163.
[58] Deng, Yanqin, Zhang, Yu, Gao, Yingxin, Li, Dong, Liu, Ruyin, Liu, Miaomiao, Zhang, Haifeng, Hu, Bo, Yu, Tao, Yang, Min. Microbial Community Compositional Analysis for Series Reactors Treating High Level Antibiotic Wastewater. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2012, 46(2): 795-801, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/901272.
[59] 丁然, 潘峰, 高迎新, 张昱. 聚合硫酸铁/高锰酸钾/二氧化氯组合工艺用于聚氯乙烯废水回收的工程化研究. 环境工程学报[J]. 2012, 6(5): 1624-1628, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=41870099.
[60] 赵云, 高迎新, 何士龙, 张昱, 王丽萍, 杨敏. Fenton氧化对硝基苯酚过程中Fe^2+/Fe^3+的氧化还原机制. 环境工程学报[J]. 2012, 6(7): 2165-2168, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=42507388.
[61] 申洪臣, 王健行, 成宇涛, 魏源送, 郑建伟, 苏宇峰, 高迎新. 海上石油泄漏事故危害及其应急处理. 环境工程[J]. 2011, 29(6): 110-114, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=40389852.
[62] Wang, Biao, Wu, Tao, Li, Yujiang, Sun, Dejun, Yang, Min, Gao, Yingxin, Lu, Fengjuan, Li, Xia. The effects of oil displacement agents on the stability of water produced from ASP (alkaline/surfactant/polymer) flooding. 6th International Conference on Interfaces Against Pollution (IAP 2010)null. 2011, http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000289920200019&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=3a85505900f77cc629623c3f2907beab.
[63] 封帆, 高迎新, 张昱, 张强斌, 杨敏. Fenton氧化4-氯酚降解机制研究. 环境化学[J]. 2011, 30(11): 1889-1893, http://hjhx.rcees.ac.cn/article/id/hjhx_10.
[64] Wang, Biao, Wu, Tao, Li, Yujiang, Sun, Dejun, Yang, Min, Gao, Yingxin, Lu, Fengjuan, Li, Xia. The effects of oil displacement agents on the stability of water produced from ASP (alkaline/surfactant/polymer) flooding. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS[J]. 2011, 379(1-3): 121-126, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2010.11.064.
[65] 刘苗苗, 张昱, 李栋, 李魁晓, 高迎新, 杨敏. 制药废水受纳河流中四环素抗药基因及微生物群落结构变化研究. 环境科学学报[J]. 2010, 1551-1557, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=34646424.
[66] Zhou, Ningyu, Gao, Yingxin, An, Wei, Yang, Min. Investigation of velocity field and oil distribution in an oil-water hydrocyclone using a particle dynamics analyzer. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL[J]. 2010, 157(1): 73-79, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2009.10.049.
[67] 王彪, 李玉江, 孙德军, 高迎新, 李霞. 驱油剂对模拟油水体系稳定性的影响. 山东建筑大学学报[J]. 2010, 105-108, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=34344980.
[68] Liu, Ruyin, Li, Dong, Gao, Yingxin, Zhang, Yu, Wu, Song, Ding, Ran, Hesham, Abd ElLatif, Yang, Min. Microbial diversity in the anaerobic tank of a full-scale produced water treatment plant. PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY[J]. 2010, 45(5): 744-751, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2010.01.010.
[69] Liu, Ruyin, Zhang, Yu, Ding, Ran, Li, Dong, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min. Comparison of archaeal and bacterial community structures in heavily oil-contaminated and pristine soils. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING[J]. 2009, 108(5): 400-407, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiosc.2009.05.010.
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[35] Fan, Niansi, Qi, Rong, Rossetti, Simona, Tandoi, Valter, Gao, Yingxin, Yang, Min. Factors affecting the growth of Microthrix parvicella: Batch tests using bulking sludge as seed sludge. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT[J]. 2017, 609: 1192-1199, http://ir.rcees.ac.cn/handle/311016/39508.
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[45] Li, Wei Cheng, Chen, Hong, Jin, Yong, Zhang, Hong, Niu, Qigui, Qi, Weikang, Zhang, Yanlong, Li, YuYou, Gao, Yingxin. Treatment of 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde and Di-bromo-aldehyde manufacturing wastewater by the coupled Fenton pretreatment and UASB reactor with emphasis on optimization and chemicals analysis. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2015, 142: 40-47, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2014.12.013.
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李良杰 硕士研究生 430130-环境工程