
潘鹏志  博士 研究员  博导  中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所
电子邮件: pzpan@whrsm.ac.cn
通信地址: 湖北省武汉市武昌区小洪山八一路
邮政编码: 430071





       潘鹏志,中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,博士、研究员、博士生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金和优秀青年科学基金获得者。2000年6月毕业于武汉理工大学,获学士学位;2003年6月毕业于武汉理工大学,获工学硕士学位;2006年6月毕业于中科院武汉岩土力学研究所,获工学博士学位。2006年7月至今在武汉岩土所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员,期间,赴美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室开展了2年的合作研究。兼任国际学术期刊Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 和Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering编委、国际岩石力学学会裂隙岩体THMC耦合过程专委会秘书长(2018-2020)和国际岩石力学学会放射性废物处置专委会委员(2020-)、中国岩石力学与工程学会岩体数学物理模拟专委会副主任委员(2018-)、中国公路学会隧道工程分会理事(2017-)。长期致力于多场耦合下工程岩体变形破坏机理、连续-非连续变形分析方法和灾害防控方面的研究工作,作为主要负责人自主研发了工程岩体破裂过程分析软件CASRock (www.casrock.cn) ,成果应用于20多个典型工程岩体稳定性和多场耦合过程研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金、国家十三五重点研发项目课题等纵向项目10余项。发表学术论文130余篇,出版专著2部,获授权发明专利6项,软件著作权10余项,获省部级科技奖励一等奖5项和中国岩石力学与工程学会“钱七虎奖”、中科院卢嘉锡青年人才奖、中科院青年创新促进会优秀会员等。


  1. 岩石破裂过程的连续-非连续数值方法

  2. 基于声学和光学技术的岩石断裂力学实验研究

  3. 裂隙地质介质温度-渗流-应力-化学耦合过程

  4. 采矿和隧道开挖过程片帮、岩爆等脆性破坏危险性评价





  1. 岩石破裂过程的连续-非连续数值方法

  2. 深部工程围岩损伤时效演化机制与模拟研究

  3. 裂隙地质介质温度-渗流-应力-化学耦合过程

  4. 深部工程岩体稳定性分析


  1. 2013.12-至今:中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,研究员

  2. 2009.1-2013.12:中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,副研究员

  3. 2011.4-2013.4:美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,访问学者

  4. 2006.7-2008.12:中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,助理研究员



  1. 坚硬顶板大倾角煤层巷道冲击地压机理与分源防控关键技术,中国岩石力学与工程学会科技进步一等奖,2021 (排名2)
  2. 中国岩石力学与工程学会“钱七虎奖”,2020.10
  3. 岩体脆性破坏前兆信息识别与灾害控制关键技术湖北省科技进步一等奖,2019 (排名2)
  4. 大型复杂地下工程硬岩破裂过程的数值分析方法与机制研究,中国岩石力学与工程学会自然科学一等奖2014 (排名1)
  5. 岩爆孕育机制、预警与动态调控方法研究, 湖北省科技进步一等奖,2012 (排名15)
  6. 武汉市优秀青年科技工作者,2014
  7. 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员,2015
  8. 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖,2010
  9. 湖北省优秀博士学位论文,2007


  1. 潘鹏志,苏方声,段淑倩,冯夏庭,晏飞,刘继光,一种测试岩石断裂韧度的试验装置,授权发明专利,2016.06.22ZL201310625027.5
  2. 潘鹏志,姚华彦,苏方声,付亚平,冯夏庭,一种应力-水流-化学耦合下的岩石双轴压缩细观试验装置,授权发明专利,2016.07.06ZL201310368432.3
  3. 潘鹏志,纪维伟,苏方声,聂余满,冯夏庭,一种基于转印技术的散斑制作方法,授权发明专利,2018.3.30 ZL201410221493.1
  4. 苏方声,潘鹏志,冯夏庭,刘继光,一种长方形试样侧向位移测量装置,授权发明专利,2020.2.14, ZL201610742411.7
  5. 潘鹏志,杜梦萍,纪维伟,苏方声,一种带有密封装置的水压致裂管,授权实用新型专利2015.06.10 ZL201520050423.5


  1. 潘鹏志,冯夏庭,王兆丰,梅万全,郑虹,李邵军,工程岩体破裂过程细胞自动机分析软件 (CASRock)v1.0,登记号:2020SR03280872020.04.13

  2. 潘鹏志,陈结,欧阳振华,吴斐刘金海邱海涛彭瑞王红明基于数字图像技术的岩体破坏过程分析软件v1.0,登记号:2018SR2553192018.4.1

  3. 欧阳振华,陈结,潘鹏志,刘金海,邱海涛,陈建强,朱权杰,秦洪岩岩体破裂声发射分析计算软件V1.0,登记号:2018SR2553042018.1.29

  4. 潘鹏志,苏方声,郑虹,冯夏庭. 基于概率配点法和弹塑性细胞自动机的岩体破坏过程随机分析系统PCM-EPCA),登记号:2014SR002631,中国,2014.1

  5. 潘鹏志,冯夏庭,晏飞,苏方声. 岩体连续-非连续变形破坏过程的细胞自动机模拟系统,(RDCA2DV1.0. 登记号:2013SR076933,中国,2013.7

  6. 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭, 杨金保, 周辉. 岩石破裂过程分析的三维弹塑性细胞自动机模拟系统(EPCA3DV1.0. 登记号:2011SR007865. 2011.2

  7. 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭, 申林方, 刘继光, 周 辉. 三维地应力处理系统(3DSTRESS) V1.0. 登记号:2009SR049495. 2009.10

  8. 潘鹏志,黄小华,冯夏庭,周辉. 裂隙岩体流变过程的弹塑性细胞自动机模拟系统(VEPCA). V1.0. 登记号:2007SR19930. 2007-12-12.

  9. 周辉, 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭. 岩石破裂过程的弹塑性细胞自动机模拟系统(EPCA. V1.0. 登记号:2006SR14716. 2006.10

  10. 周辉, 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭. 渗流-应力耦合特性研究的弹塑性细胞自动机模拟系统(HM-EPCA. V1.0. 登记号:2006SR14717. 2006.10



  1. Miao, S., P.-Z. Pan*, W. Hou, M. Li* and Z. Wu (2022). "Determination of mode I fracture toughness of rocks with field fitting and J-integral methods." Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 118, 103263
  2. Miao, S.T., P.Z. Pan*, P.Y. Yu, and W.B. Hou (2022). "Fracture Behaviour of Two Microstructurally Different Rocks Exposed to High Static Stress and Cyclic Disturbances." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering  55(6), 3621-3644.
  3. Mei, W., Y. Xia*, P.-Z. Pan*, M. Li, S. Tan and Y. Zhang (2022). "Transient responses of deep-buried unlined tunnels subjected to blasting P wave." Computers and Geotechnics 146, 104729
  4. Zhu, G.-Q., X.-T. Feng, P.-Z. Pan, Y.-Y. Zhou, C.-X. Yang, Z.-W. Li and Y. Taiwakuli (2022). "Real-time monitoring of the development of brittle fracture in hard rock tunnels based on physical model test." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 119, 104240
  5. Chen, J., C. Zhu, J. Du, Y. Pu, P. Pan, J. Bai and Q. Qi (2022). "A quantitative pre-warning for coal burst hazardous zones in a deep coal mine based on the spatio-temporal forecast of microseismic events." Process Safety and Environmental Protection 159, 1105-1112
  6. Huang, X., S. Li, D. Xu, and P. Pan (2022). "Time-Dependent Behavior of Jinping Deep Marble Taking into Account the Coupling Between Excavation Damage and High Pore Pressure." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 55, 4893-4912.
  7. Zheng, Z., G.S. Su, Q. Jiang, P.Z. Pan, X.H. Huang, and J.Q. Jiang (2022). "Mechanical behavior and failure mechanisms of cylindrical and prismatic rock specimens under various confining stresses." International Journal of Damage Mechanics 31(6), 864-881.
  8. Feng, D.A.L., X.R. Wang, U. Nackenhorst, X.M. Zhang, and P.Z. Pan (2022). "A comparative study of using two numerical strategies to simulate the biochemical processes in microbially induced calcite precipitation." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14(2), 592-602.
  9. Wu, Z. H., P. Z. Pan*, J. Q. Chen, X. D. Liu, S. T. Miao and P. Y. Yu (2021). "Mechanism of Rock Bursts Induced by the Synthetic Action of "Roof Bending and Rock Pillar Prying" in Subvertical Extra-Thick Coal Seams." Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 16
  10. Yan, F., W. Zhang, P.-Z. Pan* and S.-J. Li (2021). "Dynamic crack propagation analysis combined the stable scheme and continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 241, 107390
  11. Miao, S., P.-Z. Pan*, X. Zhao, C. Shao and P. Yu (2021). "Experimental Study on Damage and Fracture Characteristics of Beishan Granite Subjected to High-temperature Treatment with DIC and AE Techniques." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54(2), 721-743.
  12. Miao, S., P.-Z. Pan*, S. Zhao, J. Han and P. Konicek (2021). "A New DIC-Based Method to Identify the Crack Mechanism and Applications in Fracture Analysis of Red Sandstone Containing a Single Flaw." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 54, 3847-3871.
  13. Miao, S., P.-Z. Pan*, S. Li, J. Chen and P. Konicek (2021). "Quantitative fracture analysis of hard rock containing double infilling flaws with a novel DIC-based method." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 252, 107846.
  14. Miao, S., P.-Z. Pan*, P. Konicek, P. Yu and K. Liu (2021). "Rock damage and fracturing induced by high static stress and slightly dynamic disturbance with acoustic emission and digital image correlation techniques." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13(5), 1002-1019.
  15. Lin, Q., X. Bian, P.-Z. Pan*, Y. Gao and Y. Lu (2021). "Criterion of local symmetry visualized in small eccentric single edge notched bend (E-SENB) rock specimens." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 248, 107709.
  16. Mei, W., M. Li, P.-Z. Pan*, J. Pan and K. Liu (2021). "Blasting induced dynamic response analysis in a rock tunnel based on combined inversion of Laplace transform with elasto-plastic cellular automaton." Geophysical Journal International 225, 699-710.
  17. Mei, W., Y. Xia*, G. Han, P.-Z. Pan*, M. Li and Z. Wang (2021). "Theoretical responses of shallow-buried circular cavity subjected to transient P wave." Computers and Geotechnics 139, 104411
  18. Hekmatnejad, A., B. Crespin, P.-Z. Pan, X. Emery, F. Mancilla, M. Morales, M. Seyedrahimi-Niaraq, P. Schachter and R. Gonzalez (2021). "A hybrid approach to predict hang-up frequency in real scale block cave mining at El Teniente mine, Chile." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 118, 104160
  19. Feng, X.-T.*, Z. Wang, Y. Zhou, C. Yang, P.-Z. Pan and R. Kong (2021). "Modelling three-dimensional stress-dependent failure of hard rocks." Acta Geotechnica 16(6), 1647-1677.
  20. Lin, Q., S. Wang, P.-Z. Pan*, W.-W. Ji and Y. Lu (2020). "Fracture initiation under pure shear revisited: Remarks on the mode II fracture in quasi-brittle materials." Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 109, 102700.
  21. Yu, P., P.-Z. Pan*, G. Feng, Z. Wu and S. Zhao (2020). "Physico-mechanical properties of granite after cyclic thermal shock." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. doi: 10.1016/j.jrmge.2020.03.001.
  22. Lin, Q., S. Wang, P.-Z. Pan*, X. Bian and Y. Lu (2020). "Imaging opening-mode fracture in sandstone under three-point bending: A direct identification of the fracture process zone and traction-free crack based on cohesive zone model." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 136, 104516
  23. Yan, F., Q. Jiang*, S.-J. Li, P. Pan, D.-p. Xu, J.-x. Zhang and B. Fan (2020). "A dual singular hybrid boundary node method based on origin singular intensity factor." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 115, 64-71.
  24. Jiang, Q., S. Zhong, P. Z. Pan*, Y. N. Shi, H. G. Guo and Y. Y. Kou (2020). "Observe the temporal evolution of deep tunnel's 3D deformation by 3D laser scanning in the Jinchuan No. 2 Mine." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 97.
  25. Pan, P. Z.*, S. T. Miao, Z. H. Wu, X. T. Feng and C. Y. Shao (2020). "Laboratory Observation of Spalling Process Induced by Tangential Stress Concentration in Hard Rock Tunnel." International Journal of Geomechanics 20(3).
  26. Miao, S. T., P. Z. Pan*, P. Y. Yu, S. K. Zhao and C. Y. Shao (2020). "Fracture analysis of Beishan granite after high-temperature treatment using digital image correlation." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 225.
  27. Li, M., W. Mei, P.-Z. Pan*, F. Yan, Z. Wu and X.-T. Feng (2020). "Modeling transient excavation-induced dynamic responses in rock mass using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 96, 103183.
  28. Hu, B., P.-Z. Pan*, W.-W. Ji, S. Miao, D. Zhao and T. Yao (2020). "Study on Probabilistic Damage Constitutive Relation of Rocks Based on Maximum-Entropy Theory." International Journal of Geomechanics 20(2), 06019018.
  29. Liu, Z. H., J. S. Liu, P. Z. Pan, D. Elsworth, M. Y. Wei and R. Shi (2020). "Evolution and analysis of gas sorption-induced coal fracture strain data." Petroleum Science 17, 376-392.
  30. Pan, P.-Z., Z.-H. Wu, F. Yan*, W.-W. Ji, S.-T. Miao and Z. Wang (2020). "Effect of the intermediate principal stress on hydraulic fracturing in granite: an experimental study." Environmental Earth Sciences 79(1).
  31. Pan, P.-Z., S. Miao, Q. Jiang*, Z. Wu and C. Shao (2019). "The Influence of Infilling Conditions on Flaw Surface Relative Displacement Induced Cracking Behavior in Hard Rock." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. doi: 10.1007/s00603-019-02033-x
  32. Hu, B., J. Sheng, J. Li*, P.-Z. Pan*, G. Zhang and Z. Ye (2019). "“Wireline + Wireless” Networking Remote Monitoring Technology for Analysing the Unloading Deformation Characteristics of the Fractured Surrounding Rock Mass Induced by Underground Excavation." Advances in Civil Engineering 2019, 1-10.
  33. Pan, P.-Z., F. Yan, X.-T. Feng, Z. Wu and S. Qiu (2019). "Modeling of an excavation-induced rock fracturing process from continuity to discontinuity." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 106, 286-299.
  34. Asahina, D., P.-Z. Pan, M. Sato, M. Takeda and M. Takahashi (2019). "Hydraulic and Mechanical Responses of Porous Sandstone During Pore Pressure-Induced Reactivation of Fracture Planes: An Experimental Study." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52(6), 1645-1656.
  35. Lin, Q., W.-W. Ji, P.-Z. Pan, S. Wang and Y. Lu (2019). "Comments on the mode II fracture from disk-type specimens for rock-type materials." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 211, 303-320.
  36. Hu, L., X.-T. Feng, Y.-X. Xiao, G.-L. Feng, S.-J. Li, P.-Z. Pan and Z.-B. Yao (2019). "Characteristics of the microseismicity resulting from the construction of a deeply-buried shaft." Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 85, 114-127.
  37. Yan, F., P.-Z. Pan, X.-T. Feng, S.-J. Li and Q. Jiang (2019). "A novel fast overrelaxation updating method for continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton." Applied Mathematical Modelling 66, 156-174.
  38. Blaheta, R., M. Béreš, S. Domesová and P. Pan (2018). "A comparison of deterministic and Bayesian inverse with application in micromechanics." Applications of Mathematics 63(6), 665-686.
  39. Miao, S., P.-Z. Pan*, Z. Wu, S. Li and S. Zhao (2018). "Fracture analysis of sandstone with a single filled flaw under uniaxial compression." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 204: 319-343.
  40. Yan, F., P.-Z. Pan*, X.-T. Feng and S.-J. Li (2018). "The continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton method for elastodynamic crack problems." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 204: 482-496.
  41. Asahina, D., P. Pan, K. Tsusaka, M. Takeda and J. E. Bolander (2018). "Simulating hydraulic fracturing processes in laboratory-scale geological media using three-dimensional TOUGH-RBSN." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10(6), 1102-1111.
  42. Graupner, B. J., H. Shao, X. R. Wang, T. S. Nguyen, Z. Li, J. Rutqvist, F. Chen, J. Birkholzer, W. Wang, O. Kolditz, P. Z. Pan, X. T. Feng, C. Lee, K. Maekawa, S. Stothoff, C. Manepally, B. Dasgupta, G. Ofoegbu, R. Fedors, J. D. Barnichon, E. Ballarini, S. Bauer and B. Garitte (2018). "Comparative modelling of the coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) processes in a heated bentonite pellet column with hydration." Environmental Earth Sciences 77(3).
  43. Yan, F., X. T. Feng, J. H. Lv, P. Z. Pan and S. J. Li (2018). "Continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton method for cohesive crack growth in rock." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 188: 361-380.
  44. Pan, P.-Z., F. Yan, X.-T. Feng and Z.-H. Wu (2017). "Study on coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in column bentonite test." Environmental Earth Sciences 76(17): 618.
  45. Yan, F., P.-Z. Pan, X.-T. Feng, J.-H. Lv and S.-J. Li (2017). "An adaptive cellular updating scheme for the continuous–discontinuous cellular automaton method." Applied Mathematical Modelling 46: 1-15.
  46. Garitte, B., T. S. Nguyen*, J. D. Barnichon, B. J. Graupner, C. Lee, K. Maekawa, C. Manepally, G. Ofoegbu, B. Dasgupta, R. Fedors, P. Z. Pan*, X. T. Feng, J. Rutqvist, F. Chen, J. Birkholzer, Q. Wang, O. Kolditz and H. Shao (2017). "Modelling the Mont Terri HE-D experiment for the Thermal–Hydraulic–Mechanical response of a bedded argillaceous formation to heating." Environmental Earth Sciences 76(9): 345.
  47. Garitte, B., H. Shao, X. R. Wang, T. S. Nguyen, Z. Li, J. Rutqvist, J. Birkholzer, W. Q. Wang, O. Kolditz, P. Z. Pan, X. T. Feng, C. Lee, B. J. Graupner, K. Maekawa, C. Manepally, B. Dasgupta, S. Stothoff, G. Ofoegbu, R. Fedors and J. D. Barnichon (2017). "Evaluation of the predictive capability of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical models for a heated bentonite/clay system (HE-E) in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory." Environmental Earth Sciences 76(2).
  48. Bond, A. E.*, I. Brusky, T. Q. Cao, N. Chittenden, R. Fedors, X. T. Feng, J. P. Gwo, O. Kolditz, P. Lang, C. McDermott, I. Neretnieks, P. Z. Pan*, J. Sembera, H. Shao, N. Watanabe, H. Yasuhara and H. Zheng (2017). "A synthesis of approaches for modelling coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical processes in a single novaculite fracture experiment." Environmental Earth Sciences 76(1).
  49. Bond, A. E.*, I. Brusky, N. Chittenden, X. T. Feng, O. Kolditz, P. Lang, R. C. Lu, C. McDermott, I. Neretnieks, P. Z. Pan*, J. Sembera, H. Shao, H. Yasuhara and H. Zheng (2016). "Development of approaches for modelling coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical processes in single granite fracture experiments." Environmental Earth Sciences 75(19).
  50. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng, H. Zheng and A. Bond (2016). "An approach for simulating the THMC process in single novaculite fracture using EPCA." Environmental Earth Sciences 75(15).
  51. Ji, W. W., P. Z. Pan*, Q. Lin, X. T. Feng and M. P. Du (2016). "Do disk-type specimens generate a mode II fracture without confinement?" International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 87: 48-54.
  52. Yan, F., X. T. Feng, J. H. Lv, P. Z. Pan and S. J. Li (2016). "A new dual reciprocity hybrid boundary node method based on Shepard and Taylor interpolation method and Chebyshev polynomials." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 73: 61-68.
  53. Pan P., Z. Wu, X. Feng and F. Yan (2016). "Geomechanical modeling of CO2 geological storage: A review." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8(6): 936-947.
  54. Pan, P. Z., F. S. Su, H. J. Chen, S. L. Yan, X. T. Feng and F. Yan (2015). " Uncertainty analysis of rock failure behaviour using an integration of the probabilistic collocation method and elasto-plastic cellular automaton." Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 28(5): 536-555.
  55. Jiang, Q., G. S. Su, X. T. Feng, J. Cui, P. Z. Pan and J. Q. Jiang (2015). "Observation of rock fragment ejection in post-failure response." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 74: 30-37.
  56. Lv, J. H., X. T. Feng, F. Yan, P. Z. Pan and G. Z. Xie (2015). "A combined conformal and sinh-sigmoidal transformations method for nearly singular boundary element integrals." Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 58: 166-175.
  57. Yan, F., X. T. Feng, P. Z. Pan and S. J. Li (2015). " Rock initiation and propagation simulation under compression-shear loading using continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton method." Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 28(4): 384-399.
  58. Yan, F., J. H. Lv, X. T. Feng and P. Z. Pan (2015). "A new hybrid boundary node method based on Taylor expansion and the Shepard interpolation method." International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 102(8): 1488-1506.
  59. Zheng, H., X. T. Feng and P. Z. Pan (2015). "Experimental investigation of sandstone properties under CO2-NaCl solution-rock interactions." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 37: 451-470.
  60. Pan, P. Z., J. Rutqvist, X. T. Feng and F. Yan (2014). "An Approach for Modeling Rock Discontinuous Mechanical Behavior Under Multiphase Fluid Flow Conditions." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 47(2): 589-603.
  61. Pan, P. Z., J. Rutqvist, X. T. Feng and F. Yan (2014). "TOUGH-RDCA modeling of multiple fracture interactions in caprock during CO2 injection into a deep brine aquifer." Computers & Geosciences 65: 24-36.
  62. Pan, P. Z., J. Rutqvist, X. T. Feng, F. Yan and Q. Jiang (2014). "A Discontinuous Cellular Automaton Method for Modeling Rock Fracture Propagation and Coalescence Under Fluid Pressurization Without Remeshing." Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 47(6): 2183-2198.
  63. Yan, F., X. T. Feng, P. Z. Pan and S. J. Li (2014). "A continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton method for cracks growth and coalescence in brittle material." Acta Mechanica Sinica 30(1): 73-83.
  64. Yan, F., X. T. Feng, P. Z. Pan and S. J. Li (2014). "Discontinuous cellular automaton method for crack growth analysis without remeshing." Applied Mathematical Modelling 38(1): 291-307.
  65. Pan, P. Z., J. Rutqvist, X. T. Feng and F. Yan (2013). "Modeling of caprock discontinuous fracturing during CO2 injection into a deep brine aquifer." International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 19: 559-575.
  66. Pan, P. and X. Feng (2013). "Numerical study on coupled thermo-mechanical processes in Äspö Pillar Stability Experiment." Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 5(2): 136-144.
  67. Yan, F., X. T. Feng, P. Z. Pan and Y. P. Li (2013). "A continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton method for regular frictional contact problems." Archive of Applied Mechanics 83(8): 1239-1255.
  68. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng and J. A. Hudson (2012). "The influence of the intermediate principal stress on rock failure behaviour: A numerical study." Engineering Geology 124: 109-118.
  69. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng and H. Zhou (2012). "Development and applications of the elasto-plastsic cellular automaton." Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 25(2): 126-143.
  70. Pan, P. Z., F. Yan and X. T. Feng (2012). "Modeling the cracking process of rocks from continuity to discontinuity using a cellular automaton." Computers & Geosciences 42: 87-99.
  71. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng, L. F. Shen, S. L. Qiu and H. Zhou (2011). "Effect of precrack length and inclination on tensile failure behaviour of heterogeneous rocks." Materials Research Innovations 15: S557-S560.
  72. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng, D. P. Xu, L. F. Shen and J. B. Yang (2011). "Modelling fluid flow through a single fracture with different contacts using cellular automata." Computers and Geotechnics 38(8): 959-969.
  73. Hudson, J. A., A. Backstrom, J. Rutqvist, L. Jing, T. Backers, M. Chijimatsu, R. Christiansson, X. T. Feng, A. Kobayashi, T. Koyama, H. S. Lee, I. Neretnieks, P. Z. Pan, M. Rinne and B. T. Shen (2009). "Characterising and modelling the excavation damaged zone in crystalline rock in the context of radioactive waste disposal." Environmental Geology 57(6): 1275-1297.
  74. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng, X. H. Huang, Q. Cui and H. Zhou (2009). "Coupled THM processes in EDZ of crystalline rocks using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton." Environmental Geology 57(6): 1299-1311.
  75. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng and J. A. Hudson (2009). "Study of failure and scale effects in rocks under uniaxial compression using 3D cellular automata." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 46(4): 674-685.
  76. Rutqvist, J., A. Backstrom, M. Chijimatsu, X. T. Feng, P. Z. Pan, J. Hudson, L. Jing, A. Kobayashi, T. Koyama, H. S. Lee, X. H. Huang, M. Rinne and B. T. Shen (2009). "A multiple-code simulation study of the long-term EDZ evolution of geological nuclear waste repositories." Environmental Geology 57(6): 1313-1324.
  77. Backstrom, A., J. Antikainen, T. Backers, X. T. Feng, L. R. Jing, A. Kobayashi, T. Koyama, P. Z. Pan, M. Rinne, B. T. Shen and J. A. Hudson (2008). "Numerical modelling of uniaxial compressive failure of granite with and without saline porewater." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 45(7): 1126-1142.
  78. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng and H. Zhou (2008). "RESEARCH ON THE EFFECT OF LOADING CONDITIONS ON THE STRENGTH AND DEFORMATION BEHAVIORS OF ROCKS." International Journal of Modern Physics B 22(31-32): 5545-5550.
  79. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng and J. A. Hudson (2006). "Numerical simulations of Class I and Class II uniaxial compression curves using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton and a linear combination of stress and strain as the control method." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43(7): 1109-1117.
  80. Feng, X. T., P. Z. Pan and H. Zhou (2006). "Simulation of the rock microfracturing process under uniaxial compression using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 43(7): 1091-1108.


  1. 潘鹏志 and 梅万全 (2021). "基于CASRock的工程岩体动力响应分析方法、软件与应用." 隧道与地下工程灾害防治 3(3), 1-10.

  2. 吴振华, 潘鹏志*, 潘俊锋, 王兆丰 and 高家明 (2021). "地堑构造区冲击地压发生机制及矿震活动规律." 岩土力学 42(08), 2225-2238.

  3. 吴振华, 潘鹏志*, 赵善坤, 刘旭东, 苗书婷 and 李一哲 (2021). "近直立特厚煤层组“顶板-岩柱”诱冲机理及防控实践." 煤炭学报 46(s1), 49-62.

  4. 邵长跃, 潘鹏志*, 赵德才, 姚天波, 苗书婷 and 郁培阳 (2020). "流量对水力压裂破裂压力和增压率的影响研究." 岩土力学 41(7), 2411-2421, 2484.

  5. 齐庆新, 潘一山, 李海涛, 姜德义, 舒龙勇, 赵善坤, 张永将, 潘俊锋, 李宏艳 and 潘鹏志 (2020). "煤矿深部开采煤岩动力灾害防控理论基础与关键技术." 煤炭学报 45(5), 1567-1584.

  6. 李一哲, 赵善坤, 齐庆新, 潘鹏志, 魏向志, 李海涛 and 王寅 (2020). "井间高位岩层联动诱冲机制及防冲方法初探." 煤炭学报 45(5), 1681-1690.

  7. 齐庆新, 李一哲, 赵善坤, 潘鹏志 and 魏向志 (2019). "矿井群冲击地压发生机理与控制技术探讨." 煤炭学报 44(1), 141-150.

  8. 姜鹏, 潘鹏志*, 赵善坤, 吴振华 and 陈刚 (2018). "基于应变能的岩石黏弹塑性损伤耦合蠕变本构模型及应用." 煤炭学报 43(11), 2967-2979.

  9. 苏方声, 潘鹏志*, 高要辉, 冯夏庭 and 刘畅 (2018). "含天然硬性结构面大理岩破裂过程与机制研究." 岩石力学与工程学报 37(3): 611-620.

  10. 袁媛, 潘鹏志*, 赵善坤, 王斌 and 宋桂红 (2018). "基于数字图像相关法的含填充裂隙大理岩单轴压缩破坏过程研究 " 岩石力学与工程学报 37(2): 339-351.

  11. 姜德义, 何怡, 欧阳振华, 潘鹏志, 王小书, 谢凯楠 and 蒋翔 (2017). "砂岩单轴蠕变声发射能量统计与断面形貌分析." 煤炭学报 42(6): 1436-1442.

  12. 王斌, 冯夏庭, 潘鹏志 and 李邵军 (2017). "物质点法在边坡稳定性评价中的应用研究." 岩石力学与工程学报 36(9): 2146-2155.

  13. 纪维伟, 潘鹏志*, 苏方声 and 杜梦萍 (2016). "基于裂纹体应变的深埋大理岩加、卸荷破坏机制研究." 岩土力学 37(11): 3079-3088.

  14. 纪维伟, 潘鹏志*, 苗书婷, 苏方声 and 杜梦萍 (2016). "基于数字图像相关法的两类岩石断裂特征研究 " 岩土力学 37(8): 2299-2305.

  15. 杜梦萍, 潘鹏志*, 纪维伟, 张振华 and 高要辉 (2016). "炭质页岩巴西劈裂载荷下破坏过程的时空特征研究." 岩土力学 37(12): 1001-1010.

  16. 杨金保,冯夏庭,潘鹏志. 2013. 考虑应力历史的岩石单裂隙渗流特性试验研究. 岩土力学. 34(6):1629-1635

  17. 杨金保,冯夏庭,潘鹏志,申林方. 2012. 三轴压应力–化学溶液渗透作用下单裂隙花岗岩裂隙开度演化, 岩石力学与工程学报,31(9): p. 1869-1878

  18. 申林方,冯夏庭,潘鹏志,周 辉. 2011. 应力作用下岩石的化学动力学溶解机制研究. 岩土力学. 32(5):1320-1326

  19. 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭, 邱士利, and 周辉, 多轴应力对深埋硬岩破裂行为的影响研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2011. 30(6): p. 1116-1125.

  20. 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭, 申林方, 杨金保, and 周辉, 裂隙花岗岩各向异性蠕变特性研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2011. 30(1): p. 36-44.

  21. 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭, 吴红晓, 孙峰, and 周辉, 水压致裂过程的弹塑性细胞自动机模拟. 上海交通大学学报, 2011. 45(5): p. 722-727.

  22. 张凯,周辉,潘鹏志,申林方,冯夏庭,张元刚. 2010. 不同卸荷速率下岩石强度特性研究[J]. 岩土力学,31(7): 2072-2078

  23. 胡大伟,周 辉,潘鹏志,张凯,邵建富,冯夏庭. 2010. 砂岩三轴循环加卸载条件下的渗透系数研究. 岩土力学. 31(9):2749-2754

  24. 申林方,冯夏庭,潘鹏志,周 辉. 2010. 单裂隙花岗岩在应力-渗流-化学耦合作用下的试验研究,岩石力学与工程学报,29 (7): p. 1379-1388  

  25. 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭, and 周辉, 脆性岩石破裂演化过程的三维细胞自动机模拟. 岩土力学, 2009. 30(05): p. 1471-1476.

  26. 潘鹏志,丁梧秀,冯夏庭,姚华彦,周辉. 预制裂纹几何与材料属性对岩石裂纹扩展的影响研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2008. 27(9):1882-1889.  

  27. 潘鹏志,周辉,冯夏庭. 加载条件对不同尺寸岩石单轴压缩破裂过程的影响研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2008. 27 (增2):3636-3642. (EI收录)

  28. 冯夏庭,潘鹏志,丁梧秀,J . A. Hudson,周辉. 结晶岩开挖损伤区的温度–水流–应力–化学耦合研究. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2008. 27(4): 656-663

  29. 潘鹏志,冯夏庭,周辉. 开挖扰动区近场模型THM耦合过程的BMT模拟研究. 岩石力学与工程学报,2007. 26(12): 2532-2540.  

  30. 潘鹏志, 周  辉, 冯夏庭. 岩石I类和II类曲线形成机理的弹塑性细胞自动机分析.岩石力学与工程学报. 2006. 25(增2):3823-3829.  

  31. 周辉, 潘鹏志, 冯夏庭. 循环载荷作用下岩石单轴压缩破坏过程的平面弹塑性细胞自动机模型. 岩石力学与工程学报. 2006. 25(增2):3623-3628.  



  1. Feng, X.-T., P.-Z. Pan, Z. Wang and Y. Zhang (2021). Development of Cellular Automata Software for Engineering Rockmass Fracturing Processes. International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Torino, Italy, Springer International Publishing

  2. Bond, A. E., N. Chittenden, R. Fedors, P. Lang, C. McDermott, I. Neretnieks, P. Z. Pan, J. embera, I. Brusky, N. Watanabe, R. Lu and H. Yasuhara (2018). Coupled THMC modelling of single fractures in novaculite and granite. 2nd International Discrete Fracture Network Engineering Conference, DFNE 2018, June 20, 2018 - June 22, 2018, Seattle, WA, United states, American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA).

  3. Su, F. and P. Pan (2018). Experimental study on confining pressure effect of hard rock indirect tensile test and mechanical mechanism. 2018 4th International Conference on Applied Materials and Manufacturing Technology, ICAMMT 2018, May 25, 2018 - May 27, 2018, Nanchang, China, Institute of Physics Publishing.

  4. Pan, P., W. Ji, and X. Feng (2015). Experimental Study on Loading-Unloading Failure Process of Marble in Jinping II Hydropower Station, China. in 49th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. 2015. American Rock Mechanics Association.

  5. Pan, P.*, X. Feng, F. Yan, W. Ji and F. Su (2015). Numerical Analysis on Spalling Failure in Rocks using a Continuous-Discontinuous Method. 13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics, International Society for Rock Mechanics.

  6. Pan, P.*, X. Feng, W. Ji and F. Su (2014). "Simulation of coupled THM processes in Opalinus clay with an EPCA3D." Transit Development in Rock Mechanics: Recognition, Thinking and Innovation: 409-413.

  7. Pan, P.-Z., X.-T. Feng, and F. Yan. Modeling of Rock Mechanical Behaviors Under Excavation Using a Continuous-Discontinuous Cellular Automaton. in ISRM Conference on Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and Infrastructure-SBMR 2014. 2014. International Society for Rock Mechanics.

  8. Ji, W., P. Pan, and F. Su, Study on the failure process of marble using maximum entropy theory. Transit Development in Rock Mechanics: Recognition, Thinking and Innovation, 2014: p. 249-252.

  9. Pan, P. Z., X. T. Feng, F. Yan, and J. Rutqvist. The fracturing of heterogeneous caprock during CO2 injection into a brine aquifer. in 3rd ISRM Symposium on Rock Characterisation, Modelling and Engineering Design Methods, SINOROCK 2013, June 18, 2013 - June 20, 2013. 2013. Shanghai, China: Taylor Francis - Balkema.

  10. Pengzhi Pan, Jonny Rutqvist, Xiating Feng, Fei Yan. The influence of caprock initial damage on its fracturing process during CO2 injection into a brine aquifer. 47th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2013. San Francisco, USA, 23-26 June 2013

  11. Pan, P.Z., X.T. Feng, and H. Zhou. Solid Cellular Automaton Method for the Solution of Physical Field. 2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering. CSIE 2009. March 31-April 2. Los Angeles, California USA. Pp. 765-768

  12. Pan, P.Z., X.T. Feng, and H. Zhou, Research on the Effect of Loading Conditions on the Strength and Deformation Behaviors of Rocks. Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications: From Nanoscale to Macroscale, 2009: p. 173-178.

  13. Pan, P.-Z., X.-T. Feng, and H. Zhou, Numerical study of acoustic emission in the unloading failure process of heterogeneous rocks. In 7th International Symposium on Rockburst and Seismicity in Mines 2009, RASIM7: Dalian, P R China. p. 555-560.

  14. Shen L., X. Feng, P. Pan, J. Yang, Experimental Study on Relationship between Hydraulic Aperture and Rock-Water Dissolution of Granite. 46th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2012. June 24, 2012 - June 27, 2012, Chicago, IL, United states, p: 916-920

  15. Yao Huayan, Pan Pengzhi. Elasto-plastic cellular automaton simulation of fracturing process in single pre-fractured rocks under uniaxial compression. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 34-35, pp 383-386,  2010.

  16. Yan, F., X.-T. Feng, and P.-Z. Pan. Simulation of rock crack propagation using continuous-discontinuous cellular automaton method. in 3rd ISRM Symposium on Rock Characterisation, Modelling and Engineering Design Methods, SINOROCK 2013, June 18, 2013 - June 20, 2013. 2013. Shanghai, China: Taylor Francis - Balkema.

  17. Yang, J., X. Feng, L. Shen, and P. Pan, Experimental research on aperture evolution of single granite fracture under stress-chemical solution permeation condition. Rock Mechanics: Achievements and Ambitions, 2011: p. 221-227.

  18. Yao, H. Y., Z. H. Zhang and P. Z. Pan, Mechanical properties of sandstone after cyclic drying and wetting. Rock Mechanics: Achievements and Ambitions, 2011: p. 235-238.

  19. J. C. Andersson, X. T. Feng, P. Z. Pan, T. Koyama, S. Kwon, C. S. Lee, M. Rinne, B. Shen,  H. Lan, C. D. Martin, Y. Chen, C. Zhou, R. Blaheta, R. Kohut, L. Jing. 2010. Modeling the Äspö Pillar Stability Experiment. In: Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineering. EUROCK 2010, ed. J. Zhao, V. Labiouse, J. P. Dudt, J. F. Mathier, CRC Press. Pp 787-790.

  20. B. J. Graupner, C. Lee, K. Maekawa, C. Manepally, P. Pan, J Rutqvist, W. Wang, B. Garitte. The Mont Terri HE-D Experiment as a Benchmark for the Simulation of Coupled THM Processes. International Workshop on Geomechanics Energy. 26-28 November 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland.

  21. Pan, P.Z., X.T. Feng, and H. Zhou. Study of the hydro-fracturing processes in heterogeneous rocks using an elasto-plastic cellular automaton. in Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008 - 2nd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, ICHMM 2008, June 3, 2008 - June 8, 2008. 2008. Huangshan, China: DEStech Publications Inc.

  22. Peng-Zhi Pan, Xia-Ting Feng, Lin-Fang Shen, Hui Zhou. 2009. Numerical study of fluid flow in rock fractures. Proceedings of the ISRM-Sponsored International Symposium on Rock Mechanics: “Rock Characterisation, Modelling and Engineering Design Methods”. SINOROCK 2009. Hong Kong, China.

  23. P-Z Pan, X-T Feng, X-H Huang, H Zhou. The influence of fractures in the Wall-Block model domain in the EDZ using an EPCA code. In: Thermo-Hydromechanical and Chemical Coupling in Geomaterials and Applications, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium GeoProc’2008, ed. Jian-Fu Shao and Nicolas Burlion. Wiley. Pp. 399-407.

  24. Xia-Ting Feng, Peng-Zhi Pan, Hui Zhou, J A Hudson. 2009. Cellular automaton modelling of heterogeneous rock failure processes. Proceedings of the ISRM-Sponsored International Symposium on Rock Mechanics: “Rock Characterisation, Modelling and Engineering Design Methods”. SINOROCK 2009. Hong Kong, China.

  25. P. Z. Pan, J. Rutqvist, F. Yan, X. T. Feng, An approach for modelign rock discontinuous behavior under multiphase fluid flow conditions. TOUGH2 Symposium 2012. September 17-19, 2012, Berkeley, California, USA.

  26. Pengzhi Pan, Jonny Rutqvist, Fei Yan, Xiating Feng, A study of caprock continuous-discontinuous fracturing process in CO2-injection into a brine aquifer. AGU Fall meeting, December 3-7, 2012, San Francisco, California, USA.

  27. X-T Feng, J. Rutqvist, P-Z Pan. Numerical Study of the Influence of Fractures on the EDZ around a Nuclear Waste Emplacement Drift. In: Thermo-Hydromechanical and Chemical Coupling in Geomaterials and Applications, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium GeoProc’2008, ed. Jian-Fu Shao and Nicolas Burlion. Wiley. Pp. 363-371

  28. J. Rutqvist, A. Bäckström, M. Chijimatsu, X-T Feng, P-Z Pan, J. Hudson, L. Jing, A. Kobayashi, T. Koyama, H-S Lee, X.-H Huang, M. Rinne, B. Shen, E. Sonnenthal. Assessment of Modelling Approaches for Analysis of Coupled THMC Processes in the EDZ of Geological Nuclear Waste Repositories. Geoproc 2008. In: Thermo-Hydromechanical and Chemical Coupling in Geomaterials and Applications, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium GeoProc’2008, ed. Jian-Fu Shao and Nicolas Burlion. Wiley. Pp. 687-696.


  1. Peng-Zhi Pan and Qing Lin (2020). Rock Fracture Mechanics—Cracking Visualization, Analysis and Applications. Science Press. ISBN: 978-7-03-067012-0
  2. Pan, P. and X. Feng (2018). Numerical Study of the Rockburst Mechanism Using the Elastoplastic Cellular Automaton. Rockburst: Mechanisms, Monitoring, Warning and Mitigation. X.-T. Feng, Butterworth-Heinemann: 183-199.
  3. Yan, F., P. Pan and X. Feng (2018). Rockburst Development Process Simulation Using Continuum-Discontinuum Cellular Automaton Rockburst. X.-T. Feng, Butterworth-Heinemann: 199-211.
  4. 潘鹏志,冯夏庭,周辉. 岩石变形破坏过程模拟的细胞自动机方法. 谢和平,冯夏庭等编,973专著灾害环境下重大工程安全性的基础研究9章第3. 2009
  5. 倪福全, 邓玉, 王丽峰, 漆力健, 胡 建, 茆大炜, 张晓平, 潘鹏志. 工程地质及水文地质实验实习指导. 普通高等院校水利工程专业系列规划教材.西南交通大学出版社, 成都, 2015



  1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,52339001,深部工程硬岩断续介质理论建模与破裂过程三维高性能仿真,2024/1-2028/12,主持
  2. 国家杰出青年科学基金,52125903,工程岩体破裂机理与分析方法,2022/1-2026/12,主持
  3. 国家十四五重点研发计划项目子课题,2021YFB2300702,隧道岩爆孕育过程三维数值智能评估系统软件与示范应用,2021/11-2024/12,主持
  4. 国际合作研究计划DECOVALEX-2023 Task C “THM modelling of the FE experiment”、 Task D “Full-scale engineering barrier system experiment at Horonobe URL”。2020.1-2023.12,中方负责人
  5. 国家重点研发计划项目课题,2017YFC0804203,大型地质体控制型矿井群冲击地压协同防控方法与技术,2017/8-2020/12,主持
  6. 中国科学院前沿科学拔尖青年科学家重点项目,QYZDB-SSW-DQC029,深部工程围岩损伤时效演化机制与模拟研究,2016/8-2021/7,主持
  7. 中国科学院国际合作重点项目,115242KYSB20160024,高放废物地质处置围岩THM耦合长期行为研究,2017/1-2019/12, 主持
  8. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金,51322906,岩体非线性和非连续破裂机理与模拟方法,2014/1-2016/12,主持
  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41272349,高应力硬岩卸荷非连续变形破坏机理与模拟方法研究,2013/1-2016/12,主持
  10. 国际合作研究计划DECOVALEX-2015子课题,D-2015 Task B1,瑞士Mont Terri岩石实验室膨润土缓冲材料和泥质母岩THM耦合过程研究,2012/1-2015/12,中方负责人
  11. 国际合作研究计划DECOVALEX-2015子课题,D-2015 Task B2,日本Horonobe地下实验室全尺度工程屏障系统THM耦合过程预测,2012/1-2015/12,中方负责人
  12. 国际合作研究计划DECOVALEX-2015子课题,D-2015 Task C1,致密砂岩和花岗岩单裂隙面THMC耦合过程研究,2012/1-2015/12,中方负责人
  13. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,10972231,裂隙花岗岩蠕变过程及其渗透性演化的温度效应研究,2010/1-2012/12,主持
  14. 国际合作研究计划DECOVALEX-2011子课题,D-2011 Task B1,热力耦合作用下岩柱稳定性分析,2008/1-2011/12,中方负责人之一
  15. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,50709036,岩石破裂过程的三维演化细胞自动机水力耦合模型与仿真研究,2008/1-2010/12,主持
  16. 国家自然科学基金创新群体项目,51621006,重大岩石工程安全性分析预测与控制,2017/1-2022/12,学术骨干
  17. 中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目,115242KYSB20160017,“一带一路”深部工程灾害防控国际研究计划,2016/8-2021/7,学术骨干


  1.  2004-2015, 2020-2023 Active in a research team for the international collaboration project DECOVALEX-THMC, DECOVALEX-2011, DECOVALEX-2015 and DECOVALEX-2023 (Development of COupled models and their VAlidation against EXperiments in nuclear waste isolation).
  2.  2011-2013, 2017.9, worked with Dr. Jonny Rutqvist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) as a Visiting Scholar in the modeling of coupled thermal–hydraulic–mechanical–chemical (THMC) processes in geological media.
  3. 2017-2018, work with Dr. Daisuke Asahina from Geological Survey of Japan on permeability evolution under triaxial compression deformation of geomaterials.
  4.  2017-present, work with Dr. Radim Blaheta, Petr Konicek from Institute of Geonics, the Czech Academy of Sciences on CT and computational micromechanics of rocks, Impact of destress blasting on the stress field.



苗书婷  博士研究生  081401-岩土工程  

刘张浩  硕士研究生  081401-岩土工程  

吴振华  博士研究生  081401-岩土工程  

郁培阳  博士研究生  081401-岩土工程  

邵长跃  硕士研究生  081401-岩土工程  

徐隽松  硕士研究生  085213-建筑与土木工程  

李建国  博士研究生  081401-岩土工程  

侯文博  硕士研究生  081400-土木工程  


封雨捷  博士研究生  081400-土木工程  

李雨芯  硕士研究生  081400-土木工程  

杨宁  博士研究生  081400-土木工程  

侯文博  博士研究生  081400-土木工程  

张修军  硕士研究生  081400-土木工程  

王雅歌  博士研究生  081400-土木工程  

杜德伟  博士研究生  081400-土木工程  


  1. 2003.9-2006.6:中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所,岩土工程,博士,导师:冯夏庭 院士
  2. 2000.9-2003.6:武汉理工大学,固体力学,硕士,导师:晏石林 教授
  3. 1996.9-2000.6:武汉理工大学,工程力学,学士


  1. Member of Editorial Board, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2023.3-present
  2. Co-Chair, International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, CouFrac 2022 (Conference chair: Jonny Rutqvist; Co-chairs: Mengsu Hu, Carl I. Steefel, Ki-Bok Min, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, Pengzhi Pan, Hideaki Yasuhara), 2022
  3. Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2020.9-present
  4. Session Organizer, International Conference on coupled processes in fractured geological media: observation, modeling, and application, CouFrac 2020, 2020
  5. Member, Commission on Radioactive Waste Disposal, International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020- Present
  6. Scientific Advisory Committee memberDECOVALEX 2019 Symposium on Coupled Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal and Subsurface Engineering Applications, 2019.
  7. 副主任委员, 中国岩石力学与工程学会岩体数学物理模拟专业委员会, 2018-至今
  8. Guest Editor, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Special Issue: CouFrac 2018 (Co-editors: Jonny Rutqvist, Pengzhi Pan, Antonio Rinaldi), 2018-2020
  9. Secretary General, Commission on Coupled Thermal-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Rock, International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018-2020
  10. 理事,中国公路学会隧道工程分会,2017-至今
  11. 委员,中国煤炭学会煤矿动力灾害防治委员会,2017.5-至今
  12. 委员,中国矿山学会冲击地压和岩爆防治专业委员会
  13. Co-ChairInternational Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application, CouFrac 2018 (Conference chair: Jonny Rutqvist; Co-chairs: Ki-Bok Min, Pengzhi Pan, Mengsu Hu), 2018
  14. Reviewer, NSFC CAREER proposal, 2008-Present
  15. Reviewer for: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Computers and Geotechnics, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, Environmental Earth Sciences, Engineering Geology, International Journal of Geomechanics, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Engineering Fracture Mechanics