LIU XinChun

Liu Xinchun
College of Resources and Environment
Telephone: +86-10-69672961
Address: 19A, Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100049
College of Resources and Environment
Telephone: +86-10-69672961
Address: 19A, Yuquan Road, Shijingshan District, Beijing, China
Postcode: 100049
Research Areas
Microbial Ecology
Wastewater Treatment Technology
Wastewater Treatment Technology
09/2001-07/2006: PhD in Environmental Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
09/1986-07/1990: B.S in Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Department of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
09/1986-07/1990: B.S in Organic Chemistry, Chemistry Department of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
Work Experience
11/2015-Present: Professor, College of Resources and Environment, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). 07/2006-11/2015: Associate Professor, College of Resources and Environment, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS).
07/1990-09/2001: Kaifeng Dongda Chemical Engineer Group,Co Ltd, Deputy Direct General / Direct General.
07/1990-09/2001: Kaifeng Dongda Chemical Engineer Group,Co Ltd, Deputy Direct General / Direct General.
Teaching Experience
02/2007-Present: Environmental Chemistry.
09/2006-Present: Aquatic Chemistry.
09/2009-Present: Research Progress on Environmental Chemistry
06/2007-Present: Research Progress on Control Technologies of Water Pollution.
06/2007-06/2009: Research Progress on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
09/2006-Present: Aquatic Chemistry.
09/2009-Present: Research Progress on Environmental Chemistry
06/2007-Present: Research Progress on Control Technologies of Water Pollution.
06/2007-06/2009: Research Progress on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
1. Xin-Chun Liu, Min Yang, Yu Zhang, Xiang-Ping Yang, Yi-Ping Gan. Microbial community comparison of different processes for treating the same sewage. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2007,23(1):135-143. Download
2. Liu Xinchun, ZHANG Yu, YANG Min, WANG Zhenyu, LV Wenzhou. Analysis of bacterial community structures in two sewage treatment plants with different sludge properties and treatment performance by nested PCR-DGGE method. Journal of Environmental Science. 2007,Vol 19,60-66. Download
3. Abd El-Latif Hesham, Sardar Khan, XinChun Liu, Zhenyu Wang, Yu Zhang, and MinYang. Application of PCR-DGGE to analyse the yeast population dynamics in slurry reactors during degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in weathered oil. Yeast,2006,23,879-887. Download
4. Potassium-doped graphene for simultaneous determination of nitrite and sulfite in polluted water. Xiao-Rong Li, Jing Liu, Fen-Ying Kong, Xin-Chun Liu, Jing-Juan Xu, Hong-Yuan Chen. Electrochemistry Communications. (2012). Download
5.Wenzhou Lv, Abd El-Latif Hesham, Yu Zhang, Xinchun Liu, Min Yang. Impacts of cell surface characteristics on population dynamics in a sequencing batch yeast reactor treating vegetable oil-containing wastewater. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 90:1785–1793.Download
6. QIAN Zhi,YU Zhisheng,LIU Xinchun,ZHANG Hongxun,JÜ Yiwen. A Pilot-scale Demonstration of Reverse Osmosis Unit for Treatment of Coal-bed Methane Produced Water and Its Modeling. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(2) (2012). Download
7. H. Li, M. Yang, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, M. Gao and Y. Kamagata. Comparison of nitrification performance and microbial community between submerged membrane bioreactor and conventional activated sludge system, Water Science and Technology, 2005, Vol 5 (6-7), 193-200.
8. Ruyin Liu, Zhisheng Yu, Hongxun Zhang, Min Yang, Baoyou Shi, and Xinchun Liu. Diversity of bacteria and mycobacteria in biofilms of two urban drinking water distribution systems. Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 58, 2012. Download
2. Liu Xinchun, ZHANG Yu, YANG Min, WANG Zhenyu, LV Wenzhou. Analysis of bacterial community structures in two sewage treatment plants with different sludge properties and treatment performance by nested PCR-DGGE method. Journal of Environmental Science. 2007,Vol 19,60-66. Download
3. Abd El-Latif Hesham, Sardar Khan, XinChun Liu, Zhenyu Wang, Yu Zhang, and MinYang. Application of PCR-DGGE to analyse the yeast population dynamics in slurry reactors during degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in weathered oil. Yeast,2006,23,879-887. Download
4. Potassium-doped graphene for simultaneous determination of nitrite and sulfite in polluted water. Xiao-Rong Li, Jing Liu, Fen-Ying Kong, Xin-Chun Liu, Jing-Juan Xu, Hong-Yuan Chen. Electrochemistry Communications. (2012). Download
5.Wenzhou Lv, Abd El-Latif Hesham, Yu Zhang, Xinchun Liu, Min Yang. Impacts of cell surface characteristics on population dynamics in a sequencing batch yeast reactor treating vegetable oil-containing wastewater. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2011) 90:1785–1793.Download
6. QIAN Zhi,YU Zhisheng,LIU Xinchun,ZHANG Hongxun,JÜ Yiwen. A Pilot-scale Demonstration of Reverse Osmosis Unit for Treatment of Coal-bed Methane Produced Water and Its Modeling. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(2) (2012). Download
7. H. Li, M. Yang, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, M. Gao and Y. Kamagata. Comparison of nitrification performance and microbial community between submerged membrane bioreactor and conventional activated sludge system, Water Science and Technology, 2005, Vol 5 (6-7), 193-200.
8. Ruyin Liu, Zhisheng Yu, Hongxun Zhang, Min Yang, Baoyou Shi, and Xinchun Liu. Diversity of bacteria and mycobacteria in biofilms of two urban drinking water distribution systems. Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 58, 2012. Download
1.A method for treating wastewater produced from coalbed methane, 201010606254.X。
Research Interests
1. Wastewater treatment technology;
2.Microbial ecology;
2.Microbial ecology;
1. 2006 IWA World Congress. Comparisons Of Microbial Communities in Two Different Wastewater Treatment Systems In The Same Plant. Xinchun Liu, Min Yang, Yu Zhang, Jun Zhou, Ying Zhao.
2. 11th international symposium on microbial ecology-isme-11. Evaluation of ammonia-oxidizing bacterial community and ammonia removal performance in four different activated sludge treatment systems. X.C. Liu, Z.Y. Wang, M. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Zhou, Y. Zhao.
2. 11th international symposium on microbial ecology-isme-11. Evaluation of ammonia-oxidizing bacterial community and ammonia removal performance in four different activated sludge treatment systems. X.C. Liu, Z.Y. Wang, M. Yang, Y. Zhang, J. Zhou, Y. Zhao.
1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences;
2.Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd.
2.Beijing Drainage Group Co., Ltd.
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