
I'm an associate researcher in astrophysics in the Institute of high energy physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Research Areas

My research experience was in the following aspects:

  1. pulsar timing

  2. high energy compact binary theoretical modeling

  3. ​gravitational wave astronomy

My previous project is "gravitational wave universe toolbox", which can be access from

Currently, I'm focusing on multi-messenger astrophysics, combing gravitational wave and high energy observation. 


I got my Bachelor degree in Science from Tsinghua University in 2010, and acquire my Ph.D degree in astrophysics from university of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016. 


Work Experience

After obtaining my Ph.D, I worked as postdoctral fellow in Hong Kong University with Prof. K.S Cheng (2016-2018).

I've made a personal website when I was in HKU, but it've not been updated after I left HKU.  

After I left HKU, I worked in Radboud University Netherlands with Prof. Gijs Nelemans (2018-2021) on the project "Gravitational Wave Universe Toolbox"


My publication list can be found in this link:


I gave instructions to Mr. Kai Hendriks, on his master thesis The Gravitational Wave Toolbox: modelling electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources, 2021, while I was working as a postdoc in the Radboud University.