Prof. Zhongwei Yan
Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Telephone: 82995315
Mobile phone:
Address: P O Box 9804, Beijing
Postcode: 100029
Research Areas
climate change; climate extremes; regional response to global warming; climatic effect of urbanization; homogenization of climate data
1986-1989: Institute of Atmospheric Physics, UCAS. PhD
1979-1985: Dept. Geophysics, Peking University. Bachelor/Master
Work Experience
-present: IAP, Research Assistant (1989-), Associate (1990-), Professor (1995-)
2001-2005: Southampton Oceanography Centre. Senior Scientist at International CLIVAR Project Office
2000-2001: Dept Statistic Sci, Univ Coll London. Senior Research Fellow
1999-2000: Climate Res Unit, Univ East Anglia. Royal Society Fellow
1994-1995: Royal Meteor Inst, Brussels. Visiting Scholar
1992: Dept History, Univ Bern. Visiting Scholar
1992: Lab Quaternary Geology, Marseilles. CNRS Scholar
Teaching Experience
2014-present: Statistical Methods in Climate Studies, a course for master students at UCAS
2011-2014: Global Change, lecture series for master students at UCAS
Li Z,Yan ZW, Cao LJ, Jones PD 2018: Further-adjusted long-term temperature series in China based on MASH.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. doi: 10.1007/s00376-018-7280-x
Wang JF, Xu CD, Hu MG, Li QX, Yan ZW, Jones PD 2018: Global land surface air temperature dynamics since 1880.International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.5384
Wang J, Feng JM, Yan ZW 2018: Impact of extensive urbanization on summertime rainfall in the Beijing region and the role of local precipitation recycling.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI: 10.1002/2017JD027725.
Pei L, Yan ZW, Sun ZB, Miao SG, Yao Y 2018: Increasing persistent hazes in Beijing: potential impacts of weakening East Asian winter monsoons associated with northwestern Pacific sea surface temperature trends.Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics18, 3173–3183.
Wang J; Tett S; Yan ZW; Feng JM 2018: Have human activities changed the frequencies of absolute extreme temperatures in eastern China?Environmental Research Letters.13014012.
Yu S,Xia JJ, Yan ZW, YangK 2018:Changing spring phenology dates in the Three-Rivers Headwater Region of Tibetan Plateau during 1960-2013.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.35 (1) 116-126.doi: 10.1007/s00376-017-6296-y
Cao LJ,Yan ZW, Zhao P, Zhu YN, Yu Y, Tang GL, Jones PD 2017: Climatic warming in China during 1901-2015 based on an extended dataset of instrumental temperature records.Environmental Research Letters. 12, 064005.
Wang J, Tett S, Yan ZW 2017: Correcting urban bias in large-scale temperature records in China 1980-2009.Geophysical Research Letters44 (1) 401-408. DOI: 10.1002/2016GL071524
Wang J,Yan ZW, Quan XW, Feng JM 2017: Urban warming in the 2013 summer heat wave in eastern China.Climate Dynamics. 48: 3015-3033. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-016-3248-7
Wei WG,Yan ZW, Jones PD 2017:Potential Predictability of Seasonal Extreme Precipitation Accumulation in China.Journal of Hydrometeorology18: 1071-1080. DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0141.1
Qi YJ,Qian C, Yan ZW 2017: An alternative multi-model ensemble mean approach for near-term projection.International Journal of Climatology37 (1) 109-122.DOI: 10.1002/joc.4690
Xia Y, Li Y, Guan D, Tinoco DM, Xia J, Yan Z, Yang J, Liu Q, Huo H 2017: Assessment of the economic impacts of heat waves: A case study of Nanjing, China,Journal of Cleaner Production.171, 811. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.10.069
Pei L, Xia JJ,Yan ZW, Yang H 2016: Assessment of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation's contribution to the occurrence of local torrential rainfall in North China.Climatic Change.DOI 10.1007/s10584-016-1610-8
Yan ZW, Wang J, Xia JJ, Feng JM 2016: Review of recent studies of the climatic effects of urbanization in China.Advances in Climate Change Research7 (3) 154-168
Xia JJ, Tu K, Yan ZW, Qi YJ 2016:The super-heat wave in eastern China during July–August 2013: a perspective of climate change.International Journal of Climatology36, 1291-1298.doi: 10.1002/joc.4424
Cao LJ, Zhu YN, Tang GLi, Yuan F,Yan ZW2016: Climatic warming in China according to a homogenized dataset from 2419 stations.International Journal of Climatology36: 4384–4392.doi: 10.1002/joc.4639
Wang J, Feng JM, Wu QZ, Yan ZW 2016: Impact of Anthropogenic Aerosols on Summer Precipitation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration in China: Regional Climate Modeling Using WRF-Chem.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences33 (6) 753-766
Li Z,Cao LJ,Zhu YN,Yan ZW2016:Comparison of two homogenized datasets of daily maximum/mean/minimum temperatures in China during 1960-2013.Journal of Meteorological Research30(1),53–66.doi: 10.1007/s13351-016-5054-x
Wang J,Yan ZW2016: Urbanization-related warming in local temperature records: a review.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters9 (2) 129-138
Wang J, Feng JM, Yan ZW 2015: Potential sensitivity of warm season precipitation to urbanization extents: Modeling study in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration in China.Journal of Geophysical Research Atmos120: 9408-9435.doi:10.1002/2015JD023572
Fan LJ,Yan ZW,ChenDL, FuCB 2015:Comparison between two statistical downscaling methods for summer daily rainfall in Chongqing, China.International Journal of Climatology35, 3781-3797.doi: 10.1002/joc.4246
Gao LH,Yan ZW, Quan XW 2015:Observed and SST-forced Multidecadal Variability in Global Land Surface Air Temperature.Climate Dynamics. 44 (1) 359-369.DOI:10.1007/s00382-014-2121-9
Pei L, Yan ZW, Yang H 2015:Multidecadal variability of dry/wet patterns in eastern China and their relationship with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the last 413 years(in Chinese).Chin. Sci. Bull. 60 (1)97-108.doi: 10.1360/N972014-00790
Xia JJ, Yan ZW,Xiong Z2015:Changes in local growing season indices in Shanghai due to urbanization during 1873–2013.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters8 (6) 383-385
Xia JJ, Yan ZW, Zhou W, Fong SK, Leong KC, Tang IM, Chang SW, Leong WK, Jin SF 2015: Projection of the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta’s potential submerged area due to sea level rise during the 21st century based on CMIP5 simulations.Acta Oceanologica Sinica34 (9) 78–84. DOI: 10.1007/s13131-015-0700-1
Li Z,Tu K, Yan ZW 2015: Changes and possible urbanization effect of precipitation and extremes in the Beijing metropolitan region during 1960-2012.Adv. Atmos. Sci.32 (9): 1173-1185. doi: 10.1007/s00376-015-4257-x
Feng JM, Liu YH, Yan ZW 2015:Analysis of surface air temperature warming rate of China in the last 50 years (1962–2011) using K-means clustering.Theoretical and AppliedClimatology.120 (3-4) 785-796.Doi:10.1007/s00704-014-1216-x
Xia JJ, Yan ZW, Jia GS, Zeng HQ, JONES PD, Zhou W, Zhang AZ 2015: Projections of the Advance in the Start of the Growing Season During the 21st Century Based on CMIP5 Simulations.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32 (6) 831-838. doi: 10.1007/s00376-014-4125-0
Li Z,Yan ZW, Wu HY 2015: Updated homogenized China temperature series with physical consistency.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters8 (1) 17-22
Li Z,Yan ZW, Cao LJ, JonesPD 2014: Adjusting inhomogeneous daily temperature variability using wavelet analysis.International Journal of Climatology, 34, 1196–1207.DOI: 10.1002/joc.3756
Yan ZW, Li Z, Xia JJ 2014:Homogenization of climate series: the basis for assessing climate changes.Science in China,57, 2891-2900. doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4945-x
Zhao P,Jones PD, Cao LJ,Yan ZW, Zha SY, Zhu YN, Yu Y, Tang GL 2014: Trend of surface air temperature in eastern China and associated large-scale climate variability over the last 100 years.Journal of Climate. 27 (12) 4693-4703.doi: JCLI-D-13-00397.1
Wang JF, Xu CD, Hu MG, Li QX, Yan ZW, Zhao P, Jones PD 2014: A New Estimate of the China Temperature Anomaly Series and Uncertainty assessment in 1900-2006.J. Geophys. Res.119 (1) 1-9.
Xia J,YanZW2014: Changes in the local growing season in eastern China during 1909−2012.SOLA.10, 163−166. doi:10.2151/sola.2014-034
Han ZQ,Yan ZW, Li Z, Liu WD, Wang YC 2014:Impact of urbanization on low-temperature precipitation in Beijing during 1960-2008.Adv. Atmos. Sci.31 (1)48-56. doi: 10.1007/ s00376-013-2211-3
Feng JM, Wang J, Yan ZW 2014: Impact of anthropogenic heat release on regional climate in three vast urban agglomerations in China.Adv. Atmos. Sci.31 (2) 363-373.DOI: 10.1007/s00376-013-3041-z.
Wang J,Yan Z,Jones PD, Xia J 2013: On ‘Observation minus Reanalysis’ method: a view from multi-decadal variability.J. Geophys. Res.118 (14)7450-7458. doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50574
Xia J,Yan Z, Wu P 2013: Multidecadal variability in local growing season during 1901-2009.Climate Dynamics41 (2)295-305. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-012-1438-5
Wang J,Yan Z, Li Z, Liu W, Wang Y 2013:Impact of urbanization on changes in temperature extremes in Beijing during 1978-2008.Chinese Science Bulletin58,4679-4686doi: 10.1007/s11434-013-5976-y.
Cao LJ, Zhao P, Yan ZW, Jones PD, Zhu YN, Yu Y, Tang GL 2013: Instrumental temperature series in eastern and central China back to the nineteenth century.J. Geophys. Res.Atmosphere118 (15)8197-8207
Fan LJ, Chen DL, Fu CB, Yan ZW. 2013: Statistical downscaling of summer temperature extremes in northern China.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences30 (4)1085-1095.doi: 10.1007/s00376-012-2057-0
Yan ZW, Han JR, Jiao MY, Chen J, Ye Q, Zhao LN, Tu K 2012: Formation of an interactive user-oriented forecasting system – experience from hydrological application in Linyi, eastern China.Acta Meteorologica Sinica26(1)13-25
Wang J, Feng JM,Yan ZW, Hu YH, Jia GS 2012:Nested high-resolution modeling of the impact ofurbanization on regional climate in three vast urban agglomerations in China.J. Geophys. Res.117: D21103.DOI:10.1029/2012JD018226
Li J, Dong WJ, Yan ZW 2012: Changes of climate extremes of temperature and precipitation in summer in eastern China associated with changes in atmospheric circulation in East Asia during 1960-2008.Chinese Sci. Bull. 57 (15) 1856-1861
Zheng ZY, Zhang WC, Xu JW, Zhao LN, Chen J, Yan ZW 2012: Numerical simulation and evaluation of a new hydrological model coupled with GRAPES.Acta Meteor. Sinica26(5)653-663. doi:10.1007/s13351-012-0509-1.
Yang C, Yan ZW, Shao Y 2012: Probabilistic Precipitation Forecasting Based on Ensemble Output Using Generalized Additive Models and Bayesian Model Averaging.Acta Meteorologica Sinica26 (1)1-12
Qian C,Yan ZW, Fu CB2012: Climatic changes in the Twenty-four Solar Terms during 1960–2008.Chinese Sci. Bull.57 (2)276-286. doi:10.1007/s11434- 011-4724-4.
Cao LJ, Yan ZW 2012: Progress in research on homogenization of climate data.Adv. Clim. Change Res.3(2) 59-67. doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1248.2012.00059
Yan ZW, Xia JJ, Qian C, Zhou W 2011: Changes in seasonal cycle and extremes
in China during 1960-2008.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences28 (2)269-283. doi: 10.1007/s0
Wang Y,Yan ZW2011:Changes of frequency of summer precipitation extremes over the Yangtze River in association with large-scale oceanic-atmospheric conditions.Adv. Atmos. Sci.28(5)1118-1128, doi: 10.1007/s00376-010-0128-7
Li Z,Yan ZW, Tu K, Liu WD, Wang YC 2011: Changes in wind speed and extremes in Beijing during 1960-2008 based on homogenized observations.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences28 (2)408-420. doi: 10.1007/s00376-010-0018-z
Qian C, Fu CB, Wu ZH, Yan ZW 2011: The role of changes in the annual cycle in earlier onset of climatic spring in northern China.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences28 (2)284-296. doi: 10.1007/s00376 -010-9221-1
Qian C,Yan ZW, Wu ZH, Fu CB, Tu K 2011: Trends in temperature extremes in association with weather-intraseasonal fluctuations in eastern China.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences28 (2)297-309. doi: 10.1007/s00376-010-9242-9
Yan ZW 2011: Preface for ‘Climate Extremes and Changes in China’, Special Issue,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences28 (2).doi: 10.1007/s00376-011-1000-0
Tu K,Yan ZW, Wang Y 2011:A spatial cluster analysis of heavy rains in China.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2011, 4 (1) 36-40
Zheng Z, Zhang W, Xu J, Yan Z, Lu X 2011:Surface soil moisture simulation for a typical torrential event with a modified Noah LSM coupling to the NWP model.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2011, 4 (1) 18-23
Xia JJ,Yan ZW, Zhou W 2011:Changes in seasonality in China under enhanced atmospheric CO2 concentration.Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2011, 4 (1) 12-17
Yan ZW, Li Z, Li QX, Jones PD 2010: Effects of site-change and urbanisation in the Beijing temperature series 1977-2006.International Journal of Climatology30 (8)1226–1234. doi: 10.1002/joc.1971
Wang Y,Yan ZW, Chandler RE 2010:An analysis of mid-summer rainfall occurrence in eastern China and its relationship with large-scale warming using Generalized Linear Models.International Journal of Climatology30 (12)1826-1834. doi: 10.1002/joc.2018
Tu K,Yan ZW, Dong WJ 2010: Climatic jumps in precipitation and extremes in drying North China during 1954-2006.Journal of Meteorological Society of Japan88 (1)29-42. doi: 10.2151/jmsj.2010-103
Li Z,Yan ZW2010: Application of Multiple Analysis of Series for Homogenization to Beijing daily temperature series 1960-2006.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences27 (4)777-787. doi: 10.1007/s00376-009-9052-0
Ding T, Qian WH, Yan ZW 2010:Changes in hot days and heat waves in China during 1961–2007.International Journal of Climatology30 (10)1452-1462. doi: 10.1002/joc.1989
Ye DZ, Yan ZW, Huang G 2009: How should we address climate change?Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences23 (4)208-211
Ding T, Qian WH, Yan ZW 2009: Characteristics and Changes of Cold Surge Events over China during 1960-2007.Atmospheric and Ocean Science Letters2 (6)339−344
Li Z,Yan ZW2009: Homogenized China daily mean/maximum/minimum temperature series 1960-2008.Atmospheric and Ocean Science Letters2 (4)237-243
Tu K,Yan ZW, Zhang X, Dong W 2009: Simulation of precipitation in monsoon regions of China by CMIP3 models.Atmospheric and Ocean Science Letters2 (4)194-200
Wang Y,Yan ZW2009: Trends in seasonal precipitation over China during 1961-2007.Atmospheric and Ocean Science Letters2 (3)165-171
Qian C, Fu CB, Wu ZH, Yan ZW 2009: On the secular change of spring onset at
Stockholm.Geophysical Research Letters.
Ye DZ, Yan ZW, 2009: On orderly adaptation to global warming.Acta Meteorologica Sinica23 (3)261-262.
Yan ZW, Jones PD 2008: Detecting inhomogeneity in daily climate series using wavelet analysis.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences25 (2)157-163
Zhai PM, Yan ZW, Zou XK 2008: Climate extremes and climate-related disasters in China. Chapter 8, Fu C et al (Eds)Regional Climate Studies of China. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 313-339
Qian WH, Fu JL, Yan ZW 2007: Decrease of light rain events in summer
associated with a warming environment in China during 1961–2005.Geophys.
Res. Lett.,
Yan ZW, Bate S, Chandler R, Isham V, Wheater H 2006: Changes in extreme wind speeds in NW Europe simulated by Generalized Linear Models.Theoretical and Applied Climatology83: 121-137
Tsimplis MN, Woolf DK, Osborn TJ, Wakelin S, Wolf J, Flather R, Show AGP, Woodworth P, Challenor P, Blackman D, Pert F, Yan ZW, Jevrejeva S 2005: Towards a vulnerability assessment of the UK and northern European coasts:the role of regional climate variability.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A363: 1329-1358
Yan ZW, Tsimplis M, Woolf D 2004: An analysis of the relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and sea level in northwest Europe.International J Climatology24: 743-758
Yan ZW, Bate S, Chandler R, Isham V, Wheater H 2002: An analysis of daily maximum wind speed in northwestern Europe using Generalised Linear Modelling.Journal of Climate15 (15)2073-2088
Yan ZW, Jones PD, Davies TD, Moberg A, Bergstrom H, Camuffo D, Cocheo C, Maugeri M, Demaree G, Verhoeve T, Thoen E, Barriendos M, Rodriguez R, Martin-Vide J, Yang C 2002: Trends of extreme temperatures in Europe and China based on daily observations.Climatic Change53 (1-3)355-392
Yan ZW, Jones PD, Moberg A, Bergstrom H, Davies TD, Yang C 2001: Recent trends in weather and seasonal cycles, an analysis of daily data from Europe and China.J. Geophys. Res. 106 (D6)5123-5138
Yan ZW, Yang C, Jones PD 2001: Influence of inhomogeneity on the estimation of mean and extreme temperature trends in Beijing and Shanghai.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences18 (3)309-322
Zeng ZM, Yan ZW, Ye DZ 2001: The regions with the most significant temperature trends during the last century.Adv. Atmos. Sci.18 (4)381-406
Qian W, Hu H, Zhu Y and Yan Z 2000: An analysis of the ENSO cycle associated with the equatorial tropospheric zonal wind anomalies over the Pacific basin.Geophysica36 (1-2)31-48
Yan Z 1999: Quasi-bi-decadal oscillations in global climate.The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research. pp149-157
Huang G, Yan Z. 1999: The East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation Anomaly Index and its interannual variations.Chinese Science Bulletin44 (14)1325-1329
Yan Z, Alexandre P, Demaree G 1997: Narrative warm/cold variations in continental western Europe 708-1426 AD.Science in China D40 (5)509-517
Petit-Maire N, Sanlaville P, Yan Z 1995: Oscillations de la limite nord du domaine des moussons africaine, indienne et asiatique, au cours du dernier cycle climatique.Bull. Soc. Geol. France166 (2)213-220
Yan Z, Petit-Maire N 1994: The last 140-ka in the Afro-Asian arid semi-arid transitional zone.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology110: 217-233
Pfister C, Yan Z 1994: Climate variations in western Europe and China 1645-1715: a preliminary continental-scale comparison of documentary evidence.The Holocene4 (2)206-211
Yan Z 1994: Climatic changes in Eastern China around 1700AD.Palaoklimaforschung / Palaeoclimate Research13Special Issue 8: 317-327
Petit-Maire N, Yan Z 1994: Changements globaux et paleomoussons.Geochronique,No 50: 16-19
Yan Z 1994: Evolution of the spectra of historical flood/drought fluctuations.Chinese Science Bulletin39: 664-669.
Yan Z, Li Z, Wang X 1993: An analysis of decade- and century- scale climatic jumps in history.Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences17: 357-364.
Zeng Z, Yan Z, Zhang M 1993: Statistical facts of clouds, sunshine duration, temperature and daily range of temperature in China during 1950-1988.Chinese Science Bulletin38 (11)925-930.
Chen P, Yan Z 1993: Some preliminary results of pilot study of global change in China.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences10: 201-211
Ji J, Petit-Maire N, Yan Z 1993: The last 1000 years: climatic change in arid Asia and Africa.Global and Planetary Change7: 203-210
Yan Z, Zhang M 1993: On the trends of temperature and daily range in China.Chinese Science Bulletin38: 54-58.
Ye D, Yan Z 1993: Climatic jumps in history. in Ye D. et al. (eds.)Climate Variability. China Meteorological Press, Beijing pp3-14
Yan Z, Ye D, Wang C 1992: Climatic jumps in the flood/drought historical chronology of Central China.Climate Dynamics6: 153-160
Yan Z 1992: A primary analysis of the process of the 1960s' northern hemispheric summer climatic jump.Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences16: 54-63
Yan Z, Ji J, Ye D 1991: Northern hemispheric summer climatic jump in the 1960s - sea level pressure and 500hPa height.Science in China SeriesB34: 469-478
Yan Z, Ji J, Ye D 1990: Northern hemispheric summer climatic jump in the 1960s - rainfall and temperature.Science in China Series B33: 1092-1101
Ye D, Yan Z 1990: Climatic jump analysis. in Zeng et al. (eds)Climate Change Dynamics and Modelling. China Meteorological Press, Beijing pp141-153
Ji J, Yan Z, Liu Y 1988: Climatic change in Chinese deserts. In Petit-Maire N. (ed.)Deserts Past and Future Evolution. Fuerteventura pp103-111
Research Interests
I have studied in the field of climate change since my PhD in 1986. My current projects are focused on regional climate change and extremes in association with global warming and human activities such as urbanization
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