关东石 研究员 中国科学院力学研究所
电子邮件: dsguan@imech.ac.cn
通信地址: 北京市海淀区北四环西路15号,中国科学院力学研究所
邮政编码: 100190
2010-09~2016-03 香港科技大学 物理学 博士
2006-09~2010-07 北京师范大学 物理学 学士
2020-12~至今, 中国科学院力学研究所 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 研究员
2021-06~至今,中国科学院大学 工程科学学院,教授
2019-01~2020-12, 中国科学院力学研究所 非线性力学国家重点实验室, 副研究员、项目研究员
2017-04~2019-01, 香港科技大学 物理系, 研究助理教授、高等研究院青年学者(IAS Junior Fellow)
2016-04~2017-04, 香港科技大学 物理系, 博士后
2015-09~2015-12, 法国格勒诺布尔大学, 访问学者
2014-03~2014-05, 法国格勒诺布尔大学, 访问学者
中国力学学会,对外交流与合作工作委员会, 委员
中国生物物理学会,生物大分子相分离与相变分会, 委员
《力学学报》 “微纳尺度流动与界面流动”专题,客座主编,专题序
《实验流体力学》、《空气动力学报》、 《空气动力学进展(英文)》,青年编委
Frontiers in Soft Matter, editorial board member
Physical Review Letters、Physical Review Fluids、Physical Review Applied、Physics of Fluids、Langmuir等国际重要期刊,审稿人
"Visible Light-Responsive Hydrogels for Cellular Dynamics and Spatiotemporal Viscoelastic Regulation", Yan Lu, Cheng Chen, Hangyu Li, Peng Zhao, Yuanfeng Zhao, Bohan Li, Wei Zhou, Gaofeng Fan, Dongshi Guan* and Yijun Zheng*, Nature Communications, 16, 1365 (2025).
"Cavity oscillation drives pattern formation in early mammalian embryos", Zheng Guo, Jie Yao, Xu Zheng, Jialing Cao, Xinxin Lv, Zheng Gao, Shuyu Guo, Hangyu Li, Dongshi Guan, Long Li, Dandan Qin, Dong Li, Xiaoxiao Wang, Min Tan, Jing Zhang, Yanli Zhang, Bo Wang, Wanjuan Bu, Jianwen Li, Xinbin Zhao, Fanzhe Meng, Yue Feng, Lei Li, Jing Du, Yubo Fan, Cell Reports, 44, 115342 (2025).
"Sub-nanogram Resolution Measurement of Inertial Mass and Density Using Magnetic-field-guided Bubble Microthruster", Leilei Wang#, Minjia Sheng#, Li Chen, Fengchang Yang, Chenlu Li, Hangyu Li, Pengcheng Nie, Xinxin Lv, , Zheng Guo, Jiangling Cao, Xiaohuan Wang, Long Li, Anthony L. Hu, Dongshi Guan*, Jing Du*, Haihang Cui*, and Xu Zheng*, Advanced Science, 11, 202403867 (2024). (Journal Cover )
"Effect of Nucleation Heterogeneity on Mineral Precipitation in Confined Environments", Fengchang Yang, Dongshi Guan, Vitalii Starchenko, Ke Yuan, Andrew G. Stack, Bowen Ling. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107185 (2024).
“Manipulation of Contact Angle Hysteresis at Electrified Ionic Liquid-Solid Interfaces”, Pengcheng Nie, Xikai Jiang, Xu Zheng, and Dongshi Guan. Physical Review Letters, 132, 044002 (2024).
“Avalanches and extreme value statistics of a mesoscale moving contact line”, Caishan Yan, Dongshi Guan, Yin Wang, Pik-Yin Lai, Hsuan-Yi Chen, and Penger Tong. Physical Review Letters, 132, 084003 (2024) (Editors’Suggestion).
“Soft Wetting: Droplet Receding Contact Angles on Soft Superhydrophobic Surfaces”, Youhua Jiang, Zhijia Xu, Bin Li, Juan Li, and Dongshi Guan. Langmuir, 39, 43, 15401-15408 (2023).
“Switch of cell migration modes orchestrated by changes of three-dimensional lamellipodium structure and intracellular diffusion”, Chao Jiang, Hong-Yu Luo, Xinpeng Xu, Shuo-Xing Dou, Wei Li, Dongshi Guan, Fangfu Ye, Xiaosong Chen, Ming Guo, Peng-Ye Wang & Hui Li. Nature Communications, 14, 5166 (2023).
“Crossover behavior in stress relaxations of poroelastic and viscoelastic dominant hydrogels”, Hangyu Li, Xinyi Lian and Dongshi Guan, Soft matter, 19, 5443-5451, (2023) (Sellected in Soft Matter Emerging Investigators Series (https://blogs.rsc.org/sm/2023/08/17/soft-matter-emerging-investigator-dongshi-guan/) and a Journal Cover (https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2023/sm/d3sm90100a)).
“Collective Organization Behaviors of Multi-Cell Systems Induced by Engineered ECM-Cell Mechanical Coupling”, Xiaochen Wang, Hangyu Li, Yu Zheng, Dongshi Guan, Aidan Wang, Qihui Fan, Yang Jiao, Fangfu Ye, Advanced Functional Materials, 33, 2305414 (2023).
- “Cellular proteins act as surfactants to control the interfacial behavior and function of biological condensates”, Zheng Wang, Chun Yang, Dongshi Guan, Jiaqi Li, Hong Zhang, Developmental Cell, 58(11), 919-932 (2023). (Featured article and highlighted in Developmental Cell, see “Soaping up transcriptional condensates”).
“Stiff Extracellular Matrix Promotes Invasive Behaviors of Trophoblast Cells”, Jialing Cao, Hangyu Li, Hongyan Tang, Xuenan Gu, Yan Wang*, Dongshi Guan*, Jing Du* and Yubo Fan*, Bioengineering, 10(3), 384 (2023).
“Heterogeneous Nanostructures Cause Anomalous Diffusion in Lipid Monolayers", Yang Liu, Xu Zheng, Dongshi Guan, Xikai Jiang and Guoqing Hu, ACS Nano, 16, 10, 16054–16066(2022).
“Multimodal Bubble Microrobot Near an Air–Water Interface”, Leilei Wang, Li Chen, Xu Zheng, Zexiong Yu, Wenchao Lv, Minjia Sheng, Lina Wang, Pengcheng Nie, Hangyu Li, Dongshi Guan and Haihang Cui, Small, 18, 2203872 (2022).
- “Material properties of phase-separated TFEB condensates regulate the autophagy-lysosome pathway”, Zheng Wang, Di Chen, Dongshi Guan, Xiaobo Liang, Jianfeng Xue, Hongyu Zhao, Guangtao Song, Jizhong Lou, Yan He and Hong Zhang, Journal of Cell Biology 221, e202112024 (2022).
“Unified description of compressive modulus revealing multi-scale mechanics of living cells”, Dongshi Guan, Yusheng Shen, Rui Zhang, Pingbo Huang, Pik-Yin Lai and Penger Tong, Physical Review Research 3, 043166 (2021).
“Programmable light-driven swimming actuators via wavelength signal switching”, Kai Hou, Dongshi Guan, Hangyu Li, Yongqi Sun, Yue Long and Kai Song, Science Advances, 7 (37), eabh3051, (2021).
“Distinct dynamics of self-propelled bowl-shaped micromotors caused by shape effect: Concave vs convex”, Duo Wang, Dongshi Guan, Jinghong Su, Xu Zheng and Guoqing Hu, Physics of Fluids, 33(12), 122004 (2021).
“Edible Bird’s Nest, an Asian Health Food Supplement, Possesses Moisturizing Effect by Regulating Expression of Filaggrin in Skin Keratinocyte”, QWS Lai, MSS Guo, KQ Wu, Z Liao, D Guan, TT Dong, P Tong and KWK Tsim, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12:685982 (2021).
"State- and rate-dependent contact line dynamics over an aging soft surface,” Dongshi Guan, Elisabeth Charlaix and Penger Tong, Physical Review Letters 124, 188003 (2020).
"Reconstituted postsynaptic density as a molecular platform for understanding synapse formation and plasticity,” Menglong Zeng, Xudong Chen, Dongshi Guan, Jia Xu, Haowei Wu, Penger Tong, and Mingjie Zhang, Cell 174, 1172 (2018) (Selected as Cell “Best of 2018”).
"Noncontact viscoelastic imaging of living cells using a long-needle atomic force microscope with duel-frequency modulation," Dongshi Guan, Elisabeth Charlaix, Robert Z. Qi, and Penger Tong, Physical Review Applied 8, 044010 (2017) (Editor’s Suggestion , Featured in Physics, see: Probing Cell Squishiness, Physics 10, 117).
"Noncontact viscoelastic measurement of polymer thin films in a liquid medium using long-needle atomic force microscopy," Dongshi Guan, Chloé Barraud, Elisabeth Charlaix, and Penger Tong, Langmuir 33, 1385−1390 (2017).
"A simple fabricated thickness-based stiffness gradient for cell studies," Yiwei Shu, Ho Nam Chan, Dongshi Guan, Lan Ma and Hongkai Wu, Science Bulletin 62, 222–228 (2017).
"Mechanical characterization of microengineered epithelial cysts by using atomic force microscopy," Yusheng Shen,† Dongshi Guan,† Daniela Serien, Shoji Takeuchi, Penger Tong, Levent Yobas and Pingbo Huang, († authors contributed equally) Biophysical Journal 112, 398–409 (2017).
"Asymmetric and speed-dependent capillary force hysteresis and relaxation of a suddenly stopped moving contact line," Dongshi Guan, Yong Jian Wang, Elisabeth Charlaix and Penger Tong, Physical Review Letters 116, 066102 (2016).
"Simultaneous observation of asymmetric speed-dependent capillary force hysteresis and slow relaxation of a suddenly stopped moving contact line," Dongshi Guan, Yong Jian Wang, Elisabeth Charlaix and Penger Tong, Physical Review E 94, 042802 (2016).
"Direct measurement of optical force induced by near-field plasmonic cavity using dynamic mode AFM," Dongshi Guan, Zhi Hong Hang, Zsolt Marcet, Hui Liu, I.I. Kravchenko, C. T. Chan, H. B. Chan and Penger Tong, Scientific Reports 5, 16216 (2015).
"The impact of light polarization on imaging visibility of Nth-order intensity correlation with thermal light," Hongchao Liu, Dongshi Guan, Lu Li, Suheng Zhang, Jun Xiong, Optics Communications 283, 405-408, (2010).
"Effect of Light Polarization on Hanbury Brown-Twiss Experiment," Lu Li, Dongshi Guan, Hongchao Liu, Suheng Zhang, Jun Xiong, Acta Sinica Quantum Optica 3, 002, (2009).
1. "原子力显微镜的生物力学实验方法和研究进展",关东石,李航宇,童彭尔, 《实验流体力学》, 34, 57 (2020) . (期刊2020年度优秀论文)
2. "探索微纳米世界的手——原子力显微镜",李航宇,聂鹏程,关东石,《力学与实践》,43(5),806-811 (2021).
3. "探索微纳尺度润湿动力学: 长针式原子力显微镜的应用与进展”关东石, 聂鹏程, 闫财山, 郭永杰, 童彭尔,《力学学报》, 56(6): 1497-1510 (2024).
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,液-液相分离蛋白质微液滴的力学表征与调控, 负责人, 2024-2027
中国科学院重点部署项目载人空间站基础研究项目, 空间生物相分离对脂质代谢影响, 负责人, 2022-2024
- 国家重点研发计划,微重力下肝脏器官发生的力学-生物学耦合机制, 子任务负责人, 2021-2025
- 国家海外人才计划青年项目,负责人, 2021-2025
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,柔性表面浸润动力学的特征与微观机理研究, 负责人, 2020-2023
- Experimental study of the volumetric and viscoelastic properties of mitotic cells and their responses to external mechanical cues,General Research Fund (GRF), Research Grants Council (RGC), Hong Kong, 负责人, 2018-2021
"Manipulation of Contact Angle Hysteresis at Electrified Ionic Liquid-Solid Interfaces", oral, the 26th International Conference of the Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024), Daegu, Korea, August 25-30, 2024.
"Explore Wetting Dynamics at Micro and Nano Scales: Applications and Progress of Long-Needle Atomic Force Microscope", invited talk, the 30th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES2024), Singapore, August 3-6, 2024.
"Explore Wetting Dynamics at Micro and Nano Scales by Long-Needle AFM", invited talk, Micro Flow and Interfacial Phenomena (µFIP) 2024 Conference, Hong Kong, June 20-24, 2024.
"Unified description of compressive modulus revealing multi-scale mechanics of living cells", oral, 9th Would Congress of Biomechanics (WCB), Taipei (Virtual), July 10-14, 2022.
"State- and rate-dependent contact line dynamics over an aging soft surface," oral, 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ictam2020+1), Milano, Italy (Virtual), August 22-27, 2021. Selected with a Congress Grant.
"State- and rate-dependent contact line dynamics over an aging soft surface," oral, APS March Meeting, USA (online), March 15-19, 2021.
"Viscoelastic imaging of living cells using a long-needle atomic force microscope," oral, Invited presentation, the Second International Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics and Lab-on-a-Chip, Beijing, June 08-10, 2018.
"Viscoelastic imaging of living cells using a noncontact long-needle atomic force microscope," oral, APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, USA, March 05-09, 2018.
"Noncontact viscoelastic measurement of polymer thin films in a liquid medium using a long-needle AFM," oral, March Meeting of American Physical Society, New Orleans, USA, March 13-17, 2017.
"Asymmetric and speed-dependent contact angle hysteresis and relaxation of a suddenly stopped moving contact line," oral, March Meeting of American Physical Society, Baltimore, USA, March 14-18, 2016.
"Viscoelastic mapping of living cells using FM-AFM," poster, Liquids at Interfaces winter school, Les Houches, France, October 25-30, 2015.
"Optical force measurement in plasmonic resonant cavities using dynamic mode AFM," oral, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Baltimore, USA, March 18–22, 2013.
"Measurement of giant optical force in plasmonic cavity via dynamic mode atomic force microscope," oral, the 15th Annual Meeting of Physical Society of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, June 16, 2013.
[2022年于香山]从左至右: 廖志涛 (香港科技大学 联合培养), 连心怡 (2021级), 聂鹏程 (2018级), 关东石, 李航宇 (2019级), 郭永杰 (2022级)
2023, 连心怡,第十届北京软物质科学与工程论坛,学生优秀口头报告
[2024年于力学所]从左至右: 张克利 (研究助理), 杨子鸣(2023级), 李航宇(2019级), 穆荣颐(研究助理), 关东石, 连心怡(2021级), 郭永杰 (2022级), 毛俊杰(2023级)
[2024年天舟八号科学实验] (a) 生物相分离样品单元正样件 (b) 文昌发射场 (c) 发射场样品制备加载 (d) 载人航天飞行控制