Xiaofeng, Xue
Address: School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Postcode: 100049

Research Areas

Interacting Particle systems.


1. 2009.9-2014.7 School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Ph. D candidate.

2. 2005.9-2009.7 School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, undergraduate student.


Work Experience
2014.7-  Assistant professor of  School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Chineses Academy of Sciences.
Teaching Experience
2014.7-2015.1 TA of Alegbra.


8. Xue, XF. (2016). Critical value for contact processes on clusters of oriented bond percolation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application. 448: 205-215.

7. Xue, XF. (2016). Convergence rates for subcritical threshold-one contact processes on lattices. Journal of Statistical Physics. 162 (2): 371-386. 

6. Xue, XF. (2015). Contact processes with random vertex weights on oriented lattices. ALEA-Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 12(1): 245-259.

5.Xue, XF. (2015). Fluid limit of threshold voter models on tori. Journal  of  Statistical Physics. 159 (2): 274-293.

4. Xue, XF. (2014). Asymptotic behavior of critical infection rates for threshold-one contact processes on lattices and regular trees. Journal of Theoretical Probability. 28 (4): 1447-1467.

3. Xue, XF. (2013). Contact processes with random connection weights on regular graphs. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application. 392 (20): 4749-4759.

2. Wang, JZ., Xue, XF. (2012). Limit theorems for stochastic SIR epidemics in networks (Chinese). Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. 35(4): 663-676. 

1. Xue, XF. (2012). Critical density points for threshold voter models on homogeneous trees. Journal of Statistical Physics. 146 (2): 423-433.

Research Interests

Interacting particle systems; Markov processes on graphs; random walks.