张健 副研究员
电子邮件: zhangjian@imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市北四环西路15号
邮政编码: 100190
(2) 中国发明协会创业创新奖, 一等奖, 部委级, 2021
(3) 中国科学院优秀博士毕业论文, , 部委级, 2015
(4) 中国科学院院长特别奖, 特等奖, 部委级, 2014
(5) 郭永怀奖学金, 一等奖, 研究所(学校), 2014
- 一种管道式油气水分离与污水处理装置及应用方法, 国家发明专利, 2020.12.14, ZL201910645217.0, 排名: 1/5
- 油水分离装置和油水分离方法, 国家发明专利, 2017.01.04, ZL201510114511.0, 排名: 8/13.
- 油气水多相分离系统及其应用方法, 国家发明专利, 2016.09.14, ZL20151046 8150.X, 排名: 2/8.
- 一种含气水原油的除水系统及其应用方法, 国家发明专利, 2014.12.24, ZL201310003986.3, 排名: 2/6.
- 一种含油污水旋流气浮分离装置, 国家发明专利, 2014.09.24, ZL201310245879.1, 排名: 8/12.
- 油水两相流部分分离在线计量的装置及其应用方法, 国家发明专利, 2014.06.11, ZL201210111513.0, 排名: 2/3.
- 一种完全分离型油气水多相流量计, 国家发明专利, 2012.07.25, ZL201110024 176.7, 排名: 5/5.
- 高效油气水分离与计量系统, 软件著作权登记, 2015.05.01, 2016SR236262, 排名: 2/5.
Chen Hu, Liu Shuo, Zhang Jian*, Xu Jing-yu. Oil-water two-phase flow-induced vibration of a cylindrical cyclone with vortex finder. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 043317.
Liu Shuo, Zhang Jian*, Xu Jing-yu. An investigation of a gas-liquid swirling flow with shear-thinning power-law liquids. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 073320.
Liu Hai-fei, Xu Yuan-yuan, Chen Hu, Zhang Jian*, Xu Jing-yu. Viscoelastic behavior and constitutive relation of heavy crude oils. ACS Omega, 2022, 7: 30816-30822.
Zhang Jian, He Yun-teng, Liu Shuo, Xu Jing-yu. Oil-water separation in the cylindrical cyclone with vortex finder. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 033314.
Wang Li-song, Liu Shuo, Hou Lin-tong, Yang Meng, Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu. Prediction of the liquid film reversal of annular flow in vertical and inclined pipes. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2022, 146: 103853.
朱沫, 欧宇钧, 吴辰, 吴奇霖, 张健, 许晶禹.柱型旋流器内油-水两相流的流场特征和分离性能. 水动力学研究与进展A辑, 2022, 37(01): 49-55.
Shi Shi-ying, Sun Qiang-huan, Lin Li-ming, Zhang Fu-cheng, Zhang Jian. Experimental study of droplet behavior in a swirl flow field induced by two kinds of guiding vanes for inlet structure optimization. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2021, 33(1): 104-110.
Liu Shuo, Zhang Jian, Hou Lin-tong, Xu Jing-yu. Investigation on the variation regularity of the characteristic droplet diameters in the swirling flow field. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 229, 116153.
Zhang Jian, Wu Qi-lin, Liu Shuo, Xu Jing-yu. Numerical investigation on the gas-liquid two-phase flow and separation characteristics in T-junction. ACS Omega, 2020, 5(34): 21443-21450.
Yang Le-le, Zhang Jian, Ma Yong, Xu Jing-yu, Wang Jing. Experimental and numerical study of separation characteristics in gas-liquid cylindrical cyclone. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 16: 115362.
Hou Lin-tong, Liu Shuo, Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu. Evaluation of the Behavioral Characteristics in a Gas and Heavy Oil Stratified Flow According to the Herschel-Bulkley Fluid Model. ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 17787-17800.
Liu Shuo, Zhang Jian, Wang Li-song, Xu Jing-yu. Separation mechanism and influential factor study on vane-type-associated petroleum gas separator. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 250, 117274.
Zhang Dong, Liu Shuo, Zhang Jian, Hou Lin-tong, Xu Jing-yu. Experimental investigation of the flow characteristics in crude oil containing sand and gas flowing along vertical pipelines. ACS Omega, 2020, 48(5): 31262-31271.
张健, 张栋, 邱月. 垂直管道内液-固两相流动的压降和相分布特征. 山东科技大学学报自然科学版, 2020, 39(4): 66-71.
Zhang Jian, Chen Xiao-ping, Xu Jing-yu. Rheological characteristics of unstable heavy crude oil-water dispersed mixtures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 182: 106299.
Feng Xin-xin, Zhang Jian, Zhang Dong, Xu Jing-yu, Viscoelastic characteristics of heavy crude-oil-water two-phase dispersed mixtures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 176: 141-149.
吴奇霖, 张健. 水平圆管内油水两相分散混合液的流动特征. 水动力学研究与进展A辑, 2019, 34(6): 100-106.
Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu. Apparent viscosity characteristics and prediction model of an unstable oil-in-water or water-in-oil dispersion system. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2018, 36(11): 1-12.
Yang Le-le, Liu Shuo, Li Hhua, Zhang Jian, Wu Ying-xiang, Xu Jing-yu. Gas-liquid flow splitting in T-junction with inclined lateral arm. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2018, 30(1): 173-176.
张健, 许晶禹, 吴应湘. 管道内含蜡原油停输再启动的流动特征(邀请报告). 第14届全国流变学学术会议, 中国湘潭, 2018.10.20~23.
Zhang Jian, Chen Xiao-ping, Zhang Dong, Xu Jing-yu. Rheological behavior and viscosity reduction of heavy crude oil and its blends from the Sui-zhong oilfield in China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 156: 563-574.
Zhang Dong, Liu Shuo, Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu. Rheological properties of heavy crude oil containing sand from Bo-hai oilfield in China. Applied Rheology, 2017, 27(2): 21-29.
Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu. Rheological behavior of oil and water emulsions and their flow characterization in horizontal pipes. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 94(2): 324-331.
Xu Jing-yu, Liu Shuo, Zhang Dong, Zhang Jian, Characteristics of water holdup for oil and water mixture flows in horizontal vertical and inclined pipes. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016, 94(11): 2417-2426.
Liu Ji-bao, Yu Da-wei, Zhang Jian, et al.. Rheological properties of sewage sludge during enhanced anaerobic digestion with micrwave-H2O2 pretrement. Water Research, 2016, 98(1): 98-108.
Chen Xiao-ping, Xu Jing-yu, Zhang Jian. A simple model for predicting the two-phase heavy crude oil horizontal flow with low gas fraction. Chemical Engineering communications, 2016, 203(9): 1131-1138.
张栋, 张健, 刘硕, 许晶禹. 超稠原油的流变学特性及流动特征. 水动力学研究与进展A辑, 2016, 31(2): 145-150.
Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu, et al.. A study on flow characteristics of heavy crude oil for pipeline transportation. Petroleum Sciences and Technology, 2015, 33(13-14): 1425-1433.
陈小平, 张健, 许晶禹. 稠油降黏减阻及其流变学性质. 油气储运, 2015, 34(11): 1171 -1176.
Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu, Gao Meng-chen. Experimental investigation on yield stress of water in heavy crude oil emulsions in order to improve pipeline flow. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2014, 35(4): 593-598.
Xu Jing-yu, Gao Meng-chen, Zhang Jian. Pressure drop models for gas/non-Newtonian power-law fluids flow in horizontal pipes. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2014, 37(4): 717-722.
高梦忱, 张健, 刘硕, 许晶禹. 立管系统泡状流和段塞流的流动特性研究. 水动力学研究与进展A辑, 2014, 29(6): 635-641.
吴奇霖, 张健,许晶禹. 粗油水乳状液的流变学特性. 油气储运, 2014, 33(5): 531-537.
Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu, Wu Ying-xiang et al.. Experimental validation of the calculation of phase holdup for oil-water two-phase vertical flow based on the measurement of pressure drops. Flow measurement and Instrumentation, 2013, 31: 96-101.
Zhang Jian, Xu Jing-yu, Gao Meng-chen et al.. Apparent viscosity of oil-water (coarse) emulsion and its rheological characterization during the phase inversion region. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2013, 34(8): 1148-1160.
Liu Hai-fei, Xu Jing-yu, Zhang Jun, Sun Huan-qiang,Zhang Jian, Wu Ying-xiang. Oil/water separation in a liquid-liquid cylindrical cyclone. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2012, 24(1): 116-123.
Shi Shi-ying, Xu Jing-yu, Sun Huan-qiang, Zhang Jian, Li Dong-hui, Wu Ying-xiang. Experimental study of a vane-type pipe separator for oil-water separation. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 2012, 90(10): 1652-1659.
Xu Jing-yu, Zhang Jian, Liu Hai-fei et al.. Oil-gas-water three-phase upward flow through a vertical pipe: Influence of gas injection on the pressure gradient. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2012, 46: 1-8.
Zhang Jian, Jing-yu Xu, Ying-xiang Wu, et al.. Investigation of oil-water two-phase core-annular flow in vertical pipes. 10thInternational Conference on Hydrodynamics,Petersburg, Russia, OCT 1-4, 2012.
- 目前,正承担国家自然科学基金和中科院仪器设备功能开发等项目的研究,曾承担国家自然科学基金项目、中海油和中航油等企业合作项目10余项,以科研骨干身份参加了国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项、中科院战略性先导科技专项(B类)等多项项目。