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[1] Liu X.D. and B.D. Chen, Climatic warming in the Tibetan Plateau during recent decades. International Journal of Climatology, 2000, 20 (14), 1729-1742.
[2] Liu X.D. and Z.-Y. Yin, Spatial and temporal variation of the
summer precipitation over the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Northern Atlantic
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[3] Liu X.D. and M. Yanai, Relationship between the Indian monsoon
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[4] Liu X.D. and Z.-Y. Yin, Sensitivity of East Asian monsoon
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[5] Liu X.D. and M. Yanai, Influence of Eurasian spring snow cover
on Asian summer. International Journal of Climatology, 2002, 22(9), 1075-1089.
[6] Liu X.D., J.E. Kutzbach, Z. Liu, Z.S. An and L. Li, The
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[7] Liu X.D., Z.-Y. Yin, X.Y. Zhang and X.C. Yang, Analyses of the
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[8] Liu X.D., Z. Liu, J.E. Kutzbach, S.C. Clemens and W.L. Prell,
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[11]Liu X.D., Z.G. Cheng, L.B. Yan and Z.Y. Yin, Elevation
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[13]Liu X.D., L.B. Yan, P. Yang, Z.-Y. Yin, and G.R. North, 2011:
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[14]Liu X.D., X.N. Xie, Z.-Y. Yin, C.H. Liu, A. Gettelman, 2011: A
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[15]Liu X.D. and Y. Wang, 2011: Contrasting impacts of spring
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precipitation in Southeast China, Atmospheric Science Letters, 12, DOI:
[16]Shi ZG, XD Liu*, ZS An, BQ Yi, P Yang, N Mahowald, 2011:
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[17]Liu XD, SG Ding, L Bi, and P Yang, 2012: On the use of
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[18]Liu XD and BW Dong, 2013: Influence of the Tibetan Plateau
uplift on the Asian monsoon-arid environment evolution, Chinese Science
Bulletin, 58(34), 4277-4291.
[19]Li XZ, XD Liu*, LJ Qiu, ZS An and Z-Y Yin, 2013: Transient
Simulation of Orbital-scale Precipitation Variation in Monsoonal East Asia and
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[20]Yin ZY, Wang HL, Liu XD, 2014: A Comparative Study on
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[21]Liu XD, H Sun, YF Miao, BW Dong and Z-Y Yin, 2015: Impacts of
uplift of northern Tibetan Plateau and formation of Asian inland deserts on
regional climate and environment, Quaternary Science Reviews, 116,
[22]Liu XD, Y Hui, Z-Y Yin, ZS Wang, XN Xie, JG Fang, 2015:
Deteriorating haze situation and the severe haze episode during December 18-25
of 2013 in Xi’an, China, the worst event on record, Theor. Appl.
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[23]Liu XD, QC Guo, ZT Guo, Z-Y Yin, B Dong and R Smith, 2015:
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uplift, National Science Review, 2(4), 403-416
[24]Xie XN and Liu XD, 2015: Aerosol-cloud-precipitation
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Journal of Meteorological Research, 29(1), 72-81
[25]Sun Hui and Xiaodong Liu, 2015: Numerical simulation of the
direct radiative effects of dust aerosol on the East Asian winter monsoon,
Advances in Meteorology, 142617, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/142617.
[26]Sun YB, ZS An, J Kutzbach, S Clemens, ZY Liu, WG Liu, XD Liu,
ZG Shi, WP Zheng, LJ Liang, Y Yan, Y Li, 2015: Impacts of Insolation, Ice and
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[27]Pepin N. R., S. Bradley, H. F. Diaz, M. Baraer, E. B. Caceres,
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Ning, A. Ohmura, E. Palazzi, I. Rangwala, W. Schöner, I. Severskiy, M.
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Elevation-dependent warming in mountain regions of the world, Nature Climate
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[28]Wang HL, Xie XN, Liu XD, 2015: On the robustness of the
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with multi-models results, Advances in Meteorology, 2015, 397395, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/397395.
[29]Shi ZG, XD Liu, YM Liu, YY Sha & TT Xu, 2015: Impact of
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[30]Sha YY, ZG Shi, XD Liu, and ZS An, 2015: Distinct impacts of
the Mongolian and Tibetan plateaus on the evolution of the East Asian monsoon,
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[31]Li Xinzhou and Xiaodong Liu, 2015: Numerical simulation of
Tibetan Plateau heating anomaly influence on westerly jet in spring, Journal of
Earth System Science, 124, 1599-1607.
[32]Sun Hui and Xiaodong Liu, 2016: Numerical simulation of
topography-modulated dust aerosol distribution and its influence on the onset
of East Asian summer monsoon, Advances in Meteorology, 6951942, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6951942.
[33]Pan ZT, YJ Zhang, XD Liu, and ZQ Gao, 2016: Current and Future
Precipitation Extremes over Mississippi and Yangtze River Basins as Simulated in
CMIP5 Models, Journal of Earth Science, 27(1), 22-36.
[34]Wang ZS, XD Liu and XN Xie, 2016: Effects of strong East Asian
cold surges on improving the air quality over mainland China, Atmosphere, 7(3),
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[35]Qiu LJ and XD Liu, 2016: Sensitivity analysis of modelled
responses of vegetation dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau to doubled CO2 and
associated climate change, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 124:229–239,
doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1414-1.
[36]Yan LB, ZY Liu, GS Chen, JE Kutzbach and XD Liu, 2016:
Mechanisms of elevation-dependent warming over the Tibetan plateau in
quadrupled CO2 experiments, Climatic Change, 135: 509–519.
[37]Li XZ, Pan ZT, Liu XD, 2016: Numerical simulation of influence
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Environmental Earth Sciences, 75, 601, doi: 10.1007/s12665-016-5403-1.
[38]Miao XD, H Wang, PR Hanson, JA Mason, XD Liu, 2016: A new
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[39]Ao H, AP Roberts, MJ Dekkers, XD Liu, EJ Rohling, ZG Shi, ZS
An, X Zhao, 2016: Late Miocene–Pliocene Asian monsoon intensification linked to
Antarctic ice-sheet growth, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 444, 75-87.
[40]Liu XD, Y Hui, Z-Y Yin, ZS Wang, XN Xie, JG Fang, 2016:
Deteriorating haze situation and the severe haze episode during December 18-25
of 2013 in Xi’an, China, the worst event on record, Theoretical and Applied
Climatology, 125: 321–335. doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1509-8.
[41]Xie, X., H. Wang, X. Liu, J. Li, Z. Wang, and Y. Liu, 2016:
Distinct effects of anthropogenic aerosols on the East Asian summer monsoon
between multidecadal strong and weak monsoon stages, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.,
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[42]Dong BW, RT Sutton, W Chen, XD Liu, RY Lu, and Y Sun, 2016:
Understanding abrupt summer warming and change in temperature extremes over
Northeast Asia since the mid-1990s, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 33(9), 1005-1023.
[43]Xie Xiaoning, Xiaodong Liu, Hongli Wang and Zhaosheng Wang,
2016: Effects of aerosols on radiative forcing and climate over East Asia with
different SO2 emissions, Atmosphere, 7(8), 99, doi: 10.3390/atmos7080099
[44]Feng, X., Liu, C., Fan, G., Liu, X., and Feng, C., 2016:
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system reanalysis. Journal of Climate, 29, 7675-7701.
[45]Liu Xiaodong, Buwen Dong, Zhi-Yong Yin, Robin S. Smith and
Qingchun Guo, 2017: Continental drift and plateau uplift control origination
and evolution of Asian and Australian monsoons, Sci. Rep. 7, 40344, doi:
[46]Peng Y, XD Liu, J Dai, Z Wang, ZP Dong, Y Dong, XM Li, N Zhao,
C Fan, C Chen, 2017: Aerosol size distribution and new particle formation
events in the suburb of Xi’an, northwest China, Atmos. Environ., 153, 194-205.
[47]Qiu LJ, XD Liu, YQ Hao, 2017: Quantitative assessment of the
role of doubled CO2 and associated climate change in the vegetation dynamics
and hydrological cycle in the Sino-Mongolia arid and semi-arid region, Stochastic
Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31: 785–797.
[48]Shi ZG, YY Sha and XD Liu, 2017: Effect of Yunnan-Guizhou
topography at the southeastern Tibetan Plateau on the Indian monsoon, J.
Climate, 30(4), 1259–1272.
[49]Xie X. N., H. Zhang, X. D. Liu, Y. R. Peng, and Y. Liu, 2017:
New cloud parameterization with relative dispersion in CAM5.1: model evaluation
and impacts on aerosol indirect effects, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Atmos. Chem. Phys.,
17, 5877–5892.
[50]Liu Xiaodong, Buwen Dong, Zhi-Yong Yin, Robin S. Smith and
Qingchun Guo, 2017: Continental drift and plateau uplift control origination
and evolution of Asian and Australian monsoons, Sci. Rep. 7, 40344, doi:
[51]Peng Y, XD Liu, J Dai, Z Wang, ZP Dong, Y Dong, XM Li, N Zhao,
C Fan, C Chen, 2017: Aerosol size distribution and new particle formation
events in the suburb of Xi’an, northwest China, Atmos. Environ., 153, 194-205.
[52]Qiu LJ, XD Liu, YQ Hao, 2017: Quantitative assessment of the
role of doubled CO2 and associated climate change in the vegetation dynamics
and hydrological cycle in the Sino-Mongolia arid and semi-arid region,
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31: 785–797.
[53]Liu H, XD Liu, BW Dong, 2017: Intraseasonal variability of
winter precipitation over central Asia and the western Tibetan plateau from
1979 to 2013 and its relationship with the North Atlantic Oscillation, Dynamics
of Atmospheres and Oceans, 79, 31-42.
[54]Liu Xiaodong and Libin Yan, 2017: Elevation dependent climate
change in the Tibetan Plateau, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science,
doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.593.
[55]Li Xinzhou, Xiaodong Liu, Hongli Zhao, 2017: Transient
simulation of the Tibetan Plateau modulated distinct orbital-scale
precipitation variation in East and South Asia, Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 899-905.
[56]Zheng YH, RD Pancost, XD Liu, ZZ Wang, BDA Naafs, XX Xie, Z
Liu, XF Yu, H Yang, 2017, Atmospheric connections with the North Atlantic
enhanced the deglacial warming in northeast China, Geology, 45, 1031-1034.
[57]Sun Hui, Xiaodong Liu and Zaitao Pan, 2017: Direct radiative
effects of dust aerosols emitted from the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian
summer monsoon – a regional climate model simulation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17,
[58]Yan Peng, Yan Dong, Xingmin Li, Xiaodong Liu, Jin Dai, Chuang
Chen, Zipeng Dong, Chuanli Du, Zhaosheng Wang, 2017: Different characteristics
of new particle formation events at two suburban sites in northern China,
Atmosphere, 8, 258, doi:10.3390/atmos8120258
[59]Xie XN, H Zhang, XD Liu, YR Peng, and YG Liu, 2018: Role of
microphysical parameterizations with droplet relative dispersion in IAP AGCM
4.1, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35(2), 248-259.
[60]Xie XN, XD Liu, HZ Che, XX Xie, HL Wang, JD Li, ZG Shi, YG
Liu, 2018: Modeling East Asian dust and its radiative feedbacks in CAM4-BAM,
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 1079–1096..
[61]Ao H, MJ Dekkers, AP Roberts, EJ Rohling, ZS An, XD Liu, ZX
Jiang, H Chang, XK Qiang, Y Xu, 2018: Mineral magnetic record of the
Miocene-Pliocene climate transition on the Chinese Loess Plateau, North China,
Quaternary Research, 89(3), 619-628
[62]Liu H, XD Liu and BW Dong, 2018: Influence of Central Siberian
snow-albedo feedback on the East Asian spring dust cycle and connection with
the preceding winter Arctic Oscillation, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123,
[63Liu XD, BW Dong, ZY Yin, RS Smith and QC Guo, 2019: Continental
Drift, Plateau Uplift, and the Evolutions of Monsoon and Arid Regions in Asia,
Africa, and Australia during the Cenozoic, Sci. China: Earth Sci., 62,
[64]Wang ZS, M Huang, R Wang, SQ Wang, XD Liu, XN Xie, ZJ Liu, H
Gong, M Hao, 2019: Global NDVI patterns in response to atmospheric water vapor
anomalies over the Indo-Pacific warm pool during Apr-May-June, Journal of
Climate, 32(4), 1167–1180.
[65]Shi ZG, XN Xie, XZ Li, L Yang, XX Xie, J Lei, YY Sha, XD Liu,
2019: Snow-darkening versus direct radiative effects of mineral dust aerosol on
the Indian summer monsoon: role of the Tibetan Plateau, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19,
[66]Xie XX, XD Liu, GS Chen, RL Korty, 2019: A transient modeling
study of the latitude dependence of East Asian winter monsoon variations on
orbital time-scales, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 7565–7573
[67]Shi ZG, YY Sha, XD Liu, XX Xie, XZ Li, 2019: Effect of
marginal topography around the Tibetan Plateau on the evolution of central
Asian arid climate: Yunnan–Guizhou and Mongolian Plateaux as examples, Clim
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[68]Shang K, XD Liu, 2020: Relationship between abrupt decrease in
dust storm frequency over East Asia and sharp loss of Arctic Sea ice in the
early 1980s, Geological Magazine, 157(5), 729-740
[69]Li XZ, XD Liu, HB Zhou, 2020: Joint influence of dust source
and high-latitude ice sheet on Asian dust cycling during the last glacial
maximum, Geological Magazine, 157(5), 777-789
[70]Li JF, Xie G, Yang J, Ferguson DK, Liu XD, Liu H, Wang YF,
2020: Asian Summer Monsoon changes the pollen flow on the Tibetan Plateau.
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[71]Sun H, XD Liu, AQ Wang, 2020: Seasonal and interannual
variations of atmospheric dust aerosols in mid and low latitudes of Asia – a
comparative study, Atmospheric Research, 244, 105036, doi:
[72]Xie XN, Duan AM, Shi ZG, Li XZ, Sun H, Liu XD, Cheng XG, Zhao
TL, Che HZ, and Liu YG, 2020, Modulation of surface sensible heating over the
Tibetan Plateau on the interannual variability of East Asian dust cycle, Atmos.
Chem. Phys., 20, 11143–11159
[73]Xie XN, G Myhre, XD Liu et al., 2020: Distinct responses of
Asian summer monsoon to black carbon aerosols and greenhouse gases, Atmos.
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[74]Shen JJ, XN Xie, XG Cheng, XD Liu, 2020: Effects of
dust-in-snow forcing over the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian dust cycle
during the Last Glacial Maximum, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology
Palaeoecology, 542, 109442, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109442.
[75]Li XZ, XD Liu, ZT Pan, ZG Shi, XN Xie, QC Guo, 2020: A
transient simulation of precession-scale spring dust activity over northern
China and its relation to mid-latitude atmospheric circulation, Palaeogeography
Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 542, 109585, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109585
[76]Sha, Y., Ren, X., Shi, Z., Zhou, P., Li, X., & Liu, X.,
2020: Influence of the Tibetan Plateau and its northern margins on the
mid-latitude Westerly Jet over Central Asia in summer. Palaeogeography,
Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 544, 109611, doi:
[77]Sun H and XD Liu, 2021: Impacts of dynamic and thermal forcing
by the Tibetan Plateau on the precipitation distribution in the Asian arid and
monsoon regions, Climate Dynamics, 56, 2339-2358.
[78]Ren X, YY Sha, ZG Shi, XD Liu, 2021: Response of summer
extreme precipitation over East Asia during the mid-Holocene versus future
global warming, Global and Planetary Change, 197, 103398. doi:
[79]Xie G, B Sun, JF Li, SQ Wang, YF Yao, M Li, XC Zhang, DK
Ferguson, C-S Li, XD Liu, T Deng, YF Wang, 2021: Fossil evidence reveals uplift
of the central Tibetan Plateau and differentiated ecosystems during the Late
Oligocene, Science Bulletin, 66(12), 1164–1167.
[80]Shang K, XD Liu, BW Dong, 2021: Climatology and physical
mechanisms of the tropospheric warm cores over the Tibetan Plateau and its
vicinity, Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-021-05749-1
[81]Huang YH, XD Liu, Z-Y Yin, ZS An, 2021: Global impact of ENSO
on dust activities with emphasis on the key region from the Arabian Peninsula
to Central Asia, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126,
e2020JD034068, doi: 10.1029/2020JD034068
[82]Xie G, JF Li, SQ Wang, YF Yao, B Sun, DK Ferguson, CS Li, T
Deng, XD Liu, YF Wang, 2021: Bridging the knowledge gap on the evolution of the
Asian monsoon during 26-16 Ma, The Innovation, 2(2), 100110, doi:
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