沈伟军    博士

中国科学院力学研究所       副研究员/硕士生导师

中国科学院大学                   岗位教师





        研究成果在GSEJNGSEAWRWRRCOMGE、 PoF石油勘探与开发力学学报等期刊发表论文70余篇 (其中SCIEI论文60余篇),ESI高被引论文4篇,授权/公开专利20出版专著2部,入选中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目中国能源学会能源与环境青年人才培养计划中国科学院力学所“起航培养计划”等,曾获中国科学院院长优秀奖中国石油科学十佳论文提名奖等荣誉。目前担任中国科学院“十五五”时期能源领域重大任务选题研究专家、国际知名SCI期刊Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 副主编中国大坝工程学会库坝渗流与控制专委会委员京市能源与环境学会-京津冀专家委员会委员等职。


·   多孔介质结构表征、多相流动与传输

·   流固耦合力学、工程流体软件

·   多尺度渗流力学、资源矿产开发技术

·   岩石力学、 提高油气采收率、二氧化碳地质封存等



·   080103-流体力学

·   080104-工程力学

·   080102-固体力学

·   080101-一般力学与力学基础

·   082002-油气田开发工程

·  欢迎有志于力学、石油工业和能源事业的研究生、特别研究助理和博士后加入开展合作研究!


· 2014年-2016年, 加州大学伯克利国家实验室, 联合培养博士 (公派)

· 2013年-2016年中国科学院渗流流体力学研究所 (硕转博),  博士  

· 2011年-2013年中国科学院渗流流体力学研究所, 硕士 (通过硕转博面试) 

· 2006年-2010年, 西南石油大学, 学士



中国科学院大学研究生专业课油气藏物理力学》 春季(40学时)



·  2016年-至今中国科学院力学研究所, 副研究员 (2018至今)、助理研究员 (2016-2018) 

·  2014年-2016年, 加州大学伯克利国家实验室研究助理

·  2011年-2014年天然气开发研究所 (中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院), 研究助理


·  Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology》国际SCI期刊副主编Q1, IF=2.2, Associate Editor

·  Energy Exploration & Exploitation》和《Geofluids》等国际SCI期刊客座主编(Guest Leader Editor)

·  Petroleum Science-SCI《Engineering Reports-SCI《天然气工业-EI《工程科学学报-EI《中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)-EI


·   中国科学院“十五五”时期能源领域重大任务选题研究专家

·   北京能源与环境学会 京津冀专家委员会 委员

·   中国大坝工程学会 库坝渗流与控制专委会 委员

·   国家自然科学基金委员会 评审专家

·   中国石油勘探开发研究院、中国科学院渗流流体力学研究所等硕士生/博士生副导师


·   Fuel、Energy、Energy & Fuel、SPEJ、TIPM、JNGSE、JPT、JPSE、石油勘探与开发、天然气工业和力学学报等30多个国内外专业期刊审稿人



1. 一种评估碳酸盐岩酸化改造方法,发明专利,2024.

2. 一种利用初始产量数据预测页岩气藏产量方法,发明专利,2024. 

3. 一种深层页岩高温高压吸附测量方法,发明专利,2024.

4. 一种估算碳酸盐岩储层渗透率的方法,发明专利,2024. 

5. 一种用于碳酸盐岩储层裂缝孔隙度估算方法,发明专利,2024.

6. 一种页岩储层气体渗透率测量方法,发明专利,2024.

7. 一种非常规储层井间连通性评价新方法,发明专利,2023.

8. 一种储层多孔介质水驱前后渗透率评价方法,发明专利,2023. 

9. 一种页岩油储层毛细压力和饱和度评价实验装置和方法,发明专利,2023.

10. 一种多层油气井产量预测和储量估算的新方法,发明专利,2023. 

11. 一种非常规储层含水饱和度确定新方法,发明专利,2023.  

12. 一种流体扩散系数的测量方法、系统及设备,发明专利,2023.

13. 一种页岩微观孔隙测量方法及设备,发明专利,2017.

14. 一种页岩毛管压力与含水饱和度测量方法,发明专利,2016. 

15. 一种致密油储层中二氧化碳扩散排油的装置及实验方法,发明专利,2016.

16. 一种冻土区天然气水合物钻孔的浅层土层力学参数监测方法,发明专利,2016. 

17. 一种岩心孔隙压缩系数测试装置及其测试方法,发明专利,2014.  

18. 低渗透储层气体渗流启动压力梯度测量装置及测量方法,发明专利,2014. 

19. 一种气水分离实验装置,实用新型专利,2013. 


1. 中国力学学会科技进步二等奖 (1/3),2023

2. 全国高校矿业石油与安全工程领域优秀青年科技人才奖 (1/1),2023

3. 中国石油和化工自动化应用协会青年突出科技贡献奖 (1/1),2023

4. 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员 (人才项目1/1),中国科学院,2023

5. 首都前沿学术成果奖 (1/6),北京市科学技术协会,2022

6. 中国石油和化工自动化应用协会自然科学二等奖 (6/12)中国石油和化工自动化应用协会,2022

7. 中国发明协会发明创业创新一等奖 (6/6),中国发明协会,2022

8. 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步三等奖 (1/5),中国石油和化学工业联合会,2022

9. 中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步二等奖 (13/15)中国石油和化工自动化应用协会,2020

10. 中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步一等奖 (10/15)中国石油和化工自动化应用协会,2018

11. 2017年中国石油科学十佳论文提名奖 (7/7,通讯),2017 

12. 中国科学院院长优秀奖,中国科学院,2015  

13. 博士研究生国家奖学金,教育部,2015 

14. 国家公派研究生, 国家留学基金委,2014


研究成果在GSE(油气)JNGSE(油气)AWR(水文)、WRR(水文)COMGE(力学)、PoF(力学)石油勘探与开发、力学学报天然气工业等国内外期刊发表论文70余篇 (其中SCI期刊论文50余篇)ESI全球TOP 1%高被引论文4篇,授权/公开专利20,出版专著2部,获省部级和行业科技奖励10余项

[Google Scholar]

主要的期刊论文和著作 (*为通讯作者, 1-10为代表性论著)

1. Shen WJ*, Zuo L, Ma TR, Chen C, Qin CZ, Yang L, Xie K. Quantitative studies on the characterization and evaluation of adsorbed gas and free gas in deep shale reservoirs[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2023, 37(5): 3752-3759. ESI全球TOP1%高被引论文

2. Shen WJ*, Ma TR, Li XZ*, Sun BJ, Hu Y, Xu JC. Fully coupled modeling of two-phase fluid flow and geomechanics in ultra-deep natural gas reservoirs[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34(4): 043101. (ESI全球TOP1%高被引论文

3. Shen WJ*, Li XZ, Ma TR, Cai JC, Lu XB, Zhou SW. High-pressure methane adsorption behavior on deep shales: Experiments and modeling[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(6): 063103.  ESI全球TOP1%高被引论文

4. Shen WJ*, Li XZ, Lu XB, Guo W, Zhou SW, Wan YJ. Experimental study and isotherm models of water vapor adsorption in shale rocks[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 52: 484-491.

5. Shen WJ*,  Xu YM, Li XZ, Huang WG, Gu JR. Numerical simulation of gas and water  flow mechanism in hydraulically fractured shale gas reservoirs[J].  Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 35: 726-735.

6. 沈伟军, 著. 页岩气藏渗流理论及应用[M]. 石油工业出版社, 2024, 1-219.

7. 沈伟军, 等著. 复杂气藏渗流规律研究及应用[M]. 石油工业出版社, 2023, 1-186.

8. Shen WJ*, Zheng LG, Oldenberg CM, Cihan A, Wan JM, Tokunaga TK. Methane adsorption and diffusion in shale rocks: A numerical study using the dusty gas model in Tough2/EOS7C-ECBM[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2018, 123(3): 521-531.

9. Li CH, Li XZ, Gao SS, Liu HX, You SQ, Fang FF, Shen WJ*. Experimental on gas-water two-phase seepage and inflow performance curves of gas wells in carbonate reservoirs: A case study of  Longwangmiao Formation and Dengying Formation in Gaoshiti-Moxi block, Sichuan Basin, SW China[J]. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2017, 44(6): 983-992.

10. Shen WJ*, Ma TR, Zuo L, Yang X, Cai JC*. Advances and prospects of supercritical CO2 for shale gas extraction and geological sequestration in shale reservoirs[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2024, 38: 789-805.

11. Ma TR, Zhang KN, Shen WJ*, Guo CB, Xu H.  Discontinuous and continuous Galerkin methods for compressible single-phase and two-phase flow in fractured porous media[J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2021, 156: 104039.

12.Tokunaga  TK*, Shen WJ, Wan JM, Kim Y, Cihan A, Zhang YQ, Finsterle S. Water  saturation relations and their diffusion-limited equilibration in gas  shale: Implications for gas flow in unconventional reservoirs[J]. Water  Resources Research, 2017, 53: 9757-9770.

13. Qian C, Li XZ*, Zhang Q, Shen WJ*, Guo W, Lin W, Han LL, Cui Y, Huang YZ, Pei XY, Yu ZC. Reservoir characteristics of different shale lithofacies and their effects on the gas content of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation, southern Sichuan Basin, China[J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023, 225, 211701.

14. Ma TR, Jiang LT, Shen WJ*, Cao WZ, Guo CB, Nick HM. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical modeling of two-phase flow in deformable fractured porous media with discontinuous and continuous Galerkin method[J]. Computer and Geotechnics, 2023, 164, 105823.

15. Li XZ, Lu DT, Luo RL, Sun YP*, Shen WJ, Hu Y, Liu XH, Guan CX, Guo H.  Quantitative criteria for identifying main flow channels in complex porous media[J]. Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2019, 46(5):  998-1005.

16. Zeng Z, Shen WJ*, Wang MC, Li ZY, Wang XY, Ding JH. Numerical simulation of multi-field coupled heat and mass transfer processes in dry heat rock reservoirs[J].  Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2024, 14(6): 1631-1421.

17. Wang MC, Shen WJ*, Ma TR, Zeng Z, Yang FC. Mechanisms of the imbibition behavior in shales: A critical review [J]. AIP Advances, 2023, 13(8), 080701.

18. Zhao XL, Yang ZM, Liu XW, Zhang YP, Shen WJ*. Study on the flow characteristics of tight oil reservoirs with linear injection and production for volume-fractured horizontal wells[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(6): 063112.

19. Shen Z*, Liu Y, Lei JH, Shen WJ, Wang YH, Cheng X, Gong JX. Changes in the three-dimensional molecular structure of coal during methane adsorption induced swelling[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 180, 56-66.

20. Shen Z*, Meng ZP, Liu W, Lei JH, Shen WJ, Ren HX, Gao TW, Zhang K, Wang YH, Tan LB. Relationship between multiscale nanopore structure and coal connectivity during coalification process[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2023, 360, 112717.

21. Li ZY, Lei ZD, Shen WJ*, Dmitriy AM, Hu XH. A comprehensive review of oil flow mechanism and numerical simulation in shale oil reservoirs[J]. Energies, 2023, 16, 3516. ESI全球TOP1%高被引论文

22. Guo W, Zheng MJ, Liu ZH, Shen WJ*, Zhou SW, Liang PP, Chen YC. Rock physical properties of Longmaxi shale gas formation in South Sichuan province, China[J]. Minerals, 2023, 13, 485.

23. Qian C, Li XZ*, Zhang Q, Li YC, Shen WJ*, Xing HC, Shu PH, Han LL, Cui Y, Huang YZ. Methane adsorption characteristics under in-situ reservoir conditions of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale in southern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for gas content evaluation[J]. Natural Resources Research, 2023, 32(3): 1111-1133.

24. Ma TR, Jiang LT, Liu YB*, Guo CB, Shen WJ, Xu YL. Numerical simulation of CO2-enhanced oil recovery in fractured shale reservoirs using discontinuous and continuous Galerkin finite element methods[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2024, 11: 1330290.

25. Guo W, Ju W, Zheng MJ, Shen WJ*, Zhang J, Liang PP, Wang SY, Hu HH. Present-day in-situ stress analysis in shale reservoir of Haiba Block,southern Sichuan Basin, South China[J]. Geofluids, 2023, 3249570.

26. Cheng PD, Shen WJ*, Xu QY, Lu XB, Qian C, Cui Y. Multiphysics coupling study of near-wellbore and reservoir models in ultra-deep natural gas reservoir[J]. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2022, 12(8): 2203-2212.

27. Han LL, Li XZ, Guo W, Ju W, Cui Y, Liu ZY, Qian C, Shen WJ. Characteristics and dominant factors for natural fractures in deep shale gas reservoirs: A case study of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formations in Luzhou Block, Southern China [J].Lithosphere, 2022, 9662175: 17.

28. Cui Y, Li XZ, Han LL, Guo W, Lin W, Chang R, Shen WJ, Huang YZ, Qian C. Organic matter enrichment of black shale at the turn of ordovician-silurian in the paleosedimentary center in southern Sichuan Basin, Upper Yangtze Area [J].Lithosphere, 2022, 6809092: 34.

29. Qian C, Li XZ*, Shen WJ*, Zhang Q, Guo W, Hu Y, Cui Y, Jia YZ. Study on the pore structure and fractal characteristics of different lithofacies of Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation Shale in southern Sichuan Basin, China[J].ACS Omega, 2022, 7(10): 8724-8738.

30. Qian C, Li XZ, Shen WJ*, Guo W, Hu Y, Li ZC. Study on the spontaneous imbibition characteristics of the deep Longmaxi Formation shales of the southern Sichuan Basin, China[J].Geofluids, 2021, 3563095: 13.

31. Hu Yong, Li XZ*, Shen WJ*, Guo CM, Jiao CY, Xu X, Jia YZ. Study on the water invasion and its effect on the production from multi-layer unconsolidated sandstone gas reservoirs[J].Geofluids, 2021, 5135159: 1-9.

32. Liu XH, Meng FK*, Li Q, Guo ZH, Shen WJ, Zhang C. Absolute open flow (AOF) potential evaluation for water-out gas wells in water-drive gas reservoir[J]. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2021, 39(7-8): 249-269.

33Ma  XH, Shen WJ*, Li XZ*, Hu Y, Liu XH, Lu XB. Experimental investigation  on water adsorption and desorption isotherms of the Longmaxi shale in  the Sichuan Basin, China[J]. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10: 13434.

34Zhang J, Fang FF, Shen WJ*, Liu HX, Gao SS, Ye LY. Experimental study on the effective utilization of reserves in tight sandstone gas reservoirs and their application[J].Geofluids, 2020, 8854299: 1-13.

35Zhang J, Li XZ*, Shen WJ*, Gao SS, Liu HX, Ye LY, Fang FF. Study of the effect of movable water saturation on gas production in tight sandstone gas reservoirs[J]. Energies, 2020, 13: 4645. 

36. Guo W, Shen WJ*, Li XZ*, Wang N, Liu XH, Zhang XW, Zhou SW. Study on  mechanical characteristics and fracture mechanism of the Longmaxi  Formation shale in southern Sichuan Basin, China[J]. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2020, 38(2): 454-472.

37. Shen WJ, Song FQ*, Hu X, Zhu GM, Zhu WY. Experimental study on flow characteristics of gas transport in micro-and nanoscale pores [J]. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 10196.

38. Wan YJ, Chen ZY, Shen WJ*, Kuang ZX, Liu XH, Guo W, Hu Y. Study on the effects of hydraulic fractures on gas and water flow in shale gas reservoirs [J]. Energy Sources, Part A, 2023, 45(3): 9540-9551.

39. Zhou SW*, Liu HL, Chen H, Wang HY, Guo W, Liu DX, Zhang Q, Shen WJ. A  comparative study of the nanopore structure characteristics of  different-rank coals and Longmaxi shales in China[J]. Energy Science  & Engineering, 2019, 7: 2768-2781.

40. Fang FF, Shen WJ*, Li  XZ, Gao SS, Liu HX, Li J. Experimental study on the water invasion  mechanism of fractured carbonate gas reservoirs in Longwangmiao  Formation, Moxi block, Sichuan Basin[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 38:316.

41. Shen WJ*,  Li XZ, Cihan A, Lu XB, Liu XH. Experimental and numerical simulation of  water adsorption and diffusion in shale gas reservoir rocks[J]. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2019, 3(2): 156-164.

42. Jiao CY, Hu Y, Xu X, Lu XB, Shen WJ*, Hu XH. Study on the effects of fracture on permeability with pore-fracture network model[J]. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, 36(6): 1556-1565.

43. Guo W, Shen WJ*,  Zhou SW, Xue HQ, Liu DX, Wang N. Shale favorable area optimization in  coal-bearing series: A case study from the Shanxi Formation in northern  Ordos Basin, China[J]. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2018, 36(5): 1295-1309.

44. Chen  C*, Zhang C, Shen WJ, Li WZ. Effects of impurities on CO2 sequestration  in saline aquifers: Perspective of interfacial tension and  wettability[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018,  57(1): 371-379.

45. Fang FF, Shen WJ*,  Gao SS, Liu HX, Wang QF, Li Y. Experimental study on physical  simulation of water invasion in carbonate gas reservoirs[J]. Applied  Sciences, 2017, 7(7): 697.

46. Chen  C*, Zhang N, Shen WJ, Li WZ, Song YC.  Interaction between hydroxyl  group and water saturated supercritical CO2 revealed by a molecular  dynamics simulation study[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2017, 231:  185-191.

47. Shen WJ*, Li XZ, Xu YM, Sun YP, Huang WG. Gas flow behavior of nanoscale pores in shale gas reservoirs[J]. Energies, 2017, 10(6): 751.

48. Chen  C*, Zhuang C, Shen WJ, Li WZ, Song YC.  Wettability of supercritical  CO2-brine-mineral: The effects of ion type and salinity[J]. Energy &  Fuels, 2017, 31(7): 7317-7324.

49. Xia  WJ*, Shen WJ, Yu L, Zheng CG, Yu WC, Tang YC. Conversion of petroleum  to methane by the indigenous methanogenic microorganisms for EOR in  heavy oil reservoir[J]. Applied Energy, 2016, 171: 646-655.

50. Shen WJ*,  Liu XH, Li XZ, Lu JL. Investigation of water coning mechanism in Tarim  fractured sandstone gas reservoirs[J]. Journal of Central South  University (English Edition), 2015, 22(1): 344-349.

51. Shen WJ*, Wan JM, Tokunaga TK, Kim Y, Li XZ. Porosity calculation, pore size distribution and mineral analysisi within shale rocks: Application of scanning[J]. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering2015, 20: 11477-11490.

52. Shen WJ*, Lu JL, Li XZ, Liu XH. The calculating method optimization and influencing factor analysis of deviation factor for abnormally pressured gas reservoirs[J]. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 19: 1711-1719.

53. Shen WJ*, Li XZ, Liu XH, Lu JL. Analytical comparisons of water coning in oil and gas reservoirs before and after water breakthrough[J]. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 19:6747-6756.

54. Shen WJ, Sun HX*, Chen E, Zhu QK, Li QH, Shen WJ. Effective driver fatigue monitoring through pupil detection and yawing analysis in low light level environments[J]. International Journal of Digital Content and Technology and its applications, 2012, 6(17):372-383.

55. Huang YZ, Li XZ*, Hu Y, Wu ZK, Huang HY, Guo W, Shen WJ, Chen XK. CO2-CH4 Transport and reaction characteristics in variably saturated carbonate reservoirs based enhanced CH4 recovery[J]. Gas Science and Engineering, 2024.

56. Zhan HM*, Li XZ*, Hu ZM, Chen LQ, Shen WJ, Guo W, Wu ZK, Zhou YH. Effect of particle size on pore structure and fractal characteristics of deep siliceous shales in southern Sichuan, China measured by SANS and LPGA[J]. Fractal and Fractional, 2025, 9:165.

57. Zhu ZW, Kui MQ*, Shen WJ*, Xu ZY, Jia ZL. Study on evaluation of microscopic water locks and macroscopic water seals in low-permeability sandstone gas reservoirs[J]. AIP Advances, 2025, 15: 035031.

58. Ding JH, Shen WJ*, Wang XY, Zhang Y, Qiao L, Zeng Z. Study on the evolution of physical and mechanical characterization of hot dry rocks under high temperature and acidification conditions[J]. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2025.

59. Martyushev DA, Ponomareva IN, Shen WJ. Adaptation of transient well test results[J]. Journal of Mining Institute, 2023, 1-7.

60. 杨东升, 谢坤, 殷庆国, 卢祥国*, 肖京池, 沈伟军. 边底水气藏水侵规律研究现状与展望[J].天然气地球科学, 2024,1-31.

61. 郭伟, 李熙喆, 张晓伟, 兰朝利*, 梁萍萍, 沈伟军, 郑马嘉. 深水陆棚富有机质页岩沉积微相-微地貌及其对储层的控制作用[J].石油学报, 2022, 43(8): 1-18.

62. 马天然, 沈伟军*, 刘卫群, Xu Hao. 可压缩两相流流固耦合模型的间断Galerkin有限元方法[J]. 力学学报, 2021, 53(8): 2235-2245.

63. 沈伟军*, 李熙喆, 鲁晓兵, 万玉金, 郭伟, 左罗. 基于等温吸附的页岩水分传输特征研究[J]. 力学学报, 2019, 51(2): 932-939.

64. 李熙喆, 卢德唐, 罗瑞兰, 孙玉平*, 沈伟军, 胡勇, 刘晓华, 关春晓, 郭辉. 复杂多孔介质主流通道定量判识标准[J]. 石油勘探与开发, 2019, 46(5): 943-949.

65. 李程辉, 李熙喆, 高树生, 刘华勋, 尤世强, 方飞飞, 沈伟军*. 碳酸盐岩储集层气水两相渗流实验与气井流入动态曲线: 以高石梯-磨溪区块龙王庙组和灯影组为例[J]. 石油勘探与开发, 2017, 44(6): 930-938.

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1.  深层页岩气水赋存特征及流动机理研究,基金委面上项目,2022-2025

2.  中国科学院青年创新促进会人才项目,中国科学院,2023-2026

3. 多场耦合条件下裂隙储层CO2地质封存及断层滑移机理研究,中国科学院,2024-2026

4.  超深层天然气藏开发基础理论研究,基金委重点项目子课题,2018-2021

5.  页岩吸附水机理及其动力学研究,基金委青年项目,2019-2021

6.  深层页岩气赋存机制与渗流规律研究,中国石油科技创新基金,2022-2024

7.  气藏渗流场孔隙结构和气水分布演化研究,中石油,2024-2025

8.  交联聚合物溶液成胶动态分析测试,中海油,2023-2024

9.  干热岩压裂热流固化多场耦合机制研究,中石油,2023-2024

10.  渗吸动力学参数测试及分析,中石化,2023-2024

11.  不同岩相页岩物性、水分吸附和甲烷高压吸附分析,中石油,2022

12.  气藏微观水锁和宏观水封评价软件研发,中石油,2022

13.  少水压裂裂缝扩展实验与建模,中石化,2021-2022

14.  巨型深水气藏开发形成海底沉降力学定量化研究,中石油,2020-2021

15.  深层页岩渗吸特征及其离子扩散研究,中石油,2020-2021

16.  深层页岩储层气水赋存状态和流动能力的影响,中石油,2019-2020

17.  裂缝性气藏水侵数学模型建立与水侵风险预测,中石油,2017-2018

18.  SKL国家重点实验室开放基金,科技部,2018-2020

19.  LMFS重点实验室青年科技基金,中科院,2018-2019

20.  LMFS重点实验室青年科技基金,中科院,2017-2018

21.  库车深层动态描述--异常高压气藏PVT计算方法的筛选与推荐,中石油,2013-2014


1.  航空高精度超导重力梯度系统研制,深地国家科技重大专项课题, 科技部,2024-2028

2.  水在页岩裂缝中流动作用机理, 美国能源部,2014-2016 

3.  大型气田开发规律与开发技术对策研究,科技部,2011-2014 

4.  裂缝性底水气藏水侵动态物理模拟研究,中石油,2013-2014 

5.  高压、超高压气田及凝析气田开发技术研究,中石油,2012-2013



·  杨   旭,硕士研究生,流体力学,中国科学院力学研究所

·  王心怡,硕士研究生,材料工程,中国科学院力学研究所

·  李   宁,硕士研究生,固体力学,中国科学院力学研究所


·  钱   超,博士研究生,油气田开发工程,中国石油勘探开发研究院(目前在中石油川庆钻探工程有限公司工作)

·  沈   振,博士研究生,矿产普查与勘探,中国矿业大学(北京)(目前在中国石油勘探开发研究院工作)

·  李志宇,硕士研究生,流体力学,中国科学院力学研究所(目前在深圳比亚迪股份有限公司工作)

·  王明粲,硕士研究生,工程力学,中国科学院力学研究所(目前在株洲中车时代半导体公司)

·  曾   智,硕士研究生,工程力学,中国科学院力学研究所目前在深圳比亚迪股份有限公司工作

·  陈之烨,本科生,油气储运工程,西南石油大学(目前在美国南加州大学深造)

·  况泽西,本科生,土木工程,北京建筑大学(目前在香港城市大学深造