Email: ruixp@gucas.ac.cn
Telephone: 88256867
Mobile phone: 13671106220
Address: 19A Yuquan Rd. ,Shijingshan District, Beijing
Postcode: 100049
Research Areas
GIS and its applications
@ Ph.D., Cartology & Geographical Information System, Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, CAS, Beijing City, China, June, 2004
Thesis Topic:”Study on the key algorithms of spatial information visualization ”
@ M.S., Cartology & Geographical Information System, China University of Mining and Technology, XuZhou City, JiangSu Province, China, June, 2001
Thesis Topic:”Study On The Three Dimension Urban Virtual Reality System——A Case of CUMT Campus”
@ B.S., Prospecting Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, XuZhou City, JiangSu Province, China, June, 1998
Thesis Topic:”The Applications Of Java In GIS——A Case of coal mine”
Work Experience
Study on Eco-Environmental Model using GIS Technologies.
@ As an associate professor at College of Resources and Environment, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, from 2007 to now
Teach “Principle of GIS”, “Application & Development of GIS”.
@ As a teacher at Beijing Jiaotong Unversity(BJTU), from 2004 to 2007(I got the associate professor position there at 2006)
Teach “C language”(students appraisement score at top 5% in BJTU), “Principle of Database”, “Principle of GPS”, “Principle of GIS”, “Computer Network”, “Management Information Ssystems”.
Publications(in recent years):
RUI Xiaoping, DING Zhen, LU Jin, SONG Xianfeng. Simulation of Point Source Pollution Diffusion Using a Velocity Field-Cellular Automata Coupled Method[J]. Information Technology Journal. 2013,12(20):5424-5431
RUI Xiaoping, DONG Chengwei, SONG Xianfeng. An Improved Locally Linear Embedding Method Suitable for Multi-dimensional Visualization of Economic Statistics. Information Technology Journal. 2013,12(24) :8651-8656
Xu Changhui, Rui Xiaoping, Song Xianfeng, et al. Generalized reliability measures of Kalman filtering for precise point positioning[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics.2013,24(4): 699 - 705
Zhang Yanmin, Rui Xiao-ping*, Liu Zhenyu. Design of Symbol System for Coal-bed Gas Surface Gathering GIS. Metal Mine.2013(7):118-125
Hua Jie, Xing Tinyan, Rui Xiao-ping*. A fast spatial index method for 3D-visulization of multi-source geophysical data[J]. Progress in Geophysics.2013,28(3):1626-1638
Yu Xuetao,Rui Xiaoping*,Li Feng. Localization Methods of Weighted Centroid of dBZ on Weather-Radar Echo Maps in Vector Format[J]. TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2013,11(2):1033 -1040
Ding Zhen, Rui Xiaoping, Liu Zhenyu. Motion Simulation of Three-Dimensional Ideal Water Based on Central-differences Method[J]. Journal of Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.2013,30(1):33-39
Rui Xiaoping,Liu Zhenyu, Song Xianfeng, et al. A Fuzzy Inference Algorithm Suitable for Road Network Weight Analysis in Mountain Areas[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University.2013,38(1):74-77
Yang Zaixing, Rui Xiaoping, Liang Ming, et al. Simulation of flowing water based on flow field[J]. Computer Engineering and Design. 2012,33(6):2392-2397
Duan Zhichen,Rui Xiaoping *, Zhang Liyuan. Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction Method Based on Manifold Learning[J]. Journal of Mathematics in Practice and Theory. 2012,42(8):230-241
Wang Xing-ling, Zhang Li-yuan, Dong Cheng-wei, Rui Xiao-ping*. A Multi-Dimensional Visualization Method Combining MDS and SVM. ICNC 2012: 436-439
Lai han, Rui Xiaoping*, Liang Handong, et al. Extraction of drainage network in Three Gorge reservoir area based on mean change point method. Science of Surveying and Mapping. 2012, 37 (05):175-177
YU Xuetao, YU Zhiwei, RUI Xiaoping(Corresponding Author). Geo-Visualization of basic reflectivity products of CINRAD[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping.2012,37(1):153-155,127
Liu Z Y, Rui X P, Dong C W. Study on Realistic modeling of three-dimensional forest and visualization based on LOD technology[J].Journal of the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences.2011,28(3):322-327
RUI Xiao-ping,Zhang Li-qiang. Visualization of Multi-dimensional Information Based on SOM [J]. JOURNAL OF BASIC SC IENCE AND ENG INEER ING.2011,19(3):79-88
Rui Xiaoping,Song Xianfeng.An improved method of rendering oil extraction contour[J].Mining Science and Technology.2011,21(3):337-342
Liu Tianyue, Rui Xiaoping(Corresponding Author), et al. Key Technologies of WebGIS-based TB Level Antarctic Remote Sensing Image Publishing System [J].Chinese journal of Polar Research.2011,23(2):39-45
Zhenyu Liu, Xiaoping Rui, Zhen Ding. Study of fuzzy inference in the patrol for coal bed methane surface gathering[C].2011 ICISE.2011
YU Xuetao, YU Zhiwei, RUI Xiaoping(Corresponding Author). A Study on Mosaics of Multi-Source Radar Echoes in Central Region of Inner Mongolia Based on GIS [J].Science and Technology Review.2011,29(28):37-42
YU Xuetao, YU Zhiwei, RUI Xiaoping(Corresponding Author). Study on Key Technologies of Online Browsing the MICAPS Satellite Nephogram[J]. Meteorological Monthly.2011, 37(11):1431-1437
ZHANG Yan-min, RUI Xiao-ping. An Immune Genetic Routing Optimization Algorithm [J]. JOURNALOF WUHANUNIVERSITYOFTECHNOLOGY. 2011,33(9):72-76
Wang Jing, Rui Xiaoping, Song Xianfeng. A weighted clustering algorithm for clarifying vehicle GPS traces[C].IGARSS 2011.2011
RUI Xiao-ping,Zhang Li-qiang. Visualization of Multi-dimensional Information Based on Elastic Net Map[J]. JOURNAL OF SYSTEM SIMULATION. 2010,22(2):415-420
DONG Cheng-wei, SONG Xian-feng, RUI Xiao-ping*. DEMETER Data Structure Interpretation and Research On Constructing High-Efficient Database[J]. GEOGRAPHY AND GEO-INFORMATION SCIENCE .2010,26(4): 42-46
Rui Xiaoping,Song Xianfeng. A Character Recognition Algorithm Adapt to a Specific Kind of Water Meter,2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE 2009)
Rui Xiaoping,Song Xianfeng. Study on methods for acquisition of radar echoes and judgment on artificial rainfall operating sites based on GIS[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology:2009,29(1):156-160
LIU Zhen-yu, RUI Xiao-ping. Simulation of urgent evacuation in subway station based on Cellular Automation[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications,2009,45(27):203-205
Rui Xiaoping,Chen Jingyun.Routing Optimization of Logistics Distribution Based On Immune Genetic Algorithm[C].logistics,the emerging frontier of transportation and development in china,vol(4),proceedings of the 8th international conference of Chinese Logistics and Transportation Professionals,2008.10:2996-3001
LI Yao, RUI Xiao-ping, LIU Zhen-yu. Research of DEM Terrain Visible Algorithm Based on OpenGL[J]. MATHEMATICS IN PRACTICE AND THEORY.2008,38(24): 1000-0984
Song Xianfeng, Rui Xiaoping.An OGC standard-oriented architecture for distributed coal mine map services[J]. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology, 2008,18(3):381-385
Research Projects
“Development of Health Assessment System of Water Ecosystem” supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of China(2013-2015)
“Mechanism of the Fangshan zhangfang area of karst development”. supported by Beijing Major Project (2012-2013)
“Key Algorithm of Dynamic Decision for Coal-bed Gas Surface Gathering”. supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of China(2011-2015)
“Study on the Visual Methods of Multidimensional Spatial Information” supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2010-2012)
“Research and development of coal-bed gas surface gathering GIS system” supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of China(2009-2010)
“3D visualization and simulation of water pollution at Three Gorges Area in China” supported by National Science and Technology Major Project of China(2010-2011)
“Web-based 3D visualization system of earth’s deep and lithosphere probe data” supported by the technology and experiment study of earth’s deep and lithosphere probing Project (2010-2011)