
Xu hailiang, male, born in 1971, a native of Xinjiang province, Han nationality, a Ph D. 

Xinjiang institute of ecology and geography chinese academy of sciences

Telephone: 0991-7885418
Address:818 South Beijing Road, Urumqi, Xinjiang

Postcode: 830011

Research Areas

Ecological hydrology ; Restoration ecology


新疆农业大学 -- 博士


(1) 荒漠草地土壤N15同位素对水分变化的响应,水土保持学报,2011,第2作者 
(2) 塔里木河下游典型绿洲边缘物种多样性特征和种群分布格局,生态与农村环境学报,2011,第2作者 
(3) 新疆天山北坡日照时数变化特征以玛纳斯—石河子—沙湾一线为例,山地学报,2011,第2作者 
(4) 新疆玛纳斯河径流过程的非线性特征,自然资源学报,2011,第2作者 
(5) 塔里木河下游胡杨径向生长与地下水的关系,生态学报,2011,第2作者 
(6) 阿克苏河年径流变化的非线性特征,The Nonlinear Characteristics of Annual Runoff Change in Aksu River,自然资源学报,2011,第2作者 
(7) 1956-2007年新疆玛纳斯河流域气候变化趋势分析,Climate Change in the Manas River Basin,Xinjiang druing 1956—2007,冰川冻土,2011,第2作者 
(8) 新疆天山北坡日照时数变化特征—以玛纳斯-石河子-沙湾一线为例,Variation of Sunshine Hour in the Nnorth Slpoe of Tianshan Mountains,Xinjiang——A Case Study of Manasi-Shihezi-Shawan,山地学报,2011,第2作者 
(9) 塔里木河下游胡杨径向生长量对生态输水的响应,中国沙漠,2011,第2作者 
(10) 新疆玛纳斯河径流过程的费线性特征,自然资源学报,2011,第2作者 
(11) Impact of climate change on runoff of headstream in the Tarim River Basin,Impact of climate change on runoff of headstream in the Tarim River Basin,Hydrology Research,2011,第1作者 
(12) 近50年来玛纳斯河流域水系结构时空演变及驱动机制分析,地理科学进展,2010,第2作者 
(13) 西北干旱区典型绿洲气候因子非线性特征研究—以新疆石河子地区为例,中国沙漠,2010,第2作者 
(14) 基于RS/GIS 的玛纳斯河流域土壤空间分布的分形与分维,土壤通报,2010,第2作者 
(15) 新疆玛纳斯河流域生态补偿研究,Ecological compensation of Manas River Valley,Xinjiang,干旱区地理 ,2010,第1作者 
(16) 新疆玛纳斯河流域绿洲生态安全评价,应用生态学报,2009,第2作者 
(17) 塔里木河下游荒漠化过程土壤种子库特征,中国沙漠,2009,第2作者 
(18) 塔里木河下游河岸林不同退化区胡杨种群结构和空间分布格局研究,中国沙漠,2009,第2作者 
(19) Effects of water treatments on the activation of soil seed banks – A case study on the lower reaches of the Tarim River,Effects of water treatments on the activation of soil seed banks – A case study on the lower reaches of the Tarim River,Progress in Natural Science,2009,第2作者 
(20) The ecological characteristics of the riparian vegetation affected by river overflowing disturbance in the lower Tarim River,The ecological characteristics of the riparian vegetation affected by river overflowing disturbance in the lower Tarim River,Environmental Geology,2009,第1作者 
(21) 利用CBERS数据测算净耕地系数的可行性分析,干旱区研究,2009,第2作者 
(22) The ecological characteristics of the riparian vegetation affected by river overflowing disturbance in the lower Tarim River,The ecological characteristics of the riparian vegetation affected by river overflowing disturbance in the lower Tarim River,Environmental Geology,2009,第1作者 
(23) 土壤种子库萌发实验在野外与室内的对比分析,中国沙漠,2009,第2作者 
(24) 塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林群落最小取样面积,生态学杂志,2009,第2作者 
(25) 基于遥感的净耕地系数实验研究,农业系统科学与综合研究,2009,第2作者 
(26) 塔里木河下游土壤种子库的季节差异分析,Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Seed Bank in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River,水土保持学报,2008,第1作者 
(27) 不同水分供应对塔里木河下游土壤种子库种子萌发的影响,Effect of different water treatments on the germination of soil seed bank at lower reaches of Tarim River,干旱区地理,2008,第1作者 
(28) 塔里木河下游退化荒漠河岸林地上植被与土壤种子库关系初探,Study on Relation Between Soil Seed Bank and Standing Vegetation along Different Degradation Levels of Desert Riverside Forest in Lower Reaches of Tarim River,中国沙漠,2008,第1作者 
(29) The water transfer effects on agricultural development in the lower,The water transfer effects on agricultural development in the lower,Agricultural Water Management,2008,第1作者 
(30) 塔里木河下游不同地下水埋深下的土壤种子库特征,The characteristics of the soil seed banks follow different groundwater depth in the lower reaches of Tarim River,草业学报,2008,第1作者 
(31) 塔里木河下游不同地下水位下土壤种子库特征,Characteristics of soil seed bank in the regions with different groundwater levels in lower reaches of Tarim River,生态学杂志,2008,第1作者 
(32) 塔里木河下游输水后地下水动态变化及天然植被的生态响应,自然科学进展,2007,第1作者 
(33) 河水漫溢对荒漠河岸林植物群落生态特征的影响,The influence of the river flooding disturbance on the native vegetation restoration in the lower reaches of Tarim River,生态学报,2007,第1作者 
(34) 塔里木河下游土壤种子库的空间分布特征分析,Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Soil Seed Bank in Lower Reaches of Tarim River,水土保持学报,2007,第1作者 
(35) 塔里木河下游地下水抬升的地表植被恢复价值初探,Ecological-economic values of the natural vegetation restoration after groundwater elevation at the lower reaches of the Tarim River,干旱区地理 ,2007,第1作者 
(36) 塔里木河源流区气候变化和年径流量关系初探,Relationship Between Climate Changes and Annual Runoff of Headstreams of Tarim River,地理科学 ,2007,第1作者 



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