袁泉子   博士

中国科学院 力学研究所                            研究员 (三级) / 博士生导师

中国科学院大学 工程科学学院                 教授

超常环境非线性力学全国重点实验室       党支部书记

电子邮件: yuanquanzi@lnm.imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区北四环西路15号 中国科学院力学研究所
邮政编码: 100190





2017年10月 - 今           中国科学院大学工程科学学院  岗位教授
2011年  7月 - 今           中国科学院力学研究所  研究员 (2017-今)、副研究员 (2013-2017)、助研 (2011-2013)
2006年  9月 - 2011年6月      中国科学院力学研究所  理学博士
2001年  9月 - 2006年6月      同济大学航空航天与力学学院  工学学士


中国力学学会 - 首届青托委员会,副主任 (2023 - 今) 
中国力学学会 - 微纳米力学工作组,秘书长 (2015-2020)、组员 (2015 - 今) 
中国力学学会 - 软物质力学工作组,组员 (2018 - 今) 
Chinese Phys Lett、Chinese Phys B、《物理学报》、《物理》,青年编委(负责固体力学)




2018年,中国科学院青年创新促进会-优秀会员 (结题优秀)     

2015年,中国科学技术协会-首届青年人才托举工程 (全国力学共6名)



2010年,中国科学院力学研究所-郭永怀奖 (一等奖)


52. Wang FS, Yuan QZ*, Shi XH*. Instability-induced crystal self-assembly in film-substrate system for the construction of large-area and nano-chiral structures. in review.
51. Yin JJ, Yuan QZ*. Stress redistribution and toughness enhancement in mode II fracture under chemo-mechanical loading. in review.
50. Tian SH, Qin H, Yuan QZ*. Shape optimization of nanopores by dissolutive flow. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 17: 14726-14735 (2025)
49. Zhang MR, Chen WT, Huang XF, Yuan QZ*, Zhao YP*. Hyperelastic constitutive relations for porous materials with initial stress. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 193: 105886 (2024)
48. Yin JJ, Yuan QZ*. Mechanism of crack evolution and strength failure in chemo-mechanical induced fracture. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 183: 105525 (2024)
47. Chen WT, Huang XF, Yuan QZ*, Zhao YP. Initially stressed strain gradient elasticity: a constitutive model incorporates size effects and initial stresses. International Journal of Engineering Science. 205: 104166 (2024)
46. Liu L, Yuan QZ*. Atomic insights into the ductile-brittle competition of cracks under dissolution. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 73: 102256 (2024)
45. Ma YH, Luo RC, Tian SH, Ji YJ, Pennycook SJ, Liu YY, Yuan QZ*, Zhou W*. Atomic fracture mechanism in suspended 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. Advanced Functional Materials. 34: 2409839 (2024)
44. Qin H, Yuan QZ*. Dissolution of porous media with disordered geometry. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 701: 134891 (2024)
43. Miao WN, Tian SH, Yuan QZ*, Tian Y*, Jiang L*. Direct observation of spreading precursor liquids in a corner. National Science Review. 10: nwad119 (2023)
42. Tian SH, Chen XD, Yuan QZ*. Shape optimization of a meniscus-adherent nanotip. Nanoscale. 15: 11099-11106 (2023)
41. Yang JH, Yuan QZ*. Flow and solute transport in dissolutive wetting. Physics of Fluids. 35: 053329 (2023)
40. Miao Q, Yuan QZ*. Machine learning coarse-grained models of dissolutive wetting: a droplet on soluble surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 25: 7487-7495 (2023)
39. Chen XD, Yuan QZ*. Capillary adhesion around the shapes optimized by dissolution. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 10: 2202380 (2023)
38. Wang FS, Yuan QZ*. Evaporation-induced fractal patterns: a bridge between uniform pattern and coffee ring. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 637: 522-532 (2023)
37. Yang JH, Yuan QZ*. Moving contact line instability on soluble fibers. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 9: 2201248 (2022)
36. Ji WJ, Lan D*, Li WB, Yuan QZ*, Wang YR. Wall-confined spreading dynamics on the surface of surfactant solution. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 13: 4315-4320 (2022)
35. Wang FS, Tian SH, Yuan QZ*. Evaporation-induced crystal self-assembly (EICSA) of salt drops regulated by trace of polyacrylamide. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 644: 128856 (2022)
34. Wang LZ, Huang XF, Yuan QZ, Chen LQ*, Yu YS*. Dilute sodium dodecyl sulfate droplets impact on micropillar-arrayed non-wetting surfaces. Physics of Fluids. 33: 107103 (2021)
33. Ma HZ, Yuan QZ*. Control of viscous fingering: from the perspective of energy evolution. Physical Review Fluids. 6: 023901 (2021)
32. Zhao WJ, Ma HZ, Ji WJ, Li WB, Wang J*, Yuan QZ*, Wang YR, Lan D*. Marangoni-driven instability patterns of an N-hexadecane drop triggered by assistant solvent. Physics of Fluids. 33: 024104 (2021)
31. Miao Q, Yuan QZ*, Zhao YP*. Shape evolution and scaling analysis of soluble cylinders in dissolutive flow. Physics of Fluids. 32: 102103 (2020)
30. Wang FS, Wu MM, Man XK, Yuan QZ*. Formation of deposition patterns induced by the evaporation of the restricted liquid. Langmuir. 36: 8520-8526 (2020)
29. Li B, Lin SJ, Wang YL, Yuan QZ, et al. Promoting rebound of impinging viscoelastic droplets on heated superhydrophobic surfaces. New Journal of Physics. 22: 123001 (2020)
28. Yang JH, Yuan QZ*, Zhao YP*. Solute transport and interface evolution in dissolutive wetting. Science China - Physics, Mechanics,  Astronomy. 62: 124611 (2019)
27. Miao Q, Yuan QZ*, Zhao YP*. Dissolutive flow in nanochannels: transition between plug-like and Poiseuille-like. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. 22: 141 (2018)
26. 苗青, 杨锦鸿, 袁泉子*, 赵亚溥. 溶解润湿动力学的物理力学. 科学通报, 63: 2985-2993 (2018)
25. Chen EH, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP*. Topography-induced symmetry transition of droplets on quasi-periodically patterned surfaces. Soft Matter. 14: 6198-6205 (2018) 封面文章
24. Yang JH, Yuan QZ*, Zhao YP*. Evolution of the interfacial shape in dissolutive wetting: Coupling of wetting and dissolution. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 118: 201-207 (2018)
23. Yuan QZ*, Yang JH, Sui Y, Zhao YP*. Dynamics of Dissolutive Wetting: A Molecular Dynamics Study. Langmuir. 33: 6464-6470 (2017)
22. Lin K, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP*. Using graphene to simplify the adsorption of methane on shale in MD simulations. Computational Materials Science. 133: 99-107 (2017)
21. Lin K, Yuan QZ*, Zhao YP* and Cheng CM. Which is the most efficient candidate for the recovery of confined methane: water, carbon dioxide or nitrogen? Extreme Mechanics Letters. 9: 127-138 (2016)
20. 袁泉子, 沈文豪, 赵亚溥*. 移动接触线的物理力学研究. 力学进展. 46: 201608 (2016)
19. Chen EH, Yuan QZ, Huang XF and Zhao YP*. Dynamic polygonal spreading of a droplet on a lyophilic pillar-arrayed surface. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 30: 2265-2276 (2016)
18. Zhao YP*, Chen JC, Yuan QZ and Cheng CM. Microcrack connectivity in rocks: a real-space renormalization group approach for 3D anisotropic bond percolation. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 1: 013205 (2016)
17. Yuan QZ, Zhu XY, Lin K and Zhao YP*. Molecular dynamics simulations of enhanced recovery of confined methane with carbon dioxide. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 17: 31887-31893 (2015)
16. Yuan QZ* and Zhao YP*. Statics and dynamics of electrowetting on pillar-arrayed surfaces at nanoscale. Nanoscale. 7: 2561-2567 (2015)
15. Yuan QZ, Huang XF and Zhao YP*. Dynamic spreading on pillar-arrayed surfaces: viscous resistance versus molecular friction. Physics of Fluids. 26: 092104 (2014)
14. Zhu XY, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Phase transitions of water overlayer on charged graphene: From electromelting to electrofreezing. Nanoscale. 6: 5432-5437 (2014)
13. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Multiscale dynamic wetting of a droplet on a lyophilic pillar-arrayed surface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 716: 171-188 (2013)
12. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Wetting on flexible hydrophilic pillar-arrays. Scientific Reports, 3: 1944 (2013)
11. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Topology-dominated dynamic wetting of the precursor chain in a hydrophilic interior corner. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 468: 310-322 (2012)
10. Zhu XY, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Capillary wave propagation during the delamination of graphene by the precursor films in electro-elasto-capillarity. Scientific Reports. 2: 927 (2012)
9. Cao H, Yuan QZ, Zhu XF, Zhao YP*, Liu MH*. Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Achiral Amino Acid Derivatives into Dendritic Chiral Nanotwists. Langmuir. 28: 15410-15417 (2012)
8. Cun HY, et al. Tuning Structural and Mechanical Properties of Two-Dimensional Molecular Crystals: The Roles of Carbon Side Chains. Nano Letters. 12: 1229-1234 (2012)
7. Qin XC, Yuan QZ, Zhao YP, Xie SB, Liu ZF*. Measurement of the rate of water translocation through carbon nanotubes. Nano Letters. 11: 2173-2177 (2011)
6. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Precursor film in dynamic wetting, electrowetting and electro-elasto-capillarity. Physical Review Letters. 104: 246101 (2010) 封面文章
5. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Hydroelectric voltage generation based on water-filled single-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 131: 6374-6376 (2009)
4. Yuan QZ, Zhao YP*, Li LM and Wang TH. Ab initio study of ZnO based gas sensing mechanisms: Surface reconstruction and charge transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113: 6107-6113 (2009)
3. Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Transport properties and induced voltage in the structure of water-filled single-walled boron-nitrogen nanotubes. Biomicrofluidics. 3, 022411 (2009)
2. Zang JL, Yuan QZ, Wang FC and Zhao YP*. A comparative study of Young’s modulus of single-walled carbon nanotube by CPMD, MD, and first principle simulations. Computational Materials Science. 46: 621-625 (2009)
1. Wang BB, Xie JJ, Yuan QZ and Zhao YP*. Growth mechanism and joint structure of ZnO tetrapods. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 41: 102005 (2008)



1. 袁泉子, 杨锦鸿, 赵亚溥, 黄先富. 一种用于样品表面形貌测量的纳米纤维探针针尖制作方法. ZL202010558297.9 (2021-05-07)
2. 黄先富, 刘战伟, 袁泉子, 赵亚溥. 一种平面钢化玻璃内应力分布的无损检测方法. ZL202310248059.1 (2023-03-15)
3. 袁泉子, 秦翰, 黄先富, 赵亚溥. 一种二维多孔介质溶解时流场和浓度场观测装置和方法. ZL202410401196.9 (2024-10-31)


科技部 - 国家重点研发计划、973、863;



基金委 - 优青、重点、专项、面上、青年、国际、联合、等;

科学院 - 战略先导、重点部署、前沿重点、交叉团队、青促会、等;

英国皇家学会-Newton Grant。


连续介质力学 (固体) 首席教授 (2020-2023年度 中国科学院大学研究生优秀课程”)
表面和界面力学 首席教授


陈纬庭 博    士:考虑初始应力和尺寸效应的热弹性本构理论研究。

陈旭东 博士生:基于Young-Laplace方程的形状优化和设计。第五届研究生学术论坛 二等奖。
田诗豪 博士生:纳尺度溶解优化的物理力学研究。
尹佳静 博士生:力化耦合裂纹的演化和控制。
刘    龙 博士生:力化耦合裂纹扩展的微观机理研究。
张梦茹 博士生:多场耦合下多孔材料的本构理论研究。
邓少淳 硕士生:功能凝胶的物理力学研究。
吴培才 硕士生:水凝胶的微观机理研究。

杨锦鸿 博士:2020年毕业,工作于清华航院 (2020-2023),中煤科工 副研究员 (2023-今)。
                         LNM研究生成果展 第一名;国际微流控大会-最佳海报奖;中科院朱李月华奖学金。
苗    青 博士:2021年毕业,工作于中国空气动力研究与发展中心 副研究员 (2021-今)。
                         LNM研究生成果展 二等奖;研究生学术论坛 二等奖;优秀学生干部。
王富帅 博士:2023年毕业,工作于国家纳米科学中心 (2023-今)。
                         研究生国家奖学金;郭永怀奖学金 二等奖;第四届研究生学术论坛 一等奖;优秀学生干部。
秦    翰 硕士:2024年毕业