苏业旺   博士;   入选国家WRQB支持计划、中科院BR计划

中国科学院力学研究所,非线性力学国家重点实验室           研究员/博士生导师

中国科学院大学,工程科学学院                                         岗位教授

电子邮件: yewangsu(AT)imech.ac.cn

通信地址: 北京市海淀区北四环西路15号

邮政编码: 100190


l2015.03~ 今           中国科学院力学研究所,研究员;中国科学院大学,岗位教授

l2014.12~2015.03   美国西北大学土木与环境工程系,研究助理教授

l2014.02~2014.11   美国西北大学土木与环境工程系,博士后(w/ Prof. Zdenek P. Bazant 院士)

l2011.03~2014.01   美国西北大学土木与环境工程系,博士后(w/ Prof. Yonggang Huang 院士)

l2005.09~2011.01   清华大学工程力学系,博士(导师:黄克智 院士,季葆华 教授)

l2001.09~2005.07   大连理工大学工程力学系,本科





7. 2025.02,中国力学学会科技进步二等奖,全部获奖人为:苏业旺、李爽

6. 2024.02,讲授的《固体力学导论》课程,荣获国科大2023年学院级研究生优秀课程

5. 2023.09,获2023年度中国科学院优秀导师称号

4. 2021.12,入选国家WRQB支持计划

3. 2021.01,作为负责人,负责的研究团队入选2020年度中科院创新交叉团队

2. 2017.07,中国力学学会自然科学二等奖,全部获奖人为:季葆华、苏业旺、黄克智

1. 2015.11,入选中科院BR计划


3. 2023.07~ 今  中国人工智能学会体育人工智能专业委员会第一届委员

2. 2022.11~ 今  中国宇航学会第八届返回与再入专业委员会委员

1. 2017.12~ 今  复合材料国际著名期刊Composite Structures编委


36. 2025,力学所发表金属弹塑性行为应用于柔性电子器件综述文章(相关报道:[化学与材料科学]

35. 2025,力学所在射频柔性电子面膜方面取得进展(相关报道:[BioMed科技][化学与材料科学]

34. 2025,力学所在柔性可弯曲超声相控阵传感器方面取得进展(相关报道:[MEMS][化学与材料科学][仪表网]

33. 2024,柔性电子面膜研究与探索

32. 2024,力学所在医疗器械流速传感器研究方面取得新进展(相关报道:[力学人][仪表网]

31. 2024力学所在光动力可拉伸电子面膜研究方面取得新进展

30. 2023力学所在可拉伸电子面膜研究方面取得新进展(相关报道:[TheDream Group 则君课题组][高分子科技]

29. 2023微结构固体力学课题组李爽博士论文入选“2023年度中国科学院优秀博士论文”,苏业旺研究员获得2023年度“中国科学院优秀导师”称号

28. 2023过加载——提高可拉伸电子器件弹性延展性的新策略(相关报道:[高分子科学前沿]

27. 2023Nanomaterials:基于微纳米材料与结构的柔性传感器的研究与应用 | MDPI 特刊征稿

26. 2022用于液滴机械能收集的摩擦压电复合纳米发电机研究(相关报道:[电介质Dielectrics][化学与材料科学]

25. 2022可拉伸无机柔性电子在不同界面条件下一致性工作的尺寸设计原理(相关报道:[柔性电子创新中心][高分子科学前沿]

24. 2022高性能、可量产的确定性接触电阻式编织结构大应变传感器(相关报道:[MEMS][高分子科技]

23. 2022力学所举行2022届研究生毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式(课题组成员李爽同学作为毕业生代表发言

22. 2022祝贺课题组成员李爽同学荣获2022年中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖

21. 2022祝贺课题组成员李爽同学荣获2022年郭永怀奖学金

20. 2022用于超声促渗的可拉伸电子面膜研究(相关报道:[中科院之声][高分子科技][纳米人][高分子科学前沿][奇物论]

19. 2022用于脉搏监测的具有超高输出的杠杆式摩擦纳米发电机研究(相关报道:[中科院][新华网]

18. 2021柔性大应变传感器基础研究及在火星工程中的应用(相关报道:[高分子科学前沿][高分子科技][化学人生]

17. 2021力学所孵化项目悬浮背包亮相2021年怀柔科技活动周活动

16. 2021力学所在热释电能量收集器性能评估标准研究中取得进展

15. 2021力学所柔性应变传感器研究助力我国首次火星探测任务天问一号探测器成功着陆

14. 2021苏业旺团队入选2020年度中国科学院创新交叉团队项目

13. 2020祝贺课题组成员刘国栋同学荣获2020年国家奖学金

12. 2020力学所提出基于可拉伸柔性结构的电动汽车无线充电方案

11. 2020多尺度螺旋结构用于超弹性可拉伸导线及应变传感器(相关报道:[高分子科学前沿][奇物论]

10.   2020我所苏业旺研究员受邀在央视科教频道为公众解读电子皮肤的前世今生

9.   2018柔性曲率传感器研究取得重要进展(相关报道:[MEMS]

8.   2018祝贺课题组成员张懋熠同学荣获2018年国家奖学金

7.   2017生物纳米多级结构材料的力学行为及仿生研究荣得第三届中国力学自然科学二等奖相关报道:[中国力学学会])

6.   2017祝贺课题组成员李爽同学荣获2017年国家奖学金

5.   2017力学所多名导师和研究生荣获2017年院级奖项

4.   2017实验室支部授予赵亚溥和苏业旺同志2016-2017年度 “优秀共产党员”称号

3.   20172017年郭永怀奖学金获得者

2.   2017压电器件输出电压测量的基本问题及一般性测量标准研究进展

1.   2016具有高延展性的柔性电子器件非屈曲结构设计与应用


l 硕/博士研究生:每年招收1-2名

l 博士后/特别研究助理:柔性结构与器件的设计、分析与制备(力学、机械、材料、电子相关专业背景均可) 

l 长期合作岗位(助理研究员/副研究员/研究员;项目聘用人员):柔性结构与器件的设计、分析与制备;团队管理和科技成果转化

▶ 工作单位与工作地点:中国科学院力学研究所,非线性力学国家重点实验室,北京市海淀区北四环西路15号


10. 2023~2025,北京市科委新兴领域融合科技创新专项,某装备研发与应用,主持

9.   2022~2024,国家WRQB支持计划项目,柔性结构与器件力学,主持

8.   2022~2025,国家自然科学基金面上项目,混合编织外部可拉伸互联导线的结构设计、理论和制备,主持

7.   2020~2023,中科院创新交叉团队项目,用于海洋信息搜集的鱼类柔性可穿戴设备研究与应用,主持

6.   2020~2022,北京市自然科学基金面上项目,柔性电子器件无机/有机复合可延展结构设计研究与应用,主持

5.   2019~2022,北京市科委怀柔科学城成果落地重大专项,基于大应变传感器的PE管网智能安全监测系统开发与应用,主持

4.   2019~2023,中科院基础前沿科学研究计划“从0到1”原始创新项目,基于力学结构设计的大变形柔性传感器原创研究,主持

3.   2018~2021,国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于无机/有机复合设计的多层可延展结构与柔性电子器件研究,主持

2.   2016~2019,国家自然科学基金面上项目,柔性电子器件非屈曲结构的结构设计理论分析及应用研究,主持

1.   2015~2018,中科院BR计划项目,柔性电子器件力学,主持


        共发表论文100余篇,包括多篇JMPS, IJSS, Nature Communications, PNAS, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Nano Energy, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Small, Advanced Materials Technologies等期刊论文,被SCI引用10000余次。(*为通讯作者,#为共同第一作者)


10. Li, J.; Wu, X.; Su, Y.*, An Overstretch Strategy to Double the Designed Elastic Stretchability of Stretchable Electronics. Advanced Materials2023, 2300340.

9. Li, S.; Lan, Y.; Huang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Su, Y.*, A Universal Size Design Principle for Stretchable Inorganic Electronics to Work Consistently under Different Interface ConditionsAdvanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 2210880.

8. Li, J.; Li, S.; Su, Y.*, Stretchable Strain Sensors Based on Deterministic-Contact-Resistance Braided Structures with High Performance and Capability of Continuous ProductionAdvanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2208216.

7. Li, S.; Xu, J.; Li, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Li, J.; Yin, S.; Liu, G.; Zhang, L.; Li, B.; Gu, Q.; Su, Y.*Stretchable Electronic Facial Masks for SonophoresisACS Nano, 2022, 16(4): 5961-74.

6. Li, S.;  Liu, G.;  Li, R.;  Li, Q.;  Zhao, Y.;  Huang, M.;  Zhang, M.;  Yin, S.;  Zhou, Y.;  Tang, H.;  Wang, L.;  Fang, G.; Su, Y.*Contact-Resistance-Free Stretchable Strain Sensors with High Repeatability and Linearity. ACS Nano, 2022, 16 (1), 541-553.

5.  Su, Y.; Ping, X.; Yu, K.; Lee, J.; Fan, J.; Wang, B.; Li, M.; Li, R.; Harburg, D.; Huang, Y.; Yu, C.; Mao, S.; Shim, J.; Yang, Q.; Lee, P.; Armonas, A.; Choi, K.; Yang, Y.; Paik, U.; Chang, T.; Dawidczyk, T.; Huang, Y.; Wang, S.*; Rogers, J.*In-Plane Deformation Mechanics for Highly Stretchable Electronics. Advanced Materials, 2017, 1604989.

4. Su, Y.*; Dagdeviren, C.*; Li, R., Measured Output Voltages of Piezoelectric Devices Depend on the Resistance of Voltmeter. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(33), 5320-5325.

3. He, S.; Su, Y.*; Ji, B.*; Gao, H., Some Basic Questions on Mechanosensing in Cell-Substrate Interaction. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2014, 70, 116-135.

2.  Su, Y.; Ji, B.*; Hwang, K.; Huang, Y.*Micro-Buckling in the Nanocomposite Structure of Biological MaterialsJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2012, 60(10), 1771-1790.

1. Su, Y.#; Wu, J.#; Fan, Z.; Hwang, K.*; Song, J.; Huang, Y.*; Rogers, J. A.Postbuckling Analysis and Its Application to Stretchable Electronics. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2012, 60(3), 487-508.


118. Yin, S.; Zhang, H.; Shi, F.; Chen, Y.; Zhong, C.; Li, R.; Su, Y.*, Bendable Phased-array Ultrasound Transducer for Imaging on Curved Surfaces. ACS Nano, 2025. 19(8), 8030–8039.

117. Zhou, Z.; Xu, X.; Hu, J.; Zhao, H.; Li, S.; Chen, K.; Gu, Q.; Su, Y.*, Stretchable Electronic Facial Masks for Radiofrequency Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials, 2025. 2421075.

116. Zhang, M.; Hu, C.; Zhang, T.; Bowen, C.; Li, R.; Huang, Y.; Su, Y.*; Wang, Z. L.*; Yang, Y.*, Over 200 times current enhancement via buckling triboelectric nanogenerator at ultra-low speed for monitoring the swelling of lithium ion batteriesScience Bulletin, 2025. 70(2), 148-152.

115. An, D.; Gong, G.; Xu, D.; Zhou, Z.; Li, R.*; Su, Y.*, Embracing Plasticity: Unlocking the Full Potential of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics through the Elastoplastic Behavior of Metallic Materials. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024. 2412796.

114. Zhang, J.; Xu, X.; Zhou, Z.; Wang, Q.; Hu, J.; Zhao, H.; Guo, L.*; Su, Y.*, Structure design and ergonomic assessment of a passive exoskeleton supporting the lead apron for interventional surgery. Acta Mechanica, 2024. 

113. Guo, L.; Duan, L.; Zou, X.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, X.; Su, Y.; Wang, J.*; Wu, D.*; Kang, Q.*, Development and Exper-imental Study of Supercritical Flow Payload for Extravehicular Mount-ing on TZ-6. Entropy, 2024, 26(10), 847.

112. Li, J.; Pan, F.; Guo, S.; Chen, Y.*Su, Y.*Buckling of Planar Curved Beams with Finite Prebuckling Deformation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2024, 113081.

111. Persano, L.; Camposeo, A.; Matino, F.; Wang, R.; Natarajan, T.; Li, Q.; Pan, M.; Su, Y.; Kar-Narayan, S.; Auricchio, F.; Scalet, G.; Bowen, C.; Wang, X.; Pisignano, D.*, Advanced Materials for Energy Harvesting and Soft Robotics: Emerging Frontiers to Enhance Piezoelectric Performance and Functionality. Advanced Materials, 2024, 2405363.

110. Zhou, L.; Li, Q.; Wei, S.; Wang, S.; Cui, J.; Wang, G.; Liu, C.; Su, Y.*, Scattering effect for relative blood volume monitoring during hemodialysisSensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2024, 115736.

109. Yi, Z.; Wu, D.*; Su, Y.*; Yang, B.*; Ma, Y.*; Li, N.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, W.*; Wang, Z.*, Battery-less cardiac pacing using biomechanical energy harvesting. Device, 2024. 100471.

108. Xu, X.; Xu, Y.; Guo, H.; Zhou, Z.; Hu, W.; Wang, L.; Li, S.; Wang, S.; Zheng, X.; Gu, Q.; Xia, Y.; Cui, J.; Wang, G.; Su, Y.*, Highly Biocompatible Graphite Electrodes by Using Interface-Stable Coating and the Application to Hemodialysis. Advanced Materials Technologies, 20242400305.

107. Zhou, L.; Li, Q.; Xu, X.; Wei, S.; Wang, S.; Cui, J.; Wang, G.; Liu, C.; Su, Y.*, Mechanical Structure Design of Pressure Sensors with Temperature Self-compensation for Invasive Blood Pressure Monitorin. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2024, 91(11): 111003.

106. 宿荣芳, 文心仪, 王俊*苏业旺*, 智能可穿戴柔性压力传感器的研究进展. Research progress of intelligent wearable flexible pressure sensor. Journal of Materials Engineering, 2024, 52(8):98-108.

105. Cao, X.; Li, Q.; Li, S.; Xu, X.; Wang, L.; Wang, M.; Ding, B.; Bao, S.; Wang, S.; Sun, B.; Cui, J.; Wang, G.; Li H.; Su, Y.*, Low-Cost Photoelectric Flow Rate Sensors Based on a Flexible Planar Curved Beam Structure for Clinical TreatmentsAdvanced Healthcare Materials, 20242304573.

104. GongG.; Zhang, M.; An, D.; Li, R.*; Su, Y.*, An Analytical Mechanics Model for the Rotary Sliding Triboelectric Nanogenerator. Micromachines, 2024, 15(3)371

103. Zhang, L.#; Jiang, X.#; Li, S.; Lan, Y.; Liu, H.; Yu, H.; Wang, A,; Zhang, M.; Li, J.; Liu, G.; Gong, G.; Huang, M.; Li, Q.; Zhao, Y.; Zhu, K.; Guo, L.; Duan, L.; Chen, Y.; Wang, B.; Li,R.*; Yang, Y.*Su, Y.*, Stretchable Electronic Facial Masks for Photodynamic TherapyNano Energy, 2024, 109407.

102. Xu, X.; Guo, L.; Liu, H.; Zhou, Z.; Li, S.; Gu, Q.; Ding, S.; Guo, H.; Yan, Y.; Lan, Y.; Li, Q.; Wei, W.; Zhang, J.; Liu, C.; Su, Y.*, Stretchable Electronic Facial Masks for Skin ElectroporationAdvanced Functional Materials, 20232311144.

101. Zhou, L.; Li, Q.; Wang, L.; Wang, M.; Li, L.; Ding, B.; Bao, S.; Wang, S.; Xiao, X.; Cui, J.; Wang, G.; Liu, C.; Su, Y.*An Occlusion Detection System for Intravenous Infusion. IEEE Sensors  Journal, 2023, 23, 25779-25788.

100. 黎洪义郭亮孙明烨李爽王洪建周东刘洋赵庆林刘平原赵阳苏业旺*, 基于大应变传感器的PE燃气管道安全监测系统. Research and Application of  the Safety Monitoring System for PE Pipe Networks of Gas Based on Stretchable Strain Sensors. Gas and Heat, 2023, 43(11), B24-B28.

99. Wang, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Li, R.; Wang, J.; Sha, B.; Li, S.*Su, Y.*A Hierarchical Theory for the Tensile Stiffness of Non-Buckling Fractal-Inspired InterconnectsNanomaterials, 2023, 13, 2542.

98. Zhang, M.; Guo, L.; Hu, J.; Wang, X.; Yang, Y.; Su, Y.*Suspended-Load Backpacks to Reduce the Cost of Carrying Loads with Energy Scavenging Potential—Part 2: Bio-Inspired Pre-Rotation DesignNanoenergy Advances, 20233(3), 271-281.

97. Zhang, M.; Guo, L.; Hu, J.; Wang, X.; Yang, Y.; Su, Y.*Suspended-Load Backpacks to Reduce the Cost of Carrying Loads with Energy Scavenging Potential—Part 1: Pre-Compression DesignNanoenergy Advances, 20233(3), 259-270.

96. Li, J.; Wu, X.; Su, Y.*An Overstretch Strategy to Double the Designed Elastic Stretchability of Stretchable Electronics. Advanced Materials, 2023, 2300340.

95. 刘浩, 李爽, 刘国栋, 贾贺, 房冠辉, 冯瑞, 苏业旺*面向航天回收装备的大变形柔性传感器研究与应用(二)——  大应变传感器. Research and Application of Sensors with Great Flexibility and Deformability for Aerospace Recycling Equipment (2) —— Stretchable Strain Sensor. Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing, 2023, 44(1): 59-69.

94. 刘浩, 刘国栋, 李爽, 贾贺, 房冠辉, 冯瑞, 苏业旺*面向航天回收装备的大变形柔性传感器研究与应用(一)——  曲率传感器. Research and Application of Sensors with Great Flexibility and Deformability for Aerospace Recycling Equipment (1) —— Curvature Sensor. Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing, 2023, 44(1): 50-58.

93. Li, Q.; Li, S.; Zhou, L.; Cao, X.; Lan, Y.; Xu, X.; Huang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Huang, C.; Wei, Y.; Yang, Y.; Su, Y.*Optimal Design Towards High Performance of Sandwich Flexible Piezoelectric Energy HarvestersJournal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2023, 90(6): 061007.

92. Lan, Y.; Liu, G.; Yin, S.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, C.; Sun, L.; Li, S.*Su, Y.*One-Step Patterned Contact-Resistance-Free Stretchable Strain Sensors With High Linearity and Repeatability for Body-Motion DetectionJournal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2023, 90(7): 071004.


91. Li, M.; Zhou, D.*Su, Y.*Simulation of Fully Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Behavior Based on an Analogy Between Hydraulic Fracturing and Heat ConductionComputers and Geotechnics, 2023, 156, 105259.


90. Li, S.; Lan, Y.; Huang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Su, Y.*A Universal Size Design Principle for Stretchable Inorganic Electronics to Work Consistently under Different Interface ConditionsAdvanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 2210880.

89. Zhang, M.; Bao, C.; Hu, C.; Huang, Y.; Yang, Y.*Su, Y.*A Droplet-Based Triboelectric-Piezoelectric Hybridized Nanogenerator for Scavenging Mechanical EnergyNano Energy, 2022, 104, 107992.

88. Li, S.; Li, R.; An, D.; Wang, Y.; Xu, X.; Xue, R.; Su, Y.*Bioinspired Staggered-Array Structure Design for Flexible BatteriesInternational Journal of Solids and Structures, 2022, 256, 111986.

87. Li, J.; Li, S.; Su, Y.*Stretchable Strain Sensors Based on Deterministic-Contact-Resistance Braided Structures with High Performance and Capability of Continuous ProductionAdvanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2208216.

86. Zhao, H.; Dagdeviren, C.; Liu, G.; Cao, P.; Wang, J.; Sha, B.;Wang, G.; Cui, J.; Su, Y.*A New Model Based on the In-Plane Deformation for the Conformal Piezoelectric Systems for Characterization of Soft Tissue ModulusExtreme Mechanics Letters, 2022, 101801.

85. Li, S.; Xu, J.; Li, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, M.; Li, J.; Yin, S.; Liu, G.; Zhang, L.; Li, B.; Gu, Q.; Su, Y.*Stretchable Electronic Facial Masks for SonophoresisACS Nano, 2022, 16(4): 5961-74.

84. Zhang, M.; Zhu, W.; Zhang, T.; Su, Y.*; Yang, Y.*Lever-Inspired Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Ultra-High Output for Pulse MonitoringNano Energy, 2022, 97, 107159.

83. Zhao, H.; Su, Y.*Buckling of Bulk Structures With Finite Prebuckling Deformation. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2022, 89(5): 051006.

82. Li, S.;  Liu, G.;  Li, R.;  Li, Q.;  Zhao, Y.;  Huang, M.;  Zhang, M.;  Yin, S.;  Zhou, Y.;  Tang, H.;  Wang, L.;  Fang, G.; Su, Y.*Contact-Resistance-Free Stretchable Strain Sensors with High Repeatability and Linearity. ACS Nano, 2022, 16 (1), 541-553.

81. 高子洋, 师芳芳*, 张碧星, 苏业旺, 卷积神经网络的缺陷类型识别分析. Recognition and Analysis of Defect Typesby Convolutional Neural Network. Applied Acoustics, 2022, 1-13.

80.Qiu, Y.;  Zhang, B.;  Yang, J.*;  Gao, H.;  Li, S.;  Wang, L.;  Wu, P.;  Su, Y.;  Zhao, Y.*;  Feng, J.*;  Jiang, L.; Wu, Y., Wafer-Scale Integration of Stretchable Semiconducting Polymer Microstructures Via Capillary Gradient. Nature Communications, 2021, 12 (1), 7038.

79. Li, Q.;  Li, S.;  Pisignano, D.;  Persano, L.;  Yang, Y.; Su, Y.*On the Evaluation of OutputVoltages for Quantifying the Performance of Pyroelectric Energy Harvesters. Nano Energy, 2021, 86, 106045.

78. Dang, F.;  Yang, Z.;  Yang, P.*;  Su, Y.; Liu, Y.*Exploring the Structure–Capacitance Relation of Graphene Film-Based Supercapacitor. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56 (3), 2506-2516.

77. 郭钇兵*, 张潇, 叶凡炜, 平学成*苏业旺, 多股并联蛇形导线无线充电线圈的力电特性分析及优化设计. Analysis and Optimization of Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics of Wireless Charging Coils with Multi-strand Serpentine Interconnect. Science Technology and Engineering, 2020, 20(25):10293-10300.

76. Gao, Y.#; Guo, F.#; Cao, P.; Liu, J.; Li, D.; Wu, J.; Wang, N.*Su, Y.*; Zhao, Y.*Winding-Locked Carbon Nanotubes/Polymer Nanofibers Helical Yarn for Ultrastretchable Conductor and Strain Sensor. ACS Nano, 2020, 14 (3), 3442-3450.

75. Li, S.; Liu, G.; Wang, L.; Fang, G.; Su, Y.*Overlarge Gauge Factor Yields a Large Measuring Error for Resistive-Type Stretchable Strain Sensors. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2020, 6, 2000618.

74. Liu, G.; Sun, L.; Su, Y.*Scaling Effects in the Mechanical System of the Flexible Epidermal Electronics and the Human Skin.  Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2020, 87(8), 1-17.

73. An, D.; Xu, D.; Ni, Z.; Su, Y.; Wang, B.; Li, R.*Finite Integral Transform Method for Analytical Solutions of Static Problems of Cylindrical Shell Panels. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2020, 104033.

72. Li, M.; Chen, X.; Zhou, D.*; Su, Y.*A Spectral Microplane Model for the Anisotropic Damage Behavior of Shales. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2020, 87, 8: 081001.

71. 刘曰武, 高大鹏, 李奇, 万义钊, 段文杰, 曾霞光, 李明耀, 苏业旺, 范永波, 李世海, 鲁晓兵, 周东, 陈伟民, 傅一钦, 姜春晖, 侯绍继, 潘利生, 魏小林, 胡志明, 端祥刚, 高树生, 沈瑞, 常进, 李晓雁, 柳占立, 魏宇杰, 郑哲敏, 页岩气开采中的若干力学前沿问题Mechanical Frontiers in Shale-Gas DevelopmentAdvances in Mechanics, 2019, 49(1): 201901.

70. Gao, H.#; Qiu, Y.#; Feng, J.; Li, S.; Wang, H.; Zhao, Y.; Wei, X.; Jiang, X.*Su, Y.; Wu, Y.*Nano-Confined Crystallization of Organic Ultrathin Nanostructure Arrays with Programmable Geometries. Nature Communications, 2019, 103912.

69. Zhang, L.#; Jiang, X.#; Jiang, W.; Li, S.; Chi, Y.; Liu, H.; Zhang, M.; Li, J.; Fang, M.; Pan, B.; Chen, Y.; Shen, C.; Guo, X.; Li, R.*; Guo, L.*Su, Y.*Infrared Skin‐Like Active Stretchable Electronics Based on Organic–Inorganic Composite Structures for Promotion of Cutaneous Wound Healing. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019, 1900150.

68. Jia, T.; Wang, Y.; Dou, Y.; Li, Y.; Jung de Andrade, M.; Wang, R.; Fang, S.; Li, J.; Yu, Z.; Qiao, R.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, Y.; Su, Y.; Minary-Jolandan, M.; Baughman, R.; Qian, D.; Liu, Z.*Moisture Sensitive Smart Yarns and Textiles from Self‐Balanced Silk Fiber Muscles. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 1808241.

67. Yin S.; Su, Y.*A Traction-Free Model for the Tensile Stiffness and Bending Stiffness of Laminated Ribbons of Flexible Electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 86(5): 051011.

66. Su, Y.*; Zhao, H.; Liu, S.; Li, R.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Bian, J.; Huang, YA.*Buckling of Beams With Finite Prebuckling Deformation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019, 165, 148-159.

65. Liu, H.; Zhao, H.; Li, S.; Hu, J.; Zheng, X.; Li, R.*; Chen, Y.*Su, Y.*Adhesion-Free Thin-Film-Like Curvature Sensors Integrated on Flexible and Wearable Electronics for Monitoring Bending of Joints and Various Body Gestures. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019, 4(2): 1800327.

64. Liu, H.; Xue, R.; Hu, J.; Ping, X.; Wu, H.; Huang, M.; Zhang, H.; Guo, X.; Li, R.*; Chen, Y.*Su, Y.*Systematic Study on the Mechanical and Electric Behaviors of the Nonbuckling Interconnect Design of Stretchable Electronics. Science China PhysicsMechanics & Astronomy, 2018, 61(11):114611.

63. Hu, J.; Li, R.*; Liu, Y.; Su, Y.*An Overview of Healthcare Monitoring by Flexible Electronics. Science China PhysicsMechanics & Astronomy, 2018, 61, 094601.

62. Zhang, X.*; Lin, J.; Lu, X.; Liu, L.; Liu, C.; Li, M.; Su, Y.A Hypoplastic Model for Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sandy Sediments. International Journal For Numerical And Analytical Methods In Geomechanics, 2018, 42, 931-942.

61. Pan, R.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Li, S.; Liu, Z.; Su, Y.; Quan, B.; Li, Y.; Gu, C.*; Li, J.*Nanocracking and Metallization Doubly Defined Large-Scale 3D Plasmonic Sub-10 nm-Gap Arrays as Extremely Sensitive SERS Substrates. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 3171-3180.

60. Li, R.*; Wang, P.; Wang, B.; Zhao, C.; Su, Y.*New Analytic Free Vibration Solutions of Rectangular Thick Plates With a Free Corner by the Symplectic Superposition Method. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics of the ASME, 2018, 140, 031016-1.

59. Chang, T.; Tanabe, Y.; Wojcik, C.; Barksdale, A.; Doshay, S.; Dong, Z.; Liu, H.; Zhang, M.; Chen, Y.; Su, Y.; Lee, T.; Ho, J.; Fan, J.*A General Strategy for Stretchable Microwave Antenna Systems using Serpentine Mesh Layouts. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27(46), 1703059.

58. Zhang, M.; Liu, H.; Cao, P.; Chen, B.; Hu, J.; Chen, Y.; Pan, B.; Fan, J.; Li, R.*; Zhang, L.*Su, Y.*Strain-Limiting Substrates Based on Nonbuckling, Prestrain-Free Mechanics for Robust Stretchable Electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 84(12), 121010.

57. Huang, Y.; Ding, Y.; Bian, J.; Su, Y.; Zhou, J.; Duan, Y.*; Yin, Z.*Hyper-Stretchable Self-Powered Sensors Based on Electrohydrodynamically Printed, Self-Similar Piezoelectric Nano/Microfibers. Nano Energy, 2017, 40, 432-439.

56. Zhao, L.; Hong, C.; Lin, L.; Wu, H.; Su, Y.; Zhang, X.; Liu, A.*Controllable Nanoscale Engineering of Aligned MoS2 Ultrathin Nanosheets by Nitrogen Doping of 3D Grapheme Hydrogel for Inproved Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. Carbon, 2017, 116, 223-231.

55. Su, Y.*; Li, S.; Huan, Y.; Li, R.; Zhang, Z.; Joe ,P.; Dagdeviren, C.*The Universal and Easy-To-Use Standard of Voltage Measurement for Quantifying the Performance of Piezoelectric Devices. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2017, 15, 10-16.

54. Fan, Z.; Wu, J.*; Ma, Q.; Liu, Y.; Su, Y.; Hwang, K.*Postbuckling Analysis of Curved Beams. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017, 84(3), 031007.

53. Li, S.; Liu, X.; Li, R.*Su, Y.*Shear Deformation Dominates in the Soft Adhesive Layers of the Laminated Structure of Flexible Electronics. International Journal of Solids and Structures2017, 110, 305-314.

52. Su, Y.; Ping, X.; Yu, K.; Lee, J.; Fan, J.; Wang, B.; Li, M.; Li, R.; Harburg, D.; Huang, Y.; Yu, C.; Mao, S.; Shim, J.; Yang, Q.; Lee, P.; Armonas, A.; Choi, K.; Yang, Y.; Paik, U.; Chang, T.; Dawidczyk, T.; Huang, Y.; Wang, S.*; Rogers, J.*In-Plane Deformation Mechanics for Highly Stretchable Electronics. Advanced Materials, 2017, 1604989.

51. 李明耀, 贺甲元, 苏业旺, 页岩油气水力压裂的关键力学问题和数值计算方法. Mechanical Problems and Numerical Methods on Hydraulic Fracture in Shale. Science & Technology Review, 2016, 34(23), 32-42.

50. Chau, V.; Bazant, Z.*Su, Y.Growth Model for Large Branched Three-Dimensional Hydraulic Crack System in Gas or Oil Shale. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences, 2016, 374(2078).

49. Li, S.; Su, Y.*; Li, R.*Splitting of the neutral mechanical plane depends on the length of the multi-layer structure of flexible electronics. Proceedings Of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences, 2016, 472(2190), 20160087.

48. Su, Y.*; Liu, Z.; Xu, L., An Universal and Easy-to-Use Model for the Pressure of Arbitrary-Shape 3D Multifunctional Integumentary Cardiac Membranes. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2016, 5, 8, 889-892.

47. Bai, Z.; Su, Y.*; Ji, B.*Buckling Behaviors of Staggered Nanostructure of Biological Materials. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 83, 3, 031011.

46. Qiu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Su, Y.; Cao, P.; Zhao, Y.*Ultrasonic Nonlinearity Evaluation of the Cracked Interface. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016, 5023127.

45. Li, R.*; Ye, H.; Zhang, W.; Ma, G.; Su, Y.*An Analytic Model for Accurate Spring Constant Calibration of Rectangular Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 15828.

44. Kirane, K.; Su, Y.; Bazant, Z. P.*Strain-Rate-Dependent Microplane Model for High-Rate Comminution of Concrete under Impact Based on Kinetic Energy Release Theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2015, 471(2182), 20150535.

43. Su, Y.*; Dagdeviren, C.*; Li, R., Measured Output Voltages of Piezoelectric Devices Depend on the Resistance of Voltmeter. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(33), 5320-5325.

42. Su, Y.*; Li, S; Li, R.; Dagdeviren, C.*Splitting of Neutral Mechanical Plane of Conformal, Multilayer Piezoelectric Mechanical Energy Harvester. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 107(4).

41. Dagdevirena, C.; Shi, Y.; Joe, P.; Ghaffari, R.; Balooch, G; Usgaonkar, K.; Gur, O.; Tran, P. L.; Crosby, J. R.; Meyer, M.; Su, Y.; Webb, C. R.; Tedesco, A. S.; Slepian, M. J., Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A.*Conformal Piezoelectric Systems for Clinical and Experimental Characterization of Soft Tissue Biomechanics. Nature Materials, 2015, 14, 728-736.

40. Su, Y.; Bazant, Z. P.*; Zhao, Y.; Salviato, M.; Kirane, K., Viscous Energy Dissipation of Kinetic Energy of Particles Comminuted by High-Rate Shearing in Projectile Penetration, with Potential Ramification to Gas Shale. International Journal of Fracture, 2015, 193(1):77–85.

39. Huang, Y.#*; Dong, W.*; Huang, T.; Wang, Y.; Xiao, L.; Su, Y.; Yin, Z.*Self-Similar Design for Stretchable Wireless LC Strain Sensors. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2015, 224, 36–42.

38. Bazant, Z. P.*Su, Y.*Impact Comminution of Solids Due to Progressive Crack Growth Driven by Kinetic Energy of High-Rate Shear. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2015, 82, 031007.

37. Su, Y.#; Wang, S.#; Huang, Y.#; Luan, H.; Dong, W.; Fan, J. A.; Yang, Q.; Rogers, J. A.; Huang, Y.*,  Elasticity of Fractal Inspired Interconnects. Small, 2015, 11(3), 367-373.

36. Hattori, Y.; Falgout, L.; Lee, W.; Jung, S.-Y.; Poon, E.; Lee, J.; Na, I..; Geisler, A.; Sadhwani, D.; Zhang, Y.; Su, Y.; Wang, X.; Liu, Z.; Xia, J.; Cheng, H.; Webb, R.; Bonifas A.; Won, P.; Jeong J.-W.; Jang, K.-I.; Song, Y.; Nardone, B.; Nodzenski, M.; Fan, J. A.; Huang, Y.; West, D. P.; Paller, A. S.; Alam, M.; Yeo, W.-H.*; Rogers, J. A.*Multifunctional Skin-Like Electronics for Quantitative,Clinical Monitoring of Cutaneous Wound Healing. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2014, 3(10), 1597-1607.

35. He, S.; Su, Y.*; Ji, B.*; Gao, H., Some Basic Questions on Mechanosensing in Cell-Substrate Interaction. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2014, 70, 116-135.

34. Yu, C.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; Huang, X.; Malyarchuk, V.; Wang, S.; Shi, Y.; Gao, L.; Su, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, H.; Huang, Y; Rogers, J. A.*Adaptive Optoelectronic Camouflage Systems With Designs Inspired by Cephalopod Skins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111(36), 12998-13003.

33. Dagdeviren, C.#Su, Y.#; Joe, P.; Yona, R.; Liu, Y.; Kim, Y.-S.; Huang, Y.; Damadoran1, A. R.; Xia, J.; Martin, L. W.; Huang, Y.*; Rogers, J. A.*Conformable, Amplified Lead Zirconate Titanate Sensors with Enhanced Piezoelectric Response for Cutaneous Pressure Monitoring. Nature Communications, 2014, 5: 4496.

32. Hwang, S.-W.#; Park, G.#; Edwards, C.; Corbin, E. A.; Kang, S.-K.; Cheng, H.; Song, J.-K.; Kim, J.-H.; Yu, S.; Ng, J.; Lee, J.; Yee, C.; Bhaduri. B.; Su, Y.; Omennetto, F. G.; Huang, Y.; Bashir, R.; Goddard, L.; Popescu, G.; Lee, K.-M.*, Rogers, J. A.*Dissolution Chemistry and Biocompatibility of Single-Crystalline Silicon Nanomembranes and Associated Materials for Transient Electronics. ACS Nano, 2014, 8(6), 5843-5851.

31. Su, Y.; Liu, Z.; Wang, S.; Ghaffari, R.; Kim, D.-H.; Hwang, K.-C.; Rogers, J. A. and Huang, Y.*Mechanics of Stretchable Electronics on Balloon Catheter under Extreme Deformation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51(7-8), 1555-1561.

30. Dagdeviren, C.#; Yang, B-D.#Su, Y.#; Tran, P.; Joe, P.; Anderson, E.; Xia, J.; Doraiswamy, V.; Dehdashti, B.; Poston, R.; Khalpey, Z.; Ghaffari, R.; Huang, Y.; Gregoire, D.; Marivin, J.; Rogers, J.A.*Conformal, Multilayer Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting and Storage From Motions of the Heart, Lung and Diaphragm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111 (5), 1927-1932.

    ----Many news agencies highlight our work on conformal mechanical energy harvesters for the heart, lung and diaphragm, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA: Popular Mechanics, CBS News, LA Times, BBC News, Chemical and Engineering News, New Scientist, Chemistry World and many others, January 21, 2014.

29. Yin, L.; Cheng, H.; Mao, S.; Haasch, R.; Liu, Y.; Xie, X.; Hwang, S.-W.; Jain, H.; Kang, S.; Su, Y.; Li, R.; Huang, Y. and Rogers, J. A.*Dissolvable Metals forTransient Electronics. Advanced Functional Materials, 2014, 24(5), 645-658.

28. Xu, L.#; Gutbrod, S.#; Bonifas, A. P.; Su, Y.; Sulkin, M.; Lu, N.; Chung, H.-J.; Jang, K.-I.; Liu, Z.; Ying, M.; Lu, C.; Webb, R. C.; Kim, J.-S.; Laughner, J. I.; Cheng, H.; Liu, Y.; Ameen, A.; Jeong, J.-W.; Kim. G.-T.; Huang, Y.; Efimov, I. R.*; Rogers, J. A.*3D Multifunctional Integumentary Membranes for Spatiotemporal Measurement/Stimulation Across the Entire Epicardium. Nature Communications, 2014,5:3329.

    ----"Wrapped Around the Heart" Clancy and Xiang write a News and Views piece in Nature that highlights our work on 3D electronic membranes for the heart, originally published in Nature Communications Nature, March, 2014. 

    ----Many news agencies highlight our work on 3D electronic membranes for the heart, published in Nature Communications: NPR, ABC News, CNN, Smithsonian, National Geographic, MIT's Technology Review, New Scientist, Medical Daily, The Scientist and many others, February 28, 2014. 

27. Fan, J.A.#; Yeo, W-H.#; Su, Y.#; Hatton, Y.; Lee, W.; Jung, S-Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Z.; Cheng, H.; Falgout, L.; Bajema, M.; Coleman, T.; Gregoire, D.; Larson, R.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J.A., Fractal Design Concepts for Stretchable Electronics. Nature Communications,2014,5:3266.

  "Patterns Make Circuits Stretchy" Editors at Nature highlight our work on fractal motifs for stretchable electronics, originally published in Nature Communications” Nature, February, 2014.

26. Jeong, J.-W.#; Yeo, W.-H.#; Akhtar, A.; Norton, J.; Kwack, Y.-J.; Li, S., Jung, S.-Y.; Su, Y.; Lee, W.; Xia, J.; Cheng, H.; Huang, Y.; Choi, W.-S.; Bretl, T. W. and Rogers, J. A.*Materials and Optimized Designs for Human-Machine Interfaces Via Epidermal Electronics. Advanced Materials, 2013, 25(47), 6839-6846.

25. Zhang, Y.#; Fu, H.#; Su, Y.; Xu, S.; Cheng, H.; Fan, J.A.; Hwang, K.-C.; Rogers, J.A.*; Huang, Y.*Mechanics of Ultra-Stretchable Self-Similar Serpentine Interconnects. Acta Materialia, 2013, 61, (20), 7816–7827.

24. Li, M.#; Xia, J.#; Li, R.; Kang, Z.*Su, Y.*Design of Two-Dimensional Horseshoe Layout for Stretchable Electronic Systems. Journal of Materials Science, 2013, 48, (24), 8443-8448.

23. Su, Y.#; Li, R.#; Cheng, H.; Ying, M.; Bonifas, A. P.; Hwang, K.-C.; Rogers, J. A.* and Huang, Y.*Mechanics of Finger-Tip Electronics. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, 114, 164511.

22. Dagdeviren, C.#; Hwang, S.-W.#Su, Y.; Kim, S.; Cheng, H.; Gur, O.; Haney, R.; Omenetto, F. G.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A.*Transient, Biocompatible Electronics and Energy Harvesters Based on ZnO. Small, 2013, 9(20), 3398-3404.

21. Chen, C.; Tao, W.; Su, Y.; Wu, J.; and Song, J.*Lateral Buckling of Interconnects in a Non-coplanar Mesh Design for Stretchable Electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2013, 80, 4: 041031.

20. Li, R.#; Cheng, H.#Su, Y.#; Hwang, S.-W.; Yin, L.; Tao, H.; Brenckle, M. A.; Kim, D. H.; Omenetto, F. G.; Rogers, J. A.*; Huang, Y. G.*An Analytical Model of Reactive Diffusion for Transient Electronics. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23 (24), 3106-3114.

19. Yu, C.; Duan, Z.; Yuan, P.; Li, Y.; Su, Y.; Zhang, X.; Pan, Y.; Dai, L.; Nuzzo, R.; Huang, Y.; Jiang, H.*; Rogers, J. A.*Electronically Programmable, Reversible Shape Change in Two- and Three-Dimensional Hydrogel Structures. Advanced Materials, 2013, 25, (11), 1541-1546.

18. Persano, L.#; Dagdeviren, C.#Su, Y.#; Zhang, Y.; Girardo, S.; Pisignano, D.; Huang, Y.; Rogers, J. A., High Performance Piezoelectric Devices Based on Aligned Arrays of Nanofibers of Poly(Vinylidenefluoride-Co-Trifluoroethylene). Nature Communications, 2013, 4: 1633.

17. Pan, B.; Li, R.*Su, Y.; Wang, B.; Zhong, Y., Analytical Bending Solutions of Clamped Rectangular Thin Plates Resting on Elastic Foundations by the Symplectic Superposition Method. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2013, 26(3), 355-361.

16. Xu, S.#; Zhang, Y.#; Cho, J.; Lee, J.; Huang, X.; Jia, L.; Fan, J.; Su, Y.; Su, J.; Zhang, H.; Cheng, H.; Lu, B.; Yu, C.; Chuang, C.; Kim, T.; Song, T.; Shigeta, K.; Kang, S.; Dagdeviren, C.; Petrov, I.; Braun, P.; Huang, Y.*; Paik, U.; Rogers, J. A.*Stretchable Batteries with Self-Similar Serpentine Interconnects and Integrated Wireless Recharging Systems. Nature Communications, 2013, 4:1543.

    ----Many news agencies highlight our work on stretchable, rechargable lithium ion batteries, published in Nature Communications: Popular Science, CBS News, NBC News, BBC News, PC Magazine and many others, February 28, 2013. 

15. Li, R.*; Li, M.; Su, Y.*; Song, J.; Ni, X., An Analytical Mechanics Model for the Island-Bridge Structure of Stretchable Electronics. Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 8476-8482.

14. Kim, D.-H.#; Ghaffari, R.#; Lu, N.#; Wang, S.#; Lee, S.; Keum, H.; D'Angelo, R.; Klinker, L.; Su, Y.; Lu, C.; Kim, Y.; Ameen, A.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y.; de Graff, B.; Hsu, Y.; Liu, Z.; Ruskin, J.; Xu, L.; Lu, C.; Omenetto, F.; Huang, Y.; Mansour, M.; Slepian, M.; Rogers, J. A.*Electronic Sensor and Actuator Webs for Large-Area Complex Geometry Cardiac Mapping and Therapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2012, 109(49), 19910-19915.

13. Su, Y.; Liu, Z.; Kim, S.; Wu, J.; Huang, Y.*; Rogers, J. A.*Mechanics of Stretchable Electronics with High Fill Factors. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2012, 49(23-24), 3416-3421.

12. Su, Y.*; He, S.; Hwang, K.; Ji, B. H.*Why Have Not the Hairs on the Feet of Gecko Been Smaller? Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101, (17).

11. Su, Y.; Ji, B.*; Hwang, K.; Huang, Y.*Micro-Buckling in the Nanocomposite Structure of Biological MaterialsJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2012, 60(10), 1771-1790.

10. Hwang, S.-W.#; Tao, H.#; Kim, D.-H.#; Cheng, H.; Song, J.; Rill, E.; Brenckle, M. A.; Panilaitis, B.; Won, S.; Kim, Y.; Song, Y.; Yu, K.; Ameen, A.; Li, R.; Su, Y.; Yang, M.; Kaplan, D.; Zakin, M.; Slepian, M.; Huang, Y.; Omenetto, F.*; Rogers, J. A.*A Physically Transient Form of Silicon Electronics. Science, 2012, 337(6102), 1640-1644.

  ----Work on 'transient' electronics appears in >1000 print, web, radio and television news stories, worldwide, following its publication in Science on Sep. 28th, 2012.

9.  Ying, M.#; Bonifas, A. P#.; Lu, N.; Su, Y.; Li, R.; Cheng, H.; Ameen, A.; Huang, Y. G.; Rogers, J. A.*Silicon Nanomembranes for Fingertip Electronics. Nanotechnology, 2012, 23(34), 344004.

  ----Many news agencies highlight our work on fingertip electronics: Wall Street Journal, Nanowerk, Science Daily, New Scientist, Innovation News Daily, Science NOW and many others August 2012. 

8.  Wang, S.; Li, M.; Wu, J.; Kim, D.-H.; Lu, N.; Su, Y.; Kang, Z.; Huang, Y.*; Rogers, J. A.*Mechanics of Epidermal Electronics. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 2012, 79, 031022.

7.  Kim, S.; Su, Y.; Mihi, A.; Lee, S.; Liu, Z.; Bhandakkar, T. K.; Wu, J.; Geddes, J. B.; Johnson, H. T.; Zhang, Y. W.; Park, J. K.; Braun, P. V.; Huang, Y. G.; Rogers, J. A.*Imbricate Scales as a Design Construct for Microsystem Technologies. Small, 2012, 8(6), 901-906.

6. Su, Y.#; Wu, J.#; Fan, Z.; Hwang, K.*; Song, J.; Huang, Y.*; Rogers, J. A., Postbuckling analysis and its application to stretchable electronics. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2012, 60(3), 487-508.

5.  Su, Y.; He, S.; Ji, B.*; Huang, Y.*; Hwang, K., More evidence of the crucial roles of surface superhydrophobicity in free and safe maneuver of water strider. Applied Physics Letters, 2011, 99(26), 263704.

4.  Su, Y.; Ji, B.*; Huang, Y.*; Hwang, K., Nature's Design of Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Surfaces of a Water Strider for Low Adhesion and Low-Energy Dissipation. Langmuir, 2010, 26 (24), 18926-18937.

3.  Su, Y.; Ji, B.*; Zhang, K.; Gao, H.; Huang, Y.*; Hwang, K., Nano to Micro Structural Hierarchy Is Crucial for Stable Superhydrophobic and Water-Repellent Surfaces. Langmuir, 2010, 26 (7), 4984-4989.

2.  Su, Y.; Ji, B.*; Huang, Y.*; Hwang, K., Concave biological surfaces for strong wet adhesion. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2009, 22(6), 593-604.

1.  Su, Y.; Ji, B.*; Huang, Y.*; Hwang, K., Effects of contact shape on biological wet adhesion. Journal of Materials Science, 2007, 42, (21), 8885-8893.


3. Huang, YA.; Su, Y.; Jiang, S., Flexible Electronics: Theory and Method of Structural DesignSpringer NatureGateway EastSingapore, 2023.

2. Duan, Y.; Ding, Y.; Wang, Y.; Su, Y.*; Huang, YA.*, “Flexible/Stretchable Piezoelectric Nanofiber Devices” in Flexible and Wearable Electronics: Design and Fabrication Techniques (ed. Haider K. Raad), United Scholars PublicationAnaheimUSA, 2016.

1. Su, Y.; Wu, J.; Fan, Z.; Hwang, K.*; Huang, Y.*; Rogers, J. A., “Mechanics of Twistable Electronics” in Stretchable Electronics (ed. Takao Someya), Wiley-VCHWeinheimGermany, pp. 31-39, 2012.



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25. 苏业旺;李爽;蓝昱群. 一种可主动驱动变形的薄膜式柔性压力传感器:中国,CN202210724312.1


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23. 苏业旺;李爽一种电阻式应变传感器:中国,CN201810556672.9


22. 苏业旺;张丽娟. 一种可拉伸柔性红外治疗仪:中国,CN201710279997.2


21. 郭亮;王星泉;苏业旺. 快速穿脱仿生外骨骼背架:中国,CN202310033573.3


20. 苏业旺;李爽赵阳. 一种可快速制备的电阻式应变传感器及其制备方法:中国,CN202110750717.8


19. 苏业旺;王泰然;王勇康;陈中伟. 一种利用虚拟转轴的无缝合页装置:中国,CN202111174367.1 


18. 苏业旺;蓝昱群;李爽. 一种主动驱动变形的薄膜式柔性压力传感器:中国,CN202210725867.8 


17. 苏业旺;李居曜. 一种高灵敏度编织应变传感器及其制备方法:中国,CN202111656409.5


16. 苏业旺;周联巧;李爽. 一种具有高灵敏度的多层结构应变传感器:中国,CN202111194918.0


15. 苏业旺;李居曜. 一种编织可拉伸导线及其制备方法:中国,CN202111085406.0


14. 苏业旺. 一种半导体继电器的自旋通风机构:中国,CN202210793717.0


13. 苏业旺; 郭亮; 刘浩. 一种电子元器件用的输送设备:中国,CN202111085431.9


12. 苏业旺;李爽. 一种电阻式应变传感器及应变测量方法:中国,CN201910223791.7


11. 苏业旺;李爽. 一种双面电阻式应变传感器及应变测量方法:中国,CN201910222833.5 


10. 苏业旺;李爽;刘国栋. 一种电阻式应变片:中国,CN201910264171.8 


9.   苏业旺;李爽;刘浩. 一种变线宽的柔性可拉伸导线及其制备方法:中国,CN201711178140.8 


8.   苏业旺;赵宏宇. 一种三层柔性电池结构及制备方法:中国,CN201710041247.1 


7.   苏业旺;李明耀. 一种水力压裂中流固耦合问题数值模拟的构建方法:中国,CN201610730609.3 


6.   苏业旺;李爽. 一种可伸展的柔性电极及其制备方法:中国,CN201611009571.7


5.   苏业旺;刘浩;陈玉丽. 一种可大范围连续调频的便携式气球天线及制作方法:中国,CN201610893810.3 


4.   苏业旺;李爽. 一种可延展的喷墨打印柔性电路板及其制备方法:中国,CN201611020969.0


3.   苏业旺;刘浩;陈玉丽. 一种柔性曲率传感器及其制备方法:中国,CN201611048366.1 


2.   苏业旺;李爽. 一种测量压电器件开路电压的装置和方法:中国,CN201610091979.7 


1.   苏业旺;李爽. 一种仿鱼鳞结构太阳能电池及其制备方法:中国,CN201611033387.6 




21. 苏业旺;周赞鑫;李文君;张一帆;樊丽娜;郭巧利;毛印浩;崔景强;王国胜. 



20. 苏业旺;郭亮;王星泉;胡济海. 用于铅衣支撑的背架肩宽调节装置:中国,CN202321894046.3


19. 苏业旺;郭亮;王星泉胡济海. 用于铅衣支撑的背架高度调节装置:中国,CN202321895497.9


18. 张春柯;曹馨芳;苏业旺;王龙;郑胜胜;王树刚;刘路敏;崔文博;赵彩云;程龙. 



17. 苏业旺; 徐新凯;闫丽;左勇魁;邓柳健;张春柯;张朋;孙耀民;宋振宇. 


      申请日: 2023.02.13;授权日:2023.11.07.

16. 苏铁木;苏业旺;郭亮;王星泉;胡济海. 手提式称重书包:中国,CN202320144244.1


15. 郭亮;王星泉;苏业旺. 一种可穿戴的柔性织物压力传感器背心:中国,CN202222663693.5


14. 苏业旺;李沁蓝;王树刚;刘艳红;尹小海. 



13.  苏业旺;马远良. 一种自加热组件及包括自加热组件的瓶子:中国,CN202020283850.8 


12. 苏业旺;张懋熠;郭亮;魏延鹏. 一种具有预蓄力型柔性连接系统的减负悬浮背包:中国,CN202020142068.4 


11. 苏业旺;张懋熠;郭亮;魏延鹏. 一种具有预压缩型柔性连接系统的减负悬浮背包:中国,CN201920850886.7 


10. 苏业旺;赵宏宇. 一种可拉伸的射频除皱面膜:中国,CN201820133067.6 


9.   苏业旺;李爽. 一种电阻式应变传感器:中国,CN201820842431.6 


8.   苏业旺;张丽娟. 一种红外线创可贴:中国,CN201720444718.9 


7.   苏业旺;李爽. 一种可拉伸温热物理面膜:中国,CN201720450626.1 


6.   苏业旺;李爽. 一种可拉伸超声辅助面膜:中国,CN201720450661.3 


5.   苏业旺;张丽娟. 一种可拉伸LED面膜:中国,CN201720444667.X 


4.   苏业旺;张丽娟. 一种可拉伸柔性红外治疗仪:中国,CN201720444595.9 


3.   苏业旺. 一种面膜:中国,CN201720450671.7 


2.   苏业旺;尹世珍. 一种柔性可拉伸的气压传感器阵列:中国,CN201720450771.X 


1.   苏业旺;张晗;尹世珍;李爽. 一种可拉伸超声换能器阵列:中国,CN201720450764.X 

