欧阳朝军 男 研究员 中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所
电子邮件: cjouyang@imde.ac.cn
通信地址: 成都市人民南路四段9号山地所2号楼525办公室
邮政编码: 610041
2001-09--2005-07 华中科技大学 本科
2013-01—2014-01,美国地质调查局Cascades Volcano Observatory, 访问学者
2012-04—2012-08,美国地质调查局Cascades Volcano Observatory, 访问学者
2016-05—2016-09,香港理工大学,Research Fellow
( 2 ) 泥石流动力过程数值模拟和算法研究, 主持, 市地级, 2013-01--2015-03
( 3 ) 威龙洲排土场治理工程潜在滑坡动力学过程及风险分析技术咨询, 主持, 院级, 2014-04--2014-08
( 4 ) 固液两相泥石流动力过程与沟道演化的物理模型与计算模拟, 主持, 国家级, 2016-01--2019-12
( 5 ) 基于Geo-BIM和GIS的多尺度强震地质灾害预测和定量风险评估体系, 主持, 国家级, 2018-01--2021-01
( 6 ) 山地灾害动力过程与风险评估软件平台开发和应用, 主持, 部委级, 2016-01--2019-01
( 7 ) 气候变化条件下高山区特大泥石流灾害链动力过程与风险分析, 参与, 国家级, 2016-01--2019-01
赵伟 硕士研究生 081401-岩土工程
安会聪 硕士研究生 081401-岩土工程
周书 硕士研究生 081401-岩土工程
(1) Iverson, Richard M., Ouyang, Chaojun. Entrainment of bed material by Earth-surface mass flows: Review and reformulation of depth-integrated theory,Reviews of geophysics,2015,53 (1): 27-58
(2) Ouyang, Chaojun,An Huicong, Zhou Shu,Wang Zhongwen, Su Pengcheng, Xu, Wang, Dongpo, Cheng Duoxiang, She Jinxing.Insights from the failure and dynamic characteristics of two sequential landslides at Baige village along the Jinsha River, China, Landslides, Accepted
(3) Ouyang, Chaojun ,Zhou, Kaiqi,Xu, Qiang,Yin, Jianhua,Peng, Dalei,Wang, Dongpo,Li, Weile,Dynamic analysis and numerical modeling of the 2015 catastrophic landslide of the construction waste landfill at Guangming,Shenzhen, China,Landslides,2017,14 (2): 705-718
(4) Ouyang, Chaojun ,Zhao, Wei,Xu, Qiang,Peng, Dalei,Peng, Dalei,Li, Weile,Wang, Dongpo. Failure Mechanisms and Characteristics of the 2016 Catastrophic Rockslide at Su village, Lishui, China. Landslides, 2018,15(7):1391-1400.
(5) Ouyang, Chaojun ,Zhao, Wei,An, Huicong, Zhou, Shu, Wang, Dongpo, Xu, Qiang,Li, Weile, Peng, Dalei. Early identification and dynamic processes of ridge-top rockslides: implications from the Su Village landslide in Suichang County, Zhejiang Province, China. Landslides, 2019,1-15. DOI 10.1007/s10346-018-01128-w
(6) Chaojun Ouyang, W Zhao, S He, D Wang, S Zhou, H An, Z Wang, D Cheng.Numerical modeling and dynamic analysis of the 2017 Xinmo landslide in Maoxian County, China.Journal of Mountain Science 14 (9), 1701-1711.
(7) Ouyang, Chaojun ,He, Siming,Tang, Chuan,Numerical analysis of dynamics of debris flow over erodible beds in Wenchuan earthquake-induced area,Engineering Geology,2015.8.26,194:62~72.
(8) Ouyang, Chaojun,He, Siming ,Xu, Qiang,Luo, Yu,Zhang, Wencheng,A MacCormack-TVD finite difference method to simulate the mass flow in mountainous terrain with variable computational domain,Computers & Geosciences,2013,52:1~10.
(9) Chaojun Ouyang,Siming He ,QiangXu,MacCormack-TVD finite differencesolution of dam-breakhydraulics over erodible sediment beds Journal of Hydraulic Engineering,2014,141
(10) Chaojun Ouyang , Qiang Xu, Siming He, Yu Luo, Yong Wu. A generalized limit equilibrium method for the solution of active earth pressure on a retaining wall, Journal of Mountain Science. 2013; 10(6),1018-1027.
(11) Chaojun Ouyang, Zhenhuan Li, Minsheng Huang et al. Discrete dislocation simulation of nano-indentation size effects in polycrystal with circular indenter. Acta Materialia 2008;56:2706-2717.
(12) Chaojun Ouyang, Zhenhuan Li, Minsheng Huang et al. Combined influences of micro-pillar geometry and substrate constraint on microplastic behavior of compressed single-crystal micro-pillar: Two-dimensional discrete dislocation dynamics modeling. Mat. Sci. Eng. A. 2009;526: 235-243.
(13) Chaojun Ouyang, Minsheng Huang, Zhenhuan Li, et al. Cylindrical nano-indentation on metal film/elastic substrate system with discrete dislocation plasticity analysis: a simple model for nano-indentation size effect. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010;47:3103-3114
(14) Chaojun Ouyang, Minsheng Huang, et al. Circular nano-indentation in particle-reinforced metal matrix composites: simply uniformly distributed particles lead to complicated nanoindentation response. Computational Materials Science 2010;47 940-950.
(15) Ouyang, Chaojun,Liu, Ying,Wang, Dongpo, He, Simin. Dynamic analysis of rockfall impacts on geogrid reinforced soil and EPS absorption cushions, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2019,23 (1), 37-45
(16) Siming He, Chaojun Ouyang* (通讯作者), Wei Liu, Dongpo Wang. A coupled model of two-phase debris flow, sediment transport and morphological evolution. Acta Geologica Sinica 2017.90 (6), 2206-2215
(17) D Wang, D Wu, Chaojun Ouyang*(通讯作者), S He, X Sun Simulation analysis of large-diameter post-installed anchors in concrete. Construction and Building Materials 2017,143, 558-565.
(18) He, Siming, Ouyang, Chaojun, Luo, Yu. Seismic stability analysis of soil nail reinforced slope using kinematic approach of limit analysis , Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 66(1): 319~326
(19) Liu Wei; He Siming; Ouyang Chaojun, Two-dimensional Dynamics Simulation of Two-phase Debris Flow, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) ,2017, 9 (5): 1873~1883
(20) Liu, Wei; He, Siming; Ouyang, Chaojun, Dynamic process simulation with a Savage-Hutter type model for the intrusion of landslide into river, Journal of Mountain Science, 2016.7.1, 13: 1265~1274
(21) Fan,HD; Wang,QY; Ouyang, CJ, Comprehensive molecular dynamics simulations of the stacking fault tetrahedron interacting with a mixed dislocation at elevated temperature, JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, 2015.10.1, 465: 245~253
(22) Wang, Dongpo; Wu, Dongsheng; Zhai, Mingang,Ouyang, Chaojun Performance and design of post-installed large diameter anchors in concrete , Construction and Building Materials, 2016, 114: 142~150
(23) Bi,YZ; He,SM; Li,XP; Ouyang,CJ; Wu,Y, Effects of segregation in binary granular mixture avalanches down inclined chutes impinging on defending structures , Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(3): 1~8
(24) Chuantao Hou; Zhenhuan Li; Minsheng Huang; Chaojun Ouyang, Cyclic Hardening Behavior of Polycrystals with Penetrable Grain Boundaries: Two-Dimensional Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Simulation, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2009.8, 22(4): 295~306
(25) Chuantao Hou; Zhenhuan Li; Minsheng Huang; Chaojun Ouyang Discrete dislocation plasticity analysis of single crystalline thin beam under combined cyclic tension and bending , Acta Materialia, 2008.4, 56(7): 1435~1446
(26) Zhenhuan Li; Chuantao Hou; Minsheng Huang; Chaojun Ouyang, Strengthening mechanism in micro-polycrystals with penetrable grain boundaries by discrete dislocation dynamics simulation and Hall–Petch effect , Computational Materials Science, 2009.10, 46(4): 1124~1134
(27) Wang, Dongpo; Wu, Dongsheng; He, Siming ; Zhou, Jun; Ouyang, Chaojun, Behavior of post-installed large-diameter anchors in concrete foundations , CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 2015, 95: 124~132 (SCI)
(28) Bi Yu-zhang; He Siming; Li Xinpo; Wu Yong; Xu Qiang; Ouyang, Chaojun; Su Lijun, Geo-engineered buffer capacity of two-layered absorbing system under the impact of rock avalanches based on Discrete Element Method, Journal of Mountain Science, 2016.5.1, 13: 917~929
(29) H Liang, S He, X Lei, Y Bi, W Liu, C Ouyang Dynamic process simulation of construction solid waste (CSW) landfill landslide based on SPH considering dilatancy effects. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2017, 1-15
(30) Zou, Qiang; Zhou, Gordon G. D.; Li, Shusong; Ouyang, Chaojun; Tang, Jinbo, Dynamic process analysis and hazard prediction of debris flow in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau area-A case study at Ridi Gully, ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH, 2017.8, 49(3): 373~390
(31) G Scaringi, X Fan, Q Xu, C Liu, C Ouyang, G Domènech, F Yang, L Dai Some considerations on the use of numerical methods to simulate past landslides and possible new failures: the case of the recent Xinmo landslide (Sichuan, China),2019, Landslides, 1-17
(32) C Qiao, G Ou, H Pan, C Ouyang, Y Jia Long runout mechanism of the Shenzhen 2015 landslide: insights from a two-phase flow viewpoint Journal of Mountain Science 15 (10), 2247-2265
(33) Li, Z., Gui, J., Wang, X., Feng, Q., Zhao, T., Ouyang, C., ... & Shi, Y. (2019). Water resources in inland regions of central Asia: Evidence from stable isotope tracing. Journal of Hydrology, 570, 1-16.