Name: Yonghui Yang
Education: Ph.D
Academic title: Professor
Positions: Deputy Director
E-mail: yonghui.yang@sjziam.ac.cn
Mail Address: 286 Huaizhong Road, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
Postal Code: 050021
1987 BSc Beijing Forestry University,
2002 PhD Chiba University,
Work Experience
1987.7-1988.7, Practice Researcher in Shijiazhuang Institute of Agricultural Modernization (SIAM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS);
1988.8-1992.7, Research Assistant in SIAM
1992.7-1996.10, Assistant Professor in SIAM
1996.10-1999.11, Associate Professor in SIAM
1999.11--- 2000.3, Professor in SIAM
2002.3-2005.4, NIES Fellow.
2005.4-Present, Principal investigator, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS
Scientific Activities and Academic Awards
- Head, Key Laboratory of Agricultural Water Resources, CAS
- Vice Director, Center for Water Resources, CAS
- Vice Director, Hebei Key Laboratory for Agricultural Water-Saving
- 2010.6, Excellent Professor Award at the final assessment for “Hundred Talent Professors”.
- Board editor, Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
- Board member, GWSP China Committee
- Vice Chairman, Hebei Society of Soil and Water Conservation
1. Qiuli Hu, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Jiusheng Wang, 2019, Degradation of agricultural drainage water quantity and quality due to farmland expansion and water-saving operations in arid basins, Agricultural Water Management. 213:185-192.
2. Shumin Han, Qiuli Hu, Yonghui Yang*, Yanmin Yang, Xinyao Zhou, Huilong Li,2019, Response of surface water quantity and quality to agricultural water use intensity in upstream Hutuo River Basin, China,Agricultural Water Management. 212:378-387..
3. Zhipin Ai, Yonghui Yang*, Qinxue Wang, Shumin Han, Yanmin Yang, Quan Wang, and Guoyu Qiu,2018,Changes of surface energy partitioning caused by plastic mulch in a cotton field,International Agrophysics, Doi: 10.1515/intag-2017-0022.
4. Dandan Ren, Yonghui Yang*, Yanmin Yang, Keith Richards, Xinyao Zhou,2018,Land-Water-Food Nexus and indications of crop adjustment for water shortage solution,Science of the Total Environment, 262: 11-21.
5. Yanmin Yang, Xinyao Zhou, Yonghui Yang, Shaojie Bi, Xihua Yang, De Li Liu,2018, Evaluating water-saving efficiency of plastic mulching in Northwest China using remote sensing and SEBAL,Agricultural Water Management. 209:240-248.
6. Zhipin Ai, Yonghui Yang*, Qinxue Wang, Kiril Manevski, Quan Wang, Qiuli Hu, Deni Eer, Jiusheng Wang, 2018, Characteristics and influencing factors of crop coefficient for drip-irrigated cotton under plastic-mulched condition in arid environment, Journal of Agricultural Meteorology. 74(1):1-8, DOI: 10.2480/agrmet.D-16- 00020.
7. Qiuli Hu, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Yanmin Yang, Zhipin Ai, Jiusheng Wang, Fengyun Ma, 2017, Identifying changes in irrigation return flow with gradually intensified water-saving technology using HYDRUS for regional water resources management. Agricultural Water Management. 194(2017):33-47.
8. Xinyao Zhou, Zhijie Bai, Yonghui Yang*, 2017, Linking trends in urban extreme rainfall to urban flooding in China, International Journal of Climatology, 37(9): 0000-0000, DOI: 10.1002/joc.5107.
9. Zhiping Ai, Qinxue Wang*, Yonghui Yang*, Kiril Manevski, Xin Zhao, Deni Eer, 2017, Estimation of land-surface evaporation at four forest sites across Japan with the new nonlinear complementary method, Scientific Reports, 7(1), DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-17473-0
10. Shiqin Wang, Wenbo Zheng, Matthew Currell, Yonghui Yang, Huan Zhao, Mengyu Lv, 2017, Relationship between land-use and sources and fate of nitrate in groundwater in a typical recharge area of the North China Plain, Science of the Total Environment, 609: 607-620.
11. Kangkang He, Yonghui Yang*,Yanmin Yang,Suying Chen,Qiuli Hu,Xiaojing Liu,Feng Gao, 2017, HYDRUS Simulation of Sustainable Brackish Water Irrigation in a Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System in the North China Plain, Water, 9(7), 536; doi:10.3390/w9070536.
12. Fei Tian, Yi He Lü, Bo Jie Fu, Lu Zhang, Chuanfu Zang, Yonghui Yang, Guo Yu Qiu, 2017, Challenge of vegetation greening on water resources sustainability: Insights from a modeling‐based analysis in Northwest China, Hydrological Processes, 31(7) 1469-1478.
13. Zhipin Ai & Yonghui Yang*,2016,Modification and Validation of Priestly- Taylor Model for Estimating Cotton Evapotranspiration under Plastic Mulch Condition,Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17(4), doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/ JHM-D- 15-0151.1
14. Yang YM, Liu Deli, Anwar MR, O'Leary G, Macadam I, Yonghui Yang,2016, Water use efficiency and crop water balance of rainfed wheat in a semi-arid environment: Sensitivity of future changes to projected climate changes and soil type, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 123(3), 565-579, Doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1376-3
15. Shumin Han,Qiuli Hu,Yonghui Yang*,Jiusheng Wang,Ping Wang,Quan Wang,2015,Characteristics and Driving Factors of Drainage Water in Irrigation Districts in Arid Areas,Water Resources Management, 29(14): 5323-5337.
16. Dengpan Xiao, Moiwo, JP, Tao, Fulu, Yonghui Yang, Yanjun Shen, Quanhong Xu, Jianfeng Liu, He Zhang, Fengshan Liu, 2015, Spatiotemporal variability of winter wheat phenology in response to weather and climate variability in China, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 20(7): 1191-1202.
17. Shaohua Zhao, Yonghui Yang, Feng Zhang, Xinxin Sun, Yunjun Yao, Na Zhao, Qiuxiao Zhao, 2015, Rapid evaluation of reference evapotranspiration in Northern China, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8(2): 647-657.
18. Xinyao Zhou, Yongqiang Zhang, Yonghui Yang, 2015, Comparison of two approaches for estimating precipitation elasticity of streamflow in China's main river basins, Advances in Meteorology, DOI: 10.1155/2015/924572
19. Xinyao Zhou, Shaojie Bi, Yonghui Yang*, Fei Tian, Dandan Ren. 2014, Comparison of ET estimations by the three-temperature model, SEBAL model and eddy covariance observations. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 769-776, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.08.004.
20. Yawen Wang, Yonghui Yang*, Xinyao Zhou, Na Zhao, and Jiahua Zhang, 2014, Air pollution is pushing wind speed into a regulator of surface solar irradiance in China, Environmental Research Letters, 9(5): 054004, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326 /9/5/054004.
21. Yanmin Yang, Yonghui Yang*, Deli Liu, Tom Nordblom, Bingfang Wu and Nana Yan, 2014, Regional Water Balance Based on Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Irrigation: An Assessment of the Haihe Plain, China, Remote Sensing, 6(3), 2514-2533; DOI:10.3390/rs6032514.
22. Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu, Yihe Lu, Yonghui Yang, Yujiu Xiong. 2014, Use of high-resolution thermal infrared remote sensing and "three-temperature model" for transpiration monitoring in arid inland river catchment, Journal of Hydrology, 515: 307-315, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.04.056
23. Yanmin Yang, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Hana, Ian Macadamb, De Li Liu, 2014, Prediction of cotton yield and water demand under climate change and future adaptation measures, Agricultural Water Management, 144, 42-53; DOI: 10.1016/j.agwat.2014.06.001
24. Yawen Wang, Yonghui Yang*, 2014, China’s dimming and brightening: evidence, causes and hydrological implications, Annales Geophysicae, 32, 41–55, Doi:10.5194/angeo-32-41-2014.
25. Yanmin Yang, De Li Liu, Muhuddin Rajin Anwar, Heping Zuo, Yonghui Yang, 2014, Impact of future climate change on wheat production in relation to plant-available water capacity in a semiarid environment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 115(3-4), 391-410, DOI: 10.1007/s00704-013-0895-z.
26. Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu, Yonghui Yang, Yihe Lu, Yujiu Xiong, 2013, Estimation of evapotranspiration and its partition based on an extended three-temperature model and MODIS products, Journal of Hydrology, 498: 210-220. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.06.038
27. Weiwei Xiao, Zhigang Sun, Qinxue Wang, Yonghui Yang*,2013,Evaluating MODIS phenology products for rotating croplands through ground observations, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7(1), 073562, DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.7. 073562.
28. Yawen Wang, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Qinxue Wang, Jiahua Zhang, 2013, Sunshine dimming and brightening in Chinese cities (1955−2011) was driven by air pollution rather than clouds, Climate Research, 56, 11-20, DOI: 10.3354/cr01139.
29. Xinyao Zhou, Yongqiang Zhang, Yonghui Yang, Yanmin Yang,Shumin Han, 2013,Evaluation of anomalies in GLDAS-1996 dataset,Water Science and Technology, 67(8), 1730-1739.
30. Yawen Wang, Yonghui Yang*, Na Zhao, Chen Liu, Qinxue Wang, 2012, The magnitude of the effect of air pollution on sunshine hours in China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D00V14, DOI:10.1029/2011JD016753.
31. Xinyao Zhou, Yongqiang Zhang, Y.P. Wang,Huqiang Zhang,Jai Vaze, Lu Zhang,Yonghui Yang, Yanchun Zhou,2012,Benchmarking global land surface models against the observed mean annual runoff from 150 large basins, Journal of Hydrology. 470-471: 269-279. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.09.002.
32. Shumin Han, Yonghui Yang*, Tong Fan, Dengpan xiao and Juana P. Moiwo, 2012, Precipitation-runoff processes in Shimen hillslope micro-catchment of Taihang Mountain, North China, Hydrological Processes, 26(9): 1332-1342. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8233.
33. Fei Tian, Guoyu Qiu, Yonghui Yang, Yujiu Xiong, Pei Wang, 2012, Studies on the Relationships Between Land Surface Temperature and Environmental Factors in an Inland River Catchment Based on Geographically Weighted Regression and MODIS Data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5(3): 687-698, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2012. 2190978.
34. Yang YH, 2012, Advance in Water-saving Agriculture and its future Strategies in North China Plain, Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Vol 26(01), 54-58.
35. Chen Liu, Qinxue Wang, Kelin Wang, Yonghui Yang, Zhu Ouyang, Yaoming Lin, Yan Li, Alin Lei. 2012. Recent Trends and Problems of Nitrogen Flow in Agro-Ecosystems of China, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92: 1046-1053. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.4725.
36. Shufen Wang, Huilong Li, Yonghui Yang*, Huijun Wang, Yanmin Yang, Yongguo Jia, 2012, Using DSSAT Model to assess spring wheat and maize water use in the arid oasis of Northwest China, Journal of Food Agrculture and Environment, 10(1):911-918.
37. Yonghui Yang, 2012, Air pollution contributes in sunshine dimming in China, Science Foundation in China, 20(2): 14.
38. Ma L, Yang Y M, Yang Y H, Xiao D P and Bi S J. 2011. The distribution and driving factors of irrigation water requirements in the North China Plain. Journal of Remote Sensing, 15(2): 324–339
39. Moiwo JP, Yonghui Yang*, Fulu Tao, Wenxi Lu, Shumin Han,2011, Water storage change in the Himalayas from GRACE and an empirical climate model,Water Resources Research, Vol 47, W07521, doi:10.1029/2010WR010157.
40. Moiwo JP*, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Wenxi Lu, Nana Yan, Bingfang Wu, 2011, A method for estimating soil moisture storage in regions under water stress and storage depletion—a study of Haihe River Basin, North China, Hydrological Processes, 25(14): 2275-2287. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7991.
41. Moiwo JP*, Yonghui Yang*, Nana Yan, Bingfang Wu, 2011, Comparison of Evapotranspiration estimated by ET-Watch with that derived from combined GRACE and measured precipitation data in Hai River Basin, North China. Hydrological Science Journal, 56(2): 249-267. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2011. 553617.
42. Yukun Hu, Juana Paul Moiwo, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Yanmin Yang, 2010, Agricultural water-saving and sustainable groundwater management in Shijiazhuang Irrigation District, North China Plain, Journal of Hydrology, 393: 219-232. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.08.017.
43. Jing Fan, Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Guoyu Qiu, 2010, Quantifying the magnitude of the impact of climate change and human activity on runoff decline in Mian River Basin, China, Water Science and Technology, 62(4): 783-791. doi:10.2166/wst.2010.294.
44. Moiwo JP, Yonghui Yang*, Huilong Li, Shumin Han, Yanmin Yang, 2010, Impact of water resource exploitation on the hydrology and water storage in Baiyangdian Lake, Hydrological Processes, 3026-3039. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7716.
45. Yanmin Yang, Yonghui Yang*, Juana Paul Moiwo, Yukun Hu, 2010, Estimation of irrigation requirement for sustainable water resources reallocation in North China, Agricultural Water Management, 97(11), 1711-1721.
46. Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, Juana P. Moiwo, Guoyu Qiu, 2010, Determination of the period of major runoff decline and related driving factors in Ye River Basin, North China, Journal of Water and Climate Change, 1(2):154-163.
47. Shaohua Zhao, Yonghui Yang, Guoyu Qiu, Qiming Qin, Yunjun Yao, Yujiu Xiong, 2010, Remote detection of bare soil moisture using a surface-temperature- based soil evaporation transfer coefficient, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 12(5): 351-358. Doi:10.1016/j.jag.2010.04.007.
48. Zhao Na, Yonghui Yang*, Xinyao Zhou, 2010, Application of geographically weighted regression in estimating the effect of climate and site conditions on vegetation distribution in Haihe Catchment, Plant Ecology, 209:349-359. DOI: 10.1007/s11258-010-9769-y.
49. Moiwo JP, Wenxi Lu, Yongsheng Zhao, Yonghui Yang, Yanmin Yang, 2010, Impact of land use on distributed hydrological processes in the semi-arid wetland ecosystem of Western Jilin, Hydrological Processes, 24(4): 492-503. Doi: 10.1002/hyp.7503.
50. YonghuiYang, Fei Tian, 2009, Abrupt change of runoff and its major driving factors in Haihe River Catchment, China, Journal of Hydrology, 374: 373-383. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.040.
51. Yonghui Yang, Na Zhao, Yukun Hu, Xinyao Zhou, 2009, Effect of wind speeds on sunshine hours in three cities in northern China, Climate Research. 39: 149-157. Doi: 10.3354/cr00820.
52. Yonghui Yang, Na Zhao, Xiaohua Hao, Chunqiang Li,2009,Decreasing trend in sunshine hours and related driving forces in North China,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,97: 91-98. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-008-0049-x
53. Fei Tian, Yonghui Yang*, Shumin Han, 2009. Using runoff slope-break to determine dominate factors of runoff decline in Hutuo River Basin, North China. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 60(8): 2135-2144.
54. Moiwo JP, Yonghui Yang*, Han SM, Hu YK, 2009, Comparison of GRACE with in situ hydrological measurement data shows storage depletion in Hai River basin, Northern China, Water SA, 35(5), 663-670.
55. Chen Liu, Qinxue Wang, Alin Lei, Yonghui Yang, Zhu Ouyang, Yaoming Lin, Yan Li, Kelin Wang, 2009, Identification of anthropogenic parameters for a regional nitrogen balance model via field investigation of six ecosystems in China, Biogeochemistry, 94: 175-190. DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9317-9.
56. Shaohua Zhao, Qiming Qin, Yonghui Yang, Guoyu Qiu, Xiong Yujun, 2009, Comparison of two split-window methods for retrieving land surface temperature from MODIS data, Journal of Earth System Science. 118(4): 345-353.
57. Liu Chen, Wang Qinxue, Lei Alin, Yang Yonghui, Ouyang Zhu, Lin Yaoming, Li Yan, Wang Kelin, 2009, Identification of various parameters of nitrogen balance model in 6 typical ecosystems of China by field investigation, Journal of Japanese Agricultural System Society, 25(1), 35-44.
58. Guo Yu Qiu, Liming Wang, Xinhua He, Xiying Zhang, Suying Chen, Jin Chen and Yonghui Yang, 2008, Water use efficiency and evapotranspiration of winter wheat and its response to irrigation regime in the north China plain, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148(11): 1848-1859.
59. Shumin Han, Yonghui Yang*, Yuping Lei, Changyuan Tang, J.P. Moiwo,2008,Seasonal groundwater storage anomaly and vadose zone soil moisture as indicators of precipitation recharge in the piedmont region of Taihang Mountain, North China Plain,Hydrological Research,39(5–6): 479–495.
60. Yanmin Yang, Zhu Ouyang, Yonghui Yang, Xiaojing Liu. 2008, Simulation of the effect of pruning and topping on cotton growth using COTTON2K model. Field Crops Research.106:126-137.
61. Liu Chen, Wang Qinxue, Motoyuki Mizuochi, Yang Yonghui, Sadao Ishimura, 2007, Human behavioral impact on nitrogen flow—a case study of rural areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China, Journal of Japanese Agricultural System Society, 23(4), 305-316.
62. Yongqiang Zhang, Changming Liu, Yanhong Tang, and Yonghui Yang, 2007, Trends in pan evaporation and reference and actual evapotranspiration across the Tibetan Plateau, Journal of Geographysical Research, Vol. 112, D12110, doi: 10.1029/2006 JD008161.
63. Zhang Yongqiang, Tang Yanhong, Jiang Jie and Yonghui Yang, 2007, Chracterizing the dynamics of soil organic carbon in grasslands on the Oinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Science in China Series D: Earth sciences, 50(1): 113-120.
64. Hasi Bagan, Qinxue Wang, Yonghui Yang, Yoshifumi Yasuoka, Yuhai Bao,2007,Land cover classification using moderate resolution imaging spectrometer- enhanced vegetation index time-series data and self- organizing map neural network in Inner Mongolia, China,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,Vol. 1, 013545.
65. Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, Jianwen Zhai, Wanjun Zhang, Li Fadong, 2006,Factors affecting forest growth and the possible effect of climate change in the Taihang Mountains, Northern China, Forestry. 79(1): 135-147
66. Yonghui Yang, Xiying Zhang, Masataka Watanabe, Jiqun Zhang, Qinxue Wang, Seiji Hayashi, 2006,Optimizing irrigation management for wheat to reduce groundwater depletion in the piedmont region of the Taihang Mountains in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management:82:25-44.
67. Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, Xiying Zhang, Xiaohua Hao, Jiqun Zhang. 2006, Estimation of groundwater use by crop production simulated by DSSAT-wheat and DSSAT-maize models in the piedmont region of North China Plain. Hydrological Processes, 20:2787-2802.
68. Xiying Zhang, Dong Pei, Suying Chen, Hongyong Sun, Yonghui Yang, 2006, Performance of Double-Cropped Winter Wheat–Summer Maize under Minimum Irrigation in the North China Plain, Agronomy Journal, 98:1620-1626.
69. Nakayama T., Yonghui Yang, Watanabe M., Xiying Zhang, 2006,Simulation of groundwater dynamics in North China Plain by coupled hydrology and agricultural models, Hydrological Processes. 20(16): 3441-3466.
70. Zhang JQ, Xu KQ, Yonghui Yang, Qi LH, Watanabe M, 2005,Measuring water storage fluctuations in Lake Dongting, China, by TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite altimetry, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 115:23-37.
71. Hasi Bagan, Qinxue Wang, M. Watanabe, Yonghui Yang, Jianwen Ma, 2005,Land cover classification from MODIS EVI times-series data using SOM neural network, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 26(22): 4999-5012. (EI)
72. Jiqun Zhang, Kaiqin Xu, Lianhui Qi, Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, 2005, Estimation of freshwater and material fluxes from the Yangtze River into the East China Sea using TOPEX/Poseidon Altimeter data, Hydrological Processes 19: 3683–3698.
73. T. Yamanaka, J. Shimada, Y. Hamada, T. Tanaka, Yonghui Yang, Zhang W., and Hu C., 2004, Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes in precipitation in the north part of the North China Plain: Climatology and inter-storm variability, Hydrological Processes, 18(22), 2211-2222.
74. Jiqun Zhang, Kaiqin Xu, Masataka Watanabe, Yonghui Yang, Xiuwan Chen, 2004, Estimation of river discharge from non-trapezoidal open channel using Quickbird-2 satellite imagery, Hydrological Sciences Journal. 49(2), 247-260.
75. Yonghui Yang, M. Watanabe, Z. Wang, Y. Sakura, and C. Tang, 2003, Prediction of soil moisture change under different scenarios of climate change and implication of vegetation changes simulated by WAVES model in Taihang Mountain, Climatic Change, 57(1), 163-183.
76. Yonghui Yang, Masataka Watanabe, Yasuo Sakura, Changyuan Tang, Hayashi Y., 2002, Groundwater table and recharge changes in piedmount region of Taihang Mountain in North China Plain and its relation to agricultural water use, Water SA. 28(2), 171-178.
Research Interests
Plant and crop water use
Catchment hydrology
Simulation of Hydrological processes
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