
张力为  男  博士生导师  中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所
电子邮件: lwzhang@whrsm.ac.cn
通信地址: 武汉市武昌区八一路小洪山2号中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所研发大楼1121
邮政编码: 430071


张力为,男,研究员、博士生导师,国家海外高层次人才项目入选者。2008年本科毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,2010年在美国杜克大学(Duke University)获得土木与环境工程硕士学位,师从美国工程院院士Mark Wiesner教授。2013年在美国卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)获得土木与环境工程博士学位,师从美国工程院院士David Dzombak教授。2013-2017年在美国国家能源技术实验室从事博士后研究工作。2017年5月入选国家海外高层次人才项目,2017年8月开始在中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所能源与废弃物地下储存研究中心任研究员、博士生导师。致力于二氧化碳地质封存的化学-力学耦合过程、二氧化碳地质封存的风险评价、富酸气环境下水泥等地下井筒材料的腐蚀、化学反应过程对多孔介质中流体流动的影响、化学反应-力学-渗流耦合过程的数值模拟等方面的研究工作。已主编专著4部、参编专著5部,主编学会团体标准1部、参编3部,发表或接收学术论文140余篇,其中在国际知名期刊Journal of Hazardous Materials (中科院大区1区期刊,TOP期刊,影响因子14.22),Water Research (中科院大区1区期刊,TOP期刊,影响因子12.80),Environmental Science & Technology (中科院大区1区期刊,TOP期刊,影响因子11.36)、Applied Energy (中科院大区1区期刊,TOP期刊,影响因子10.70)、Cement and Concrete Composites (中科院大区1区期刊,TOP期刊,影响因子9.93)、Construction and Building Materials (中科院大区1区期刊,TOP期刊,影响因子7.69)等发表/接收SCI论文80余篇(60余篇为第一作者或通讯作者),授权美国专利1项,申请中国发明专利23项(授权17项)。参与开发的二氧化碳封存风险集成分析工具包(NRAP Toolset)获得2017年度美国"R&D 100"百大研发奖,参与了科技部中国21世纪议程管理中心《二氧化碳捕集利用与封存科技发展路线图》的编写。在美国能源部国家能源技术实验室参与了多个重大研究项目,研究项目总金额300余万美元。张力为研究员主持了海外高层次人才项目国家重点研发计划战略性科技创新合作重点专项任务、中国科学院国际合作重点项目、内蒙古自治区科技重大专项课题、国家自然科学基金面上项目、岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室科研仪器设备专项等多个国家级、中科院、省部级科研项目,团队成员主持了国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后基金等科研项目张力为研究员荣获2024年度国际爱思唯尔GSE新锐科学家奖(全球评选7人)、2024年度绿色矿山科学技术奖自然科学一等奖(排名第一)、2021年度绿色矿山青年科学技术奖、2021年度黑龙江省自然科学三等奖(排名第二)等奖励,目前担任国际能源署温室气体研究与开发计划机(IEAGHG)风险管理工作委员会委员、中国科学院武汉分院暨湖北省地震局侨联主席、中国岩石力学与工程学会国际秘书处兼职副秘书长、湖北省岩石力学与工程学会渗流专业委员会副主任委员兼秘书长、中国岩石力学与工程学会低碳能源岩石力学与工程专业委员会委员、中国能源学会能源与环境专家组委员、中国环境科学学会气候变化分会委员、《Scientific Reports》期刊编委、《科技纵览》期刊(IEEE Spectrum期刊中文版)编委、《Gas Science and Engineering》期刊青年编委、《Advances in Geo-Energy Research》期刊青年编委、《Deep Resources Engineering》期刊青年编委、《新疆石油天然气》期刊青年编委、《Applied Geochemistry》专刊特邀编辑等职务,曾担任美国环境与水资源协会(Environmental and Water Resources Institute, EWRI)可持续发展委员会委员、美国环境与水资源协会匹兹堡分会副主席兼秘书长、中国岩石力学与工程学会青年工作委员会理事会委员等职务,是中国科协2021重大前沿科学问题与工程技术难题征集评选项目、国家自然科学基金项目、国家留学基金委、湖北省重点研发计划河南省科技攻关项目、武汉市科技局科技项目评审专家,作为审稿专家为环境科学及工程领域国际知名期刊Environmental Science & Technology、二氧化碳地质利用与封存领域国际知名期刊Applied Energy、International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control等30余个SCI期刊审稿160余篇。作为发起人之一组织筹办了香山科学会议青年论坛和“岩土物理化学前沿交叉青年论坛”系列学术会议,首届论坛于2019年4月26-28日在武汉举办,第二届论坛将以第十一届亚洲岩石力学大会(ARMS 11)分会场形式于2021年10月24日在北京举办。两届论坛邀请到美国工程院院士、普林斯顿大学Michael Celia教授,美国工程院院士、宾州州立大学Derek Elsworth教授等国际知名专家作特邀报告,获得良好反响,显著增加了论坛的学术影响力。





2017-08~现在, 中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所, 研究员
2013-06~2017-07,美国国家能源技术实验室, 博士后











Scientific Reports》期刊编委

《Gas Science and Engineering》青年编委

Advances in Geo-Energy Research》青年编委




曾任美国环境与水资源协会 (EWRI)可持续发展委员会委员、美国环境与水资源协会匹兹堡分会副主席兼秘书长、中国岩石力学与工程学会青年工作委员会委员、国际多孔介质协会(InterPore)中国分会常委



         张力为,甘满光,张强,王燕,缪秀秀,李小春,2024. 一种原位应力下多孔介质渗流可视化装置及参数计算方法. 专利号:201910644479.5. (发明专利)

Hesam Harandi,张力为,甘满光等,2024. 一种高含盐度咸水脱盐处理系统及方法. 专利申请号:20221149355(发明专利)

梅开元,张力为,沈闹,李小春,王燕,付晓娟,2024.  一种原位井筒多界面渗流剪切试验装置. 专利号:202210220609.4(发明专利)

         Liwei Zhang, Kaiyuan Mei, Yan Wang, Manguang Gan, Xiaochun Li, 2024. Modified montmorillonite self-repairing agent and preparation method and use thereof. Patent No. 17/675,268 (美国发明专利)

       张力为,胡元武,王燕,李小春,2024.  一种用于原位渗流CT扫描的岩心夹持器.  专利号:201910221493.4. (发明专利)

         张力为,欧阳涛,王翰文,李琦,2024. 一种分布式套管腐蚀实时监测系统. 专利号:202210031164.5(发明专利)  

         张力为,王翰文,李琦,李霞颖,2023.  一种金属受CO2腐蚀程度评估室内试验装置. 专利号:202111543765.6(发明专利)

         张力为,李小春,李琦,2023.  一种CO2地质封存方法及其系统. 专利号:202110743896.2(发明专利) 

         张力为,付晓娟,王燕,甘满光,刘思楠,李小春,2022. 一种电力储能调峰系统. 专利号:202010326202.0. (发明专利)

         张力为,梅开元,薛泉,苏学斌,赵利信,王燕,李小春,2022.  一种三元金属氢氧化物吸附剂及其制备方法和应用. 专利号:202110881583.3. (发明专利)

         张力为,王翰文,梅开元,王燕,李琦,2022.  一种污水处理厂曝气池CO2捕集利用系统. 专利号:202145243096.2(发明专利)

         张力为,刘思楠,苏学斌,赵利信,王燕,李琦,2022.  一种铀储层酸化增渗可改造性评价方法. 专利号:202111242109.2(发明专利)

张力为,缪秀秀,付晓娟,王燕,甘满光,李小春,2021一种CO2改性粉煤灰基吸附剂及其制备方法和应用. 授权公告号:CN111298762B (发明专利)

         张力为,梅开元,王燕,甘满光,李小春,2021. 一种改性蒙脱土自修复剂及其制备方法和应用. 授权公告号:CN112979198B.(发明专利)

         张力为,甘满光,张强,王燕,缪秀秀,李小春,2020. 一种原位应力下多孔介质渗流可视化装置. 授权公告号:CN210571861U (实用新型)

         张力为,胡元武,王燕,李小春,2019. 一种用于原位渗流CT扫描的岩心夹持器. 专利号:201920370897.5.(实用新型)  


李小春,张力为,张强,王燕,2019. 适用于X-CT的真三轴应力渗流耦合试验装置及其应用. 专利申请号:201910088014.6. (发明专利)

         张力为,薛泉,梅开元,苏学斌,赵利信,王燕,李小春,2021.  一种锂离子吸附沉箱及其制备方法和应用. 专利申请号:202110881586.7. (发明专利)         

张力为,Hesam Harandi,甘满光等,2022. 一种深层咸水淡化收集系统. 专利申请号:202211484548.9(发明专利)

       孔佳,王翰文,赵康,张力为,王燕,2023.  一种用于充填以及固化 CO2 的膏体制备方法. 专利申请号:202310637922.2 (发明专利)

        赵康,张力为,王翰文,孔佳,王燕,侯赟璐,2023.  一种复合胶结充填膏体制备方法. 专利申请号:  

       202310759831.6 (发明专利)

        尹悦, 张力为, 甘满光, 王燕, 王斌, 2024. 一种改善生物矿化加固砂土均匀性的方法. 专利申请号:

        202411069250.0 (发明专利)

       尹悦, 张力为, 甘满光, 王燕, 王斌, 2024. 一种加速生物矿化防渗封堵的方法. 专利申请号:


       欧阳涛,李小春,方志明,张力为,2025. 碳封存储层原位监测方法(发明专利)


1.  张力为、雷宏武、李俊、鲁彬、刘思楠、王燕、李小春, 2020.封存二氧化碳井筒泄漏分析软件[简称:WELLRISK] V1.0. 登记号:2021SR0040071





 >获2024年度爱思唯尔国际GSE新锐科学家奖(GSE Emerging Scientist Award)

 >获2023年度“二氧化碳地质利用与封存面临的机遇与挑战”中德国际研讨会杰出报告奖 (Outstanding Presentation Award, Sino-Gereman Joint Workshop "Opportunities and Challenges in CO2 Geologic Utilization and Storage")

   >获2023年度Advances in Geo-energy Research期刊优秀青年编委称号






>参与开发的二氧化碳封存风险集成分析工具包(NRAP Toolset)获得2017年度国际"R&D 100"大奖

>2019年及2015年两次获得国际能源地质领域知名奖励埃尼奖(Eni Award)科学秘书处候选提名











Yin, Y., Zhang, L.*, Cao, X., Qi, L., Gan, M., & Wang, Y. (2025). Progress, challenges, and prospects of CO2 mineral sequestration in basalt: A critical review. Applied Energy, 381: 125127. [中科院最新分区:工程技术大区1区,影响因子10.1,TOP期刊]

Hu, J., Harandi, H., Chen, Y., Zhang, L.*, Yin, H., He, T.*, 2023. Anisotropic gypsum scaling of corrugated polyvinylidene fluoride hydrophobic membrane in direct contact membrane distillation. Water Research, 244: 120513. [中科院最新分区:环境科学与生态学大区1区,影响因子12.8,TOP期刊]

Harandi, H., Hu, J., Asadi, A., Sui, P., Zhang, L.*, He, T.*, 2023. Experimental and theoretical analysis of scaling mitigation for corrugated PVDF membranes in direct contact membrane distillation. Journal of Membrane Science686: 122001. [中科院最新分区:工程技术大区1区,影响因子9.50,TOP期刊]

Mei, K., Zhang, L.*, Wang, Y., Cheng, X., Xue, Q., Gan, M., Fu, X., Zhang, C., Li, X., 2022. Structural evolution in micro-calcite bearing Ca-montmorillonite reinforced oilwell cement during COinvasion. Construction and Building Materials, 315, 125744. [中科院最新分区:工程技术大区1区,影响因子7.40,TOP期刊]

Miao, X., Zhang, L.*, Wang, Y., Wang, L., Fu, X., Gan, M., Li, X., 2020. Characterisation of wellbore cement microstructure alteration under geologic carbon storage using X-ray computed micro-tomography: A framework for fast CT image registration and carbonate shell morphology quantification. Cement and Concrete Composites, 108, 103524. [中科院最新分区:工程技术大区1区,影响因子10.5,TOP期刊]

李小春,梅开元,蔡雨娜,张力为*,2022. 提高CO2封存强度的多层协同抽注技术. 工程科学与技术, 54(1), pp. 167–176[EI收录期刊、中文核心期刊]

Zhang, L.*, Anderson, N., Dilmore, R., Soeder, D. J., and Bromhal, G., 2014. Leakage detection of Marcellus Shale natural gas at an Upper Devonian gas production well: a 3-D numerical modeling approach. Environmental Science & Technology48 (18): 10795-10803.  [中科院最新分区:环境科学与生态学大区1区,影响因子7.86,TOP期刊]

Zhang, L.*, Dzombak, D. A., Nakles, D. V., Hawthorne, S. B., Miller, D. J., Kutchko, B. G., Lopano, C. L., Strazisar, B. R., 2014. “Rate of H2S and COattack on pozzolan-amended class H well cement under geologic sequestration conditions”. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 27: 299–308. [中科院最新分区:工程技术大区2区,影响因子3.64]



Theogene Hakuzweyezu; Manguang Gan; Liwei Zhang; Yan Wang; Chikezie Onyekwena, 2025. Supercritical CO2-modified biochar as a novel additive for enhancing CO2 corrosion resistance in wellbore cement: characterization and mechanisms. Energy & Fuels, in press.

Theogene Hakuzweyezu; Liwei Zhang*; Manguang Gan; Yang Wang; Ishrat Hameed Alvi; Chikezie Chimere Onyekwena, 2025. Cement additives to mitigate wellbore cement degradation in CO2 corrosive environment: A review. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 249, 213785.

Manguang Gan, Theogene Hakuzweyezu, Liwei Zhang*, Yan Wang, Qinglong Qin, Kaiyuan Mei, Xiaowei Cheng, 2025. Performance characterization of wellbore cement containing different CO2-resisting additives under geologic CO2 storage conditions. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 245, 213510.

Peng Gong, Kaiyuan Mei, Liwei Zhang*, Quan Xue, Chunmei Zhang, Xiaowei Cheng*, 2024. Hydration and carbonation reaction dynamics in CO2-rich environment for tricalcium silicate (C3S) and dicalcium silicate (C2S). Powder Technology, 2024, 120535.

Yue Yin, Liwei Zhang*, Hang Deng, Yan Wang, Haibin Wang, 2024. A perspective on fluid dynamics and geochemistry coupling in geologic CO2 storage: Key reactions, reactive transport modeling, and upscaling methods. Gas Science and Engineering, 130, 205421. 


Gan, M., Zhang, L.*Wang, Y., Qin, Q., Xiao, T., Yin, Y., Wang, H., 2024. Experimental study on the corrosion behavior of wellbore cement with a leaking channel under different acidic environmentsInternational Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 139, 104267.

Kaiyuan Mei, Liwei Zhang*, Yuna Cai, Ting Xiao, Quan Xue, Yan Wang, Qiang Sun, Brian McPherson, 2024. Investigation of chemical processes in cement exposed to wet ScCO2 and CO2-saturated brine in geological CO2 storage conditions. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 135, 104143.

Chenyang Deng, Liwei Zhang*, Manguang Gan, Yan Wang, Xiaochun Li, 2024. Economic and environmental feasibility of coupled wind power-subsurface compressed CO2 energy storage system in China: A LCA analysis. Gas Science and Engineering, 128, 205399.

Yue Yin, Liwei Zhang*, Kaiyuan Mei, Xiaowei Cheng, Yan Wang, Hanwen Wang, 2024. Experimental investigation on H2S-induced oilwell cement degradation under high-temperature conditions for geothermal applications. Geothermics, 121, 103023.

Liwei Zhang, Quan Xue*, Kaiyuan Mei, Xiaochun Li, Yan Wang, Xiaowei Cheng, Xiaojuan Fu, 2024. Bonding strength evolution of the steel-concrete interface exposed to high concentration CO2 up to 1000 kPa partial pressure. Construction and Building Materials, 417, 135127.

Hanwen Wang; Liwei Zhang*;

 , , ,,  and
Xiaojuan Fu,
Temperature and Reaction Time’s Effects on N80 Steel Corrosion Behavior in Supercritical CO2 and Formation Water Environments. Applied Sciences, 14(2), 728. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14020728

Hanwen Wang, Liwei Zhang*, Kaiyuan Mei, Xiaowei Cheng, Quan Xue, Yan Wang, Xiaojuan Fu, 2024. Recent progress on the research of steel corrosion behavior and corrosion control in the context of CO2 geological utilization and storage: a review. Corrosion Reviews.  https://doi.org/10.1515/corrrev-2023-0101.

Qingqian Wu, Lu Shi*, Liwei Zhang, Xiaochun Li, 2024. Effect of pore-bearing fluids on the mechanical behavior of siliceous cemented sandstones containing different clay contents and types. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 240, 213058.

Chao Gu, Qiang Sun*, Lei Zhang, Liwei Zhang, Duoxing Yang, Boxing Yang,  Zhenlong Ge, 2024. Effect of temperature on the radon release characteristics of red clay. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 280, 107565.

Hao Huang, Qiang Sun*, Duoxing Yang, Jishi Geng, Liwei Zhang and Yanning Pan, 2024. Effects of CO2-water-rock cycling cycles on sandstone pore structureFrontiers in Energy Research,1485241.

甘满光,雷宏武,张力为*,李小春,李琦,2024. 基于数值模拟的CO2地质封存项目井筒泄漏风险定量化评价方法研究. 工程科学与技术,56(01):195-205. 10.15961/j.jsuese.202201228.

周洪,王翰文*,张力为,魏凤,2024. 粉煤灰-煤矸石充填技术的科学知识图谱分析. 应用化工,53(09). 10.16581/j.cnki.issn1671-3206.2024.09.042

张力为,2024. 多途径人工碳汇协同作用促进温室气体大规模深度减排. 科技纵览,144,50-53.

沈湜祎, 梅开元, 王斌,张力为,李梅. 持续载荷下氯离子对海洋基础设施用混凝土性能及结构的影响. 土工基础, 2023, 37(06): 950-953.

Asadi, A., Harandi, H., Shahgaldi, S., Jung, J.C.Y., Zhang, L., Sui, P.C.*, 2023. CFD Simulation of Two-phase Flow in a Batch-mode Electrodialysis of Lithium Sulphate: Effect of Gas Evolution. Chemical Engineering Science, 286: 119669.  

Mollaali, M., Kolditz, O.*, Hu, M., Park, C.H., Park, J.W., McDermott, C., Chrittenden, N., Bond, A., Yoon, J.S., Zhou, J., Pan, P.,  Liu, H., Hou, W., Lei, H., Zhang, L., Nagel, T., Barsch, M., Wang, W., Nguyen, S., Kwon, S., Lee, C., Yoshioka, K., 2023. Comparative verification of hydro-mechanical fracture behavior: Task G of international research project DECOVALEX–2023. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 170: 105530. 

Su, X., Liu, S., Zhang, L.* , Liu, G., Wang, Y., Gan, M., Li, X.*, 2023. Wellbore leakage risk management under CGUS conditions: a review. Energy Reviews, 2(4): 100049. 

Zhang, C., Wang, Y., Kou, Z., Zhang, L.* ,2023. Recent research advances in enhanced COmineralization and geologic COstorage. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 10(3): 141-145. 

Xue, Q., Zhang, L.*, Xu, L., Myers, M., White, C., Mei, K., Wang, H., Li, Q., Li, X., 2023. CT Investigation on Porosity and Permeability of Liujiagou Formation Sandstone Exposed to CO2-saturated Brine. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 97(3): 946-955.

Zhang, L.*, Nowak, W., Oladyshkin, S., Wang, Y., Cai, J. Opportunities and challenges in CO2 geologic utilization and storage. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 8(3): 141-145. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.06.01.

Harandi, H., Zhang, L.*, Kargari, A., Sui, P.C., Wang, Y., Mutailipu, M., Lu, H., Li, Q., 2023. Optimum Chain Desalination Process Design for Treatment of High TDS Brine: A Review and Case Assessment for Future Treatment of Extracted Brine from Shenhua CO2 Storage Site. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 13(3): 470-492. 

Liu, S., Zhang, L.*, Su, X.*, Zhao, L., Wang, Y., 2023. Micro-CT characterization on pore structure evolution of low-permeability sandstone under acid treatment. Applied Geochemistry, 152, 105633.

王翰文,张力为*,梅开元,程小伟,薛 ,王 ,付晓娟,2023.CO2地质利用与封存环境下钢铁腐蚀行为研究进展.热力发电,已接收(网络首发). 

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Quan Xue, Liwei Zhang*, Kaiyuan Mei, Xiaochun Li, Pania Newell, Yan Wang, Xiaowei Cheng, Wei Zheng.CO2-induced evolution of chemical, structural and mechanicalproperties of reinforced concrete: A reviewConstruction and Building Materials2022, 353, 129069.

Hang Deng*; Mehdi Gharasoo*; Liwei Zhang*; Zhenxue Dai; Alireza Hajizadeh; Catherine A. Peters; Cyprien Soulaine; Martin Thullner; Philippe Van Cappellen, 2022. A perspective on applied geochemistry in porous media: Reactive transport modeling of geochemical dynamics and the interplay with flow phenomena and physical alteration. Applied Geochemistry, 2022, 146, 105445.

Quan Xue◊, Liwei Zhang◊, Kaiyuan Mei*, Xiaochun Li*, Yan Wang, Xiaowei Cheng, Xiaojuan Fu, 2022. Thermal conductivity and pore structure analysis of alkali-activated foam cement with supercritical CO2 modified slag: feasibility evaluation for geothermal applications. Construction and Building Materials, 347, 128506. 

Quan Xue, Liwei Zhang*, Kaiyuan Mei, Lin Wang, Yan Wang, Xiaochun Li, Xiaowei Cheng, Hejuan Liu, 2022. Evolution of Structural and Mechanical Properties of Concrete Exposed to High Concentration CO2. Construction and Building Materials, 343, 128077.

Zhang, L.*, Chen, L., Hu, R., Cai, J., 2022. Subsurface multiphase reactive flflow in geologic COstorage: Key impact factors and characterization approaches. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2022, 6(3): 179-180. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2022.03.01. 

Manguang Gan, Liwei Zhang*, Yan Wang, Kaiyuan Mei, Xiaojuan FuXiaowei Cheng, Mingxing Bai, Hejuan Liu and Xiaochun Li, 20223D micro-structural changes of an artificial flow channel in wellbore cement under geologic COstorage conditions: combined effect of effective stress and flow. Construction and Building Materials, 325, 126761.


Xiuxiu Miao, Manguang Gan, Yan Wang, Liwei Zhang*, Hongwen Jing*, 2022. Permeability evolution of defective wellbore cement under geologic carbon sequestration conditions by means of varying-radius pipeline modelingJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 98, 104393.

Gan, M., Nguyen, M.C., Zhang, L.*, Wei, N., Li, J., Lei, H., Wang, Y., Li, X., and Stauffer, P.H., 2021. Impact of reservoir parameters and wellbore permeability uncertainties on COand brine leakage potential at the Shenhua COStorage Site, China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 111, 103443.

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Liwei Zhang, Argha Namhata, Robert Dilmore, Bin Wang*, Yan Wang, Manguang Gan and Xiaochun Li, 2020. Application of arbitrary polynomial chaos (aPC) expansion for global sensitivity analysis of mineral dissolution and precipitation modeling under geologic carbon storage conditions. Computational Geosciences, 24 (3): 1333–1346.

Liwei Zhang, Xiuxiu Miao, Bin Wang*, Hejuan Liu, Yan Wang, Manguang Gan and Xiaochun Li, 2020. Uranium release surrounding a single fracture in a uranium-rich reservoir under geologic carbon storage conditionsComputational Geosciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-020-09974-1. 

Qihuang Wang, Xiuxiu Miao, Yan Wang, Manguang Gan, Syed Mobashar Aftab, Xiaochun Li, Liwei Zhang* and Zimeng Wang*, 2020. Simulation of Uranium Mobilization Potential in a Deep Aquifer under Geological Carbon Storage Conditions. Applied Geochemistry, 118, 104620.

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Wang, Y., Zhang, L.*, Soong, Y., Dilmore, R., Liu, H., Lei, H., Li, X., 2019. From core-scale experiment to reservoir-scale modeling: A scale-up approach to investigate reaction-induced permeability evolution of CO2 storage reservoir and caprock at a U.S. CO2 storage site. Computers and Geosciences, 125: 5568.

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 Zhang, L.*, Dilmore, R., Huerta, N., Soong, Y., Vasylkivska, V., Namhata, A., Wang Y. and Li X., 2018. Application of a new reduced-complexity assessment tool to estimate CO2 and brine leakage from reservoir and above-zone monitoring interval (AZMI) through an abandoned well under geologic carbon storage conditions. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 8(5): 839-853.

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 Zhang, L.*, Dilmore, R., Bromhal, G., 2016. “Effect of outer boundary condition, reservoir size, and CO2 effective permeability on pressure and CO2 saturation predictions under carbon sequestration conditions”. Greenhouse Gases: Science & Technology6(4): 546–560.

Zhang, L.*, Soong, Y., Dilmore, R. and Lopano, C., 2015. Numerical simulation of porosity and permeability evolution of Mount Simon sandstone under geological carbon sequestration conditions. Chemical Geology, 403: 1-12. [中科院最新分区:地球科学大区2区,影响因子3.36,TOP期刊]

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Gaoyin Zhang; Dan Long; Weining Xu; Xiaowei Cheng; Sheng Huang; Chunmei Zhang; Ming Zhou; Kaiyuan Mei; Liwei Zhang, 2022. Understanding of mechanical property-enhancement mechanism of ferrite in oil-well cement using spherical ferrite. Cement and Concrete Research, 161, 106950.

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Kaiyuan Mei, Tao Gu, Youzhi Zheng, Liwei Zhang, Feng Zhao, Peng Gong, Sheng Huang, Chunmei Zhang*, Xiaowei Cheng*, 2021. Effectiveness and microstructure change of alkali-activated materials during accelerated carbonation curing. Construction and Building Materials 274: 122063

Kaiyuan Mei, Xiaowei Cheng*, Tao Gu, Youzhi Zheng, Peng Gong, Bin Li, Chunmei Zhang, Liwei Zhang, Bibo Dai, 2021. Effects of Fe and Al ions during hydrogen sulphide (H2S)-induced corrosion of tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF) and tricalcium aluminate (C3A). Journal of Hazardous Materials 403: 123928.

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Liwei Zhang, Robert Dilmore and Grant Bromhal, 2015. Effect of boundary openness, domain size and relative permeability on pressure and CO2 saturation predictions by numerical simulation under geologic carbon storage conditions. In: Proceedings of TOUGH Symposium 2015, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, September 28-30, 2015.

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Wang, Y., Zhang, L.*, et al. Discovery of nanopore filling by anhydrite/gypsum in wellbore cement exposed to CO2 under geologic CO2 storage conditions. Cement & Concrete Research, under review.


1. 张力为,李琦主编. 二氧化碳地质利用与封存的风险管理. 科学出版社,2020. 

2. Liwei Zhang (Editor). Corrosion in CO2 Capture, Transportation, Geological Utilization and Storage. Springer, 2023.

3. 张力为主编. 二氧化碳地质利用与封存工程腐蚀表征、监测与控制. 华东理工大学出版社, 2024. 

4. Huijin Xu, Chen Yang and Liwei Zhang (Co-editor). Transport Perspectives for Porous Medium Applications. IntechOpen, 2024. URL: https://www.intechopen.com/books/1003035. 

5. 黄晶主编. 中国碳捕集利用与封存技术评估报告. 科学出版社2021. (张力为参编)

6. 张力为(参编),二氧化碳增强地热系统[专著章节]. 蔡博峰,李琦主编. 中国二氧化碳地质封存环境风险评估培训教材(第二版). 化学工业出版社,2018. 

7. Dilmore, R. and Zhang, L., 2017. “Climate Change and Carbon Cycle”. In: Greenhouse Gases and Clay Minerals, Romanov, V. (ed.). United States of America: Springer International Publishing AG. 

8. Zhang, L., Dzombak, D. A. and Kutchko B. G., 2015. “Wellbore cement integrity under geologic carbon sequestration conditions”. In: Novel Materials for CO2 Mitigation Technology, Shi F. and Morreale B. (ed.), United States of America: Elsevier. 

9. VanBriesen J.M., Dzombak D.A., and Zhang L., 2013. “Sustainable Urban Water Supply Infrastructure”. In: Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, vol. 4, pp. 427-449, Ahuja S. (ed.), United States of America: Elsevier.


>国家海外高层次人才引进项目:碳封存与利用条件下储碳层二氧化碳泄漏的风险评估方法,国家级, 2017--2021(主持)




>国家自然科学基金面上项目:地热井高温高应力环境H2S腐蚀作用下固井水泥劣化机理与控制研究, 国家级,2022--2025,批准号:42172315(主持)

>国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:高温-应力-化学腐蚀耦合作用下CO2注采井壁渗透性演化机理研究, 国家级,2020--2022,批准号:41902258(主持)

>国家自然科学基金委核技术创新联合基金重点支持项目:低渗透砂岩铀矿储层爆破-酸化增渗理论与方法, 国家级,2020--2023,批准号:U1967208(参与单位负责人)

>岩土力学与工程国家重点实验室科研仪器设备专项:蔡司Xradia Versa 410型微米CT扫描仪升级改造, 国家级,2020--2022(主持)

>中德科学中心资助国际合作交流项目:Opportunities and Challenges in CO2 Geologic Utilization and Storage,国家级,2021,批准号:GZ 1682(主持)

>中德科学中心资助国际合作交流项目:Uncertainty analysis in geologic carbon utilization and storage research,国家级,2019,批准号:GZ 1592(主持)




>大型国际合作研究计划DECOVALEX-2023: Task G: Safety Implications of Fluid Flow, Shear, Thermal and Reaction Processes within Crystalline Rock Fracture Networks (主要参与人)






与卡耐基梅隆大学David Dzombak院士、犹他大学Sidney J. Green院士、普林斯顿大学Michael Celia院士、犹他大学Pania Newell助理教授、德国斯图加特大学Sergey Oladyshkin研究员等30余名国外一流大学和科研机构的知名学者建立了长期稳定的合作关系


张力为,2022. 报告题目:漫谈碳中和的前世今生. AAIA创新系列讲座,2022.5.28,线上(特邀报告)            

张力为,2021. 报告题目:碳中和情境下CO2减排新技术开发. 第四届CO2捕集封存利用与碳中和论坛,2021.10.27,线上(大会特邀报告) 

张力为,2021. 报告题目:CO2地质利用与封存的泄漏风险评价. 第十六届全国渗流力学学术会议,2021.7.29-8.1,辽宁葫芦岛(大会特邀报告)

张力为,2021. 报告题目:现有基础设施的净零方案-碳捕获,利用与封存技术.国际青年能源与气候变化峰会, 2021.7.18线上(大会特邀报告)

张力为,2021. 报告题目:CO2地质封存井筒泄漏风险管理第六届碳捕集利用与封存国际论坛,2021.4.10,北京(大会特邀报告)


Zhang, L. 2021. Leakage risk assessment of geologic CO2 utilization and storage projects.  Presented at SuDBE2021 (online virtual conference), Dec 10-12, 2021.

Zhang, L., 2021. A framework to map pore volume change and mineral dissolution/precipitation of wellbore cement exposed to high concentration CO2 using micro-CT images. Presented at 2021 International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) Meeting & Exposition (online virtual conference), May 31-June 4, 2021.

Zhang, L., 2020. Investigation of carbonation and degradation of well cement under geologic carbon sequestration using X-ray imaging and numerical modeling. Presented at 2020 International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) Meeting & Exposition (online virtual conference), August 31-September 5, 2020.

Zhang, L., 2020. Evaluation of CO2 Leakage Potential through Injection and Monitoring Wells at The Shenhua CCS Demonstration Project:

Impact of Well Permeability Variation. Presented at Thirty-Seventh Annual INTERNATIONAL PITTSBURGH COAL CONFERENCE  (online virtual conference)2020.9.8-9.11.

Zhang, L., 2020. Investigation on wellbore cement degradation under geologic CO2 storage conditions by micro-CT scanning and 3D image reconstruction. Presented at EGU General Assembly 2020, (online virtual conference) 2020.5.4-5.8



张力为,2019. 报告题目:THMC coupling of subsurface wellbore cement degradation in corrosive environment. 岩土物理化学前沿交叉青年论坛,2019.4.26-28,武汉(大会特邀报告).

张力为,2019. 报告题目:二氧化碳地质封存环境下水泥基材料化学腐蚀过程的微米CT表征.第十六次中国岩石力学与工程学术年会,2019.11.18-21,北京(分会场特邀报告)


Zhang, L., 2019. A Workflow for CT Characterization of Cement Degradation under Corrosive Environment.

Presented at 1st International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of Underground Space (EUUS),  Wuhan, China, November 15-18, 2019.

Zhang, L., 2019. A workflow for CT characterization of wellbore cement degradation under geologic CO2 storage conditions. Presented at Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting and Exposition, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, September 22nd to 25th, 2019.

Zhang, L., 2019. Numerical simulation of uranium (U) release induced by carbonate complexation under geologic carbon storage conditions. Presented at 11th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, Beijing, China, August 7th to 10th, 2019.

Zhang, L., 2019. Uranium release and migration in porous rock under geologic CO2 storage conditions: a numerical investigation. Presented at 2019 International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) Meeting & Exposition, Valencia, Spain, May 6th to 10th, 2019.  




2018.11.19-22, 北京(分会场特邀报告)


2018.9.7-11, 贵阳 (分会场特邀报告)

Zhang, L., 2018. Numerical simulation of CO2 injection into Lower Tuscaloosa CO2 storage reservoir in Mississippi, USA with experimentally validated modeling parameters. Presented at 2018 International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 25th to 28th, 2018.  

Zhang, L., 2018. Porosity and permeability change of Lower Tuscaloosa and Marine Shale formations (Mississippi, USA) induced by CO2 injection: a numerical study. Presented at 2018 International Society for Porous Media (InterPore) Meeting & Exposition, New Orleans, USA, May 14th to 17th, 2018.  

          Zhang, L., 2018. Investigation on CO2 and brine leakage through a hypothetical abandoned well at planned Kimberlina CO2 storage site (CA, USA) by novel NRAP Toolset code. Presented at 6th International Conference on CO2 Emission Control and Utilization. 6.15-6.17, 2018, Hangzhou, China

          Zhang, L., 2018. Numerical simulation of subsurface uranium (U) leaching and migration under geologic carbon storage conditions. Presented at 8th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, 2018.10.28-11.1, Hangzhou, China

          Zhang, L., 2018. Impact of fracture propagation on uranium release in a hypothetical uranium-rich reservoir under geologic carbon storage conditions. Presented at CouFrac International Conference, 2018.11.12-14, Wuhan, China

          Zhang, L., 2018. Investigation on CO2 and brine leakage through a hypothetical abandoned well at proposed Kimberlina CO2 storage site (CA, USA): a numerical approach. 2018 CERC Annual Workshop, 2018.4.16-18, Xi'an, China

张力为,2017.报告题目:二氧化碳注入美国Lower Tuscaloosa储碳层的大尺度数值模拟.第四届青年地学论坛,

2017.9.22-14, 成都 (分会场特邀报告)

              Zhang, L., 2017. A numerical simulation study of subsurface arsenopyrite dissolution and arsenic migration under geologic carbon storage conditions. Presented at 2017 Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, October 21st to 25th, 2017.

Zhang, L., 2017. Reservoir scale numerical simulation of CO2 injection into Lower Tuscaloosa formation in Mississippi, USA with experimentally validated modeling parameters. Presented at the 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, April 1 to 5, 2017.  

Zhang, L., 2017. CO2 and brine leakage through an abandoned well under geologic carbon storage conditions: impact of well depth, location and permeability. Presented at 2017 CCUS Conference, Chicago, IL, April 10 to 13, 2017.  

Zhang, L., 2016. Geophysical and Geochemical Aspects of Pressure and CO2 Saturation Modeling due to Migration of Fluids into the Above Zone Monitoring Interval of a Geologic Carbon Storage Site. Presented at 2016 Fall American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 12th to 16th, 2016.

Zhang, L., 2016.A Novel Statistical Method to Quantify Uncertainties Associated with Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation Modeling under Geologic Carbon Storage Conditions. Presented at the 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia, PA, August 21 st to 25th, 2016.  

Zhang, L., 2016.Numerical simulation of pressure and CO2saturation above an imperfect seal as a result of CO2injection: implications for CO2 migration detection. Presented at 2016 Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, Sheraton Hotel at Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA, August 16 to 18, 2016.

Zhang, L., 2016. Investigation on porosity and permeability change of Lower Tuscaloosa sandstone andSelma Chalk sealing formation rock under geological CO2 storage conditions. Presented at 2016 Annual CCUS Conference, Tysons, VA, June 14th to 16th, 2016.

Zhang, L., 2015. Simulation on porosity and permeability change of Mount Simon sandstone under geological COsequestration conditions. Presented at the NETL—ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) Joint Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2nd, 2015.  

Zhang, L., 2015. Effect of Boundary Openness,Domain Size and RelativePermeability on Pressure and COSaturation Predictions byNumerical Simulation underGeologic Carbon Storage Conditions. Presented at TOUGH Symposium 2015, Berkeley, CA, September 28th to 30th, 2015.  

Zhang, L., 2015. Investigation on porosity and permeability evolution of Mount Simon sandstone under geological carbon storage conditions: A numerical simulation approach. Presented at the 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 16th to 20th, 2015.  

Zhang, L., 2015. Numerical simulation of pressure and CO2 saturation above the fractured seal as a result of CO2 injection: implications for monitoring network design. Presented at the 10th IEAGHG Monitoring Network Meeting, Berkeley, CA, June 10th to 12th, 2015.

Zhang, L., 2015. Porosity and Permeability Evolution of Mount Simon Sandstone Under Geological CO2 Storage Conditions: A Numerical Approach. Presented at the 7th Annual Sustainability Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, May 5th, 2015.

Zhang, L., 2015.Porosity and Permeability Evolution of Mount Simon Sandstone Under Geological CO2 Storage Conditions: A Numerical Approach. Presented at 2015 Annual CCUS Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April 28th to May 1st, 2015.

Zhang, L., 2014. “Numerical simulation of porosity and permeability evolution of Mount Simon sandstone under geological carbon sequestration conditions”. Presented at 2014 Carbon Storage R&D Project Review Meeting, Sheraton Hotel at Station Square, Pittsburgh, PA, August 12 to 14, 2014.

Zhang, L., 2014. “A numerical simulation approach to simulate subsurface methane and tracer migration: a promising approach for CO2 leakage modeling”. Presented at 2014 IEAGHG (International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas Programme) Monitoring and Modeling Network Meeting, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, August 4 to 7, 2014.

Zhang, L., 2014. “Effect of Fractures on Methane Migration in Shallow Groundwater Aquifer”. Presented at 2014 ASCE Shale Energy Engineering Conference, David Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA, July 21 to 23, 2014.

Zhang, L., 2014. “A Numerical Simulation Approach to Evaluate the Performance of Pressure and Tracer Monitoring for CH4 Leakage Detection”. Presented at 2014 World Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) Congress, Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR, June 1 to 5, 2014.

Zhang, L., 2014. “A numerical simulation approach to evaluate the performance of tracer and pressure monitoring for CH4 leakage detection”. Presented at Purdue University Prospective Faculty Workshop, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, March 9 to 11, 2014.

Zhang, L., 2013. “Reactive Transport Modeling, SEM-BSE and SEM-EDS Analyses to Evaluate Interactions between Pozzolan-amended Wellbore Cement and CO2-H2S Mixtures under Geologic Carbon Sequestration Conditions”. Presented at the 245th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA, April 7 to 11, 2013.

Zhang, L, 2012. “Reactive Transport Modeling and Scanning Electron Microscope Analyses to Evaluate Interactions Between Pozzolan-Amended Wellbore Cement and Acid Gas (CO2 + H2S) Under Typical Acid Gas Sequestration Conditions”. Presented at AIChE 2012 Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 29, 2012.

Zhang, L., 2012. “Evaluation of effects on pozzolan-amended cement samples from exposure to mixtures of H2S and CO2 under simulated geologic sequestration conditions”. Presented at the Eleventh Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration, Pittsburgh, PA, April 30 to May 3, 2012.

Zhang, L., 2012. “Integrity of Reservoir Seals: Acid Gas Interactions with Pozzolan-Amended Wellbore Cement Under Geologic Sequestration Conditions”. Presented at 2012 Geologic Carbon Storage Research Symposium, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, January 18, 2012.




1.   T/CSES 71—2022.《二氧化碳地质利用与封存项目泄漏风险评价规范》(中国环境科学学会团体标准). 主编

2.   T/TMAC 086—2024.《火力发电厂二氧化碳捕集、运输与封存技术要求》(中国技术市场协会团体标准). 参编