
蒋敏强  男  研究员/教授(博导)

电子邮件: mqjiang(AT)imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市北四环西路15号                            中国科学院力学研究所

邮政编码: 100190


  • 固体力学
  • 冲击动力学
  • 非晶态物理
  • 混凝土耐久性


  2017.10-至今     研究员,中国科学院力学研究所/非线性力学国家重点实验室

  2025.09-至今     博士生导师,中国科学院大学/前沿交叉科学学院

  2021.09-至今     博士生导师,中国科学院大学/未来技术学院

  2017.01-至今     博士生导师,中国科学院力学研究所 & 中国科学院大学

  2015.10-至今     岗位教授,中国科学院大学/工程科学学院

  2013.06-2014.12  洪堡学者,德国明斯特大学/材料物理所

  2011.12-2017.10  副研究员,中国科学院力学研究所/非线性力学国家重点实验室

  2009.07-2011.11  助理研究员,中国科学院力学研究所/非线性力学国家重点实验室

  2005.09-2009.06 中国科学院力学研究所,固体力学专业 理学博士

  2002.09-2005.06 扬州大学,水工结构工程专业 工学硕士

  1998.09-2002.06 扬州大学,农业水土工程专业 工学学士


  • 超常环境非线性力学全国重点实验室副主任(2023.05.24-)
  • 中国科学院力学研究所第十三届学位委员会副主任
  • 中国科学院力学研究所第十六届学术委员会委员
  • 中国科学院力学研究所第十二届学位委员会委员
  • 非线性力学国家重点实验室副主任(2019.10-2023.05)
  • 国科大工学院教学督导委员会委员
  • 国科大工学院固体力学教研室副主任
  • 教育部第五轮力学学科评估专家
  • 中国科协首届在京中央单位科普专业职称会评专家
  • 中国科协典赞-2023科普中国会评专家
  • 冲击与安全工程教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员(2024-2028)
  • 材料强度与结构冲击陕西省重点实验室学术委员会委员(2024-2028)
  • 北京市一零一中学常聘科技导师
  • 北京市第二中学朝阳学校科技顾问
  • 德国物理学会(DPG)会员
  • 美国科学促进会(AAAS)会员
  • 《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》(中英文版) 青年编委
  • 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》青年编委
  • 《Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica》特邀青年编委
  • 评审或入库专家:科技部评估中心、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心、北京市科学技术委员会、国家自然科学基金委、安徽省科学技术厅、广东省科学技术厅、国家电网、JKW新材料中心、中国科协青少年科技中心、中关村管委会


  • 2021年,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者
  • 2020年,国家自然科学奖二等奖(3/5)
  • 2019年,中国科学院力学研究所优秀人才培育A类计划
  • 2017年,中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员
  • 2015年,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者
  • 2013年,德国洪堡学者奖学金
  • 2013年,中国科学院青年创新促进会会员
  • 2012年,中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖
  • 2012年,王仁青年科技奖
  • 2011年,全国百篇优秀博士学位论文提名
  • 2010年,中国科学院优秀博士学位论文
  • 2009年,中国科学院力学研究所郭永怀奖
  • 2009年,中国科学院院长奖
  • 2008年,英国麦克斯韦青年作者奖


  • 项目研究员:蔡松林(2023.06入职,院BR青年项目)

  • 助理研究员:喻立(2024.06入职)

  • 特别研究助理:丁淦(2022.07博士后入站)、周红波(2024.01入职)、段军(2024.07博士后入站)、梁萌(2024.09博士后入站)

  • 在读研究生:荆晓晖(2021级硕博连读)、章雨欣(2023级博士生)、潘梁柱(2023级硕士生,未来技术学院)、韩添翼(2023级硕博连读,前沿交叉科学学院)、周志鹏(2023级硕士生,导师:蔡松林)、张子妍(2023级硕士生,导师:王军)、刘曙光(2024级硕士生)、孙伟豪(2024级硕士生)、闫世源(2024级硕士生,导师:蔡松林)、王千一(2024级硕士生,导师:王军)、盛佳(2024级硕士生,导师:肖攀)

  • 毕业学生:孙星(2014-2019,博士毕业,入职湘潭大学);杨杰(2015-2018,硕士毕业,入职中国工商银行总行本部);宋璇(2016-2021,博士毕业,入职中国工程物理研究院);丁淦(2015-2022,博士毕业,入职中国科学院力学研究所);王晓娟(2018-2023,博士毕业,入职太原理工大学物理学院);潘梁柱(2019-2023,本科毕业,国科大读研);高洋(2019-2024,博士毕业,入职新兴际华(北京)智能装备技术研究院有限公司);段军(2017-2024,博士毕业,入职中国科学院力学研究所);杨成(2018-2024,博士毕业,入职比亚迪股份有限公司段鑫淼(2021-2024,硕士毕业,入职中国中车集团有限公司)

  • 每年招收2-4名研究生,需有力学、材料、物理知识背景。

  • 欢迎申请应聘 博士后、特别研究助理、研究员系列 岗位


  • 弹性力学(本科生)

  • 非晶态物理与力学(研究生)​


  • 国家杰出青年科学基金,非晶态固体力学,起止日期:2022/01-2026/12,主持

  • 中国科学院稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队计划,多层级冲击损伤超时空分辨成像,起止日期:2023/07-2028/07,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目,非晶-纳米晶异构合金薄膜的抗冲击性能研究,起止日期:2025/01-2029/12,主持

  • 国家优秀青年科学基金,非晶合金的力学行为,起止日期:2016/01-2018/12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,金属玻璃的结构年轻化研究,起止日期:2020/01-2023/12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目,非线性力学的多尺度问题研究,起止日期:2020/01-2024/12,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金重大项目,无序合金的塑性流动与强韧化机理,起止日期:2018/01-2022/12,参与

  • 国家重点研发计划重点专项,多场耦合下金属结构材料损伤演化行为跨尺度关联评价,起止日期:2017/07-2021/06,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目,探索非晶态合金塑性流动的结构起源,起止日期:2014/01-2017/12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:非晶态合金动态断裂不稳定及其内在机理研究,起止日期:2011/01-2013/12,主持

  • 中国科学院青年创新促进会人才专项,起止日期:2013/06-2020/06,主持


  1. W. Rao, Y. Chen, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, A constitutive model for amorphous solids considering intrisic entanling of shear and dilatation, with application to studying shear-bandingJournal of the Mechanics and Physics Solids 196, 106002 (2025).
  2. J. Duan, G. Ding, S.L. Cai, L.H. Dai, E. Ma, M.Q. Jiang, Multiple and transforming vibrational identities of atoms in amorphous solids, The Journal of Chemical Physics 162, 044502 (2025).
  3. S.L. Cai, G. Ding, G.H. Duan, X.H. Jing, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, Scaling laws for two-metallic spheres in a head-on collision, International Journal of Impact Engineering 200, 105257 (2025).
  4. J. Wang, Z.W. Ma, G. Ding, R. Yang, S.L. Cai, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, C.S. Lu, Energy dissipation in pearlitic steel under impact loading, Acta Materialia 284, 120599 (2025).
  5. H.B. Zhou, F.S. Yuan, Y. Huang, Y.T. Wang, Z.X. Bo, J.S. Cao, W.J. Xie, Q.H. Zhang, Y.H. Liu, M.Q. Jiang, B.A. Sun, W.H. Wang, Modular combinatorial development of crystal-glass nano-heterostructured copper alloys with ultrahigh strength and large deformabilityAdvanced Functional Materials 35, 2413332 (2025).
  6. J. Wang, Z.W. Ma, G. Ding, R. Yang, S.L. Cai, L.H. Dai, C.S. Lu, M.Q. Jiang, Impact response of pearlitic steel dominated by ferrite/cementite interface, Mechanics of Materials 204, 105300 (2025).
  7. X.H. Jing, S.L. Cai, X.Q. Wu, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, The rebound law of micro-particle on amorphous alloys under high impact velocities, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 647, 123274 (2025).
  8. C. Yang, H.B. Zhou, J. Duan, S.L. Cai, G. Ding, B.B. Zhang, C.J. Shi, L.H. Dai, G. Wilde, M.Q. Jiang, Evaluating plasticity of rejuvenated metallic glasses by effective enthalpy, Fundamental Research (2025) In press.
  9. Y.J. Chen, Y.D. Shen, Q. An, M.Q. Jiang, C.G. Huang, W.A. Goddard III, X.Q. Wu, Energy dissipation mechanism of G-phase and L-phase metallic glass nanofilms subjected to high-velocity nano-ballistic impact, Extreme Mechanics Letters 74, 102280 (2025). 
  10. H.B. Zhou, H.H. Jiang, L. Yu, G. Ding, S.L. Cai, D.P. Shen, M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, High-strength nanostructured copper alloys via mechanical consolidation of pure copper and Fe-Si-B glassy powers, Vacuum 234, 114101 (2025).
  11. H.B. Zhou, X.H. Jing, L. Yu, G. Ding, S.L. Cai, C.J. Shi, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, On the plasticity and inheritance in shear-band-rejuvenated metallic glasses, Intermetallics 180, 108685 (2025). 
  12. C. Wang, W.H. Huang, C.X. Yi, M.Q. Jiang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, Nanoindentation behavior of the laser-repaired CoCrFeNiV high-entropy alloy, Intermetallics 177, 108585 (2025).
  13. S.L. Cai, S. Wu, G. Ding, Y. Liu, J. Gu, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, Improving comprehensive properties of aluminum conductor via hierarchical compositions and microsctructures, Acta Mechanica Solida Silica (2025).
  14. X.M. Duan, L. Yu, S.L. Cai, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangInertia effect of deformation in amorphous solids: a dynamic mesoscale model, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics Solids 193, 105917 (2024).
  15. C. Yang, J. Duan, G. Ding, Y.J. Bai, B.C. Wei, Y.P. Wei, S.N. Liu, S. Lan, B.B. Zhang, C.J. Shi, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, Splitting of fast relaxation in a metallic glass by laser shocks, Physical Review B 109, 024201 (2024).
  16. X.J. Wang, J. Duan, G. Ding, Y.Z. Lu, X. Lu, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, Resolving aging dynamics of a 3D colloidal glassScience China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 67, 236112 (2024).
  17. J. Duan, S.L. Cai, G. Ding, L.H. Dai, M.Q. Jiang, Coupling of quasi-localized and phonon modes in glasses at low frequency, Chinese Physics B 33, 056502 (2024).
  18. Y. Gao, C. Yang, G. Ding, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangStructural rejuvenation of a well-aged metallic glassFundamental Research 4, 1266-1271 (2024). 
  19. 荆晓晖,蔡松林,吴先前,戴兰宏,蒋敏强激光驱动的微弹道冲击中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 54 (5), 254608 (2024).
  20. S.L. Cai, S. Wu, G. Ding, Y. Liu, L.H. Dai, J. Gu, M.Q. Jiang, Improving dynamic tensile strength without sascrifice of final elongation in aluminum by gradient microstructures, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 32, 1658-1671 (2024).
  21. Y.F. Qian, J. Hong, M.Q. Jiang, Z.Y. Zhang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, Influence of crystalline on micro-nano structure response of Zr-based alloys treated by nanosecond laser, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 183, 108529 (2024).
  22. Y.J. Cheng, J.L. Dong, K.L. Xiao, M.Q. Jiang, C.G. Huang, X.Q. Wu, Impact behavior of advanced films under micro- and nano-scales: A review, Thin-Walled Structures 205, 112443 (2024).
  23. H. Huang, H.L. Guo, J.T. Wang, M.Q. Jiang, Y.F. Qian, J.W. Yan, Improving the surface characteristics of metallic glass thin ribbons by laser gas nitriding, Surface and Interfaces 53, 105013 (2024).
  24. J. Hong, H. Huang, L. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, J.W. Yan, Laser polishing and simultaneous hardening of the eletrical discharge machined Zr-based metallic glass surface, Materials & Design 237, 112599 (2024).
  25. H.Y. Zhang, H.X. Wu, L. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, Surface hardness and scratch characteristics of nanosecond laser colored Ti-based metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 970, 172659 (2024).
  26. Y.F. Qian, B. Liu, J. Hong, M.Q. Jiang, Z.Y. Zhang, L. Zhang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, Simultaneous flattening of hardness of laser shock peened Zr-based metallic glass surface by nanosecond laser irradiation in a flowing nitrogen atmosphere, Journal of Materials Processing Tech. 326, 118313 (2024).
  27. H. Huang, W.J. Su, D.Y. Wei, M.Q. Jiang, Y.F. Qian, J.W. Yan, On the promotion of serrated flows and shear band behaviors in a Zr-based metallic glass during ultrasonic vibration nanoindentation, Intermetallics 173, 108423 (2024). 
  28. H.Y. Zhang, C. Wang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, L. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, Z.Y. Zhang, Achieving ultra-low wear of Ti6Al4V alloy by introducing a sinusoidal nitriding layer via nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation, Tribology International 200, 110113 (2024).
  29. X. Qiao, F.H. Cao, M.Y. Su, C. Yang, T. Li, G. Ding, Y.Y. Tan, Y. Chen, H.Y. Wang, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Partition of plastic work into heat and stored cold work in CoCrNi-based chemically complex alloys, Journal of Apllied Physics 135, 145103 (2024).
  30. J. Duan, Y.J. Wang, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangElastic interactions of plastic events in strained amorphous solids before yieldPhysical Review Materials 7, 013601 (2023).
  31. Y. Gao,  G. Ding, C. Yang, B.B. Zhang, C.J. Shi, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangRejuvenation-deformation relationship of a well-aged metallic glass during Newtonian to non-Newtonian flowJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids 615, 122410 (2023).
  32. M.Y. Su, D.R. Wang, Q. Wang, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Towards Salomon's hypothesis via ultra-high-speed cutting Ti-6Al-4V alloy, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 129, 5679-5690 (2023).
  33. Y.J. Chen, J.L. Dong, F.C. Li, Y.D. Shen, Q. An, K.L. Xiao, M.Q. Jiang, Y.H. Liu, C.G. Huang, X.Q. Wu, W.A. Goddard, III, Scaling law for impact resistance of amorphous alloys connecting atomistic molecular dynamics with macroscale experimentsACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 13449-13459 (2023).
  34. J.L. Dong, F.C. Li, Z.P. Gu, M.Q. Jiang, Y.H. Liu, G.J. Wang, W.Q. Wu, Impact resistance and energy dissipation mechanism of nanocrystalline CoCrNi medium entropy alloy nanofilm under supersonic micro-ballistic impact, International Journal of Plasticity 171, 103801 (2023).
  35. J.L. Dong, F.C. Li, X.Q. Wu, G.J. Wang, X.P. Zhang, B.Q. Luo, X.M. Chen, F.L. Tan, Y.H. Liu, M.Q. Jiang, J.H. Zhao, C.G. Huang, C.W. Sun, Insights into protective performance of CoCrNi medium entropy alloy coating subjected to supersonic micro-ballistic impact, International Journal of Impact Engineering 180, 104714 (2023).
  36. Y.J. Chen, J.L. Dong, Y.D. Shen, F.C. Li, Q. An, M.Q. Jiang, Y.H. Liu, C.G. Huang, W.A. Goddard, III, X.Q. Wu, Excellent impact resistance of multiplayer metallic glass films subjected to micro-ballistic impact by overcoming dynamic size effects, Extreme Mechanics Letters 63, 102067 (2023).
  37. H.Y. Zhang, Y.F. Qian, L. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, Significant improvement in surface hardness of Zr-based metallic glass by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation in graphite powder water suspensionSurface & Coatings Technoligy 454, 129195 (2023).
  38. J. Hong, H.X. Wu, H. Huang, L. Zhang, Z.Y. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, J.W. Yan, The scratch characteristics of laser nitrided Zr-based metallic glass surfaceIntermetallics 155, 107832 (2023). 
  39. Y.F. Qian, H.L. Liu, L. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, Tailoring the surface characteristic of metallic glass for wettability control, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 24, 7040-7046 (2023).
  40. 蒋敏强,戴兰宏,非晶态固体力学科学通报 67 (22), 2578-2593 (2022) [an invited review]
  41. X.J. Wang, Y.Z. Lu, X. Lu, J.T. Huo, Y.J. Wang, W.H. Wang, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangElastic criterion for shear-banding instability in amorphous solidsPhysical Review E 105, 045003 (2022).
  42. G. Ding, F. Jiang, X. Song, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangUnraveling the threshold stress of structural rejuvenation of metallic glasses via thermo-mechanical creepScience China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy  65, 264613 (2022).
  43. G. Ding, F. Jiang, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangEffective energy density of glass rejuvenationActa Mechanica Solida Sinica  35, 746-754 (2022).
  44. X. Song, X.Q. Wu, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangCamparative study of amorphous and crystalline Zr-based alloys in response to nanosecond pulse laser ablationActa Mechanica Sinica 38, 221480 (2022).
  45. Y.K. Zhang, Y. Tian, Z.Q. Zhang, Y.S. Jia, B. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, J. Wang, Z.M. Ren, Magnetic properties and giant cryogenic magnetocaloric effect in B-site ordered antiferromagnetic Gd2MgTiO6 double perovskite oxideActa Materialia 226, 117669 (2022). 
  46. Y.F. Qian, H. Huang, M.Q. Jiang, J.W. Yan, Nanosecond pulsed laser-induced formation of nanopattern on Fe-based metallic glass surfaceApplied Surface Science 577, 151976 (2022).
  47. S. Su, Z.L. Ning, Y.J. Huang, T. Yang, K.Y. Wang, M.Q. Jiang, J.F. Sun, S.D. Jiang, Effect of strain rate on fracture reliability of CuZrCo amorphous alloy microwires by statistical analysesJournal of Alloys and Compounds 898, 162951 (2022).
  48. Y.Y. Tan, Z.J. Chen, M.Y. Su, G. Ding, M.Q. Jiang, Z.C. Xie, Y. Gong, T. Wu, Z.H. Wu, H.Y. Wang, L.H. Dai, Lattice distortion and magnetic property of high entropy alloys at low temperaturesJournal of Materials Science & Technology 104, 236-243 (2022).
  49. Y.F. Qian, M.Q. Jiang, Z.Y. Zhang, H. Huang, J. Hong, J.W. Yan, Microstructures and mechanical properties of Zr-based metallic glass ablated by nanosecond pulsed laser in various gas atmospheresJournal of Alloys and Compounds 901, 163717 (2022).
  50. Y.F. Qian, D. Zhang, J. Hong, L. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, Microstructure and mechanical properties of SiC particle reinforced Zr-based metallic glass surface composite layers produced by laser alloyingSurface and Coating Technology 446, 128784 (2022). 
  51. H. Huang, Y.F. Qian, L. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, J.W. Yan, A novel method for fabricating micro-dimple arrays with good surface quality on metallic glass substrate by combining laser irradiation and mechanical polishing under wax sealingJournal of Manufacturing Processes 79, 911-923 (2022).
  52. M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, A new strategy to strength-toughen metals: Tailoring disorderTheoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 11, 100310 (2021). [an invited review]
  53. J. Hong, Y.F. Qian, L. Zhang, H. Huang, M.Q. Jiang, J.W. Yan, Laser nitriding of Zr-based metallic glass: An investigation by orthogonal experimentsSurface & Coating Technology 424, 127657 (2021). 
  54. Y.F. Qian, M.Q. Jiang, Z.Y. Zhang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, Surface functionalization of Zr-based metallic glass by nanosecond laser texuringVacuum 184, 110635 (2021).
  55. 蒋敏强,高洋,金属玻璃的结构年轻化及其对力学行为的影响金属学报 57, 425-438 (2021). [an invited review]
  56. Y.F. Qian, M.Q. Jiang, Z.Y. Zhang, H. Huang, J.W. Yan, On the transformation between micro-concave and micro-convex in nanosecond laser ablation of a Zr-based metallic glassJournal of Manufacturing Processes 68, 1114-1122 (2021).
  57. J.L. Dong, X. Song, Z.J. Wang, K.L. Xiao, Y.H. Liu, G. Wilde, X.Q. Wu, M.Q. JiangImpact resistance of single-layer metallic glass nanofilms to high-velocity micro-particle penetrationExtreme Mechanics Letters 44, 101258 (2021).
  58. G.H. Duan, M.Q. Jiang, X.F. Liu, L.H. Dai, J.X. Li, In-situ observations on shear-banding process during tension of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite with dendritesJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids 565, 120841 (2021).
  59. M.Y. Xie, G. Ding, M.Q. Jiang, F.X. Li, High-frequency elastic moduli and internal frictions of Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass during glass transition and crystallizationJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids 560, 120754 (2021).
  60. H. Huang, M.Q. Jiang, J.W. Yan, New evidences for understanding the serrated flow and shear band behavior in nanoindetation of metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 857, 157587 (2021).
  61. J. Yang, J. Duan, Y.J. Wang, M.Q. JiangComplexity of plastic instability in amorphous solids: Insights from spatiotemporal evolution of vibrational modes, The European Physical Journal E 43, 56 (2020). 
  62. M.Q. JiangMetallic glasses: A type of promising energetic materialsScience China-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 63, 106131 (2020). [an invited Research Highlight]
  63. X. Song, X.Q. Wu, K.L. Xiao, C. Li, H.Y. Wang, M.Q. JiangNanosceond laser ablation of a metallic glass in water: a high time-resolved imaging studyPhilosophical Magazine 100, 2708-2720 (2020).
  64. G.X. Han, Y.P. Wu, W.D. Yan, L.Q. Shui, X.Z. Jia, E.L. Gao, M.Q. Jiang, Z. Liu, Controlled fabrication of gold nanotip arrays by nanomolding-necking technology, Nanotechnology 31, 144001 (2020).
  65. D. Han, D. Wei, J. Yang, H. L. Li, M. Q. JiangY. J. Wang, L. H. Dai, and A. Zaccone, Atomistic structural mechanism for the glass transition: Entropic contributionPhysical Review B 101014113 (2020).
  66. Y.J. Wang, D. Wei, D. Han, J. Yang, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Does structure determine property in amorphous solids? Acta Mechanica Sinica 52( 2), 303-317 (2020). [an invited review in Chinese]
  67. Q.H. Qin, S.J. Chen, K.K. Li, M.Q. Jiang, T.N. Cui, J.X. Zhang, Structural impact damage of metal honeycomb sandwich plates, Composite Structures 252, 112719 (2020).
  68. G. Ding, C. Li, A. Zaccone, W.H. Wang, H.C. Lei, F. Jiang, Z. Ling, M.Q. JiangUltrafast extreme rejuvenation of metallic glasses by shock compressionScience Advances 5, eaaw6249 (2019).
  69. J. Yang, Y.J. Wang, E. Ma, A. Zaccone, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangStructural Parameter of Orientational Order to Predict the Boson Vibrational Anomaly in GlassesPhysical Review Letters 122, 015501 (2019).
  70. X. Song, K.L. Xiao, X.Q. Wu, G. Wilde, M.Q. JiangNanoparticles produced by nanosecond pulse laser ablation of a metallic glass in waterJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids 517, 119-126 (2019).
  71. J.T. Fan, M.Q. Jiang, Strain hardenability of a gradient metallic alloy under high-strain-rate compressive loading. Materials & Design 170, 107695 (2019).
  72. D. Wei, J. Yang, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Y.J. Wang, Jeppe C. Dyre, I. Douglass, Peter Harrowell, Assessing the utility of structure in amorphous materialsThe Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 114502 (2019).
  73. X. Sun, G. Ding, G. Mo, L.H. Dai, M.Q. JiangDilatancy signatures of amorphous plasticity probed by X-ray synchrotron radiationIntermetallics 107, 34-38 (2019).
  74. D. Wei, J. Yang, M.Q. Jiang, B.C. Wei, Y.J. Wang, L.H. Dai, Revisiting the structure-property relationship of metallic glasses: Common spatial correlation revealed as a hidden rule, Physical Review B 99, 014115 (2019).
  75. H. Huang, M.Q. Jiang, J.W. Yan, The coupling effects of laser thermal shock and surface nitridation on mechanical properties of Zr-based metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 770, 864-874 (2019).
  76. G.H. Duan, M.Q. Jiang, X.F. Liu, L.H. Dai, J.X. Li, Hydrogen effects on mechanical property and microstructure of a Zr-based metallic glass composite, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 520, 119464 (2019).
  77. F. Zeng, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Dilatancy-induced ductile-brittle transition of shear banding in metallic glasses, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 474, 20170836 (2018).
  78. Y.Z. Lu, M.Q. Jiang, X. Lu, Z.X. Qin, Y.J. Huang, J. Shen, Dilatancy of shear transformations in a colloidal glassPhysical Review Applied 9, 014203 (2018).
  79. G.G. Ye, M.Q. Jiang, S.F. Xue, W. Ma, L. H. Dai, On the instability of chip flow in high-speed machiningMechanics of Materials 116, 104-119 (2018).
  80. H. Huang, M.Q. Jiang, J.W. Yan, Softening of Zr-based metallic glass induced by nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 754, 215-221 (2018).
  81. J. Guo, R. Xiao, C.S. Tian, M.Q. Jiang, Optimizing physical aging in poly(ethylene terephthalate)-glycol (PETG), Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 502, 15-21 (2018).
  82. M.Q. JiangM. Peterlechner, Y.J. Wang, W.H. Wang, F. Jiang, L.H. Dai, G. Wilde, Universal structural softening in metallic glasses indicated by boson heat capacity peakApplied Physics Letters 111, 261901 (2017). 
  83. B. Y. Cui, J. Yang, J. C. Qiao, M. Q. Jiang, L. H. Dai, Y. J. Wang, A. Zaccone, Atomic theory of viscoelastic response and memory effects in metallic glass, Physical Review B 96, 094203 (2017). 
  84. X. Sun, G. Mo, L.Z. Zhao, L.H. Dai, Z.H. Wu, M.Q. Jiang, Characterization of nanoscale structural heterogeneity in an amorphous alloy by synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering, Acta Physica Sinica 66, 176109 (2017). [in Chinese]
  85. 蒋敏强,戴兰宏非晶合金“拉伸转变区”模型科学通报 62, 2346-2357 (2017). [an invited review]
  86. M.Q. Jiang, X.Q. Wu, Y.P. Wei, G. Wilde, L.H. Dai, Cavitation bubble dynamics during pulsed laser ablation of a metallic glass in waterExtreme Mechanics Letters 11, 24-29 (2017).
  87. M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, L.H. Dai, Shear band dilatation in amorphous alloysScripta Materialia 127, 54-57 (2017).
  88. M.C. Li, M.Q. Jiang, F. Jiang, L. He, J. Sun, Testing effects on hardness of a Zr-based metallic glass under nanoindentation, Scripta Materialia 138, 120-123 (2017).
  89. M.C. Li, M.Q. Jiang, G. Ding, Z.H. Peng, F. Jiang, L. He, J. Sun, The correlation between weakest configurations and yield strength of Zr-based metallic glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 468, 52-57 (2017).
  90. M.C. Li, M.Q. Jiang, S. Yang, F. Jiang, L. He, J. Sun, Effect of strain rate on yielding strength of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Materials Science & Engineering A 680, 21-26 (2017).
  91. X.F. Liu, Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, P.K. Liaw, L.H. Dai, Turning plasticity of in-situ dendrite metallic glass composites via the dendrite-volume-fraction-dependent shear banding, Materials Science & Engineering A 680, 121-129 (2017).
  92. H. Huang, N. Jun, M.Q. Jiang,  M. Ryoko, J.W. Yan, Nanosecond pulsed laser irradiation induced hierarchical micro/nanostructures on Zr-based metallic glass substrateMaterials & Design 109, 153-161 (2016).
  93. M.C. Li, M.Q. Jiang, G. Li, L. He, J. Sun, F. Jiang, Ductile to brittle transition of fracture of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass: Strain rate effect, Intermetallics 77, 34-40 (2016).
  94. Y. J. Wang, M.Q. Jiang, Z.L. Tian, L.H. Dai, Direct atomic-scale evidence for shear-dilatation correlation in metallic glassesScripta Materialia 112, 37-41 (2016).
  95. M.Q. Jiang, M. Naderi, Y.J. Wang, M. Peterlechner, X.F. Liu, F. Zeng, F. Jiang, L.H. Dai, G. Wilde, Thermal expansion accompanying the glass-liquid transition and crystallizationAIP Advances 5, 127133 (2015).
  96. M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, F. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Understanding ductile-to-brittle transition of metallic glasses from shear-transformation-zone dilatation, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 5, 200-204 (2015).  
  97. M.Q. Jiang, Y.P. Wei, G. Wilde, L.H. Dai, Explosive boiling of a metallic glass superheated by nanosecond pulse laser ablationApplied Physics Letters 106, 021904 (2015). 
  98. G. Li, M.Q. Jiang, F. Jiang, L. He, J. Sun,The ductile to brittle transition behavior in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Materials Science & Engineering A 625, 393-402 (2015).  
  99. M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, L.H. Dai, Origin of stress overshoot in amorphous solidsMechanics of Materials 81, 72-83 (2015). 
  100. M.Q. Jiang, B.M. Huang, Z.J. Jiang, C. Lu, L.H. Dai, Joining of bulk metallic glass to brass by thick-walled cylinder explosionScripta Materialia 97, 17-20 (2015). 
  101. J.H. Chen, Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, X.W. Chen, H.F. Zhang, L.H. Dai, On the compressive failure of tungsten fiber reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 69-70, 428-441 (2015).  
  102. J.H. Chen, Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, X.W. Chen, H.M. Fu, H.F. Zhang, L.H. Dai, Dynamic shear punch behavior of tungsten fiber reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass matrix composites, International Journal of Impact Engineering 79, 22-31 (2015). 
  103. F. Zeng, Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Dynamic fragmentation induced by network-like shear bands in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Intermetallics 56, 96-100 (2015). 
  104. S.L. Cai, Y. Chen, G.G. Ye, M.Q. Jiang, H.Y. Wang, L.H. Dai, Characterization of the deformation field in large-strain extrusion machining, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 216, 48-58 (2015). 
  105. M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, C.B. Qu, F. Jiang, H.M. Xiao, J.H. Chen, S.Y. Fu, L.H. Dai, Wavelike fracture pattern in a metallic glass: a Kelvin-Helmholtz flow instabilityPhilosophical Magazine Letters 94, 669-677 (2014). 
  106. Z.Q. Liu, W.H. Wang, M.Q. Jiang, Z.F. Zhang, Intrinsic factor controlling the deformation and ductile-to-brittle transition of metallic glasses, Philosophical Magazine Letters 94, 658-668 (2014). 
  107. J.H. Chen, Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, X.W. Chen, H.M. Fu, H.F. Zhang, L.H. Dai, Direct observation on the evolution of shear banding and buckling in tungsten fiber reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45A, 5397-5408 (2014).  
  108. M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, J.H. Chen, C.B. Qu, S.Y. Fu, F. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Cryogenic-temperature-induced transition from shear to dilatational failure in metallic glassActa Materialia 77, 248-257 (2014). 
  109. W.Y. Ouyang, J.K. Chen, M.Q. JiangEvolution of surface hardness of concrete under sulfate attack,Construction and Building Materials 53, 419-424 (2014). 
  110. M.Q. Jiang, G. Wilde, J.B. Gao, L.H. Dai, A universal power law for metallic glassesScripta Materialia 69, 759-762 (2013). 
  111. Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Collective evolution dynamics of multiple shear bands in bulk metallic glassesInternational Journal of Plasticity 50, 18-36 (2013). 
  112. G. Li, M.Q. Jiang, F. Jiang, L. He, J. Sun, Temperature-induced ductile-to-brittle transition of bulk metallic glassesApplied Physics Letters 102, 171901 (2013). 
  113. J.H. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, Y. Chen, L.H. Dai, Strain rate dependent shear banding behavior of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite, Materials Science and Engineering A 576, 134-139 (2013). 
  114. N. Li, Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, D.J. Li, J.J. He, Y. Wu, L. Liu, A thermoplastic forming map of a Zr-based bulk metallic glassActa Materialia 61, 1921-1931 (2013). 
  115. G.G. Ye, S.F. Xue, M.Q. Jiang, X.H. Tong, L.H. Dai, Modeling periodic adiabatic shear band evolution during high speed machining Ti-6Al-4V alloyInternational Journal of Plasticity 40, 39-55 (2013). 
  116. M. Q. Jiang, F, Jiang, V. Keryvin, J. X. Meng, J. Sun, and L. H. Dai, Relation between ideal and real strengths of metallic glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358, 3119-3213 (2012). 
  117. Y. Liu, M.Q. Jiang*, G.W. Yang, J. H. Chen, Y.J. Guan, L.H. Dai, Saffman-Taylor fingering in nanosecond pulse laser ablating bulk metallic glass in water, Intermetallics 31, 325-329 (2012). 
  118. Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Temperature-dependent yield asymmetry between tension and compression in metallic glasses, Acta Physics Sinica 61, 036201 (2012). 
  119. F. Jiang, H.F. Wang, M.Q. Jiang, G. Li, Y.L. Zhao, L. He, J. Sun, Ambient temperature embrittlement of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass, Materials Science and Engineering A 549, 14-19 (2012). 
  120. G.G. Ye, S.F. Xue, W. Ma, M.Q. Jiang, Z. Ling, X.H. Tong, L.H. Dai, Cutting AISI 1045 steel at very high speedsInternational Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 56, 1-9 (2012). 
  121. M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Shear-band toughness of bulk metallic glassesActa Materialia 59, 4525-4537 (2011). 
  122. Y. Liu, M.Q. Jiang, G.W. Yang, Y.J. Guan, L.H. Dai, Surface rippling on bulk metallic glass under nanosecond pulse laser ablationApplied Physics Letters 99,  1919021-3 (2011). 
  123. F. Jiang, M.Q. Jiang, H.F. Wang, Y.L. Zhao, L. He, J. Sun, Shear transformation zone volume determining ductile-brittle transition of bulk metallic glassesActa Materialia 59, 2057-2068 (2011). 
  124. Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, Y.J. Wei, L.H. Dai, Failure criterion for metallic glassesPhilosophical Magazine 91, 4536-4554 (2011). 
  125. M.Q. Jiang, G.H. Duan, L.H. Dai, Metallic glass nanofilmsJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357, 1621-1627 (2011). 
  126. M.Q. Jiang, J.X. Meng, V. Keryvin, L.H. Dai, Crack branching instability and directional stability in dynamic fracture of a tough bulk metallic glass, Intermetallics 19, 1775-1779 (2011). 
  127. Y. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, How does the initial free volume distribution affect shear band formation in metallic glass? Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 54, 1488-1494 (2011). 
  128. M.Q. Jiang, Z. Ling, J.X. Meng, J.B. Gao, L.H. Dai, Nanoscale periodic corrugation to dimple transition due to “beat” in a bulk metallic glassScripta Materialia 62, 572-575 (2010). 
  129. M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Short-range-order effects on intrinsic plasticity of metallic glassesPhilosophical Magazine Letters 90, 269-277 (2010). 
  130. M.Q. Jiang, J.X. Meng, J.B. Gao, X.-L. Wang, T. Rouxel, V. Keryvin, Z. Ling, L.H. Dai, Fractals in fracture of bulk metallic glassIntermetallics 18, 2468-2471 (2010). 
  131. L. Sun, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Intrinsic correlation between dilatation and pressure sensitivity of plastic flow in metallic glassesScripta Materialia 63, 945-948 (2010). 
  132. M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, On the origin of shear banding instability in metallic glassesJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 57, 1267-1292 (2009). 
  133. M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Formation mechanism of lamellar chip in machining bulk metallic glassActa Materialia 57, 2730-2738 (2009). 
  134. M.Q. Jiang, W.H. Wang, L.H. Dai, Prediction of shear-band thickness in metallic glassScripta Materialia 60, 1004-1007 (2009). 
  135. M.Q. Jiang, S.Y. Jiang, Z. Ling, L.H. Dai, Smaller Deborah number inducing more serrated plastic flow of metallic glassComputational Materials Science 46, 767-771 (2009). 
  136. M.Q. Jiang, S.Y. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Inherent Shear-dilatation coexistence in metallic glass, Chinese Physics Letters 26, 0161031-4 (2009). 
  137. J.K. Chen, M.Q. JiangLong-term evolution of delayed ettringite and gypsum in portland cement mortars under sulphate erosion, Construction and Building Materials 23, 812-816 (2009). 
  138. M.Q. Jiang, Z. Ling, J.X. Meng, L.H. Dai, Energy dissipation in fracture of bulk metallic glasses via inherent competition between local softening and quasi-cleavagePhilosophical Magazine 88, 407-426 (2008). 
  139. J.X. Meng, Z. Ling, M.Q. Jiang, H.S. Zhang, L.H. Dai, Dynamic fracture instability of tough bulk metallic glassApplied Physics Letters 92, 171909 (2008). 
  140. S.Y. Jiang, M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Y.G Yao, Atomic origin of rate-dependent serrated plastic flow in metallic glassesNanoscale Research Letters 3, 524-529 (2008). 
  141. J.K. Chen, M.Q. Jiang, J. Zhu, Damage evolution in cement mortar due to erosion of sulphateCorrosion Science 50, 2478-2483 (2008). 
  142. M.H. Zhang, M.Q. Jiang, J.K. Chen, Variation of Flexural Strength of Cement Mortar Attacked by Sulphate Ions, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75, 4948-4957 (2008). 
  143. J. Zhu, M.Q. Jiang, J.K. Chen, Equivalent model of expansion of cement mortar under sulphate erosion, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 21, 327-332 (2008). 
  144. M.Q. Jiang, L.H. Dai, Intrinsic correlation between fragility and bulk modulus in metallic glassesPhysical Review B 76, 054204(2007). 
  145. 戴兰宏,蒋敏强液体的fragility及其与玻璃固体力学性能的关联力学进展 27, 346-360 (2007). 
  146. 蒋敏强,陈建康,杨鼎宜,硫酸盐侵蚀水泥砂浆动弹性模量的超声检测,硅酸盐学报 33, 126-132 (2005).