
Zhigang Sun Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
Telephone: 0411-84379040
Mobile phone:
Address: 11th Lab, Zhongshan Road 457, Dalian, Liaoning
Postcode: 116023
Telephone: 0411-84379040
Mobile phone:
Address: 11th Lab, Zhongshan Road 457, Dalian, Liaoning
Postcode: 116023
Research Areas
1. Excited dynamics of small molecules;
2. Moelcular reactive scattering dynamics by quantum methods;
3. Study molecular dynamics by nonlinear optical techniques using quantum wavepacket methods;
4. Electronic dynamics of molecules and atoms interacting with attosecond laser pulses.
2. Moelcular reactive scattering dynamics by quantum methods;
3. Study molecular dynamics by nonlinear optical techniques using quantum wavepacket methods;
4. Electronic dynamics of molecules and atoms interacting with attosecond laser pulses.
Obtained bachelor degree from Dalian University of Technology on 2000, and got PhD on 2006 from Dalian Insititute of Chemical Physics on chemical physics. The PhD thesis title is " Femtochemistry of Small molecules Using Quantum Wavepacket Calculations".
Work Experience
1. 2003~2004 Goteborg University, Sweden (Gunnar Nyman)
2. 2005~2007 National University of Singapore (Donghui Zhang)
3. 2007~2009 University of Nanyang Technology (Soo-Ying Lee)
4. 2009~2010 Duke University (Weitao Yang)
5. 2010~ Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics as full professor
2. 2005~2007 National University of Singapore (Donghui Zhang)
3. 2007~2009 University of Nanyang Technology (Soo-Ying Lee)
4. 2009~2010 Duke University (Weitao Yang)
5. 2010~ Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics as full professor
Honors & Distinctions
1. Presidential Fellowship Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004
2. Excellent Contribution Award of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, 2004
3. One of 50 Most Excellent Doctoral Theses of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006
4. One of 100 Most Excellent Scientific Papers of China (Istic, 2007)
2. Excellent Contribution Award of Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, 2004
3. One of 50 Most Excellent Doctoral Theses of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006
4. One of 100 Most Excellent Scientific Papers of China (Istic, 2007)
39. Mapping Molecular Conformations with Multiple-Mode Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy, Hongtao Bian, Jiebo Li, Xiewen Wen, Zhigang Sun, Jian Song, Wei Zhuang, and Junrong Zheng, J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 3357
38. An Exact Short-time Solver for the Time-dependent Schrodinger Equation, Zhigang Sun, Weitao Yang, J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 041101 (Communication)
37. Quantum theory of time-resolved femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy: direct versus cascade processes and application to CDCl3, Bin Zhao, Zhigang Sun, Soo-Ying Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 024307
36. State-to-state quantum dynamics of the O(3P)+OH(2Π)→H(2S)+O2(3Σg) reaction, Jianyi Ma, Shiying Lin, Hua Guo, Zhigang Sun, Donghui Zhang, Daiqian Xie, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 054302 (Cover)
35. Analysis of Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy of Excited-State Evolution in Bacteriorhodopsin Kai Niu, Bin Zhao, Zhigang Sun, Soo-Ying Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 084510
34. Extraction of state-to-state reactive scattering attributes from wave packet in reactant Jacobi coordinates Zhigang Sun, H. Guo, D. H. Zhang, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 084112
33.A Nonadiabatic Time-dependent Wave Packet Investigation of the State-to-state Reactive Scattering of Cl with para-H2 Including the Open-shell Character of Cl( ) Zhigang Sun, M. H. Alexander, D. H. Zhang, J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2010) 034308
32. Dominated non-Statistical Behaviors in O+O2 Exchange Reactive Scattering: Quantum Resonances and Tunneling Effects, Zhigang Sun, Lan Liu, Shiying Lin, Hua Guo, D. H. Zhang, PNAS 107 (2010) 555
31. NH( )+H/D( ) --> H ( )+NH/ND( ) Exchange Reaction: State-to-state Quantum Scattering and Applicability of Statistical Model, Zheng Li, Daiqian Xie, Zhigang Sun, D. H. Zhang, Shiying Lin, Hua Guo, J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2009) 124313
30. Comparison of Second-order Split Operator and Chebyshev Propagator in Wave Packet Based State-to-state Reactive Scattering Calculations, Zhigang Sun, S.-Y. Lee, H. Guo, D. H. Zhang, J. Chem. Phys. 130 (2009) 174102
29.A quantum wave packet method in reactant Jacobi coordinates for state-to-state reactive cross sections,Zhigang Sun, Donghui Zhang, Soo-Y. Lee, J. Phys. Chem. A 113 (2009) 4145
28.Theoretical investigation of the Direct Observation of Anharmonic Coupling in the Time Domain with Femtosecond Stimulated Raman scattering: Case of CDCl3, Zhigang Sun, Bina Fu, D. H. Zhang, Soo-Y. Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 130 (2009) 044312
27.The extent of non-Born-Oppenheimer coupling in the reaction of Cl(2P) with
para-H2: A disagreement resolved, Xingan Wang, Wenrui Dong, Chunlei Xiao, Che Li, Zefeng Ren, Dongxu Dai, Xiuyan Wang, Piergiorgio Casavecchia, Xueming Yang, Bin Jiang, Daiqian Xie, Zhigang Sun, Soo-Y. Lee, Dong H. Zhang, Millard H. Alexander, Science 322 (2008) 573
26.State-to-state dynamics of H + O2 reaction, evidence for non-statistical behaviors, Zhigang Sun, Donghui Zhang, Chuanxiu Xu, Shulan Zhou, Daiqian Xie, György Lendvay, Soo-Y. Lee, Shi Ying Lin, and Hua Guo, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130 (2008) 14962
25. Three-state model for femtosecond broadband Stimulated Raman Scattering, Zhigang Sun, X. Qiu, D. H. Zhang, Soo-Y. Lee, J. Raman. Spectr. 39 (2008) 1568
24.Resonance scattering in the F + HD reaction: Shape resonance and slow-down mechanism,Z. F. Ren, L. Che, X.G. Wang, W. R. Dong, M. H. Qiu, D. X. Dai, X. Y. Wang, X. M. Yang, Zhigang Sun, B. N. Fu, Soo-Y. Lee, X. Xu, and D. H. Zhang, PNAS 105 (2008) 12662
23.HF(v’ = 3) forward scattering in the F + H2 reaction: Shape resonance and slow-down mechanism,X.G. Wang, W. R. Dong, M. H. Qiu, Z. F. Ren, L. Che, D. X. Dai, X. Y. Wang, X. M. Yang, Zhigang Sun, B. N. Fu, Soo-Y. Lee, X. Xu, and D. H. Zhang, PNAS 105 (2008) 6227
22. Quantum Theory of Time-resolved (Femtosecond) stimulated Raman Spectroscopy, Zhigang Sun, Z. Jin, J. Lu. D. H. Zhang, S.-Y. Lee, J. Chem. Phys., 128 (2008) 144114
21. Fully Coriolis-coupled quantum studies of the H + O2 (vi = 0-2, ji = 0,1) →OH + O reaction on an accurate potential energy surface: Integral cross sections and rate constants, S. Y. Lin, Zhigang Sun, H. Guo, D. H. Zhang,P. Honvault,D. Xie, Soo-Y. Lee, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112 (2008) 602
20. Time-depend quantum wave packet study of F+HCl/DCl reactions, Zhigang Sun, Soo-Y Lee, D. H. Zhang, Chinese J. Chem. Phys. 20 (2007) 365
19.The application of Bessel discrete variable representation to atomic hydrogen in intense laser fields, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, J. Theoretical. Comp. Chem., 6 (2007) 823
18. Wave packet theory of dynamics stimulated Raman spectra in femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, Zhigang Sun, Z. Jin, J. Lu. D. H. Zhang, S.-Y. Lee, J. Chem. Phys., 126 (2007) 174104
17, Probing Feshbach resonances in F+H-2(j=1)-> HF+H: Dynamical effect of single quantum H-2-rotation, Z. Ren, L. Che, M. Qiu, X. G. Wang, D. Dai, S. Harich, X. Wang, X. Yang, C. Xu, D. Xie, Zhigang Sun, D. Zhang, J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2006) 151102
16. Photodissociation dynamics of CF3I investigated by two-color femtosecond laser pulses, H. P. Liu, Zhigang Sun, S. D. Hogan, N. Lou, Euro. Phys. J. D. 40 (2006) 357-362
15. Selective vibrational population transfer between electronic states of the Na-2 molecule with ultrashort laser pulses, K. Yuan, SM Wang, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, Chem. Phys. 326 (2006) 605-610
14. Molecular photoelectron spectrum in ultrashort laser fields: Autler-Townes splitting under rotational and aligned effects, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, Physical Review A 74 (2006) 043421
13, Observation of Feshbach resonances in the F+H-2 -> HF+H reaction, M. Qiu, Z. Ren, L. Che, D. Dai, S. Harich, X. Wang, X. Yang, C. Xu, D. Xie, M. Gustafsson, R. Skodje, Zhigang Sun, D. Zhang, Science 311 (2006) 1440-1443
12. Selective excitation of the OClO molecule with femtosecond laser pulse, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, Physical Review A 72 (2005) 052513
11. On using Fourier series and Legendre polynomials as angular basis sets for nonrotating triatomic molecules, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Wang, S. Cong, Chemical Physics Letters, 414 (2005) 180-184
10. Steering wave packet dynamics and population transfer between electronic states of the Na-2 molecule by femtosecond laser pulses, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, S. Wang, J. Yu, N. Lou, Chemical Physics, 316 (2005) 245-252
9. Three-dimensional time-dependent wave-packet calculations of OBrO absorption spectra, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou , Journal of Chemical Physics, 123(2005) 064316
8. absorption and Raman Spectra of the OClO molecule: A 3D Time-dependent Wavepacket Study, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, G. Nyman, J. Chem. Phys. 122 (2005) 054316
7. Molecular dynamics and control following excitation with an ultra-short intense laser pulse, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, G. Nyman, Chem. Phys. 308 (2005) 317
6. Femtosecond pump-probe photodissociation of OClO: direct observation of the 2A1 state and the role of accidental multiphoton resonance, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, G. Nyman, Chem. Phys. Lett. 393 (2004) 204
5. Time-Dependent Wave Packet Split Operator Calculations on a Three-Dimensional Fourier Grid in Radau Coordinates Applied to the OClO Photoelectron Spectrum, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, G. Nyman, J. Phys. Chem. A 108 (2004) 9226
4. Selecting ionization path by dynamic stark shift with strong laser pulse, Zhigang Sun, H. P. Liu, S. L. Cong, N. Lou, Chem. Phys. Lett. 369 (2003) 374
3. Autler-Townes Splitting in the Multiphoton Resonance Ionization Spectrum of Molecules Produced by Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 023002
2. A Novel Ionization Path of Nitric Oxide: Resonance, Not Perturbation, Plays a Role, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, S. L. Cong, K. L. Han, ChemPhysChem, 3 (2002) 976
1. Control of chemical reaction in high-intensity laser field, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 15 (2002) 161
38. An Exact Short-time Solver for the Time-dependent Schrodinger Equation, Zhigang Sun, Weitao Yang, J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 041101 (Communication)
37. Quantum theory of time-resolved femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy: direct versus cascade processes and application to CDCl3, Bin Zhao, Zhigang Sun, Soo-Ying Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 024307
36. State-to-state quantum dynamics of the O(3P)+OH(2Π)→H(2S)+O2(3Σg) reaction, Jianyi Ma, Shiying Lin, Hua Guo, Zhigang Sun, Donghui Zhang, Daiqian Xie, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 054302 (Cover)
35. Analysis of Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy of Excited-State Evolution in Bacteriorhodopsin Kai Niu, Bin Zhao, Zhigang Sun, Soo-Ying Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 084510
34. Extraction of state-to-state reactive scattering attributes from wave packet in reactant Jacobi coordinates Zhigang Sun, H. Guo, D. H. Zhang, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 084112
33.A Nonadiabatic Time-dependent Wave Packet Investigation of the State-to-state Reactive Scattering of Cl with para-H2 Including the Open-shell Character of Cl( ) Zhigang Sun, M. H. Alexander, D. H. Zhang, J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2010) 034308
32. Dominated non-Statistical Behaviors in O+O2 Exchange Reactive Scattering: Quantum Resonances and Tunneling Effects, Zhigang Sun, Lan Liu, Shiying Lin, Hua Guo, D. H. Zhang, PNAS 107 (2010) 555
31. NH( )+H/D( ) --> H ( )+NH/ND( ) Exchange Reaction: State-to-state Quantum Scattering and Applicability of Statistical Model, Zheng Li, Daiqian Xie, Zhigang Sun, D. H. Zhang, Shiying Lin, Hua Guo, J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2009) 124313
30. Comparison of Second-order Split Operator and Chebyshev Propagator in Wave Packet Based State-to-state Reactive Scattering Calculations, Zhigang Sun, S.-Y. Lee, H. Guo, D. H. Zhang, J. Chem. Phys. 130 (2009) 174102
29.A quantum wave packet method in reactant Jacobi coordinates for state-to-state reactive cross sections,Zhigang Sun, Donghui Zhang, Soo-Y. Lee, J. Phys. Chem. A 113 (2009) 4145
28.Theoretical investigation of the Direct Observation of Anharmonic Coupling in the Time Domain with Femtosecond Stimulated Raman scattering: Case of CDCl3, Zhigang Sun, Bina Fu, D. H. Zhang, Soo-Y. Lee, J. Chem. Phys. 130 (2009) 044312
27.The extent of non-Born-Oppenheimer coupling in the reaction of Cl(2P) with
para-H2: A disagreement resolved, Xingan Wang, Wenrui Dong, Chunlei Xiao, Che Li, Zefeng Ren, Dongxu Dai, Xiuyan Wang, Piergiorgio Casavecchia, Xueming Yang, Bin Jiang, Daiqian Xie, Zhigang Sun, Soo-Y. Lee, Dong H. Zhang, Millard H. Alexander, Science 322 (2008) 573
26.State-to-state dynamics of H + O2 reaction, evidence for non-statistical behaviors, Zhigang Sun, Donghui Zhang, Chuanxiu Xu, Shulan Zhou, Daiqian Xie, György Lendvay, Soo-Y. Lee, Shi Ying Lin, and Hua Guo, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130 (2008) 14962
25. Three-state model for femtosecond broadband Stimulated Raman Scattering, Zhigang Sun, X. Qiu, D. H. Zhang, Soo-Y. Lee, J. Raman. Spectr. 39 (2008) 1568
24.Resonance scattering in the F + HD reaction: Shape resonance and slow-down mechanism,Z. F. Ren, L. Che, X.G. Wang, W. R. Dong, M. H. Qiu, D. X. Dai, X. Y. Wang, X. M. Yang, Zhigang Sun, B. N. Fu, Soo-Y. Lee, X. Xu, and D. H. Zhang, PNAS 105 (2008) 12662
23.HF(v’ = 3) forward scattering in the F + H2 reaction: Shape resonance and slow-down mechanism,X.G. Wang, W. R. Dong, M. H. Qiu, Z. F. Ren, L. Che, D. X. Dai, X. Y. Wang, X. M. Yang, Zhigang Sun, B. N. Fu, Soo-Y. Lee, X. Xu, and D. H. Zhang, PNAS 105 (2008) 6227
22. Quantum Theory of Time-resolved (Femtosecond) stimulated Raman Spectroscopy, Zhigang Sun, Z. Jin, J. Lu. D. H. Zhang, S.-Y. Lee, J. Chem. Phys., 128 (2008) 144114
21. Fully Coriolis-coupled quantum studies of the H + O2 (vi = 0-2, ji = 0,1) →OH + O reaction on an accurate potential energy surface: Integral cross sections and rate constants, S. Y. Lin, Zhigang Sun, H. Guo, D. H. Zhang,P. Honvault,D. Xie, Soo-Y. Lee, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112 (2008) 602
20. Time-depend quantum wave packet study of F+HCl/DCl reactions, Zhigang Sun, Soo-Y Lee, D. H. Zhang, Chinese J. Chem. Phys. 20 (2007) 365
19.The application of Bessel discrete variable representation to atomic hydrogen in intense laser fields, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, J. Theoretical. Comp. Chem., 6 (2007) 823
18. Wave packet theory of dynamics stimulated Raman spectra in femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, Zhigang Sun, Z. Jin, J. Lu. D. H. Zhang, S.-Y. Lee, J. Chem. Phys., 126 (2007) 174104
17, Probing Feshbach resonances in F+H-2(j=1)-> HF+H: Dynamical effect of single quantum H-2-rotation, Z. Ren, L. Che, M. Qiu, X. G. Wang, D. Dai, S. Harich, X. Wang, X. Yang, C. Xu, D. Xie, Zhigang Sun, D. Zhang, J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2006) 151102
16. Photodissociation dynamics of CF3I investigated by two-color femtosecond laser pulses, H. P. Liu, Zhigang Sun, S. D. Hogan, N. Lou, Euro. Phys. J. D. 40 (2006) 357-362
15. Selective vibrational population transfer between electronic states of the Na-2 molecule with ultrashort laser pulses, K. Yuan, SM Wang, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, Chem. Phys. 326 (2006) 605-610
14. Molecular photoelectron spectrum in ultrashort laser fields: Autler-Townes splitting under rotational and aligned effects, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, Physical Review A 74 (2006) 043421
13, Observation of Feshbach resonances in the F+H-2 -> HF+H reaction, M. Qiu, Z. Ren, L. Che, D. Dai, S. Harich, X. Wang, X. Yang, C. Xu, D. Xie, M. Gustafsson, R. Skodje, Zhigang Sun, D. Zhang, Science 311 (2006) 1440-1443
12. Selective excitation of the OClO molecule with femtosecond laser pulse, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, Physical Review A 72 (2005) 052513
11. On using Fourier series and Legendre polynomials as angular basis sets for nonrotating triatomic molecules, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Wang, S. Cong, Chemical Physics Letters, 414 (2005) 180-184
10. Steering wave packet dynamics and population transfer between electronic states of the Na-2 molecule by femtosecond laser pulses, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, S. Wang, J. Yu, N. Lou, Chemical Physics, 316 (2005) 245-252
9. Three-dimensional time-dependent wave-packet calculations of OBrO absorption spectra, K. Yuan, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou , Journal of Chemical Physics, 123(2005) 064316
8. absorption and Raman Spectra of the OClO molecule: A 3D Time-dependent Wavepacket Study, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, G. Nyman, J. Chem. Phys. 122 (2005) 054316
7. Molecular dynamics and control following excitation with an ultra-short intense laser pulse, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, G. Nyman, Chem. Phys. 308 (2005) 317
6. Femtosecond pump-probe photodissociation of OClO: direct observation of the 2A1 state and the role of accidental multiphoton resonance, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, G. Nyman, Chem. Phys. Lett. 393 (2004) 204
5. Time-Dependent Wave Packet Split Operator Calculations on a Three-Dimensional Fourier Grid in Radau Coordinates Applied to the OClO Photoelectron Spectrum, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, G. Nyman, J. Phys. Chem. A 108 (2004) 9226
4. Selecting ionization path by dynamic stark shift with strong laser pulse, Zhigang Sun, H. P. Liu, S. L. Cong, N. Lou, Chem. Phys. Lett. 369 (2003) 374
3. Autler-Townes Splitting in the Multiphoton Resonance Ionization Spectrum of Molecules Produced by Ultrashort Laser Pulses, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 023002
2. A Novel Ionization Path of Nitric Oxide: Resonance, Not Perturbation, Plays a Role, Zhigang Sun, N. Lou, S. L. Cong, K. L. Han, ChemPhysChem, 3 (2002) 976
1. Control of chemical reaction in high-intensity laser field, Zhigang Sun, S. Cong, N. Lou, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 15 (2002) 161
Research Interests
1. Develop quantum wavepacket method for studying the reactive scattering dynamics at ultracold temperature;
2. Looking for accurate numerical method with spectral convergence for describing the dynamics of the electrons in Coulumb potential, and studying the electronic dynamics of molecules and atoms under attosecond laser pules;
3. Understanding the reactive scattering dynamics of a few molecules which are important in atmospheric chemistry.
2. Looking for accurate numerical method with spectral convergence for describing the dynamics of the electrons in Coulumb potential, and studying the electronic dynamics of molecules and atoms under attosecond laser pules;
3. Understanding the reactive scattering dynamics of a few molecules which are important in atmospheric chemistry.
1. Nanjing University Professor Daiqian Xie
2. University of New Mexico, Professor Hua Guo
3. University of Maryland, Professor Millard Alexander
4. University of Nanyang Technology, Professor Soo-Ying Lee
5. Rice University, Professor Junrong Zheng
2. University of New Mexico, Professor Hua Guo
3. University of Maryland, Professor Millard Alexander
4. University of Nanyang Technology, Professor Soo-Ying Lee
5. Rice University, Professor Junrong Zheng