许晶禹 博士 力学研究所 研究员 / 博士生导师
电子邮件: xujingyu@imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市
主要研究领域为多相流体力学、石油流变学、海洋工程、油气储运理论与技术等。截止到目前已发表学术论文200余篇, 出版学术专著《管道式油气水分离技术》,已获得国家授权的发明专利20余项,国际PCT专利2项。
受聘担任《中国海洋平台》、《水动力学研究与进展》、《Journal of Hydrodynamics》、《石油钻探技术》等杂志编委,第十届中国流变学专业委员会委员、第八届《中国计量测试学会》理事会理事、国际60余期刊的审稿人等。
中国科学院力学研究所 研究员/博士生导师
中国科学院大学 工程科学学院 岗位教授
2015-12~现在, 中国科学院力学研究所, 研究员
2010-12~2015-12,中国科学院力学研究所, 副研究员
2007-07~2010-12,中国科学院力学研究所, 助理研究员
l 《全国流变学专业委员》 第九届委员会委
l 《中国计量测试学会》 第八届理事会理
l 《水动力学研究与进展》杂志编
l 《中国海洋平台》杂志
l 《石油钻探技术》杂志编委
l 《Journal of Hydrodynamics 》,《Frontiers in Energy Research》,《FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》etc., Editorial Board Member
l International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Chemical Engineering Journal, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Oil & Gas Science and Technology等60余国际学术杂志审稿人
- 一种管道式油气水分离与污水处理装置及应用方法, 专利授权, 2019, 第 5 作者, 专利号: CN110433571A
- 一种天然气除湿装置, 专利授权, 2019, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN105861087B
- 两种不同密度介质的同向旋流分离器, 发明专利, 2017, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN106693447A
- 一种螺旋片导流式相分离装置, 专利授权, 2017, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN106391335A
- 油气水多相分离系统及其应用方法, 发明专利, 2015, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN105031977A
- 一种含油污水旋流气浮分离装置, 发明专利, 2013, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN103303992A
- 一种含气、水原油的除水系统及其应用方法, 发明专利, 2013, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN103045295A
- 管道式两级导流片型油水分离器及其应用方法, 发明专利, 2012, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN102743898A
- 一种旋流气浮油水分离装置及气浮发生器, 发明专利, 2012, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN102626560A
- 一种管道式导流片型油水分离器及其除水装置, 发明专利, 2012, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN102626561A
- 油水两相流部分分离在线计量的装置及其应用方法, 发明专利, 2012, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN102628702A
- 一种组合式柱型油水旋流分离装置, 发明专利, 2012, 第 1 作者, 专利号: CN102500136A
- 一种管道式导流片型油水分离器的除水装置和油水旋流分离器, 发明专利, 2012, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN102423549A
- 一种轴向式入口油水旋流分离器, 发明专利, 2011, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN102251765A
- 新型管道式导流片型油水分离器起旋装置, 发明专利, 2011, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN102251766A
- 一种完全分离型油、气、水多相流量计, 发明专利, 2011, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN102128658A
- 一种油、水界面测量方法, 发明专利, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: CN102109372A
- 动态气浮油水分离装置和方法, 发明专利, 2011, 第 3 作者, 专利号: CN102010021A
- 复合式油水分离系统, 发明专利, 2010, 第 4 作者, 专利号: CN101810941A
- 一种气固、液固、液液引射加料的系统及配比输运方法, 发明专利, 2008, 第 8 作者, 专利号: CN100443739C
[1].Three-dimensional interface structures and characteristics in a stratified gas–liquid pipe flow, Chemical Engineering Science,277, 2023,118861
[2].Oil-water two-phase flow-induced vibration of a cylindrical cyclone with vortex finder. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, 4,2023,35:43317.
[3].Experimental investigation of film reversal evolution characteristics in gas liquid annular flow. AIP ADVANCES, 1,2023,13:15013.
[1].Prediction of the liquid film reversal of annular flow in vertical and inclined pipes. International Journal of Multiphase Flow,146 (2022): 103853
[2].Wall Slip and Flow Characteristics of Gas–Liquid–Solid Phase Coupling Flowing in Horizontal Pipelines. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2022, 61(14), 4951–4970
[3].Effects of pressure control on droplet size distribution and flow regimes in gas–liquid cylindrical cyclone. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,100 (2022) 104465
[4].Oil-water separation in a cylindrical cyclone with vortex finder, Physics of Fluids 34 (2022) 033314
[5].An investigation of a gas-liquid swirling flow with shear-thinning power-law liquids, Physics of Fluids 2022, 34(7), 073320
[6].Viscoelastic Behavior and Constitutive Relation of Heavy Crude Oils, ACS Omega, 2022, 7(35), 30816–30822
[7].Effect of oil properties on spilled oil recovery using a mechanism coupling surface vortices and cyclone separation, Ocean Engineering, 263, 2022, 112383
[1].Mechanism Investigation on a Novel Oil Recovery Skimmer Coupling Free Surface Vortex and Cyclone Separation. ACS OMEGA,2021,6(31):20483-20491.
[2].Investigation on the variation regularity of the characteristic droplet diameters in the swirling flow field. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 229, 116153.
[3].Research on Critical Liquid-Carrying Model in Wellbore and Laboratory Experimental Verification. Processes, 2021, 9, 923.
[4].Modeling Transient Flow in CO2 Injection Wells by Considering the Phase Change. Processes 2021, 9, 2164
[1].Separation mechanism and influential factor study on vane-type-associated petroleum gas separator, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 250, 117274.
[2].Evaluation of the Behavioral Characteristics in a Gas and Heavy Oil Stratified Flow According to the Herschel-Bulkley Fluid Model. ACS OMEGA, 2020, 5, 17787-17800.
[3].Investigation of the Gas–Liquid Two-Phase Flow and Separation Behaviors at Inclined T-Junction Pipelines. ACS Omega, 5, 21443–21450.
[4].Investigation on separation performance of vane-type gas-liquid tube separator. Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2020,26(3):227−236.
[5].Coalescence, and Migration Regularity of Bubbles under Gas-Liquid Swirling Flow in Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 2068-2082.
[6].Experimental and numerical study of separation characteristics in gas-liquid cylindrical cyclone. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 214, 115362.
[7].Investigation into atomization spray blending property in heavy crude oil extraction under laboratory conditions. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020,184, 106494.
[8].Study on Breakage Mechanism in the Swirl Generating Stage of an Oil-Water Separator for Marine Oil Extraction and Its Verification. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH,2020:417-420.
[9].Numerical and Experimental Studies of an Oil Slick Recovery Method That Uses a Free Surface Vortex. ACS Omega,2020,5(48):31332-31341.
[10].Experimental Investigation of the Flow Characteristics in Crude Oil Containing Sand and Gas Flowing Along Vertical Pipelines. ACS Omega,2020,5(48):31262-31271.
[1].Rheological characteristics of unstable heavy crude oil-water dispersed mixtures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 182, 106299.
[2].Apparent viscosity characteristics and prediction model of an unstable oil-in-water or water-in-oil dispersion system. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2019, 40, 1645-1656.
[3].Viscoelastic characteristics of heavy crude oil-water two-phase dispersed mixtures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 176:141-149.
[1].Separation characteristics of the gas and liquid phases in a vane-type swirling flow field. International Journal of Multiphase flow, 2018, 107, 131-145
[2].A Study of the Swirling Flow Field Induced by Guide Vanes Using Electrical Resistance Tomography and Numerical Simulations, Chemical Engineering Communications, 2018, 205, 1351-1364
[3].Breakup and coalescence regularity of non-dilute oil drops in a vane-type swirling flow field. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2018, 129, 35-54
[4].Characteristics of air-water upward intermittent flows with surfactant additive in a pipeline-riser system. Journal of Hydrodynamics 2018, 30, 287-295
[5].Gas-liquid flow splitting in T-junction with inclined lateral arm. Journal of Hydrodynamics 2018, 30, 173-176
[1].Rheological behavior and viscosity reduction of heavy crude oil and its blends from the Sui-zhong oilfield in China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2017, 156, 563-574
[2].Rheological properties of heavy crude oil containing sand from Bo-hai oilfield in China. Appl. Rheol. 27, 2 (2017) 24849-9
[3].An experimental study on gas and liquid separation at Y-junction tubes by pressure control. Separation Science and Technology 2017, 52, 1496-1503
[4].A study on pure IL VIV of a free spanning pipeline with general boundary conditions. China Ocean Engineering 2017, 31, 114-122
[1].Characteristics of water holdup for oil and water mixture flows in horizontal, vertical, and inclined pipes. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016, 94, 2417-2426
[2].Rheological behavior of oil and water emulsions and theirs flow characterization in horizontal pipes. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2016, 94, 324-331
[3].A simple model for predicting the two-phase heavy crude oil horizontal flow with low gas fraction. Chemical Engineering Communications 2016, 203, 1131-1138
[4].Rheological study of mudflows at Lianyungang in China. International Journal of Sediment Research 2016, 31, 71-78
[1].A Study on Flow Characteristics of Heavy Crude Oil for Pipeline Transportation. Petroleum Science and Technology 2015, 33, 1425-1433
[2].Measurement of an oil-water flow via the correlation of turbine flow meter, gamma ray densitometry and drift-flux model. Journal of Hydrodynamics 2015, 27, 548- 555
[3].Flow field of continuous phase in a vane-type pipe oi-water separator. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 2015, 60, 208-212
[1].Pressure Drop Models for Gas/Non-Newtonian Power-Law Fluids Flow in Horizontal Pipes. Chemical Engineering & Technology 2014, 37, 717-722
[2].Experimental investigation on yield stress of water-in-heavy crude oil emulsions in order to improve pipeline flow. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2014, 35, 593-598
[1].A simple correlation for prediction of the liquid slug holdup in gas/non-Newtonian fluids: horizontal to upward inclined flow. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 2013, 44, 893-896
[2].Experimental validation of the calculation of phase holdup for an oil-water two-phase vertical flow based on the measurement of pressure drops. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 2013, 31, 96-101
[3].Apparent viscosity of oil-water (coarse) emulsion and its rheological characterization during the phase inversion region. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 2013, 34, 1148-1160
[1].Oil-gas-water three-phase upward flow through a vertical pipe: influence of gas injection on the pressure gradient. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 2012, 46, 1-8
[2].Experimental study of a vane-type pipe separator for oil-water separation, Chemical Engineering Research and Design 2012, 90, 1652-1659
[3].Investigation on Oil-Water Separation in a Liquid-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012, 24,116-123
[4].Investigations of phase inversion and frictional pressure gradients in upward and downward oil-water flow in vertical pipes. International Journal of Multiphase flow 2012, 36, 930-939
[1].Investigation on average void fraction for air/non-Newtonian power-law fluids two-phase flow in downward inclined pipes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 2010, 34, 1484-1487
[1].Influence of gas injection on in-situ oil fraction of an oil-water flow in horizontal pipes. Chemical Engineering and Technology 2009, 32, 1922-1928
[2].Correlation of electromagnetic flow Meter, electrical resistance tomography and mechanistic modelling for a new solution of solid slurry measurement. Journal of Hydrodynamics 2009, 21, 557-563
[3].Study of drag reduction by gas injection for power-law fluid flow in horizontal stratified and slug flow regimes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2009, 147, 235-244
[4].A simple model for predicting the void fraction of gas/non-Newtonian fluid intermittent flows in upward inclined pipes. Chemical Engineering Communications 2009, 196, 746-753
[1].Experimental investigation on the slip between oil and water in horizontal pipes. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 2008, 33, 178-183
[2].Experimental investigation on the holdup distribution of oil-water two-phase flow in horizontal parallel tubes. Chemical Engineering and Technology 2008, 31, 1536-1540
[1].Studies on two-phase co-current air/non-Newtonian shear-thinning fluid flows in inclined smooth pipes. International Journal of Multiphase flow 2007, 33, 948-969
[2].An experimental study of in-situ phase fraction in jet-pump using electrical resistance tomography technique. Chinese Physics Letters 2007, 24, 512-515
[3].Effects of non-Newtonian liquid properties on pressure drop during horizontal gas-liquid flow. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 2007, 14:112-115
- 邢树宾,陈瑶瑶,杨乐乐,等. 基于气液分离的天然气双入口优化设计[J]. 天然气工业,2023,43(02):114-120.
- 吴奇霖,刘硕,许晶禹. 天然气引射器流场特性及有效工作区间研究[J]. 流体机械,2023,51(01):85-91.
- 张彦欢,刘硕,杨猛,等. 被动式轴向旋流除气装置性能研究[J]. 力学与实践,2022:9.
- 刘硕,柯文奇,杨猛,等. 稠油开采中新型井下混配器降黏携带特性研究[J]. 石油机械,2022,50(06):91-97.
- 朱沫,欧宇钧,吴辰,等. 柱型旋流器内油-水两相流的流场特征和分离性能[J]. 水动力学研究与进展A辑,2022,37(01):49-55.
- 刘小川,刘硕,顾成曦,等. 小型航煤储罐的吸瘪机理[J]. 油气储运,2021,40(01):33-38+65.
- 顾成曦,刘硕,侯林彤,等. 导流片型旋流场内油滴聚并影响因素研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A,2020,35(4):420-427.
- 徐文凯,牛骏,柯文奇,等. 雾化液滴掺混稠油的实验和数值模拟研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2019,34(01):45-52.
- 蔡亮,翟加钢,张栋,等. 旋流分离器在去除航空煤油固相杂质中的应用研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2018,33(1):73-80.
- 王信鹏,邢树宾,马志涛,等. 高含气井下气液混合输送技术研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2018,33(6):759-765.
- 侯林彤,顾成曦,刘硕,等. 气体/高黏液体两相间歇流动时液相含率的变化特性研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2018,33(6):726-730.
- 陈小平,许晶禹. 稠油动力黏度预测研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2017,32(1):11-18.
- 刘小川,许晶禹. 低温环境下管道法兰连接的应力分析[J]. 管道技术与设备,2017(1):32-35.
- 李永丰,刘敏,王晓飞,等. 海上油田含聚生产水旋流气浮装置试验研究[J]. 油气田地面工程,2016,35(10):22-25.
- 魏丛达,吴奇霖,史仕荧,等. 新型两级气浮旋流设备结构优化与性能研究[J]. 石油机械,2016,44(01):103-107.
- 高梦忱,刘硕,许晶禹. 乳化剂添加对气液垂直管流中压降影响的研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展(A辑),2016,31(6):673-680.
- 刘硕,刘小川,邵伟光,等. 机坪管网输送低温介质时流固耦合分析[J]. 水动力学研究与进展(A辑),2016,31(6):739-744.
- 王成杰,梁斌,刘硕,等. 考虑管土耦合的机坪垂直管道应力分析[J]. 力学与实践,2016,38(6):624-630.
- 刘海俊,张军,许晶禹,等. 柱状气浮分离器处理含油污水实验研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2016,31(3):334-340.
- 张栋,张健,刘硕,等. 超稠原油的流变学特性及流动特征研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2016,31(2):145-150.
- 陈小平,张健,许晶禹. 稠油降黏减阻及其流变学性质[J]. 油气储运,2015,34(11):1171-1176.
- 吴应湘,许晶禹. 管道式油气水高效分离技术[J]. 科技促进发展,2015(3):374-379.
- 吴应湘,许晶禹. 油水分离技术现状及发展趋势[J]. 力学进展,2015,45:179-216.
- 高梦忱,张健,刘硕,等. 立管系统泡状流和段塞流的流动特性研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2014,29(6):635-641.
- 魏 丽,高梦忱,许晶禹. 英国北海地区采油成本同业对标分析[J]. 石油化工技术与经济,2014,30(4):6-10.
- 吴奇霖,张健,许晶禹. 粗油水乳状液的流变特性[J]. 油气储运,2014,33(5):531-537.
- 翟加钢,刘海飞,许晶禹. 液-固旋流器分离过程的数值模拟[J]. 油气储运,2014,33(4):412-417.
- 高梦忱,吴军,刘小川,等. 垂直管道内油-水两相环状流的流动特征[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2014,29(2):225-231.
- 陈颂阳,魏从达,吴奇霖,等. 管道式油水分离系统分离特性研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2013,28(6):637-643.
- 徐万海,许晶禹,吴应湘. 圆柱结构顺流向第一不稳定区内涡激振动的研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2013,28(2):123-127.
- 魏丛达,许晶禹,王立洋,等. T 型管内油水两相流动规律及其应用[J]. 油气储运,2012,31(12):923-926.
- 刘海飞,黄三平,许晶禹,等. 超稠油水在倾斜管路中两相流动的研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2012,27(6):742-748.
- 许庆华, 孙焕强, 许晶禹, 邓晓辉, 吴应湘,xujingyu@imech.ac.cn(许晶禹). 低含水 W/O 乳化液电脱水实验研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展(A辑),2012,27(4):436-441.
- 李志彪,许晶禹,吴应湘. 气液混输管线间歇流动压降研究[J]. 管道技术与设备,2011(1):4-8.
- 邓晓辉,许晶禹,吴应湘,等. 动态微气泡浮选除油技术研究[J]. 工业水处理,2011,31(4):89-90.
- 刘海飞,邓晓辉,罗东红,等. 柱型旋流器内单相流场压降的实验研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2010,25(6):851-856.
- 崔斌,吴应湘,许晶禹. 油水井带压作业装置中环形密封胶芯的设计[J]. 石油化工高等学校学报,2009(3):79-82.
- 常英,许晶禹,吴应湘. 水平分支管路中油水两相流动研究[J]. 水动力学研究与进展. A辑,2008,23(6):702-708.
- 侯力群,吴应湘,许晶禹,等. 天然气水合物热激励法开采模型研究[J]. 西安石油大学学报(自然科学版),2008,23(2):44-47+118.
- 许晶禹,吴应湘,李东晖. 液相介质对水平气液间歇流动压降的影响[J]. 过程工程学报,2006,6(2):161-166.
- 许晶禹,吴应湘,李东晖. 利用射流泵输送油水两相管流的实验研究[J]. 实验流体力学,2005,19(4):49-55.
《管道式油气水分离技术》, 科学出版社, 2017. ISBN: 978-7-03-051971-9.