
Ming Xu, Professor

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research

Chinese Academy of Sciences

11A Datun Road, Beijing 100101


Research Areas

Climate Change: Characterizing contemporary climate change and its spatiotemporal variations to identify the drivers and mechanisms leading to the changes in the climate system; Climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation.

Global Change Ecology: Investigating the impacts of climate change on ecosystem processes and functions and understanding the physiological/ecological mechanisms for plants and animals to acclimate/adapt to future climate change.

Ecosystem Modeling: Developing process-based ecological and hydrological models to predict the impacts of climate change and human activities, such as land use change and nitrogen deposition, on ecosystem functions and dynamics; Using ecosystem models to quantify and predict ecosystem services for sustainable ecosystem management under changing climate and human practices; Application of big-data/data-model fusion techniques to ecosystem/Earth system modeling.  


Ph.D. 2000, Ecology, University of California at Berkeley

M. S. 1990, Biometeorology/Ecology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China

B. S. 1987, Forest Science, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, China


Published more than 140 papers in the top English and Chinese jouurnals (>100 published in SCI journals). Publications have been cited about 6000 times in Google Scholar database (H-index: 37) and about 3000 times in SCI database (H-index: 30)



杨庆朋  01  19185  

郑云普  01  19185  

迟永刚  01  19185  

赵峰侠  01  19185  

周浩然  02  19185  

邱帅  01  19185  

沈瑞昌  01  19185  

徐宾  01  67674  


邵蕊  01  19185  

赵苗苗  02  67674  

张丽云  01  67674

Arshad Ali Shedayi 01   

赵芬  01  67674  

陈伟铭  01  67674