潘跃芝  女  硕导  中国科学院昆明植物研究所
办公电话: 0871-65223626
电子邮件: panyuezhi@mail.kib.ac.cn
通信地址: 昆明市蓝黑路132号



1 珍稀濒危植物保护生物学

2 重要植物资源的评价、保护与发掘





2011-09--2014-12   云南农业大学   农学博士学位
1997-09--2000-06   中国科学院昆明植物研究所   研究生,理学硕士学位
1993-09--1997-06   山东聊城大学   本科,理学学士学位






2010-01~现在, 中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 高级工程师
2003-07~2009-12,中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 助理研究员
2000-08~2003-06,中国科学院昆明植物研究所, 研究实习员


(1) 云南部分珍稀濒危植物的保护遗传学研究, 一等奖, 省级, 2007
(2) 木兰科植物杂交育种研究, 三等奖, 省级, 2003
( 1 ) 植物品种“红花八角莲”的培育方法, 发明, 2007, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL2007 1 0065862.2
( 2 ) 含笑品种云瑞的培育方法, 发明, 2012, 第 2 作者, 专利号: ZL201110129171.0
( 3 ) 含笑新品种“云星”, 发明, 2012, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 新品种权号20120085
( 4 ) 含笑新品种“云馨”, 发明, 2012, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 新品种权号20120086
( 5 ) 含笑新品种“云瑞”, 发明, 2012, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 新品种权号20120088
( 6 ) 含笑新品种“云霞”, 发明, 2012, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 新品种权号20120087





4.YZ PAN,HX LIANG and X GONG. Studies on the Reproductive Biology and Endangerment Mechanism of the Endangered Plant Manglietia aromatica, Acta Botanica Sinica, 45(3):311-316

5.潘跃芝 龚洵 杨志云 尹擎 五种囊吾属植物的核型研究 云南植物研究 2004,26(1):65~72

6. 潘跃芝 杨志云 龚洵 中国特有植物金铁锁的细胞学研究 204  2004262):204-206

7. Yuezhi Pan, Suhua Shi, Xun Gong, Chiaki Kuroda, 2008. A natural hubrid between Ligularia paradoxa and L. duciformis (Asteraceae, Senecilneae) from Yunnan, China.. Annals of the Misouri Botanical Garden.  95: 491–498.

8.Yue-Zhi Pan, Li-Qin Fang,Gang Hao,Jie Cai, Xun Gong, 2009. Systematic positions of Lamiophlomis and Paraphlomis (Lamiaceae)based on nuclear and chloroplast sequences. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 47: 535-542.

9.潘跃芝    *     杨,九子母属的系统位置来自叶绿体rbcL序列及核核糖体ITS  序列的证据。植物分类学报  46 (4): 586594 (2008)

10.龚洵, 施苏华,潘跃芝,等。中国木兰亚科植物的主要分类性状观察。云南植物研究,2003254):447-456







17. Zhiyun Yang.Xun Gong and Yuezhi Pan. Cytological Study of Six Salvia Species (Lamiaceae)From the Hengduanshan Mountains Region of China Caryologia, 200457):360-366

18. 杨雪 房丽琴 潘跃芝 龚洵,假糙苏属两种植物的染色体数目研究。武汉植物学研究,2008,26 (5):540-541

19. Changli Mao, Yuezhi Pan, Jinfeng Wang, Xun Gong, 2009.  Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Ligularia hodgsonii Hook. (Asteraceae). Conservation Genetics, 10: 1853–1855.

20. Jin-Feng Wang, Yue-Zhi Pan, Xun Gong, Yu-Chung Chiang, Chiaki Kuroda, 2011. Chloroplast DNA variation and phylogeography of Ligularia tongolensis (Asteraceae), a species endemic to the Hengduan Mountains region of China.  1049: 108-119.

21. 房丽琴  潘跃芝    洵,2007唇形科独一味属和五种糙苏属植物的核形态研究。植    45 (5): 627632

22. Yang Yang • Yuezhi Pan • Xun Gong •Moutian Fan2010. Genetic variation in the endangered Rutaceae species Citrus hongheensis based on ISSR fingerprintingGenet Resour Crop Evol,  57:1239-1248

23.毛常丽, 潘跃芝,, 洵,含笑新品种  晚春含笑。园 2009 , 36 ( 5): 778

24. 冯秀彦,王跃华,潘跃芝*2012.濒危植物单羽苏铁SSR引物的筛选.云南大学学报,34S2):419-425

25. 李颖婕,潘跃芝,龚洵,2013. 20131007. 园艺学报,, 40 5 10071009.

26 潘跃芝 张亦驰 龚洵 李富生,2014. 种人参属植物基因组大小的测定. 植物分类与资源学报,362):233-236

27 Yu Jiao-Jun,Pan Li, Pan Yue-Zhi,Gong Xun,2014. Natural hybrids between Ligularia vellerea and L. subspicata (Asteraceae: Senecioneae). 2,36(2): 219-226

28. 徐海燕,李文祥 ,潘跃芝,龚  洵,2014. 含笑新品种云瑞’.41       241  2014412 403404

29. He Wei-Ying, Pan Yue-Zhi*,2015. Study on the DNA barcoding of genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae). Plant Diversity and Resources, 37(6):693 – 703.

30. Feng-Xue Shi, Ming-Rui Li, Ya-Ling Li, Peng Jiang, Cui Zhang, Yue-Zhi Pan, Bao Liu, Hong-Xing Xiao, Lin-Feng Li, 2015. The impacts of polyploid, geographic and ecological isolations on the diversification of Panax (Araliaceae). BMC Plant Biology, 15: 297

31. Yuezhi Pan, Xueqin Wang, Guiling Sun, Fusheng Li, Xun Gong, 2016. Application of RAD Sequencing for evaluation of the genetic diversity of domesticaed Panax notoginseng (Araliaceae). PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166419,

32. Haiyan Xu, Folian Li, Yuezhi Pan*, Xun Gong*, 2017. Interspecific hybridization processes between Michelia yunnanensis and M. crassipes and Emvryogenesis of Heterozygote. HortScience ,52(8):1043-1047

33Yujuan Zhao, Genshen Yin, Yuezhi Pan, Xun Gong, 2018. Ecological and genetic divergences with gene flow of two sister species (Leucomeris decora and nouelia insignis) driving by climatic transition in southwest China. Front. Plant Sci.,25 January. http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00031

34.Mingmei Zhou, Xun Gong*, Yuezhi Pan*, 2018. Panax species identification with the assistance of DNA data. Crop Evolution and Genetic Resource,65,1839-1856. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-018-0655-0

34. Ningning Zhang, Yongpeng Ma, Ryan A. Folk, Jiaojun Yu, Yuezhi Pan, Xun Gong*. Maintenance of species boundaries in three sympatric Ligularia (Senecioneae, Asteraceae)species. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2018,60 (10): 986-999

35  Huai Ning, Yue-Zhi Pan*, and Xun Gong*. Molecular evidence for natural hybridization between Ligularia nelumbifolia and Cremanthodium stenoglossum (Asteraceae, Senecioneae).Botany,2019, 97: 53-69

[1] 潘跃芝, 赵玉娟, 龚洵. 异叶泽兰的遗传多样性和居群历史动态研究. 广西植物[J]. 2021, 41(3): 340-350, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7104484386.

[2] Zhao, YuJuan, Yin, GenShen, Pan, YueZhi, Tian, Bo, Gong, Xun. Climatic Refugia and Geographical Isolation Contribute to the Speciation and Genetic Divergence in Himalayan-Hengduan Tree Peonies (Paeonia delavayi and Paeonia ludlowii). FRONTIERS IN GENETICS[J]. 2021, 11(-): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fgene.2020.595334.

[3] 吴丽新, 龚洵, 潘跃芝. 姜状三七遗传多样性和遗传分化研究. 植物科学学报[J]. 2020, 38(4): 525-535, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7102627874.

[4] Zhou, Mingmei, Yang, Guoqian, Sun, Guiling, Guo, Zhenhua, Gong, Xun, Pan, Yuezhi. Resolving complicated relationships of the Panax bipinnati fi dus complex in southwestern China by RAD-seq data. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION[J]. 2020, 149: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106851.

[5] Zichen Zhao, Jian Liu, Mingmei Zhou, Yuezhi Pan. Chloroplast genome characterization of Bupleurum dracaenoides, a critically endangered woody species endemic to China, with insights of Apioideae phylogeny. GENE REPORTS[J]. 2020, 20: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.genrep.2020.100784.

[6] Ning, Huai, Pan, YueZhi, Gong, Xun. Molecular evidence for natural hybridization between Ligularia nelumbifolia and Cremanthodium stenoglossum (Asteraceae, Senecioneae). BOTANY[J]. 2019, 97(1): 53-69, http://ir.kib.ac.cn/handle/151853/64439.

[7] Zhou, Mingmei, Gong, Xun, Pan, Yuezhi. Panax species identification with the assistance of DNA data. GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION[J]. 2018, 65(7): 1839-1856, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10722-018-0655-0.

[8] Yujuan Zhao, Genshen Yin, Yuezhi Pan, Xun Gong. Ecological and Genetic Divergences with Gene Flow of Two Sister Species (Leucomeris decora and Nouelia insignis) Driving by Climatic Transition in Southwest China. Frontiers in Plant Science[J]. 2018, 9: https://doaj.org/article/d5454a8b4f2d4fc29b96f80d961d33a6.

[9] Zhang, Ningning, Ma, Yongpeng, Folk, Ryan A, Yu, Jiaojun, Pan, Yuezhi, Gong, Xun. Maintenance of species boundaries in three sympatric Ligularia (Senecioneae, Asteraceae) species. JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY[J]. 2018, 60(10): 986-999, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=676554407.

[10] 潘跃芝. Interspecific hybridization processes between Michelia yunnanensis and M. crassipes and Emvryogenesis of Heterozygote. HortScience. 2017, 
[11] 潘跃芝. Application of RAD Sequencing for evaluation of the genetic diversity of domesticaed Panax notoginseng (Araliaceae). Plos ONE. 2016, 
[12] He Weiying, Pan Yuezhi. 菊科橐吾属植物的DNA条形码研究. 植物分类与资源学报[J]. 2015, 37(6): 693-703, http://ir.kib.ac.cn/handle/151853/66368.

[13] Yu Jiaojun, Pan Li, 潘跃芝, Gong Xun. 棉毛橐吾和穗序橐吾的自然杂交研究. 植物分类与资源学报[J]. 2014, 36(2): 219-226, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/929809.

[14] 徐海燕, 李文祥, 潘跃芝, 龚洵. 含笑新品种‘云瑞’. 园艺学报[J]. 2014, 41(2): 403-404, 
[15] 李颖婕, 潘跃芝, 龚洵. 含笑新品种‘云霞’. 园艺学报[J]. 2013, 40(5): 1007-1009, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/832508.

[16] 冯秀彦, 王跃华, 潘跃芝. 濒危植物单羽苏铁SSR引物的筛选. 云南大学学报(自然科学版)[J]. 2012, 419-425, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/637551.

[17] Wang, JinFeng, Pan, YueZhi, Gong, Xun, Chiang, YuChung, Kuroda, Chiaki. Chloroplast DNA variation and phylogeography of Ligularia tongolensis (Asteraceae), a species endemic to the Hengduan Mountains region of China. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION[J]. 2011, 49(2): 108-119, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=37569991.

[18] 潘跃芝. Genetic variation in the endangered Rutaceae species Citrus hongheensis based on ISSR ?ngerprinting. Genet Resour Crop Evol,. 2010, 
[19] 潘跃芝. Isolation and haracterization of microsatellite markers for Ligularia hodgsonii Hook. (Asteraceae). Conservation Genetics. 2009, 
[20] Pan, YueZhi, Fang, LiQin, Hao, Gang, Cai, Jie, Gong, Xun. Systematic positions of Lamiophlomis and Paraphlomis (Lamiaceae) based on nuclear and chloroplast sequences. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION[J]. 2009, 47(6): 535-542, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=32215419.

[21] 潘跃芝, 龚洵, 杨杨. 九子母属的系统位置:来自叶绿体rbcL序列及核核糖体ITS序列的证据. 植物分类学报[J]. 2008, 46(4): 586-594, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=27888449.

[22] Pan Yuezhi. A hybrid between Ligularia duciformis and L. paradoxa (Asteraceae). Annals of the Misouri Botanical Garden[J]. 2008, 491–498-, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/830632.

[23] []. 4种人参属植物基因组大小的测定. http://ir.kib.ac.cn/handle/151853/18601.


( 1 ) 利用RAD技术研究三七的遗传多样性, 主持, 省级, 2011-10--2014-09
( 2 ) 国产橐吾属植物的DNA条形码研究, 主持, 市地级, 2009-09--2012-12
( 3 ) 糯扎渡水电站植物植被监测, 主持, 研究所(学校), 2009-01--2014-12
( 4 ) 云南大围山国家级自然保护区科学考察苏铁资源野外专项调查, 主持, 省级, 2013-05--2015-12
( 5 ) 云南省文山州第二次国家重点保护野生植物资源调查(苏铁类), 主持, 省级, 2013-12--2015-12
( 6 ) 栽培三七起源及其遗传多样性研究, 主持, 国家级, 2016-01--2019-12
( 7 ) 云南特色花卉高效生产技术集成创新与示范, 参与, 国家级, 2015-07--2018-06
( 8 ) 干热河谷重要濒危植物类群的受威胁状况及其保护措施, 参与, 国家级, 2017-07--2020-12
( 9 ) 濒危苏铁调查与保护成效评估, 参与, 国家级, 2019-07--2020-12



何维颖  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程  

周明媚  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程  


吴丽新  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程  

赵字陈  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程