1996-09--1999-07 中国科学院植物研究所 硕士
1992-09--1996-07 山东师范大学 学士
(2) 藏北草地土壤碳矿化与氮矿化相关性的机制研究,主持,院级级,2010-01--2012-12
(3) 高寒草甸和典型温性草原生物固氮作用以及氮素运移规律研究,主持,国家级,2010-01--2014-12
白洁冰 硕士研究生 071012-生态学
孙悦 硕士研究生 071012-生态学
李常诚 硕士研究生 071012-生态学
刘倩愿 硕士研究生 071300-生态学
1. Qiwu Hu, Jiayan Cai, Bo Yao, Qin Wu, Yeqiao Wang, *Xingliang Xu (2015) Plant-mediated methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from a Carex meadow in Poyang Lake during drawdown period. Plant and Soil (Major revision).
2. Qiao Na, Xu XL, Cao GM, Ouyang H, Kuzyakov Y (2015) Land use change decreases soil carbon stocks in Tibetan grasslands. Plant and Soil (Major revision).
3. Li CC, Li QR, Sun Y, Xu XL. Nitrogen uptake by dominant tree species in a subtropical forest. iForest-Biogeochemistry (Major revision).
4. Qiao Na, Xingliang Xu, Yuehua Hu, Evgenia Blagodatskaya, Yongwen Liu, Douglas Schaefer, Yakov Kuzyakov (2015) Energy becomes more important than nitrogen as plant litter becomes soil organic matter. Scientific Report (Major revision).
5. Liu Yanjie, Lirong Zhang, Xingliang Xu, Haishan Niu. (2015) Wide habitat ranges for Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) in the Mongolia steppe: Plasticity versus local adaptation. Scientific Report (submitted)
6. Zhang L, Liu QY, Tian Y, Xu XL, Ouyng H (2015) Kin identification alters plant nitrogen uptake strategy. Plant and Soil (Submission).
1. 李常诚,李倩茹,徐兴良,欧阳华(2015)不同林龄杉木氮素获取策略研究.生态学报(Accepted)
2. Gao JQ, Zhang X, Xu XL (2015) Carbon allocation in an alpine wetland on the Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Report (Accepted).
3. Lu HZ, Liu WY, Song L, Xu XL, Yu FH, Wu CS (2014) Clonal integration in habitat adaptation for an epiphytic fern Phymatopteris griffithiana in a montane cloud forest, SW China. Annals of Botany (Accepted).
4. Per-Marten Schleuss, Felix Heitkamp, Yue Sun, Georg Miehe, Xingliang Xu and Yakov Kuzyakov (2015) Nitrogen uptake in an alpine Kobresia pasture on the Tibetan Plateau: localisation by 15N labelling and implications for grassland degradation. Ecosystems (Accepted).
1. Wu CS, Zhang YP, Xu XL, Sha LQ, You GY, Xie YN (2014) Influence of interactions between litter decomposition and rhizosphere activity on soil respiration and on the temperature sensitivity in a subtropical montane forest in SW China. Plant and Soil 381, 215-224.
2. Gao JQ, Mo Y, Zhang XW, Gao JJ, Deng ZH, Xu XL (2014) Spatio-temporal variations alter the preference for nitrogen forms by three dominant plant species in an alpine wetlands. Plant Soil 381, 271-278.
3. Zheng, Yong; Kim, Yong-Chan; Chen, Liang; Yang, Wei; Gao, Cheng; Song, Ming-Hua; Xu, Xing-Liang; Guo, Liang-Dong (2014) Differential responses of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to nitrogen addition in a near pristine Tibetan alpine meadow. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 89(3), 594-60.
4. Jingru Zou, Liang Zhao, Shixiao Xu, Xingliang Xu, Dongdong Chen, Qi Li, Na Zhao, Caiyun Luo, Xinquan Zhao (2014) Field 13CO2 pulse labeling reveals differential partitioning patterns of photoassimilated carbon in response to livestock exclosure in a Kobresia meadow. Biogeosciences 11, 4381-4391.
5. He YT, *Xu XL, Zhang XZ, Kueffer C, Shi PL (2014) Cushion plant litter shifts nitrogen mineralization to immobilization at high but not low temperature in an alpine meadow. Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-014-2216-4.
6. Hu QW, Wu Q, Yao B, *Xu XL (2014) Dry season ecosystem respiration and its components from a Carex marsh of Poyang Lake. Atmospheric Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.10.047.
7. Babel W., Biermann T., Coners H., Falge E., Seeber E., Ingrisch J., Schleu P.-M., Gerken T., Leonbacher J., Leipold T., Willingh fer S., Schützenmeister K., Shibistova O., Becker L., Hafner S., Spielvogel S., Li X., Xu X., Sun Y., Zhang L., Yang Y., Ma Y., Wesche K., Graf H.-F., Leuschner C., Guggenberger G., Kuzyakov Y., Miehe G., Foken T. (2014): Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands. Biogeosciences 11, 6633-6656.
8. Ingrisch J, Biermann T, Seeber E, Leipold T, Li MS, Ma YM, Xu XL, Miehe G, Guggenberger G, Foken Ti, Kuzyakov Y (2015) Carbon pools and fluxes in a Tibetan alpine Kobresia pygmaea pasture partitioned by coupled eddy-covariance measurements and 13CO2 pulse labeling. Science of the Total Environment 505, 1213-1224.
9. Yanjie Liu, Yan Li, Lirong Zhang, Xingliang Xu, Haishan Niu (2014) Effects of sampling method on foliar δ13C values of Leymus chinensis at different scales. Ecology and Evolution (Accepted).
1. Tian X, Hu H, Ding Q, Song M, Xu X, Zheng Y, Guo L (2013) Influence of nitrogen fertilization on soil ammonia-oxidizers and denitrifiers abundance, microbial biomass and enzyme activities in an alpine meadow. Soil of Biology and Fertility (In press).
2. Liu YJ, Niu H, Xu XL, Zhang L, Sun Y, Wang Z. (2013) Habitat-specific differences in phenotypic plasticity of plant species in the temperate steppes. Ecology and Evolution (In press).
3. Sun Y, *Xu XL, Kuzyakov Y (2013) Mechanisms of rhizosphere priming and its ecological significance. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, doi:10.3724/SPJ.J1258.2014.00000.
4. Xu XL, Li QK, Wang JY, Zhang LM, Tian S, Zhi L, Li QR, Sun Y (2013) Nitrogen acquisition by Dicranopteris dichotoma fern in a subtropical forest. PLoS One (Minor revision).
5. Qiao N, Schaefer D, Blagodatskaya E, Zou XM, *Xu XL and Kuzyakov Y (2013) Labile-carbon retention compensates for CO2 released by priming in forest soils. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12458.
6. Wu JR, Ma HC, *Xu XL, Qiao N (2013): Mycorrhizas alter nitrogen acquisition pattern of a soil dwelling orchid (Cymbidium goeringii): evidence from a short-term 15N experiment. Annals of Botany 111, 1181-1187.
7. Kuzyakov Y, *Xu XL (2013) Competition and mutualism between roots and rhizosphere microorganisms by nitrogen acquisition and their ecological consequences. New Phytologist 198: 656–669.
8. Liu YJ, Niu HS, Xu XL (2013) Foliar δ13C response patterns along a moisture gradient arising from genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in grassland species of Inner Mongolia. Ecology and Evolution 3(2), 262-267.
9. Yang ZP, Gao JX, Zhao L, Xu XL, Ouyang H (2013) Linking thaw depth with soil moisture and plant community composition: effects of permafrost degradation on alpine ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Plant and Soil. doi: 10.1007/s11104-012-1511-1.
10. Zhang GL, Dong JW, Zhou CP, Xu XL, Wang M, Ouyang H, Xiao XM. (2013) Increasing cropping intensity in response to climate warming in Tibetan Plateau, China. Field Crops Research 142, 36–46.
11. Yan YC, Xin XP, Xu XL, Wang X, Yang GX, Yan RR, Chen BR (2013) Quantitative effects of wind erosion on the soil texture and soil nutrients under different vegetation coverage in a semiarid steppe of northern China. Plant and Soil, DOI 10.1007/s11104-013-1606-3.
12. Wu JS, Zhang XZ, Shen ZX, Shi PL, Xu XL, Li XJ (2013) Grazing Exclusion affects AGB and WUE of Alpine Grasslands on the Northern Tibetan Plateau. Rangeland Ecology & Management (Accepted).
13. Xu XL, Wanek W, Cao GM, Richter A, Song MH., Zhou, C.P., Ouyang, H., Kuzyakov, Y. (2013) Effects of nitrogen addition on forliar N:P ratio and δ15N in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (Accepted).
1. Song MH, Yu FH, Ouyang H, Cao GM, Xu XL, Cornelissen HCJ. (2012): Different responses to availability and form of nitrogen in space and time explain species coexistence in an alpine meadow community after release from grazing. Global Change Biology 18, 3100-3111.
2. Hafner S, Unteregelsbacher S, Seeber E, Lena B, Xu XL, Li XG, Guggenberger G, Miehe G, Kuzyakov Y. (2012): Effect of grazing on carbon stocks and assimilate partitioning in a Tibetan montane pasture by 13CO2 pulse labeling revealed. Global Change Biology 18, 528-538.
3. Wu L, Ok YS, Xu XL, Kuzyakov Y. (2012): Effects of anionic polyacrylamide on maize growth: a short term 14C labeling study. Plant and Soil 350, 311-322.
4. 王敏,周才平*,吴良,徐兴良,欧阳华 (2012): 2001—2010年青藏高原干湿格局及其影响因素分析. 气候变化研究进展 8, 320-326.
1. Bai, J., Xu, X.L., Fu, G., Song, M.H., He, Y.T., and Jiang, J. (2011): Effects of temperature and nitrogen input on nitrogen mineralization in alpine soils on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences (Accepted). (In Chinese)
2. Bai, J., Xu, X.L., Fu, G., Song, M.H., He, Y.T., Jiang, J., and Shi, P.L. (2011): Effects of temperature and added nitrogen on carbon mineralization in alpine soils on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Environment (Accepted). (In Chinese).
3. Hafner, S., Unteregelsbacher, S., Seeber, E., Xu, X.L., Li, X.G., Guggenberger, G., Miehe, G. and *Kuzyakov, Y. (2011): Effect of grazing on carbon stocks and assimilate partitioning in Tibetan montane pasture revealed by 13CO2 pulse labelling. Global Change Biology (Accepted).
4. Song, M.H., Jiang, J., Xu, X.L. and Shi, P.L. (2011): Correlation between carbon and net nitrogen mineralization and its responses to external C or N amendment in an alpine meadow soil. Pedosphere (In press).
5. Unteregelsbacher, S., Hafner, S., Guggenberger, G., Miehe, G., Xu, X.L., Liu, J. and *Kuzyakov Y. (2011): Response of long-, medium- and short-term turnover processes of the carbon budget to overgrazing on the Tibetan Plateau. Biogeochemistry (Accepted).
6. Wu, L., Yong, S.O., Xu, X.L. and *Kuzyakov, Y. (2011): Effects of soil conditioner polyacrylamide on plant growth: an isotopic perspective. Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-011-0911-y.
7. Yan, Y.C., Xu, X.L., Xin, X.P., Yang, G.X., Wang, X., Yan, R.R., and Chen, B.R. (2011): Effect of vegetation coverage on aeolian dust accumulation in a semiarid steppe of northern China. Catena (Accepted).
8. Yang, B.J., Qiao, N., *Xu, X.L. and Ouyang, H. (2011): Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes in two Chinese grasslands estimated by 15N dilution technique. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, doi: 10.1007/s10705-011-9448-y.
9. Zhang, G.L., Xu, X.L., Zhou, C.P., Zhang, H.B. and Ouyang, H. (2011): Response of Vegetation Change to Climate Variation in Hulun Buir Grassland in Past 30 Years. Acta Geographica Sinica (In Press). (In Chinese)
10. Xu, X.L., Bai, J.B. and Ouyang, H. (2011): Advances in studies on organic nitrogen uptake by terrestrial plants. Journal of Natural Resources 26(4), 715-724. (In Chinese).
11. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Cao, G.M., Richter, A., Wanek, W. and Kuzyakov, Y. (2011): Dominant plant species shift their nitrogen uptake patterns in response to nutrient enrichment caused by a fungal fairy in an alpine meadow. Plant and Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-010-0662-1.
12. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Richter, A., Wanek, W., Cao, G.M. and Kuzyakov, Y. (2011): Spatio-temporal variations determine plant–microbe competition for inorganic nitrogen in an alpine meadow. Jounal of Ecology 99, 563−571.
13. Gao, J.Q., Ouyang, H. Lei, G.C., Xu, X.L. and Zhang, M.X. (2011): Effects of temperature, soil moisture, soil type and their interactions on soil carbon mineralization in Zoigê alpine wetland, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Chinese Geographical Science 21, 27−35.
1. Song, M.H., Jiang, J., Cao, G.M. and Xu, X.L. (2010): Effects of temperature, glucose and inorganic nitrogen inputs on carbon mineralization in a Tibetan alpine meadow soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 46, 375−380.
2. Gao, J.Q., Ouyang, H., Wang, G. and Xu, X.L. (2010): Recent Peat Accumulation Rates in Zoige Peatlands, Eastern Tibet, Inferred by 210Pb and 137Cs Radiometric Techniques. Procedia Environmental Sciences 2, 1927−1933.
3. Tian, Y.Q., Ouyang, H., Gao, Q., Xu, X.L., Song, M.H. and Xu, X. (2010): Responses of soil nitrogen mineralization to temperature and moisture in alpine ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Procedia Environmental Sciences 2, 218−224.
4. Yang, Z.P., Ouyang, H., Zhang, X.Z., Xu, X.L., Zhou, C.P. and Yang, W.B. (2010): Saptial variability of soil moisture at typical alpine meadow and steppe sites in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region. Environmental Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s12665-010-0716-y.
5. Wu, Y., Tan, H., Deng, Y., Wu, J., Xu, X.L., Wang, Y.F., Tang, Y., Higashi, T. and Cui, X. (2010): Partitioning pattern of carbon flux in a Kobresia grassland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau revealed by field 13C pulse-labeling. Global Change Biology 16, 2322−2333.
6. Xing, X.X., Xu, X.L., Zhang, X.Z., Zhou, CP., Song, M.H.., Shao, B. and *Ouyang, H. (2010) : Simulating net primary production of grasslands in northeastern Asia using MODIS data from 2000 to 2005. Journal of Geographical Sciences 20, 193−204
7. Zhang, G.L., Ouyang, H., Zhou, C.P., Xu, X.L., Zhang, X.Z. and Wu, J.X. (2010): Response of Agricultural Thermal Resources to Climate Changein the Region of the Brahmaputra River and Its TwoTributaries in Tibet during Past 50 Years. Resources Sciences 32(10), 1943−1954 (in Chinese).
8. Zhang, G.L., Ouyang, H., Zhang, X.Z., Zhou, C.P. and Xu, X.L. (2010): Vegetation change and its responses to climatic variation based on eco-geographical regions of Tibetan Plateau. Geographical Research 29(11), 2004-2016 (in Chinese).
9. Yang, Z.P., Ouyang, H., Xu, X.L. and Yang, W.B. (2010): Spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture and vegetation coverage of alpine grassland in permafrost area of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Natural Resources 25(3), 426−434 (in Chinese).
10. Yang, Z.P., Ouyang, H., Xu, X.L., Zhao, L., Song, M.H. and Zhou, C.P. (2010): Effects of permafrost degradation on ecosystems. Acta Ecologica Sinica 30, 33−39 (in Chinese).
11.Yin, Z.F., Ouyang, H., Xu, X.L., Zhou, C.P., Zhang, F. and Shao, B. (2010): Estimation of Evapotranspiration from faber fir forest ecosystem in the eastern Tibetan of China using SHAW model. Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2(2), 143−153 (in Chinese).
1. Yin, Z.F., Ouyang, H., Xu, X.L. and Zhang, X.Z. (2009): Simulation of the water transfer processes of winter wheat field ecosystem using SHAW in Lhasa river valley. Acta Ecologica Sinica 29(4), 2010−2019 (in Chinese).
2. Yin, Z.F., Ouyang, H., Xu, X.L., Song, M.H., Duan, D.Y. and Zhang, X.Z. (2009): Research on water and heat balance and water use of shrub grassland and crops filed in Lhasa river valley. Acta Geographical Sinica 64(3), 303−314 (in Chinese).
3. Pei, Z.Y., Ouyang, H., Zhou, C.P. and Xu, X.L. (2009): Profile of methane concentrations in soil and atmosphere in alpine steppe ecosystem on Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 7(1), 3-10.
4. Gao, J.Q., Ouyang, H., Xu, X.L., Zhou, C.P. and Zhang, F. (2009): Effects of temperature and soil moisture on the relationship between CO2 production and nitrogen mineralization of Tibetan alpine wetlands soils under incubation. Pedosphere 19(1), 71−77.
5. Kuzyakov, Y., Subbotina, I., Chen, H.C., Bogomolova, I. and Xu, X.L. (2009): Black carbon decomposition and incorporation into soil microbial biomass. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41, 210−219.
6. Pei, Z.Y., Ouyang, H., Zhou, C.P. and Xu, X.L. (2009): Carbon balance in alpine meadow ecosystems in the Tibet Plateau. Journal of Integrated Plant Biology 51(5), 521−526.
7. Tian, Y.Q., Xu, X.L., Song, M.H., Zhou, C.P. and Ouyang, H. (2009): Carbon sequestration in alpine soils on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Integrated Plant Biology 51(9), 900−905.
1. Xu, X.L., Kuzyakov, Y., Stange, F., Richter, A. and Wanek, W. (2008): Light affected the competition for inorganic and organic nitrogen between maize and soil microorganisms. Plant and Soil 304, 59−72.
2. Xu, X.L., Kuzyakov, Y., Wanek, W. and Richter, A. (2008): Root-derived respiration and non-structural carbon of rice seedlings. European Journal of Soil Biology 44, 22−29.
3. Cao, G.M., *Xu, X.L., Long, R.J., Wang, Q.L., Wang, C.T., Du, Y.G. and Zhao, X.Q. (2008): Plant communities control methane emission by terrestrial plants in the Tibetan Plateau. Biology Letters 4, 681−684.
4. Gao, J.Q., Xu, X.L., Zhang, F. and Wang, C.M. (2008): Distribution characteristics of soil labile carbon along water table gradient of alpine wetland soils. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 22(3), 126−131. (in Chinese)
5. Tian, Y.Q., Ouyang, H., Xu, X.L., Song, M.H. and Zhou, C.P. (2008): Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon storage and density on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Acta Pedologica Sinica 45(5), 933−942 (in Chinese).
6. Chen, H., Xu, X.L., Song, M.H. and Ouyang, H. (2008): Photosynthetic pathway of dominant plant species in the Qaidam Basin: implications from foliar stable carbon isotope measurement. Photosynthetica 46(2), 303−306.
7. Du, Y.G., Cui, Y.G., Xu, X.L., Liang, D.Y., Long, R.J. and Cao, G.M. (2008): Nitrous oxide emissions from two alpine meadows in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Plant and Soil 311, 245−254.
8. Song, M.H., Duan, D.Y., Chen, H., Hu, Q.W., Zhang, F., Peng, C.H., Xu, X.L., Tian, Y.Q., Ouyang, H. and Peng, C.H. (2008): Variations in leaf δ13C reflect ecosystem patterns and responses of alpine plants to the environments on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecography 31, 499−508.
1. Bardgett, R.D., Richter, A., Bol, R., Garnett, M.H., Bäumler, R., Xu, X.L., Lopez-Capel, E., Manning, D., Hobbs, P.J., Hartley, I.R. and Wanek, W. (2007): Heterotrophic microbial communities use ancient carbon following glacial retreat. Biology Letters 3(5), 847−850.
2. Song, M.H., Xu, X.L., Hu, Q.W., Tian, Y.Q., *Ouyang, H. and Zhou, C.P. (2007): Interactions of plant species mediated plant competition for inorganic nitrogen with soil microorganisms in an alpine meadow. Plant and Soil 297, 127−137.
1. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Kuzyakov, Y., Richter, A. and Wanek, W. (2006): Significance of organic nitrogen acquisition for dominant species in an alpine meadow on the Tibet Plateau, China. Plant and Soil 285, 221−231.
2. Song, M.H., Tian, Y.Q., Xu, X.L., Hu, Q.W. and *Ouyang, H. (2006): Interactions between root and shoot competition among four dominant plant species in an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Acta Oecologia 29, 214−220.
1. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Cao, G.M., Pei, Z.Y. and Zhou, C.P. (2004): Nitrogen deposition and carbon sequestration in alpine meadows. Biogeochemistry 71, 353−369.
2. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Cao, G.M., Pei, Z.Y. and Zhou, C.P. (2004): Uptake of organic nitrogen by eight dominant plant species in Kobresia meadows. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 69, 5−10.
3. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Pei, Z.Y. and Zhou, C.P. (2004): Long-term partitioning of 15N labeled ammonium and nitrate among different components in an alpine meadow ecosystem. Acta Botanica Sinica 46, 279−283.
4. Pei, Z.Y., *Ouyang, H., Zhou, C.P. and Xu, X.L. (2004): N2O exchange within a soil and atmosphere profile in alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Acta Botanica Sinica 46, 20−28.
1. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Pei, Z.Y. and Zhou, C.P. (2003): The fate of short-term 15N labeled nitrate and ammonium added to an alpine meadow in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, China. Acta Botanica Sinica 45, 276−281.
2. Xu, X.L., Guan, X.Q. and Liu, G.S. (2003): Effects of co-operation between associative azotobacteria and rhizobium on wheat seedlings. Chinese Ecological Agriculture 11, 66−68 (in Chinese).
3. Pei, Z.Y., Ouyang, H., Zhou, C.P. and Xu, X.L. (2003): CO2 processes in an alpine grassland on the Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences 13, 429−437 (in Chinese).
4. Pei, Z.Y., Ouyang, H., Zhou, C.P. and Xu, X.L. (2003): Fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O from alpine grassland in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences 13, 27−34 (in Chinese).
5. Zhou, C.P., Ouyang, H., Pei, Z.Y. and Xu, X.L. (2003): Net soil nitrogen mineralization in Chinese forest ecosystems. Acta Phytoecologia Sinica (2), 170−176 (in Chinese).
6. Xu, X.L. and Guan, X.Q. (1999): The role of nitrogen fixation of lower plants on the grasslands. Chinese Grassland (2), 67−71 (in Chinese).